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Tin: 103707534 Business Name : IBMJ WUBAKE Ltd Doc No: 61241512 Tax period: 01-Jan-2023 to 31-Dec-2023

Line Number Description Amount

5 Sales/Annual sales 128178942

6 Opening Stock 39943415

7 Purchases supported by 125877307

8 Closing Stock 56265210

10 Cost of Good/Services Sold 109555512

15 Gross Profit 18623430

16 Operating Expenses with 18380000

17 Expenses related to the 0

18 Expenses supported by the 0

19 Expenses not requiring EBM 0

20 Operating Expenses 18380000

25 Depreciation 0

30 Total Expenses and 18380000

35 Net Operating Income 243430

40 Investment Incomes 0

45 Non Operating and Extra 0

46 Revenue Surplus for Specified 0

50 Rental Income 0

55 Total Income (Add Line 35 243430

60 Investment Expenses 0

65 Non Operating and Extra 0

70 Training and Research 0

75 Accelerated depreciation 0

80 Bad Debts 0

85 Rental Expenses (<= 10% of 0

88 Tax paid on Export of Minerals 0

90 Total Deductions (Sum of Line 0

95 Net Income (Subtract Line 90 243430

100 Reintegration of Non 0

101 Capital Gains realized on 0

Tin: 103707534 Business Name : IBMJ WUBAKE Ltd Doc No: 61241512 Tax period: 01-Jan-2023 to 31-Dec-2023

Line Number Description Amount

102 Capital Losses realized on 0

105 Depreciation adjustments (+) 0

106 Depreciation adjustments (-) 0

110 Loss carried Forward from 0

115 Non Taxable Dividend 0

116 Agricultural and Livestock 0

117 Income Accrued from Saving 0

120 Taxable Income or Loss [(Line 243000

125 Corporate Income Tax to Pay 71449

168 RDB domestic tax investment 0

170 Foreign Tax Credit 0

175 Corporate Income Tax 71449

180 Quarterly Prepayments 49704

185 Withholding on Imports 0

190 Withholding on Public 0

191 Tax on sale of immovable 0

195 Withholding on Other 0

200 Total Credits (Sum Line 180 49704

205 Over payment from Previous 0

210 Net Tax Due/Credit (subtract 21745

215 Credit Claimed 0

216 Credit Approved 0

217 Credit Used 0

218 Credit added back 0

220 Balance 21745

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