The Biophysical Design of Plant Cuticles

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Review Phytologist

Research review
The biophysical design of plant
cuticles: an overview

Author for correspondence: Eva Domı́nguez1, José Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero2 and Antonio
Antonio Heredia
Tel: +34 952131940
Email: Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea (IHSM) ‘La Mayora’, Centro Mixto
CSIC-Universidad de Málaga, E-29760 Algarrobo-Costa, Málaga, Spain; 2Instituto de Ciencias de
Received: 31 August 2010
Accepted: 9 October 2010 Materiales de Sevilla, Centro Mixto CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, E-41092 Sevilla, Spain


New Phytologist (2011) 189: 938–949 The outer surfaces of epidermal cell walls are impregnated with an extracellular
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03553.x matrix called the cuticle. This composite matrix provides several functions at the
interface level that enable plants to thrive in different habitats and withstand
Key words: biomechanics, cell wall, cuticle, adverse environmental conditions. The lipid polymer cutin, which is the main con-
cutin, cutin structure, hydration. stituent of the plant cuticle, has some unique biophysical properties resulting from
its composition and structure. This review summarizes the progress made towards
understanding the biophysical significance of this biopolymer with special focus on
its structural, thermal, biomechanical, and hydric properties and relationships. The
physiological relevance of such biophysical properties is discussed in light of exist-
ing knowledge on the plant cuticle.

‘Omnem plantae superficiem cingit lamina tenuis et The presence of a distinctive layer covering the outer
pellucida, quae cuticula dicitur, haec densa est et in surface of leaves and fruits was mentioned as early as the
maceratione plantarum non dissoluitur’ fourth century BC by the Greek botanist Theophrastus.
C. G. Ludwig (1757) This layer was regarded as the ‘skin of plant tissues’, analogous
to animal skin. Later on, this layer was called the epidermis
or ‘cuticle’ and was believed to be composed of several cell
layers. In 1757, C. G. Ludwig suggested the existence of a
The cuticle, a ubiquitous and composite
delicate membrane covering the cuticle. This membrane or
pellicle was first isolated by Brongniart (1830, 1834) and
A group of green algae initiated the invasion of dry land Henslow (1831) after long maceration of plant tissues. This
450 million yr ago, and in order to do so, they protected discovery led to the (sometimes confusing) definition of
themselves from desiccation by covering their aerial parts a delicate membrane covering the thin cuticle membrane. It
with an extracellular membrane called the cuticle (Graham, took some time for the term ‘cuticle’ to evolve into its
1993). Thus, the main function ascribed to the cuticle is modern usage, meaning ‘an extracellular membrane cover-
protection against water loss, together with regulation of gas ing aerial organs of the plants’ (Riederer, 2006). Nowadays,
exchange. However, the cuticle has evolved other functions, this definition should be modified to clearly reflect the
such as protection against mechanical injury from the envi- intimate relationship between the cuticle and the under-
ronment or in association with an attack of microorganisms lying cell wall.
or pests, attenuation of UV light sorption, and generation The cuticle can be considered as a cutinized cell wall,
of a microenvironment suitable for certain organisms stressing the composite nature of the cuticle and the physio-
(phyllosphere) (Kerstiens, 1996a; Riederer, 2006). logically crucial interaction between the cuticle itself and

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the cell wall underneath. This cutinization process can be Intracuticular waxes and phenolics intrude into the
seen in Fig. 1. This transmission electron microscopy cutin matrix. While intracuticular waxes are known to be
(TEM) image is of the epidermis of a young tomato fruit, embedded and can be extracted with organic solvents, it is
and the cuticle can be seen as an electron-dense layer that is still open to debate whether or not phenolic compounds
being constructed using the outermost electron-translucent are chemically bound or trapped in the cutin matrix. The
cell wall region as a framework. An extensive study on the principal constituents of the phenolic fraction are cinnam-
cuticle ultrastructure can be found in Jeffree (2006, and ref- ic acids and flavonoids (Hunt & Baker, 1980), although
erences therein). Light microscopy images of tomato fruit in some gymnosperm cuticles a lignin-like fraction has
epidermis cross-sections are shown in Fig. 2. The different been detected (Reina et al., 2001). Waxes, either epi- or
combination of dyes allows the visualization of cellulose intracuticular, are mainly mixtures of C20-C40 n-alcohols,
(Fig. 2a), cuticle (Fig. 2b), and pectin (Fig. 2c), together n-aldehydes, very long-chain fatty acids and n-alkanes. On
with the above-mentioned interconnection between the the inner side of the cuticle, cutin is mixed with polys-
cuticle and epidermal cell wall material (Fig. 2c,d). accharide material from the epidermal cell wall. This
The composition of the cuticle has been recently polysaccharide fraction is chiefly composed of cellulose,
reviewed (Jeffree, 2006; Pollard et al., 2008) and will only hemicellulose and pectin in ratios similar to those found
be mentioned briefly. Fig. 3(a) shows a schematic drawing in the primary cell walls of tomato fruit pericarp (López-
of a cuticle cross-section with its different components. The Casado et al., 2007). The degree of interconnection and
first characteristic that should be pointed out is the hetero- the chemical bonds between cutin and cuticle polysaccha-
geneous chemical composition and structure of such a layer. rides, if present, should be studied in detail since they
Epicuticular waxes are deposited on the outer surface as a may have a major impact on biophysical properties of the
more or less uniform and amorphous layer or in the form of plant cuticle.
discontinuous crystals. The cuticle matrix underneath is
chiefly composed (40–80% weight) of cutin (Frémy, 1859),
Monomer composition determines the
a polymer constituted by a network of oxygenated C16
macromolecular structure of plant cutin
and ⁄ or C18 fatty acids cross-linked by ester bonds.
Depending on the species, the amount of cutin may vary The first attempts to analyze cutin composition date back
from a few to over 1000 lg cm–2 and its thickness can range to Frémy & Urbain (1882), but it was in the 1970s that
from submicrons to 10 lm or more (Walton, 1990; cutin monomers were identified after polymer degradation
Heredia, 2003). by alkaline hydrolysis, transesterification and other methods
(Walton, 1990; Kolattukudy, 2001). Cutin can be com-
posed of C16, C18, or a mixture of C16 and C18 fatty acids.
Thus, the main components of C16 cutin are 9(10),16-
dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid and 16-hydroxyhexadecanoic
acid, and only in some cases are 16-hydroxy-10-oxo-C16
acid and 16-oxo-9 or 10-hydroxy-C16 acid present. C18
cutin is composed of 18-hydroxy-9,10-epoxyoctadecanoic
acid and 9,10,18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acid together with
their monounsaturated homologs (Fig. 3b). In some
species, glycerol has also been found in the cutin matrix
(Graça et al., 2002). Arabidopsis thaliana (L) Heynh has
been widely used as a model in cutin biosynthesis studies,
although its composition is atypical and not representative
of the majority of plant cutins (Franke et al., 2005; Pollard
et al., 2008).
Cutan is another lipid polymer sometimes present in
plant cuticles, either as an alternative to or in combination
with cutin (Kolattukudy, 1996). It is composed of polyun-
saturated fatty acid derivatives, mostly linked to each other
by ether bonds (Villena et al., 1999). These types of bond
Fig. 1 Transmission electron micrograph of the tomato fruit render a polymer matrix resistant to chemical degradation.
epidermis at an early stage of development. The cuticle is present as
Unfortunately, little is known about distribution of cutan
a continuous electron-dense outer layer surrounding the epidermal
cell walls and impregnating the radial walls as well. cut, cuticle; cw, among plant species and the potential advantages for plant
cell wall; ep, epidermal cell. Bar, 5 lm. (The picture is from the growth and survival associated with a more chemically resis-
authors’ laboratory.) tant cuticle matrix based on cutan.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2 Light microscopy photographs of tomato fruit epidermis at mature green (a–c) and red ripe (d) stages. (a) Calcofluor white stain is used
to visualize polysaccharides. (b) The same section stained with Sudan IV to see the cuticle. (c) Combination of (a) and (b) to provide an image
of the intimate association between the cuticle and epidermal cell wall material. (d) Ruthenium red stain used to visualize pectin material. The
cuticle can be observed because of the color contrast given by the flavonoids accumulated at the red ripe stage. Bar, 20 lm. (Pictures are from
the authors’ laboratory.)

(a) (c)


Fig. 3 (a) Scheme of a transverse section of the cuticle representing the different components and main structural features. (b) Major
monomers present in C16 and C18 cutins. (c) Schematic representation of a cutin network showing the free carboxyl and hydroxyl groups and
the ester bonds that link the monomers.

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Monomer composition and linkage are the first steps mainly located at the cross-link sites of functional ester
towards understanding cutin architecture. While only half groups (Matas & Heredia, 1999), which ties in with the
of midchain hydroxyl groups of monomers take part in amorphous and hydrophobic characteristics of cutin.
side-chain ester cross-linking, most primary hydroxyl Additionally, a molecular basal spacing of 0.4–0.5 nm
groups are involved in ester bonds and, consequently, there between the methylene groups of an oligomeric chain and
is a very low number of unesterified carboxyl functional the formation of holes or cavities within the structure has
groups present in the polymer (Kolattukudy, 1996) been estimated (Matas & Heredia, 1999). These cavities are
(Fig. 3c). This implies that there is a low number of reactive void-free volumes resulting from the final three-dimen-
centers available in the cutin polymer, since most hydroxyl sional structure. The presence of such cavities is an intrinsic
and carboxyl groups are chemically bound. characteristic of amorphous and cross-linked polymers and
Although monomer composition and partial cutin may play a pivotal role in explaining the interactions
degradation analyses have been carried out in various inves- between cutin and low-molecular-weight compounds,
tigations (Walton, 1990; Kolattukudy, 1996 and references which can be either exogenous, such as adjuvants and pesti-
therein), some aspects related to the characteristics of cutin cides, or endogenous, such as phenolics and flavonoids.
monomers have not been studied in detail. Learning about Mobility and transport across the cutin matrix of these low-
the chemical properties of cutin monomers is key since they molecular-weight compounds could also be reinterpreted
may influence or determine the resulting macromolecular based on the presence of these cavities.
structure and have an impact on certain properties of the On the other hand, a polymer network can have, and
polymer. Cutin monomers have bifunctional chemical indeed has, emergent properties that cannot be extrapolated
groups with the potential to bind, a property which, accord- from the monomers themselves. Furthermore, soluble olig-
ing to polymer science, indicates that they are able to gener- omers obtained after depolymerization do not always repre-
ate a nonlinear, amorphous and cross-linked polymer. In sent the intact polymer, which justifies the need to use
the resulting polymer, relatively polar groups such as ester nondestructive analytical techniques. Fourier transform
bonds would not be statistically significant when compared infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is a noninvasive tool that has
with abundant aliphatic methylene chains (-CH2-). The been extensively applied in our laboratory to check the
rotational freedom of methylene chains may allow a quality of the cuticle isolation procedure (Ramı́rez et al.,
multitude of conformations to the polymer, although the 1992; Luque et al., 1995a). This structural method allows
significant amount of in-chain hydroxyl groups will con- the identification of the functional groups present in the
strain chain linearity and weak chain–chain interactions. sample and can be used to analyze the depolymerization of
Moreover, the types of functional groups and their location specific cuticle components (Villena et al., 2000). Solid-
in cutin monomers, especially primary and secondary state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses have been
hydroxyl groups, confer the monomers’ self-assembly prop- extensively performed on cuticle and cutin (Batteas &
erties. Cutin monomers, under the right orientation and at Stark, 2005; Stark & Tian, 2006). This technique has
a given molecular density, generate structures based on confirmed the amorphous and flexible nature of the cutin
short-range interactions such as hydrogen bonding and network with motional constraints at particular cross-linked
other weak interactions between monomers followed by sites. Approximately 36% of the cutin methylene chains are
chemical polymerization. The self-assembly and self-poly- located in a flexible molecular domain, whereas the rest are
merization properties of cutin monomers under specific in a more rigid domain (Batteas & Stark, 2005). NMR
chemical conditions have been recently described (Benı́tez relaxation measurements have also provided interesting
et al., 2007, 2008; Heredia-Guerrero et al., 2008, 2009) information on the molecular dynamics of cutin chains
and open a new and promising field of study to comple- (Stark & Tian, 2006). Two-dimensional NMR spectro-
ment current knowledge on cutin architecture. In this sense, scopy has been used to investigate the changes induced by
involvement of self-assembled polyhydroxy fatty acid parti- the partial depolymerization of cutin, using enzymatic or
cles (i.e. cutinsomes) in tomato cutin formation during the chemical reagents (Fang et al., 2001). Such methodology
early stages of development was recently confirmed with has confirmed structural features derived from indirect and
antibodies raised against these supramolecular particles classical chemical studies, that is, the cutin polyester is held
(Domı́nguez et al., 2010). together mostly by primary hydroxyl ester linkages, with
Molecular dynamic (MD) calculations can provide theo- about half of the secondary hydroxyl groups involved in
retical information to interpret the molecular structure of ester cross-links. Recent works on cutin NMR (Deshmukh
macromolecules. Such MD calculations have been applied et al., 2003, 2005; Sachleben et al., 2004) have provided
to study the three-dimensional structure of a cutin oligomer new information on the molecular arrangement of tomato
based on the molecular characteristics of the monomers fruit and Agave americana leaf cutin. Consequently,
described earlier. The model suggests that cutin constitutes alfa-branched hydroxyl fatty acids and their corresponding
a moderately flexible network with motional constraints esters have been identified in cutin. Further studies will be

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necessary to elucidate the role of this monomer in cutin of impedance provides information about the energy stor-
structure. Cutan structure and composition should also be age (capacitance, C) and dissipation (resistance, R) capacity
mentioned. Contrary to the early model described by of a sample. Dewaxed cuticles and cutin display both energy
Villena et al. (1999), which postulated the presence of ether storage and dissipation properties, like many biological tis-
bonds as the key points of an aliphatic cutan structure and sues (Ramos-Barrado et al., 1993; Benavente et al., 1998b).
stability, Sachleben et al. (2004) and Deshmukh et al. Nevertheless, remarkable differences in the impedance plots
(2005) recently proposed a structure based on large aro- and in their associated equivalent circuits were obtained for
matic domains linked by methylene chains of variable dewaxed cuticles and cutin, indicating a different electroki-
length and esters of a small number of carbon atoms. netic macromolecular behavior. A simple RC equivalent cir-
X-ray diffraction has been used to study the cutin matrix cuit was associated with cutin, which implies that the
and the associated waxes. Although this powerful tool has polymer itself has homogeneous dielectric properties
provided interesting information on the structure of epicu- (Benavente et al., 1998b). The dewaxed cuticle (cutin and
ticular plant waxes (Casado & Heredia, 1999), its use has polysaccharides) showed a different electrical response
been limited in the case of isolated cutin. X-ray diffraction (Benavente et al., 1998b), in this case a modified equivalent
of tomato fruit cuticle corroborates the amorphous nature circuit, where one of the components of the system is
of cutin suggested by polymer science and MD analysis. hydrated and allows proton diffusion and charge move-
Two broad and major hydrophobic interplanar spaces, c. ment. This behavior can be assigned to the polysaccharides
1.0 and 0.45 nm, were observed in tomato cuticles by X- present in the cuticle. Again, the polysaccharide fraction of
ray diffraction (Luque et al., 1995a), the latter attributed to the cuticle seems to be not only charged, but also in control
spacing between methylene chains predicted by MD analy- of the movement of charged molecules.
sis. The 1 nm spacing between polymer chains was sensitive Nanotechnological, noninvasive tools have rarely been
to incorporation of ions to the cutin network and could be used to investigate plant cuticles and cutin structure. The
assigned to regions rich in aromatic hydroxyl groups capa- three-dimensional arrangement and surface architecture of
ble of ionic exchange (Luque et al., 1995a). This ionic outer plant surfaces at the nanoscopic level have been
modulation of the 1 nm basal distance may modify water analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Canet et al.,
mobility across the cuticle, either favoring or hindering it 1996; Round et al., 2000; Wisniewska et al., 2003; Batteas
(Luque et al., 1995a). The ionic exchange capacity of cuti- & Stark, 2005). A comprehensive AFM study in combina-
cles was first studied by Schönherr & Bukovac (1973). tion with infrared and NMR spectroscopy was applied to
They reported that cuticles can be visualized as sieves with a investigate the influence of the cross-linking degree in the
moderate ionic exchange capacity mainly ascribed to the macromolecular arrangement of cutin (Benı́tez et al.,
polysaccharide fraction, although the cutin matrix may also 2004). Molecular topography analyses of the outer surface
play a minor role. of cutin samples from immature and ripe tomato fruits
The ionic exchange capacity of the cuticle can also be showed a correlation between the cross-linking degree and
analyzed from an electrodynamic point of view. The plant the texture of the outer surfaces. Cross-linked ripe tomato
cuticle can be regarded as an electrically asymmetric mem- cutin presented a flatter and more globular texture together
brane (Heredia & Benavente, 1991; Tyree et al., 1991). In with elongated and orientated superstructures (Benı́tez
an aqueous electrolyte solution, a clear electrokinetic gradi- et al., 2004). Fig. 4 shows an example of this AFM topo-
ent is established across isolated cuticles. Whereas the outer graphy. Emergent nanoscopic approaches combine AFM
surface appears mainly uncharged, the inner surface sup- with ultrasound or Kelvin probes. Thus, atomic force
ports a net negative charge described by a Donnan-like acoustic microscopy (AFAM) allows identification of voids,
membrane potential associated with polysaccharides present inclusions, or cracks based on different elastic properties of
in the inner part of the cuticle (Heredia & Benavente, the sample surface, while the Kelvin probe detects micro-
1991). This fixed charge is an important physiological char- and nanoscopic changes in the polarity of surfaces. These
acteristic that influences sorption, uptake and transport of techniques could provide useful additional information and
ions and charged molecules and should be taken into should be explored in future cuticular investigations.
account when considering cuticular transpiration, agri- The interesting and physiologically relevant information
cultural spray applications and related ecotoxicological derived from these structural techniques has regrettably
problems (Kerstiens, 1996b). been limited to a few investigations in comparison with the
Impedance spectroscopy (dielectric spectroscopy) deter- existing number of analytical studies on cuticle composi-
mines the dielectric properties of a system as a function of tion. The plant cuticle is a composite where each fraction
electric frequency. It is based on the interaction of an exter- has a complex composition. This complexity masks
nal field with the overall electric dipole moment of the sam- assignment of measured properties to a specific fraction or
ple. As mentioned earlier, the plant cuticle is a complex the major contribution of certain compounds within a cuti-
asymmetric composite that can be polarized. Measurement cle fraction. In this sense, thorough studies on how these

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that water transport occurs via aqueous pores or channels,

whose presence seems to be highly dependent on relative
18 nm humidity (RH) and temperature (Kerstiens, 2006;
9.15 nm
0 nm Schreiber & Schönherr, 2009). The next challenge in this
2203 nm
area will be to characterize the diffusion mechanisms that
take place in the cuticle and also to explain the thousand-
fold differences in permeability between species observed in
2203 nm
1102 nm some investigations (Kerstiens, 2006).
By contrast, few studies have been focused on the sorp-
1102 nm
tion capacity of the cuticle and its major compounds, that
is, cutin and polysaccharides. The significant water sorption
0 nm
0 nm
capacity of plant cuticles as shown in some investigations
Fig. 4 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) three-dimensional has important consequences for the foliar uptake of pesti-
topographic image (contact mode) showing the morphology of the
cides, which constitutes a complex and empirical research
outer surface of ripe tomato fruit cutin at 2.2 · 2.2 lm2 resolution.
A globular and flattened relief with a maximum high of 18 nm can area. The first studies on this subject were carried out by
be observed. (AFM topography courtesy of Dr José J. Benı́tez.) Chamel et al. (1991) with fruit and leaf cuticles and showed
a water sorption between 1 and 8% of the initial cuticle
DW. Wax extraction did not affect the water sorption
properties change during cuticle development and in species capacity, but cutin showed a drastic reduction (c. 63%) in
with known cuticle differences are required. comparison to the intact cuticle (Chamel et al., 1991).
Luque et al. (1995b) reported a similar sorption behavior
for the tomato fruit cuticle and predicted water clustering
Hydration and temperature: major players in
(accumulation of water in a liquid state) above 60% RH
biophysical cuticle behavior
and the existence of water-binding sites of variable strength.
Land plants survive in an environment characterized by These sites suggest the existence of polymer regions of dif-
changes in temperature, hydration and light intensity. ferent accessibility and the creation of new binding sites as
Despite this, most plants live within a relatively narrow the cuticle is hydrated. Cluster formation may explain a
range of these parameters; however, some plants can also good number of transport phenomena in polymers, since it
survive under extreme conditions. As a subtle polymer bar- reduces the effective mobility of water by increasing the size
rier, the cuticle responds to changes in these parameters by of the diffusing molecular group and the tortuosity of the
modulating its characteristics. The behavior of a polymer diffusion path (Luque et al., 1995b). There is only one
under variable thermal and hydration conditions is crucial investigation dealing with the sorption capacity of a gymno-
to understanding the polymer itself. sperm plant cuticle. Water sorption and desorption were
Once synthesized and formed, a cutinized cell wall is studied in Araucaria bidwillii Hook cuticles and also with
sensu stricto an extracellular nonliving membrane, and the regard to its components (Reina et al., 2001). Such a
driving forces and mechanisms involved in the sorption and cuticle, as observed in many gymnosperms, has significant
active transport can be expected to differ from those found polysaccharide (40% DW) and lignin-like domains (c. 27%
within the cell. Since the 1970s, several studies have assessed DW). Water sorption-desorption of isolated cuticles and
water and solute permeability and diffusion through cuticles their components exhibited hysteresis and, noticeably, the
and cutin from a wide variety of plants, as revised in detail lignin fraction showed the highest sorption and water reten-
by Fernández & Eichert (2009). In general, astomatous tion capacity of all the cuticular components (Reina et al.,
cuticles have a low water permeability, which is a thousand 2001). However, more research is needed to understand the
times lower than the plant cell wall and remains in a range role of this lignin-like fraction in gymnosperm cuticles. The
comparable to that of some hydrophobic synthetic polymers substantial reduction in water sorption after the removal of
(Nobel, 1991; Schreiber & Schönherr, 2009). The inter- polysaccharides suggests that this fraction is the one mainly
ested reader should refer to Kerstiens (2006), Fernández & responsible for cuticle water uptake. Domı́nguez & Heredia
Eichert (2009) and the recent book by Schreiber & (1999) studied the water sorption of the polysaccharide
Schönherr (2009), which covers this topic extensively, as fraction of A. americana and Clivia miniata cuticles and
well as the very recent review by Schreiber (2010) extended confirmed that they can sorb up to 50% of the initial DW,
to the transport barrier properties of cutinized and suber- a value similar to the one recorded for isolated cell walls
ized cell walls. Briefly, these studies consider the cuticle and (Mercado et al., 2004). Water clustering, in this case, was
cutin as solution-diffusion membranes for water; that is, predicted to occur at 48% RH (Domı́nguez & Heredia,
individual water molecules follow a random pathway in a 1999). The noteworthy difference in water sorption
mostly lipophilic environment. It has also been suggested observed between an intact cuticle (1–8%) and its

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polysaccharide fraction (50%) is an example of the synergis- transition. The break point above 30C observed in the
tic effect of cutin and polysaccharides. plots of permeability against temperature involves a change
Temperature plays a central role in the biophysical in the polymer structure and a decrease in the activation
properties of a polymer, since it can produce changes in its energy of the process (Schönherr et al., 1979; Benavente
structure and modify the hydration profile. These structural et al., 1998a). Moreover, water sorption at high RH lowers
changes can be of first order (i.e. crystallization and fusion) this glass transition temperature, since it decreases the
or second order (i.e. glass transitions). Several methodolo- energy required to obtain a more relaxed and flexible poly-
gies, such as latent heats (Eckl & Gruler, 1980) and volume mer network, which implies that water plasticizes the cutin
expansion coefficients (Schreiber & Schönherr, 1990), have matrix (Matas et al., 2004b). These data are in good agree-
been used to determine the influence of temperature in ment with those previously reported by Round et al. (2000)
plant cuticles. However, the most accurate method for on tomato fruit cutin using AFM and NMR. NMR has also
monitoring thermal events is the evaluation of the heat been applied to study the changes in the cuticle and cutin as
capacity or specific heat (Cp), a thermodynamic parameter a function of water content and temperature. Hydration
very sensitive to structural changes. Unfortunately, the and temperature enhance the segmental motions of the
literature available on this topic is limited, even though methylene chains, (CH2)n, and other minor functional
temperature-dependent changes in the cuticle, cutin and groups indicating a decrease in the potential resistance of
wax structure of several species have been reported. the polymer to deformation (Stark & Tian, 2006; Stark
Plant cuticle and cutin have a significantly higher specific et al., 2008).
heat (Casado & Heredia, 2001) than other polymers. For Water content and temperature appear as key elements
example, the specific heat of cutin ranges between 2 and that modulate the macromolecular structure and the energy
2.5 J K)1 g)1, whereas cellulose, one of the main compo- and mass transfer between the environment and the plant
nents of the plant cell wall, has a specific heat of cell. These two properties have an important effect on the
1.5 J K)1 g)1 (Boraston, 2005). A high value means that a physiological response of the cuticle to the application of
greater amount of heat is required to raise the polymer’s adjuvants (Knoche & Bukovac, 2004), the deleterious
temperature by 1ºC. Although the cuticle makes a minor effects of frost and heat, and even in some physiological dis-
contribution to the overall mass of leaves and fruits, it could orders such as fruit cracking (Beyer & Knoche, 2002; Beyer
play an important role as a thermoregulator between the et al., 2005).
plant and the environment, especially when plants are Little work has been done on the role of light radiation at
exposed to extreme temperatures. the plant surface level (see Pfündel et al., 2006 for a review).
Temperature transitions of tomato fruit cuticle and cutin The phenolic compounds present in most cuticles (i.e. cin-
during growth have been investigated using differential namic acids, flavonoids and flavonols) can absorb UV light,
scanning calorimetry (Luque & Heredia, 1997; Matas providing the cuticle with a screening function against UV
et al., 2004b). Both samples presented a broad glass radiation (Kolb & Pfündel, 2005). This can result in pat-
transition temperature, Tg (c. 23C), that did not change terns of UV reflection, depending on the spatial distribution
significantly during growth. The Tg of a polymer is a of phenolics that might increase pollinating insect attrac-
second-order thermal transition characterized by solid-like tion. No such optical properties have been observed for
changes in the physical properties, for example, changes in cutin monomers or cell wall polysaccharides (Pfündel et al.,
viscosity, rigidity, and heat capacity. This temperature, usu- 2006). Surface architecture can also modify the optical
ally present in amorphous polymers, defines two physical effects, and hence epicuticular wax composition and
stages: a stiff stage (like a glass) and a liquid-like very viscous deposition could be of importance in the study of the light
stage with less restricted translational movements and rota- properties of the cuticle. The effect of light intensity and
tional and vibrational degrees of freedom. A glass transition wavelength on cuticle monomer synthesis and accumulation
temperature is the temperature at which macromolecular is another topic that deserves further attention.
chains increase their flexibility and fluidity. The fact that
cutin shows this transition at environmental temperature
Cutin biomechanics: the polymer flows
has obvious physiological implications, since it involves
conformational changes in its amorphous structure. Below
‘The tension of the outer surface is mechanical, whilst
the Tg, the cuticle is rigid and restricts the mobility of exog-
that of the inner surface is vital’
enous compounds across it. Above this temperature the
C. R. Darwin (1875)
cuticular matrix appears more viscous, facilitating the
mobility of the compounds. Plants living in aquatic or aerial environments are subjected
The changes observed in cuticle permeability to water, to mechanical stresses often in the form of water or air
low-molecular-weight molecules and ions as a function currents. Therefore, the cuticle protecting the surface may
of temperature could be explained by a second-order modify but should not restrain the mechanical properties of

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the tissue. Early scientists noticed the relationship between thorough compilation of the principles and theories of plant
cell wall extensibility and plant growth and much work has biomechanics can be found in the superb book written by
been done since then on the biomechanics of plant cell walls Karl Niklas (1992).
(see Cosgrove, 1993 for a review on the different techniques The biomechanical nature of the isolated plant cuticle
applied) and methods of analysis and interpretation of data was first studied by Petracek & Bukovac (1995), who
(Thompson, 2001). From the early work of Kraus in 1867 reported the viscoelastic nature of the tomato fruit cuticle,
and others (for a review, see Kutschera & Niklas, 2007), it later confirmed by other authors and for different species
was postulated that the inner tissues provide the driving (Wiedemann & Neinhuis, 1998; Edelmann et al., 2005;
force for elongation, whereas the outer cells (i.e. the epider- see Bargel et al., 2006 for a review). Most of the biome-
mis) restrict and control the rate of growth by imposing a chanical analyses have been performed with tomato fruit
mechanical constraint (Kutschera, 1989; Kutschera & cuticles and, unless indicated differently, all of the investiga-
Niklas, 2007; Savaldi-Goldstein et al., 2007). Hence, the tions mentioned in the following have been carried out on
cuticle surrounding the epidermis must play a role concern- tomato. The complex composition of the cuticle is accom-
ing the mechanical behavior of plant organs. For example, panied by a complex biomechanical performance. Thus, it
in staminal filament thigmonasticity, it has been suggested is of special interest to understand the contribution of each
that the cuticle provides the force for early contraction of cuticle fraction to the overall biomechanics. Petracek &
filaments in vivo, while, as the load increases, the cuticle can Bukovac (1995) reported a decrease in the breaking stress
no longer sustain all deformation and cell walls are strained and an increase in plastic behavior after wax removal,
(Hasenstein et al., 1993). suggesting a role of waxes as fillers. As such, waxes would
The biomechanical behavior of the skin and its isolated reduce cutin matrix mobility, acting as compounds that
cuticle has usually been studied in tomato fruits, and the increase rigidity. López-Casado et al. (2007) showed that
rheological behavior of the skin mirrors that of the cuticle, the polysaccharide fraction of the cuticle is mainly responsi-
both being isotropic, viscoelastic and strain-hardening ble for the high elastic modulus (i.e. the stiffness) and the
materials (Matas et al., 2004a; Bargel & Neinhuis, 2005). linear elastic behavior of the cuticle, whereas the cutin
Matas et al. (2004a) showed that the elastic modulus (E) of matrix has a low elastic modulus and high strain values. A
the cuticle is higher than that of the peel tissue, whereas the role of flavonoids concerning the mechanical properties of
work of fracture, the amount of energy required to propa- the cuticle was first suggested by Bargel et al. (2006) and
gate a crack, exhibited an opposite trend. From these observed in the y tomato mutant (Adato et al., 2009).
results, it can be concluded that the cuticle stiffens the cell Flavonoids contribute to the elastic phase, reinforcing the
walls, while the epidermal cell walls strengthen the cuticle, elastic contribution of the polysaccharide fraction and
better sustaining superficial cracks. By contrast, Bargel & increasing cuticle rigidity, that is, they play a role similar to
Neinhuis (2005) obtained a higher E, breaking stress and that already suggested for waxes (Domı́nguez et al., 2009).
breaking strain for the skin. These differences could be Few preliminary works focusing on fruit growth and
attributed to the types of tomato fruits (cherry vs normal- ripening reported an increase in E and a decrease in strain as
sized varieties) or to the liquid employed to keep the the fruit matured (Bargel & Neinhuis, 2005; López-Casado
samples hydrated: tomato juice (Matas et al., 2004a) and et al., 2007; Domı́nguez et al., 2009). From a physiological
distilled water (Bargel & Neinhuis, 2005). point of view and considering the potential agronomic
The biomechanical and rheological behavior of the plant implications for pest and disease attack and control, fruit
cuticle, like most plant materials, can be described as visco- quality or irrigation and fertilization strategies, to cite some
elastic; that is, the relationship between stress and strain is examples, it will be key to further improve our understand-
time-dependent (Niklas, 1992), with an elastic component ing of the evolution of cuticular biomechanics during
at small deformations. In some species, the stress–strain growth. Such information could help to explain how the
curves show two phases with different slopes, the first corre- mechanical properties are modified by the occurrence of
sponding to the linear elastic phase and the second to the internal pressure changes and in relation to the assembly of
nonlinear viscoelastic phase (Matas et al., 2005; López- the different cuticle components during plant organ
Casado et al., 2007). Elasticity implies that the deformation development.
strain increases linearly with increasing stress applied and Water and temperature are two factors that largely influ-
that the instant deformation is not time-dependent. ence every aspect of the biomechanical properties, as well as
Rheology studies the flow of matter and hence is applied to interacting with each other. The role of water and tempera-
materials that cannot sustain a stress in static equilibrium, ture as modifiers of the mechanical properties of synthetic
without changing their viscosity. It is concerned with the and natural polymers is widely recognized. The effect of
relationship between the flow or deformation (mechanical water as a plasticizer of the plant cuticle was first observed
behavior) of a material and its internal structure; for exam- by Petracek & Bukovac (1995) and later confirmed by sev-
ple, the orientation and elongation of polymer molecules. A eral authors in isolated cuticles (Edelmann et al., 2005;

 2010 The Authors New Phytologist (2011) 189: 938–949

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Matas et al., 2005) and also in the cutin matrix (López- only significantly affected in nor fruits. On the other hand,
Casado et al., 2007). The effect is strongly dependent on the tomato y mutation (colorless fruit epidermis) is character-
the degree of hydration of the material. Water molecules ized by a cuticle that lacks the yellow flavonoid naringenin
probably interact with cutin and polysaccharide fractions, chalcone and showed a significant shortening of the
decreasing the viscosity of these polymers and hence favor- elastic phase of the corresponding strength–strain curve in
ing the displacement of the polymer macromolecular comparison with the corresponding wt cuticle samples
segments. The cuticle responds to increases in temperature (Adato et al., 2009).
by decreasing its strength and rigidity (Edelmann et al., 2005; Nanotechnology has been employed in the study of cuti-
Matas et al., 2005). The observed effect of temperature cle surface mechanics using AFM nanoindentation (Round
on cuticular rheology consisted of two temperature- et al., 2000; Isaacson et al., 2009). Although the mechani-
independent phases separated by a transition temperature cal parameters are not comparable to those obtained with
between 23 and 30C. The cutin matrix exhibits a glass an extensiometer, this interesting tool could generate a
transition at this temperature. The combined effect of mechanical topography of the cuticle and help to identify
water and temperature on the elastic modulus is presented regions prone to surface cracks. Recently, this technique has
in Fig. 5. The effect of transition temperature on E been used to study contact mechanics at the plant–insect
diminishes with increasing RH. It can be concluded that interface and has shown that the ability of insects to attach
the biomechanical properties of the cuticle change within a to plant surfaces depends in part on the mechanical stability
physiological range of temperature and RH. of the wax surface (Voigt et al., 2008).
The physiological implications of the mechanical proper-
ties of the cuticle cannot be underestimated, since it may
explain some modifications of plant growth and develop-
ment, or even tissue failures. An interesting approach for Hydric, thermal, and biomechamical properties constitute
studying how modifications of the cuticle may affect the the basis for understanding the biophysical behavior of iso-
rheological properties would be the use of mutants and lated plant cuticles. This behavior could vary, within limits,
transformants. In this sense, two papers have reported the between plant species or even between genotypes of the
mechanical study of tomato mutants (Bargel & Neinhuis, same species. The influence of some abiotic and hormone
2004; Adato et al., 2009), although more basic research is stresses on cuticle synthesis has been reported in the last
still needed. Thus, Bargel & Neinhuis (2004) studied the decade. During growth and development, the plant cuticle
mechanical differences during tomato fruit growth between responds to these stresses by changes in cuticle thickness
the cuticle of wild-type (wt) and the nonripening (nor) and deposition, and also by modifying the ratio of some
mutant. An increase in stiffness and breaking strength was cuticular components. Such alterations have been noticed,
observed during fruit growth and ripening in the cuticle of for example, as a result of the influence of plant hormone
wt fruits, whereas in nor fruits the cuticle was significantly application (Knoche & Peschel, 2007), water deficiency
less stiff and weaker. Hydration generally decreased the (Kosma et al., 2009), in association with iron deficiency
elastic modulus and strength, while the breaking strain was chlorosis (Fernández et al., 2008) and as a result of the
direct effect of UV-B light (Paoletti, 2005). A biophysical
analysis of such modified cuticles would be of interest for
understanding how these properties may vary in response to
these cuticle modifications and the role of different compo-
nents or morphological traits such as thickness in cuticle
biophysics. In this sense, several cuticle mutants have been
identified, especially in Arabidopsis and tomato, and their
cuticles have been chemically analyzed (see Pollard et al.,
2008 for a review and, more recently, Isaacson et al., 2009;
Lü et al., 2009). The use of cuticle mutants to assess the
contribution of the different cuticular fractions and selected
components to the properties addressed in this review will
help to improve our understanding of the biochemical and
biophysical scenarios that determine the performance of the
plant cuticle.
Fig. 5 Variation of elastic modulus with temperature at two values Current knowledge of the biophysical properties of the
relative humidities (RH): 40% RH (solid line), and wet (dashed line)
(taken from Matas et al., 2005). To visualize the second-order
cuticle has been obtained from analyses performed on iso-
transition, the change of heat capacity, Cp, with temperature is also lated cuticles. How this information correlates with the
shown (red dots). (Taken from Matas et al., 2004b.) physiological behavior of the epidermis and, ultimately, of

New Phytologist (2011) 189: 938–949  2010 The Authors New Phytologist  2010 New Phytologist Trust
Phytologist Research review Review 947

The authors dedicate this work to Prof. Dr M. J. Bukovac
(Michigan State University). The authors would like to
thank Dr Victoria Fernández for helpful discussions and
Plan Nacional I+D (MEC, Spain) for several grants that
have supported their research over the last 20 yr.

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cuticle between the thermal, hydric, and mechanical properties surface flavonoid accumulation in tomato is controlled by a SLMYB12-
discussed in this update. Tg, glass transition temperature; RH, regulated transcriptional network. PLoS Genetics 5: e1000777.
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