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What are the objectives of APSC Council and ASCC Council

The APSC aims to ensure that countries in the region live at peace with one another and with the
world in a just, democratic and harmonious environment.This document is aimed at creating a
robust political-security environment within ASEAN, with programs and activities outlined to
establish the APSC by 2016. The APSC aims to create a sense of responsibility toward
comprehensive security and a dynamic, outward-looking region in an increasingly integrated
and interdependent world

ASCC is working towards ;

1-A committed, participative, and socially responsible community for the benefit of ASEAN people

2-An inclusive community that promotes high quality of life, equitable access to opportunities for all,
and promotes and protects human rights.

3-A sustainable community that promotes social development and environmental protection

4-A resilient community with enhanced capacity and capability to adapt and respond to social and
economic vulnerabilities, disasters, climate change, and other new challenges, and

5-A dynamic and harmonious community that is aware and proud of its identity, culture and

To achieve this, Member States are cooperating on a wide range of areas, including: Culture and Arts,
Information and Media, Education, Youth, Sports, Social Welfare and Development, Gender, Rights of
Women and Children, Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, Labour, Civil Service,
Environment, Haze, Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance and Health.

What are the problems ASEAN is facing? Give two examples for them.

• Territorial disputes
• Corruption
• Changing demographics
• Economic disparities and Inequalities in technology adoption and global
economic integration.

1-Changing demographics and economic disparities: ASEAN is home to young, literate and
increasingly urbanized and aspirational populations. Consumers in the region are demanding higher-
quality products and services and presents an opportunity for businesses hoping to tap growing
consumer markets.Governments must help prepare young people to face the demands of an
increasingly integrated economic region, through education and training.Issues ranging from
affordable housing, to low-cost, quality healthcare and education call for ASEAN governments to
work closely with private sector and non-government organizations.

2-Territorial Disputes and Conflicts : Rohingya Genocide. Myanmar Army initiated a genocide against
the Rohingya people. They killed and raped thousands. ASEAN could not respond to it the way it
should have and because of that International reputation of ASEAN. Myanmar Coup, Cambodian–
Thai border dispute, South China Sea disputes.

Which countries joined ASEAN in the expansion period? And what were their reasons to do so?

Vietnam, Lao PDR, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia.

Vietnam : Joined ASEAN after changing its economical plan from planned to a mixed one and
Vietnam’s membership of ASEAN is a result of fundamental changes in the strategic environment in
East Asia, including the end of the Cold War and the UN-sponsored resolution of the Cambodian

LAO PDR : Joined ASEAN after losing its foreign crutch that was the USSR and The Lao PDR had
several reasons and motivations to join ASEAN, foremost of which is the potential benefits in socio-
economic development and cooperation, and in political- security affairs.

Brunei Darussalam: Joined ASEAN after gaining independence from UK. Hence it is no wonder that
Brunei placed such a high significance on ASEAN, the first international organization it formally
joined. For a small, new state, emerging within a region that had seen phases of political instability,
regional co-operation in collective undertakings, that would in turn guarantee its political
independence, were indeed the preferred option.

Myanmar : Joined ASEAN for offsetting Chinese influence and resisting foreign pressures. Myanmar’s
advantages include its abundant natural resources and low-cost workforce that can be used with
other ASEAN countries. It is also strategically located. Myanmar is neighbor to a number of ASEAN
countries and a gateway to the huge markets of China and India.

Cambodia : Joined ASEAN after Pol Pot died. Cambodia had a free democracy, and was developing
and improving security in accordance with Asean policy at those times. The main purpose of
Cambodia joining Asean was to strengthen the economy and promote the economic programs. As
Vietnam and Laos join Asean, Cambodia could not risk being isolated.

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