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for Facility
Ciro D’Urso, Senate of the Italian Republic

The administration of a parliamentary institution implemented a

Computer-Aided Facility Management system to better manage the
institution’s real estate. The state-of-the-art CAFM system integrates
graphical and alphanumerical data for more efficient property

acility management helps organizations standardization attempts—such as the Industry
more efficiently manage their real estate, Foundation Classes (ISO 16739), developed by
and it’s extremely important when you’re the International Alliance for Interoperability
managing historic buildings that house (; the Facilities Management
the offices of the Parliament of Italy. The Infor- Classes2; and the Integrated Facilities Manage-
mation Systems Development Department and ment Information System based on STEP (the
the Real Estate Department of the Italian Senate Standard for Product Model Data)3 —have yet to
manage a considerable amount of information overcome all the complexities involved.
about seven buildings containing approximately So, my colleagues and I at the Information
3,000 rooms (including halls, prestige offices, Systems Development Department and Real
and technical areas) and covering a total area of Estate Department developed our own Computer-
60,000 square meters. The facility management Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system
involves maintaining accurate data about the that combines traditional CAD software with a
floor plans, space utilization, asset location, and set of software modules. In particular, the sys-
technical plants. tem uses two types of data: graphical (managed
An efficient facilities-management informa- by traditional CAD software) and alphanumer-
tion system can better support the primary or- ical (managed by modules integrated with CAD
ganization itself, increase the building’s life software). The graphical data, implemented
expectancy and value, optimize appliance main- through producer-defined formats and open-
tenance, help schedule routine maintenance ac- source model definitions (,
tivities, and improve the quality of the working visually represents the buildings and infra-
environment.1 Unfortunately, current systems structure. The alphanumerical data concerns
are usually vendor-specific or proprietary, and information related to the buildings and their

2 IT Pro November/December 2011 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1520-9202/11/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

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CAFM client CAFM client
(client-server model) (Web-based model) Intranet /
-User interface window extranet
contents; the technical plants; and -Browser window
-CAD and other software modules -Java plugins
general attributes that the comput- -RDBMS middleware
er environment can store, analyze,
or present. The CAFM system’s
ability to link graphical elements CAFM
with attributes in the form of application server
alphanumeric data lets it extend -CAD engine
basic GIS software to a company’s -Flash engine
management system so that the -XML, XSL, XSLT
system doesn’t present just spatial
information.4 RDBMS
Other computerized systems
CAFM packages (Human Resources
System Requirements department, stationary
CAFM data
The first system requirement we de- requests, file system/
veloped outlined the project’s funda- document management)
mental objective:

R1. Floor plans registry. The system Figure 1. The Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system
must implement the real estate regis- architecture. The core is the relational database management system
try of the electronic planimetries (in (RDBMS), which stores all objects.
an appropriate CAD format), always
having the last version available and managing Italian regulations require employers to iden-
the versioning and the concurrent updates. tify any risk factors in the company and evalu-
ate their potential effects. Employers also must
The planimetries contain the geometrical repre- identify and implement preventative measures,
sentation of the building’s floors. monitoring their effectiveness and making im-
Next, we focused on building operations, provements as needed. They usually identify
which are characterized by three main facilities- such measures in a document of risk assessment
management functions: maintenance and op- prescribed by law called a DVR, which includes
eration management, property management, and various detailed attachments. In fact, the regu-
services (see We needed not only lations require employers to specify in the DVR
electronic versions of the floor plans but also al- each room’s measurements, flooring, wall type
phanumerical information related to each plan. and material, ceiling type and material, door type
We stated this requirement as and location, and furniture type and location.
The document also must state each room’s maxi-
R2. Alphanumerical data registry. The system mum occupancy, identify emergency exit paths,
must be able to store and update building in- and calculate the risk of fire.
formation, including the coding, typology, and
occupation of the rooms; any logical models System Architecture
of the technical plants in the buildings; as- Figure 1 shows the CAFM system architecture.
set management and classification for tech- The core is the relational database management
nical plants; and the location of people and system (RDBMS), which stores all objects. Pro-
departments. cedures, functions, and SQL views developed in
the RDBMS implement part of the business logic
Our final requirement focused on safety: layer to support interoperability with other com-
puter applications.
R3. Compliance to safety regulation. In the The overall system is accessible via the enter-
context of evaluating fire risks and employee prise network though the intranet or extranet
safety at the work place, the system must au- using a secure access protocol and a one-time
tomate the drafting of technical documents in password (OTP) device. The main software mod-
accordance with national regulation. ule (the CAD software) manages the electronic 3

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Rooms Assets Plants

Area Furniture Electrical

executed on the gathered data (R3).
No. of people Chairs Panels We converted floor plans from paper
or old computer versions to the new
Roofs Desks Lights*
format (the dwg format), storing all
Walls Bookcases Room files in the RDBMS. We also defined
Windows a set of metadata associated to each
dwg file to satisfy research needs.
Doors Lights* Network
After the digitalization of the pla-
Stairs Bulbs RJ-45 plugs nimetries, we started collecting in-
Halogen Switches ML
formation about assets to create a

sufficiently detailed taxonomy (see
… Patch panels Figure 2).
*Technical plants can be viewed under two aspects: their general attributes and the
assets that compose them.
System Integration
To address the integration issue, we
Figure 2. An extract from the CAFM system’s information taxonomy. implemented a module that links the
The taxonomy provides the proper level of specification. management system for legal and
personnel information with the pla-
nimetries to help locate employees.
version of the floor plans stored in the RDBMS, This reduced data duplication and kept respon-
while another software component (part of sibility for managing personnel information with
which was acquired as a commercial off-the-shelf the Human Resources (HR) department (not the
application and then customized) provides con- Information Systems Department).
nections between each file representing a floor In addition, CAFM can graphically represent
plan and the related attributes, also stored in the employee attributes—such as their title and orga-
RDBMS (such as space inventory, room codes, nizational unit. Considering the entities schema
occupation status, and asset data). and the relationships between the HR manage-
Two models exist for making the informa- ment system and the CAFM database, the in-
tion available to users: the traditional client- tegration was very straightforward. We simply
server model and a Web-based model. Both have linked the two database schemas—for example,
strengths and weaknesses, depending on the sce- we’d link a particular SQL view, defined in the
nario and user. After a deep analysis, we decided HR system and readable by the CAFM system,
to implement both models. The two environ- using the employee identification number stored
ments share the same data and spatial objects, in both (see Figure 3).
but the client software has much more function- One end the CAFM system is a consumer of
ality than the Web-based model, because CAD information managed by the enterprise infor-
software can more fully exploit client resources. mation system (EIS), while the other end of the
After implementing the infrastructure and in- system is the information provider itself for ap-
stalling the software modules on the proper hard- plications that need the real estate data. For ex-
ware, we started to feed data into the system. We ample, consider the application that manages
focused on two main issues: integration with our stationery requests (shown in the lower right
central information system and security. We used corner of Figure 1): the system must know where
the requirements as our roadmap in realizing the to deliver the items—which building, floor, and
overall system, first developing the electronic ar- room number—so to fulfil the request, the ap-
chive for the floor plans (R1) and then structur- plication reads the appropriate database views of
ing the system to manage the information about the CAFM system.
all plants and building assets (R2). Finally, we ex- The system also improves information quality
ploited the features offered by some technologi- by revealing data inconsistencies. For example,
cal packages (the Flash engine and XML/XSL/ consider the room number—there could be a
XSLT transformations) to introduce automatic mismatch between the actual room number and
report generation, starting from SQL queries the number listed in the computer system.

4 IT Pro November/December 2011

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Building Plant Task Link entity
of task

H Role
V unit
e Economic
Room Link entity
s Employee


CAFM system Human Resources system

SELECTBuilding.edificio,Building.id_edificio,Floor.piano,Floor.id_piano,Room.vano, Person."ID_N", Person."ID_VANO”,

Person."POSIZIONATO", Person."COGNOME", Person."NOME", Person."QUALIFICA", Person."IMMAGINE_ACCESS",
Person."ROTAZIONE", Person."X", Person."Y", Person."Z", Person."IMMAGINE", Person."X1", Person."X2", Person."Y1",
FROM Building, Floor, Room, Person, “VIEW_HR“
WHERE Building.id_edificio= Floor.id_edificioAND Floor.id_piano= Room.id_pianoAND Person_.id_vano= Room.id_vanoAND
Person."ID_N" = “VIEW_HR "."ID_N"(+)

Figure 3. Integration between the CAFM and Human Resource systems based on SQL-views. The HR database
provides the main data about an employee, and a plain SQL instruction can join the information from two
different repositories.

System Security Application and Results

For security purposes, we implemented a role- During the first year of system implementa-
based access-control model to clearly identify tion, we focused on the digitalization task,
the competence and responsibilities of the ac- spending a tremendous amount of time devel-
tors involved. The roles are classified as build- oping a reliable repository of the floor plans.
ing engineers, plant engineers, safety managers, Furthermore, we elicited requests for addi-
general operators, and so on, and an access tional functions and reports, formulated by
matrix relates each role with information speci- system users (the managers and technical staff
fying the allowed operations and building in the Real Estate Department), and we organ-
access. ized classroom and hands-on training ses-
We also exploited our taxonomy to catego- sions. Then we were able to turn our attention
rize the data the CAFM system manages, such to controlling fire risks and managing space
as geometrical layout; rooms-floors, rooms- utilization.
people, rooms-[...]; pla nt-elect r ica l, pla nt-
hydraulic, plant-[...]; and assets-furniture, Evaluating Fire Risks
assets-[...]. So, for example, a building engineer To reduce the risk of fire in any of the buildings,
might have read-write access to the geometrical we first identified elements considered to be a fire
layout of planimetries associated to buildings M hazard (certain types of flooring, ceiling, walls,
and G but just read permission for buildings C and furniture). We also retrieved technical re-
and K. ports of each plant (about the electrical wiring, 5

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List ofof
List buildings, floors,
buildings, floors,
and rooms

Main dataMain
about each
data building
about each
(area, number of rooms,
parliamentary group, taking into ac-
number of people,…) count room size and quality and the
distance between rooms. We can
generate reports through SQL que-
ries that specify room size, attributes,
and location and help us propose the
Here the user can define and submit some new room assignments. We can then
queries in a guided manner (selecting the
attribute of interest from a list) present the plan using the system’s
Web-based component, allowing for
of each
of each interaction and graphics in a Flash
(here are
visualized data data related
related to risk
to fire of fire)
environment (see Figure 5).
The approval process is complex,
because the politicians review the
Location of the
Location of asset
the asset
in terms of building, plan and request changes, leading to
floor, and room various iterations before assignments
are final (one of the last elections
involved eight iterations). The sys-
tem lets us simulate space allocation
in real time to quickly present new
drafts for politicians to review. Prior
Attributes of the to implementing the system, a room-
fire estinguisher
Here the user can select allocation change took approximately
Here the user can select which
which room examine and one working day to represent and re-
room to examine, and the system
the system provides a
provides a preview of the floor
preview of the floor plan
plan with the room outlined
ceive feedback. In the last election,
with the room outlined
using the new system, the same pro-
cess took only one hour.
Figure 4. Using the CAFM system to evaluate fire risks. The real-time
query console (a) shows information associated with each room and
(b) attributes related to the maintenance needs of a particular asset,

fficient facilities management
such as the fire extinguishers. offers considerable cost sav-
ings. Building, plant, and in-
air conditioning, heating, and so on) through frastructure planning and construction account
SQL queries (see Figure 4). for only 20 percent of all costs; the maintenance
The CAFM system can extensively report on the phase (approximately 40 years) accounts for the
information it gathers—for example, noting when other 80 percent. 5–8 The CAFM system pro-
a room is about to exceed its capacity—to generate vides considerable economic value to Italy’s
technical documents in accordance with national various government institutions. Recognizing
regulations. The system can also generate emer- this benefit, many Italian organizations have
gency exit plans as part of the DVR document. acquired facility-management services and re-
Prior to implementing the CAFM system, an lated CAFM systems from specialized vendors
employee had to spend an entire month gather- for building and infrastructure maintenance. In
ing the necessary fire-risk information to meet fact, for the second half of 2009, regional agen-
regulatory requirements. Now, that same em- cies had contracts worth more than 10 billion
ployee can generate and verify the required data euro (Source: International Facility Manage-
in just one day. ment Association,, http://
Reassigning Rooms after Elections A further effort is needed to address all infor-
Whenever Italy has political elections, we need mation that daily a facility manager must consider.
to provide suitable spaces for the members of For example, we plan to integrate a pervasive
Parliament and their staff. We assign the spaces monitoring system into the CAFM to analyze real-
according to the actual composition of each time energy consumption throughout the day

6 IT Pro November/December 2011

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for each building and plant. This will
help us develop short- and medium-
term cost-cutting strategies through
the revision of physical elements and
contractual clauses with commercial
groups with
Acknowledgments rooms in the
The views expressed here are those of the author; selected floor

they don’t necessarily reflect those of the Italian

Senate or any other organization. Thanks to Giuseppe
Briotti, software analyst at the Italian Senate,
and to Marco Desideri, founder of Infocad.FM,
for their technical contributions to the project.

1. J.N.W. Bos, “Software Analysis of a Figure 5. The Flash view of space assignments for parliamentary
Flexible Object-Oriented Facility Man- groups after a political election. Each room is marked with a different
agement Information System,” Product color, depending on group allocation.
and Process Modelling in the Building In-
dustry, Balkema, 1995, pp. 379–385. 6. D.J. Ferry, P.S. Brandon, and J.D. Ferry, Cost Planning
2. K. Yu, T. Froese, and F. Grobler, “A Development of Buildings, seventh ed., Blackwell Science, 1999.
Framework for Data Models for Computer Integrated 7. F. Sieglinde, “Life-Cycle Cost Analysis,” W hole
Facilities Management, Automation in Construction, Building Design Guide, 29 June 2010; www.wbdg.
vol. 9, nos. 5/6, 2000, pp. 145–167. org/resources/lcca.php.
3. F.F. Cheng, P. Patel, and S. Bancroft, “Development 8. D. Cotts, K. Roper, and R. Payant, The Facility Man-
of an Integrated Facilities Management Information agement Handbook, third ed., Amacom Books, 2009.
System Based on STEP—A Generic Product Data
Model,” Int’l J. Construction Information Technology, Ciro D’Urso is head of the Information Systems Devel-
vol. 4, no. 2, 1996, pp. 1–13. opment Office at the Senate of the Italian Republic. His
4. T. Schurle, A. Boy, and D. Fritsch, “Geographic In- research interests include project management, software
formation Systems and Facility Management,” Inter- engineering, facility management, and business analytics.
national Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing D’Urso received a five-years MS in engineering and a two-
and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 4, 1998, years specialization degree in statistics, operations research,
pp. 562–568. and decision sciences from La Sapienza, Rome. He’s a
5. Y.M. Dessouky and A. Bayer, “A Simulation and De- senior member of IEEE. Contact him at
sign of Experiments Modelling Approach to Main-
tenance Costs,” Computers & Industrial Eng., vol. 43, Selected CS articles and columns are available
no. 3, 2002, pp. 423–436. for free at 7

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