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In the case of; Manzoor Ahmad Wani

S/o Ghulam Nabi Wani
R/O Kalsari, Pattan District Baramulla

UT through SHO Police Station Shaheed Gunj Srinagar

In the matter of:
Application for grant of Bail in Anticipation of arrest,

May it please your honour,

The applicant humbly submit as under:

The applicants most respectfully submits as under: -

1. The applicant is a resident of UT of Jammu and Kashmir and has every right

to invoke the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court..

2. That the applicants has, movable and immovable property and apart from is

having high estimation in the society and are being respected in the society.

3. That the applicant is sole beard earner for his extended family and may

likely face starvation

4. That the applicant is booked U/s 420 of IPC under FIR No. 22 of 2023 by

police station Shaheed Gunj.

5. That the applicant has not committed any offence of whatsoever nature and

is not involved in any criminal action nor till date have been alleged to have

committed any offence.

6. That the applicant has apprehension that he may be arrested by non-

applicant and police concerned may lodge a false and frivolous case against

the applicant in the police station concerned.

7. That the applicant is innocent and in the event of his arrest, the estimation

and respect, held by the applicant will be prejudiced and will also curtail the
liberty and dignity and affect the respect of the applicant, which he hold in

the society

8. That the applicant undertakes to remain present for any investigation by

police concerned and also undertakes to remain present before this Hon’ble

Court on each and every date of hearing.

9. That the male applicant is the sole bread earner of their respective families.

10. That the applicant undertakes to abide by any condition, which will be

imposed by this Hon’ble Court while granting bail in anticipation of arrest.

11. That the applicants has got deep roots in the society and will not try to jump

over the conditions of the bail.

12. That this application is supported by an affidavit.

In the premises it is therefore prayed that this application may be allowed

and bail in anticipation of arrest may be granted in favour of the applicants

in the interest of justice.

Applicant through counsel

Dated: 10-01-2023



In the case of; Manzoor Ahmad Wani

UT through SHO Police Station Shaheed Gunj Srinagar.


In the matter of:

Affidavit in support of Anticipatory Bail.

I, Manzoor Ahmad Wani S/o: Ghulam Nabi Wani R/o: Kalsar Pattan , do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:-

That the averments made in anticipatory bail application are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed


Verified at Srinagar that the contents made in affidavit are true and correct
and nothing has been concealed thereof.


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