Assignment week 14-AnthropLing

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Name: Sabila Rahayu

NIM: 20019054

Assignment 14: Anthropological Linguistics

This is the assignment for week/meeting 14 of Anthropological Linguistics. Please firstly learn and/or
discuss the learning materials as delivered and references as written in syllabus (RPS). Then answer the
following questions clearly and argumentatively. You may discuss and learn in groups, but there is no
plagiarism in your assignment, then. Your answer to questions given must be upload to the system of e-
learning2unp (or if you face troubles or difficulties, you may send the soft-copy of the answers to e-
mail: at the latest 5 days after the scheduled-date of meeting). The uploaded
works after 5 days of the scheduled-date meeting are not acceptable.

1. How do culture and language naturally change?

 Cultural change often in direct reflex of changes in a society; changes in the balance of
power among the different groupings in the society, such as shifting alliance among clans,
lead to a new alternative prestigious evaluation of the cultural practices associated with
these groups.
Linguistic change is commonly a weather vane of cultural change; as the society undergoes
change, the linguistic forms and the social meanings they enact may also change.
2. What are the sources of cultural changes?
 Human's intelligence and creativity.
3. What makes culture and language always change in the history of human life?
 Because human beings evolve over time.
4. How can you prove that culture and language in your society and environment change?
 By looking at history and relics such as inscriptions which show that the language used to be
very different.
5. What are the examples of language change due to cultural change in your own language?
 The changes in some words because the effect of using technology so that many new words
are entered and the old words are increasingly lost.
6. What is the language change?
 When there is permanent changes in the features and the use of language over time.
7. How do linguists explain how and why language changes?
 In order to reflect how our lives, experiences, and civilizations are evolving, language is
continually adapting and changing. Changes in language allow us to adapt to new concepts,
discoveries, and technology. Not only do words themselves change throughout time, but
also how we use them can alter.
8. What does language area mean?
 Language area is the uses of certain languages by different society as a speech community.

Learn Seriously and Good Luck!

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