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The Philippines is a country that has a unique relationship in the context of how its

government applies the concept of secularism that separates religion and the state. In the
article, it is explained that the application of secularism is the result of the institutional legacy
and the result of the strong ideology left by America during the post-colonial period.
However, there are significant differences that distinguish the constitutions of these two
countries. In the American constitution

Article III (The Bill of Rights), Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution provides that "no
law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship,
without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall
be required for the exercise of civil or political rights."

Meanwhile, the Philippine constitution is more explicit in explaining the position of the state
and religion in its separation.

In Article II (Declaration of Principles), Section 6, the Constitution states: "The

separation of Church and State shall be inviolable."

Although the affairs of state and religion are separated, through the constitution the state
provides for the accommodation of religion in various specific state affairs such as

First, the State allows the assignment of priests, preachers, ministers or dignitaries to
"the armed forces, or to any penal institution, or government orphanage or
leprosarium" (Article VI, Section 29.2). Second, it provides for tax exemption of
religious institutions and their property "used for religious, charitable, or educational
purposes" (Article VI, Section 28.3). Third, the State allows without additional cost to
the government, optional religious instruction in public elementary and high schools,
subject to the expressed written consent of parents and guardians and to the
designation of instructors approved by religious authorities of the religion to which
the children belong (Article XIV, Section 3.3).

In some other cases, this concept of secularism if we look at the history of how religion has a
stake such as in the drafting of the 1987 constitution, the state involved various elements of
religious leaders in the formation of the 1987 constitution which shows how religious
interests are also a part that is involved, regardless of how the Philippines applies the concept
of secularism.

History also shows how the Catholic church had the social and political power to mobilize
people to overthrow the authoritarian governments that took place in 1986 and 2001. Of the
various religious organizations in the Philippines, the Roman Catholic Church is the most

If we refer to some of the cases presented in this article, we can see that the political and
social power of the Catholic church sought to intervene in the running of the government:

Case 1: When the Catholic church and President Rodrigo Duterte clashed, which was
due to a joke issued by Duterte who condemned the pope's visit that caused traffic
jams. In response, some Philippine church leaders urged their followers not to vote for
candidates who were "morally reprehensible" and who had "little regard for the rights
of others and the teachings of the Church." The church leaders directly violated the
separation of powers. Church leaders directly violate the separation of state and
religion when issuing such politically motivated statements.

Case 2: the ideological clash between the government and religion in the drafting of
the reproductive health bill. Or it can be said to be pro-choice and pro-life. In the end,
the political influence of the Catholic Church could not cancel the legality of the
Reproductive Health Bill.

From various cases and conflicts of interest that occur between the State and Religion, the
Philippines can be categorized as successful in maintaining religious freedom by sticking to
the constitution that regulates it. However, the article explains how the dispute between the
Catholic church and Duterte slowly shows how the Catholic church has lost its influence in
the country's politics.
In Indonesia, religion is not only about belief but has become a strong identity in
influencing people's behavior. In some parts of Indonesia, religion is mixed and
combined with customs and traditions that grow in the community.
From this article we see how freedom of religion in Indonesia is discriminated against
and abused by families. When someone changes religion in Indonesia, they will be
intimidated by their family and even from the social environment because they are
considered apostates. Legal protection in this case is basically still lacking, because
of the strong culture of making religion a family affair, as we saw in the case of N
who refused to make a report.
The article also mentions East Nusa Tenggara, which is my home province. The
culture in East Nusa Tenggara is very strong and has merged with religion. The level
of violence in East Nusa Tenggara is high as a result of a strong patriarchal culture
through the tradition of belis or giving a dowry to the bride's family which puts a
woman in a state of responsibility to the husband who has given the belis. East Nusa
Tenggara is a province with a majority of Catholic and Christian communities.
Interfaith marriages between Catholics and Protestant Christians are often contested
in the community and it is not uncommon for families to discriminate against
interfaith couples as described in the article.

Translated with (free version)Dari artikel tersebut juga disebutkan bahwa
polisi melakukan intervensi kepada pihak yang berpindah agama

Aceh mendapatkan desentralisasi khusus, yang memberikan aceh dalam

menjalankan pemerintahannya dengan berbasis syariat islam.

Pada kasus ahok yang sampai menimbulkan demo yang besar, diduga karena pada
saat itu ahok menjadi salah satu calon kuat pada pemilihan umum gubernur Jakarta
yang merupakan ibu kota indonesia
Dalam urusan perceraian bagi penganut islam akan mengurunya di pengadilan
agama atau……….
Sedangkan bagi non-muslim akan mengurus perceraian di general court

intimidasi dan kekerasan fisik kepada pihak yang berpindah agama dan kepada
pihak ketiga
kasus N yang tidak melaporkan pada pihak yang berwenang
dikarenakan agama dianggap menjadi urusan kekeluargaan,
agama dan keluarga; pernikahan dan agama
belis, agama dan adat
apparat seperti polisi terkadang menjalankan tugasnya dengan beranggapan bahwa
ini urusan kekeluargaan

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