Assignment week 13-AnthropLing

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Name: Sabila Rahayu

NIM: 20019054

Assignment 13: Anthropological Linguistics

This is the assignment for week/meeting 13 of Anthropological Linguistics. Please firstly learn and/or
discuss the learning materials as delivered and references as written in syllabus (RPS). Then answer the
following questions clearly and argumentatively. You may discuss and learn in groups, but there is no
plagiarism in your assignment, then. Your answer to questions given must be upload to the system of e-
learning2unp (or if you face troubles or difficulties, you may send the soft-copy of the answers to e-
mail: at the latest 5 days after the scheduled-date of meeting). The uploaded
works after 5 days of the scheduled-date meeting are not acceptable.

1. How do sex and gender conceptually differ?

 The term sex is used when discussing the biological and/or physical differences among living
organisms in biology. But anatomical distinctions are never referred to as gender. This
phrase is frequently used when discussing the sociocultural characteristics of people.
2. What are the examples of differences between sex and gender?
 For sex, the example is Sarah is female and Deni is male. While for gender, mother is meant
to be a housewife and father have to go to work.
3. What makes language and gender occur in socio-cultural interrelationship?
 Because language is situated in culture, and because images of gender are created through
culture, and men and women are socially distinguished in all cultures, contrasts in some of
their communicative behaviours presumably occur everywhere.
4. How can you prove that gender naturally influences language uses in speech events?
 Because of the culture or habits that differentiate between women and men, we can notice
that in the workplace, for example, the public tends to treat men as if they are stronger,
smarter, and more responsible than women.
5. What are the examples of lexical deixis indicating that men and women speak differently?
 feminine, macho, beautiful, handsome.
6. Why do you think that Minangkabunese belongs to a feminine oriented language?
 Because it is determined that the Minangkabaunese lineage takes the mother's lineage,
which is called the matrilineal system. This kinship system is intended so that love and
respect for women will always live in the souls of men
7. How do you prove that women speak more polite than men?
 We can notice when men talk to each other, they tend to use bad words like swearing.
While women they tend to use more lovely words with lower tone.
8. What are the examples of gender may lead people speak in different ways dealing with
politeness strategies?
 Association, perspective, mindset, words choice can make a difference in the way of people

Learn Seriously and Good Luck!

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