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Ch 12 Culture and Science in the Ancient Period

A. Tick the correct answers.

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c

B. Write True or False.

1. False 2. False 3. False

C. Give short answers for the following questions.

Q.1. What do you know about the Mahabaharata?

Ans. The Mahabharata is an epic poem written by Sage Ved Vyasa. In the story, the Kauravas and
Pandavas are cousins who fight the Kurukshetra war. The war is finally won by the Pandavas. The
Bhagvada Gita, an important part of the epic, is where Lord Krishna gives an inspirational speech to
Arjun on the battlefield.

Q.2. List some of the temples built during the ancient period.

Ans. Some of the temples built in ancient India are as follows:

a) The cave temples of Ajanta in Maharashtra.

b) The Dasavatar Temple at Deogarh.

c) The Ratha temple, Shore temple at Mahabalipuram, Kailasanath temple at Kanchi

Q.3. Write a note on the progress made in the field of medicine during the ancient period.

Ans. The field of medicine made great progress during the ancient period. Several learned men had
great contributions to this field. Charaka wrote the Charaka Samhita, a text on Ayurveda. Sushruta
performed cosmetic surgeries, specifically nose reconstruction. All these efforts laid the foundation of
medicine in India.

Q.4. What is special about the Iron Pillar?

Ans.The iron pillar built by Chandragupta II Vikramaditya is located at Mehrauli. It is a structure of

wonder because despite being built 1,600 years ago, it has not rusted..

D. Give long answers for the following questions.

Q.1. Why is secular literature an important source of history?

Ans. Secular literature is an important source of history because the works provide an account of the
governance of the empires. The administration policies and the ways of the kings are laid out in detail.
The financial and economic policies and social conditions of the people can too be understood.
Q.2. What was common in the structures of the temples constructed during this period?

There were commonalities in the structures of temples built during this period. They are as follows:

a) Garbagriha: The chief deity’s image was kept in this room.

b) Shikhara or Vimana: The top of the Garbagriha was marked as sacred by a tower known as Shikhara.

c) Mandapa: The assembly hall where people gathered to pray is known as Mandapa.

Q.3. Write a note on painting in the Gupta period.

Ans. The paintings of the Gupta period known as ‘murals’ cover the walls of the Ajanta caves of
Maharashtra. The decorations on the monastery depict the ways and events of Lord Buddha’s life.
Colours were made from natural sources, which make the paintings glow even today.

Q.4. Discuss the progress made in the field of astronomy during the ancient period.

Ans. Astronomy was highly advanced during the ancient period. The Romaka Siddhanta is an Indian
astronomical treatise. Aryabhatta, an astronomer and mathematician, is known for his book
Aryabhatiyam. He mentions the Earth’s movement around the Sun and its rotation on its axis.

Varahamihira, also an astronomer and mathematician, had written Brihat Samhita that covers the
subjects of planetary movements, eclipses, rainfall, etc.

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