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aT T Rs.20

08AA 034847


This Agreement made on this the 1* day of January, 2022 (Two Thousand
Twenty Two)

Sri Dipan Bhattacharje, S/o. Late Pradip Kumar Bhattacharjee, aged about
39 years, Resident of House No.49, Debalaya Building, Green Wood Lane
Udalbakra, Lalganesh, Guwahati-781034, under the District of Kamrup, Assam
hereinafter called the "Lessor' (which expression shall wherever the context present
be deemed to include his successors and assigns) of the First Party.


Sri Lakshmi Narayan Agarwalla, S/o. Sri Bansidhar Agarwalla, aged about
66 years, Resident of Opp. Ice Factory. Clo. Tripurari Steels, S.c. Road, Athgaon,
Guwahati-781001, under the District of Kamrup (M), Assam hereinafter called the
Lessee' (which expression shall wherever the context present be deemed to include
his successors and assigns) of the Second Party.


aKh Notay an garawal

action as per laws of the land compelling the Lessec to vacate the Godown of
the said premises mentioned hereinabove.

4. TThat the lease period shall be deemed to have commenced on and from the
date of signing/ exeeution of this Lease Agreement i.e. the 1 day of January,
2022 (Two Thousand Twenty Two) for a period of 3 (three) years withan
option to the L.essec to renew the lease period for a further term as set out in
Clause (7) hercof.

. That in consideration of leasing out the above mentioned Godown premises

the Lessee has already paid Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) in advance
as Security Deposit which is interest free. If the lease period is terminated/
determined for any reasons belore the agreed duration of 3 (three) years, 10%
of the Security Deposit shall be forfeited as administrative charges of the
Lessor & balance 90% of the Security Deposit shall be refunded to the Lessee

by the Lessor after adjusting any outstandingrent, electric charges, taxes &
cost of damages done to the aforesaid Godown premises. However upon
termination/ determination thereon for any reasons before the agreed duration
of 3 (three) years & failing to refund the said 90% of the Security Deposit
made by the Lessee after adjusting the aforesaid nature of expenses, the
Lessee shall be entitled to recover the said 90% of Security Deposit with
interest at the prevailing bank rate for the relevant period & date of expiry of
the notice period.

6. That the Lessee shall handover the said Godown premises to the Lessor on the
expiration of period of Lease or before the expiry of the period of Lease
subject to Clause (5) of this Agreement.

7. That the Lessee shall be entitled to use the said Godown premises only for the
purpose for which it is leased out by the Lessor during the currency of this
Lease as per Clause (1) of this Agreement.

8. That the Lessee shall not have the rights to sublet the whole or any part of the
Godown premises and in the event of any subletting of the said Godown
premises the Lessor shall have rights to ask the Lessee to vacate the Godown
premises within 2 months' from the date of serving the termination notice by
the Lessor to the Lessee.

9. That the Lessor shall pay the Land Revenue, Municipal Taxes local rate. In
case, there is any increase in rate of Land Revenue, Municipal Tax, Local
Rates etc., the monthly rent as fixed to be paid by the Lessee as agreed upon
vide Clause (2) of this Agreement shall proportionately be increased from the
month of increase of the aforesaid Land Revenue, Municipal Taxes & local
rates etc.

10. That the Lessee shall pay the Goods and Service Tax, Cess & otherrelated
Taxes, Surcharge etc. as per Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017 which came
into effect from 1s July, 2017 at the rate/rates which are in force firom time to
time in the relevant period to the Lessor in addition to monthly rent as fixed
vide Clause (2) of this Agreement.

otshmu NatN goavalla

lorshmiNaayam mnala
uninhabitable by fire, acts of Government & Giods, riots, lood, carthquake or
other civil commotion, cnemy action and/or other causes which are not within
the control of the Lessee and in such cases the rent payable hereunder shall
accordingly be apportioned, or at its option the Lessce shall have powers to
teminate these presents forthwith without prejudice to its rights to remove
works, littings, lixtures and machinery under Clausc (14) hereof.

16. That the l.essor agree with the Lessee that the latter paying the rent hereby
reserved and observing and perlorming the conditions and stipulations herein
contained on the part of L.essee to be observed and performed shall peacefully
hold and enjoy the said Ciodown premises during the said terms and any
renewal as mentioned hereinabove thercof without any interruption or
disturbance lrom or by the Lessor or any person claiming by, through or under


17. That tlhe tenaney so created will be for an initial period of 3 (three) years, with
effect from the date of signing of this Agreement i.e. 01.01.2022 subject to
enhancement of rent @5% on completion of every one year and the monthly
rent for the said Godown premises shall be as follows:

Rs.13,688/- per Month.

a) From 01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022
b) From 01-01-2023 to 31-12-2023 Rs.14,372/- per Month.
c)From 01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024 Rs.15,090/- per Month.

18. It is also decided by the Parties hereto that in case of increase or decrease in
the Goods and Service Tax and/or other taxes, as may be determined by the
Authority/Authorities, the Goods and Service Tax and/or other taxes shall also
stand to be enhanced or decreased as the case may be and the Lessee shall
accordingly pay the same to the Lessor along with the monthly rent in the
manner as specified in Clause (18) of this Agreement.

19. The Lessee shall not be permitted to make any mutual transfer or any
agreement of transfer of the said Godown premises with any person(s) and the
Lessor shall not recognize such transfèr or agreement of transfer as valid. The
Lessor shall direct the Lessee to vacate the leased out the said godown
premises forthwith & the Lessee shall not be permitted to take any legal action
on such breach of agreement against the Lessor.

20. That the Lessee shall not carry out any business or trade other than any trade
as specified in Clause (1) of this Agreement. However if the Lessee desires to
change the nature of business, the Lessee shall have to obtain permission in
writing from the Lessor and the Lessee will be permitted to continue the
business under the circumstances stated hereinabove regarding change of
nature of business for which the said Godown premises has been leased out to
the Lessee for a term of 3 (three) years subject to renewal of this Lease
Agreement on completion of 3 (three) years as stipulated vide Clause (4) of
this Agreement.
21, Thatas soon as the
Lessee ccases to carry on its business or
business he L.essor reserves the winds up its own
said Godown premises with right to rescind the
agreement and settle of the
any other pefson.
22, That the lessee shall not keep any inflammable or
any other things or
which are prohibited,
by law illegal or injurious and shall not use thegoods
Ciodown premises hereinabove mentioned
for storing any such goods, articles
and things whieh
may cause damage to the said Godown premises or
become nuisance to the neighbors. The Lessee shall also not keep or store may
Salt, Rock Salt, Acid and C'ement or any other corrosive items.

23, That during the tenure of Tenaney Agreement, indulge

the Lesscc shall not
any such act which nnay in way impair the dignity and decency of the said
Godown premises or do any such act that might impair the authority of the
premises. n case of default, the Lessce shall be liable to pay suitable
compensation to the Lessors and at the same time the Lease Agreement shall
stand terminated without NOTICE
24. That the Lessee shall abide by the bye-laws and regulations of the local
Authority/Authorities including Authority/Authorities of Guwahati Municipal
Corporation and Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority in

letting out the said Godown premises as stipulated in

Clause (1) of this

25. That the Lessee shall not remove any sanitary, electrical, water supply fittings
etc. attached to the said Godown premises if any.

26. That the Lessee shall permit the Lessor and his Agents and workmen to enter
into the said Godown premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of
inspection either or repair of the said Godown premises, provided due notice
thereof is given to the Lessee by the Lessor.

27. That it is decided by both the Parties of this Indenture that the Lessee shall
install all the equipments of fire fighting at the cost of the Lessee and the said
fire fighting equipments shall be kept in working condition during tenancy
period. The Lessee shall have to obtain the Insurance cover from any
nationalized Insurance Company for the goods, materials etc. stored & kept in
the said Godown premises. In case of fire broken out which cause damages to
the said Godown premises the Lessee shall have to construct the Godown
premises leased out at his/its own cost, failure of which the Lessor will
construct the said leased out premises from the Security Deposit kept
deposited with the Lessor as detailed in Clause (6) of this Agreement.

28. That there is no dispute of any nature between the Parties on the date of
execution of this Agreement and there is no dues of the Lessor to the Lessee
and similarly the Lessor are not entitled to recover anything from the Lessee in
respect of the earlier tenancy.

29. That the Lessee shall be responsible for repairing, renovating & any electrical
work within the said Godown premises at his/its own cost and damage caused

the Lessec shall not

1o the fitting, fixtures of the said premiscs. However, leased out
undertake any such repairing, & clectrification of the
lessor. I is also
Godown premises without obtaining conscnt from the damages
to bear the cost of any
decided that the Lessce shall be responsible thc other
caused to the lElectrie Transformer &
Water Pump cqually
on the plot of
land mentionca
Lessees of the said Godown premises standing
hereinabove under Clause (1) ofthis Agrecment
let out premises hereinabove
30. That the Lessce shall keep and maintain the the continuance o
all times during
mentioned with all fitting and fixtures at causcd or done to 11o0r,
However any
the Tenancy Agreement. continuance of
Lease Agreemcnt
WIndows, doors and ventilatorsduring the Lessee with the prior
and be repaired by the
the same shall be replaced
permission from the
lease of the
said Godown
is desirous of taking
a desire shall
31. That if the
Lessee granted, such
expiration of the term hereby to them a
atter the sent by registered
them or be month
deliver to the Lessor or leave for not less than one
notice in writing, Lessor will at

their last known place of business, granted when the no

of the term hereby then be
before the expiration if there shall
of the term hereby granted agreement
before the expiration under this present
obligation said
of any of the
leases lease of the
subsisting breach to the LESSEE a new
after the
of the LESSEE, grant from and
on the part
to this
of 3 (three) years
of signing of
for a further period
premises from the date
term i.e. 3 (three) years covenants,
expiration of the
at the
2022 hereby granted and contained
Agreement i.e. 1° January, reserved
conditions as in
this present agreement
agreements and renewal and so
covenant for
including the present
Indenture that in case
the Lessee is not
the Parties of this detailedin
32. That it is agreed by
rent amounting
to Rs.13,688/-
the monthly business or on any
in position to pay
a closure of the
Indenture due to in
Clause (2) of this closure of business
the facts of such
the Lessee shall intimate closure of the business
within seven days of
the date of
writing to the Lessor Lessor shall make arrangement for
reasons and the arrear rent,
or any other account of
all outstanding dues on
Security deposit after adjusting causeddone to the leased out
of damages
electricity charges and
& Clause (7) of this
as stipulated in Clause (6)
premises in a manner
time by giving to
entitled to terminate the lease at any
33. That the Lessee shall be do
notice in writing of his/its intention to
the Lessor 3 (three) months' advance at any
so. The Lessor shall also
have rights to terminate the Lease Agreement
time completion of the agreed period of 3 (three) years by giving a

intention to do so to the Lessee.

three months notice in writing of the Lessor

34. That any Notice to be made or given to Lessee under these presents or in
connection with the said Godown premises shall be considered as duly given if
sent by the Lessor through the post by registered letter addressed to the Lessee
and/or if the same is pasted in a Conspicuous place outside/inside the leased
duly given
the L.essor shall be considered
Any notice given to
out premses, obtuined
the Lessor and receipt
ifserved by the l essee only at the oftice of Lessor shuall not be
thereot. Any denand or notiee sent the post to the
by same Is
in the usual course of post unless the
assumed to have been delivered

duly received at the oflice ofthe Lessor.

at time between the partics hereto
5 . In case dispute or diference arising any or
any or matter
this agreement any clause
as to the meaning or effect of or
or liabilities
of the purtics the
contained or the rights be referred to
s a m e shall
in relation to this Agreement, Arbitration and
Provisions of the
with the
Arditrator. in
modification or
statutory in Fnglish
Conciliation Act, 1996 or any be conducted
Arbitration shall
the time being in
torce. The
at Guvwahati.
anguage and exclusive
to the
to submit
irrevocably agree to
unconditionally and with regard
36. The parties Guwahati only
Courts of documents
of the competent other
Jurisdiction and any thereol or
of this agreement
matter arising out them in pursuance
question or hereto or any of
executed by the parties
may be
arising herefrom.

of the
at 2" Floor
1303.6 sq. ft.
floor area of premises)
measuring Godown
All that the
Godown called the
(hereinafter No.l &
Building namely, Sripali
Lechas covered by Dag
land measuring
3 Bigha 9 GMC Holding
the covered by
which is situated
on Beltola and
under Mouza Assam.
PattaNo.I at Village District of Kamrup (M),
Ward No.22 under the
No.00108/1 of the
the Lessor and
have been executed
hereof these presents
IN WITNESS above written.
named, the day year tirst
Lessee, above
the day
of Lessee has,
ofticial seal/signature
WHEREOF the aftixed in the
IN WITNESS Lessor was hereunto
written. The official seal of the also sent his
and year first above below and the Lessee
witness mentioned the witnesses
presence of
the following hereto in the presence
with his official signature
own signature
mentioned below: -


1.o esh mahzsuaiu

hun blatoe
Lakkto(kie 4uoadae
(Signature of the Lessor)

okshni Nalaya9 AgnuUAla

(Signature ofthe LesKee)

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