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The graph highlights data about the number of leisure activities on

customer products in four different countries in 2012.

Overall, it is clear that the proportion of leisure activities in Britain

accounted for the highest level of all clients' products, and cameras were
deemed the most prevalent, while most of the consumer products in
Belgium spent the least in a measured year.

In terms of cameras, Britain spent the most amount of money at

approximately 170.000 pounds, followed by nearly 165.000 pounds in
Australia, in contrast, 145.000 pounds were spent by Belgium. As
regards the leisure products in Australia, toys and books were spent
167.000 pounds simultaneously. However, the expenditure on cosmetics,
console games, and outdoor game accessories reduced significantly to
around 140-145 thousand pounds per leisure.

Regarding leisure of shopping in Belguim, 150.000 pounds was

witnessed in the number of costs before stable changing of other habits.
The last one was Spain, which fluctuated slightly, roughly 157 thousand
pounds for all consumer products.

(It is worth noticing that, English consumers disbursed the highest

amount on all these consumer goods and their maximum spending was
for cameras, 170 million pound. Belgian consumers seem like spent the
least and their major share of spending went on outdoor game
accessories for which they paid 150 million. Finally, toys and cameras
cost the highest for the customers in these countries in 2012.)

-Task Achievement/Task Response: Trả lời đúng hết câu hỏi đề bài, trình
bày đầy đủ ý, độ dài vừa đủ.
- Coherence and Cohesion: Lên bố cục của một bài luận và chia đoạn
hợp lý, có đầu có cuối. Các đoạn được liên kết với nhau đảm bảo tính
xuyên suốt của cả bài.Các ý, câu trong một đoạn được liên kết với nhau
chặt chẽ.. Chú ý cách xài dấu phẩy trong câu.
-Grammar Range: Bài có khá ít lỗi sai ngữ pháp. Đa số là những lỗi sai
cơ bản.
-Lexical Resource: Sử dụng từ, cụm từ một cách phù hợp, chính xác,
đảm bảo đúng chính tả. Tuy nhiên còn lặp lại từ khá nhiều

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