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Living Spiritual Life

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Uttam Acharya
• अध्मात्भ
• Positive attitude
• शरीरका कोशहरु Sheaths of Body
• Body and mind connection
• Spiritual living & peace
अध्मात्भ- Spirituality
• अध्मात्भ = अध्माम +आत्भा
• Study of self
• Inner most existence of all living beings and non
living things
• Innermost existence of living being – Atma (spirit)
• Innermost existence of object - Atom
• G.O.D. = Generator (Proton), Operator(Electron),
• Self-management is the ability to regulate and
• control thoughts, emotions and Actions
• What is your introduction ?ऩररचय
• Why am I here ? म ककन यहाॉ छु ?
• Where am I going ? म कहाॉ जादै छु ?
• ...........................Spirituality अध्यात्म के हो ?
3A of Life
• 1. Attitude मनोवत्ृ त्ि

• 2. Aptitude झक
ु ाव

• 3. Altitude उचाई
Understanding Spirituality

- its not a religion धमम है न

- its not a rituals ऩरम्ऩरा है न
- its not a gimmic नौटॊ की है न
- its not a discourse छऱपऱ है न
- it is Super Science of Experiences चैिन्य
स्वरूऩ आत्मा
Spirituality begins with Ethics
• A set of moral principles or values
नैतिक भूल्म
• Knowing the difference between
right and wrong ठिक फेठिकफीचको पयक
• Deciding to do the right thing under
pressure सही काभ

आचार ऩरमो धमम

• Good-असर
• Constructive-यचनात्भक
• Creative-ससजजनशीर
• Presence not absence-अवस्थिि, बएको
• Optimism – आशाफाठििा
• Effective- असयिाय
• Beneficial- पाइिाजनक
• ……………….
भनोफस्ृ त्ि
• Attitude ?
मनोवत्ृ त्ि (Attitudes)
• मनऩने • “Attitudes are
• मननऩने • likes and dislikes,
• ठीक वा फेठठक favorable or unfavorable
मुल्यान्कन evaluations
• प्रतिकिया • and reactions to
– फस्िु, objects, people,
– जनिा प्रति, situations, or any other
– कुनै अवस्था, aspects of the world
– अमि ू म ववचार, including abstract
– सामात्जक नीति ideas and social
Attitude: Importance भहत्व
• Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you
respond to it. —Charles Swindoll प्रतिक्रमाभा जीवन
• It determines everything else in your life! हये क ऩऺ
• It affects relationships.सम्फन्धराई असय
• It affects careers; It affects your entire future.बववष्म
• Your attitude is a habit फानीव्महोया
• Changing your attitude can literally change your life.
• And here’s the great thing about attitude: It’s your
Unfolding Positive attitude(ex)
• A Positive attitude सकायात्भक भनोवस्ृ त्ि is essential to
happiness, joy, and progress in life. खुशी , आनन्ि, प्रगति
• This state of mind brings light, hope and
enthusiasm into the life of those who possess it.
• When do people tell you that you need to dump
your negative attitude and adopt a positive one?
– They tell you that when you are negative, expect failure,
and doubt your abilities.नकायात्भक- असपर
• They try to encourage you to be positive, and want
you have more confidence and belief in yourself.
• सकायात्भक सोचरे आपूसबत्रको ववश्वास जगाउॉ छ
शयीयका कोशहरू
• अन्नभम कोश
– The Food body

• प्राणभम कोश
– The Pranic energy or life energy sheath

• भनभम कोश
– Mental body
• बफऻानभम कोश
– Wisdom body
• आनन्िभम कोश
– Bliss body
• Activating Chakras requires a concerted effort by
means of practicing yoga poses, chanting mantras,
practicing mudras and performing different Kundalini
awakening pranayama.
• The Sushumna Nadi is activated when purification
• It is at this juncture, it is said that the Kundalini power
is awakened
7 Chakra
• The seven fundamental chakras are known as
Muladhara, which is located at the perineum, the
space between the anal outlet and the genital organ;
• Swadhisthana, which is just above the genital organ;
• Manipuraka, which is just below the navel;
• Anahata, which is just beneath where the rib cage
• Vishuddhi Chakra
• Agya Chakra
• Sahasraar chakra
Spiritual intelligence (SQ)

 The intelligence that leads to

meaning, vision, values, purpose
and highest motivation.

 Transformative and creative

 (Danah Zohar)
• Theist
• Atheist
• Nihilism
• Narcissism
• Illusion
• Delusion
Identity Crisis
Steps to Connect supreme source
• Connect body to mind
• Mind to feeling
• Feeling to consciousness
• Consciousness to soul
• Soul to supreme soul or god
Spiritual living & peace
• शास्न्ि य रऺ
More you peaceful state then more you are
– Ultimate goal of spiritual life is to be peace
• ठहजो य बोसरYesterday is history & Tomorrow is mystery.
• आज Today is a gift उऩहाय of supreme existence.
– आज भ िख्
ु खी हुन्न Just for today I will not be worry.
– आज भ रयसाउॉ ठिन Just for today I will not be angry.
– आज भ इभान्िाय हुन्छु Just for today I will do my work honestly
– आज भ सफैराई आिय गछुज Just for today I respect for all.
– आजको ठिन भ Just for today I will make my day special ववशेष
Way to get spiritual power
• मोग Do regular yoga posture, meditation and pranayama.
• प्रतिक्रक्रमा
Decrease your reactive nature and be more
• बावना Be Witness of all thoughts and emotions.
• इस्न्िम Receive more positive information from sense organ.
• रऺ Put your attention on your goal and let go your
• सभऩजण Boost your surrendering power
• प्रेभ Develop unconditional love
• यभाउनु Laugh and smile as more you get chance
• उऩवास Fasting
• भौनिा Silence
• प्रकृति Connect with nature
• िामाॉ भस्थिष्क प्रमोग Use your right brain
Key to Connect Body and Mind
• थवास-प्रश्वास Breathing awareness
• शायीरयक चार Awareness of movement of the body.
• चेिना Awareness of sensation in the body
• वरयऩयी Awareness of surrounding
• ववचाय Awareness of thoughts
• खाना Awareness of food we eat
• गीि-सङ्गीि Awareness of music or song
• चक्र-ऻान Awareness of chakra
• क्रक्रमा Awareness of any action we do
Five Spiritual Power
• Let go
• Forgiveness
• Unconditional peace
• Quick control of emotion
• Positive mind setting
न जामिे
सिमिे वा
न्नामॊ बत्ू वा
बवविा वा
न बम ू ् ।
ऩुयाणो- न
शयीये ॥
Thank you

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