Present tense lesson plan

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Creating a lesson plan for teaching the present tense involves several steps to ensure that

students understand the concept and can use it correctly. Here’s a sample lesson plan:

### Lesson Plan: Present Tense

**Grade Level**: Elementary/Intermediate

**Duration**: 45 minutes

**Objective**: Students will be able to understand and use the present tense in sentences.

#### Materials Needed

- Whiteboard and markers
- Handouts with exercises
- Flashcards with verbs
- Audio/visual aids (if available)

### Lesson Outline

#### Introduction (5 minutes)

1. **Greeting and Warm-Up**: Begin with a simple greeting and ask students about their
day. Use present tense in your questions (e.g., “How are you today?”).
2. **Objective Overview**: Briefly explain that today’s lesson will focus on the present
tense, which is used to describe habits, routines, and general truths.

#### Presentation (10 minutes)

1. **Explanation of Present Tense**:
- Define present tense: Actions that happen regularly or facts that are always true.
- Form: Subject + base form of the verb (for most verbs) or Subject + am/is/are + verb-ing
(for present continuous).
2. **Examples**:
- Simple Present: “She walks to school every day.”
- Present Continuous: “She is walking to school right now.”

3. **Rules and Usage**:

- Simple present is used for habits, routines, and facts.
- Present continuous is used for actions happening now or temporary actions.

#### Practice (15 minutes)

1. **Guided Practice**:
- Write a few sentences on the board and ask students to identify the verb and tense.
- Provide sentences with blanks for students to fill in with the correct present tense form.

2. **Group Activity**:
- Divide students into small groups.
- Give each group a set of verb flashcards.
- Ask them to create sentences using the verbs in the present tense and share them with the

#### Production (10 minutes)

1. **Independent Practice**:
- Hand out a worksheet with exercises on present tense. This can include multiple-choice
questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and sentence writing.
- Circulate around the room to assist students as needed.

2. **Speaking Activity**:
- Pair students and have them discuss their daily routines using the present tense.
- Encourage them to ask each other questions and answer in complete sentences.

#### Conclusion (5 minutes)

1. **Review**:
- Recap the key points of the lesson: the structure of the present tense, its uses, and
- Answer any remaining questions from students.

2. **Homework Assignment**:
- Assign a short writing task where students describe a typical day in their lives using the
present tense.
- Optional: Prepare a short quiz for the next class to assess understanding.

### Assessment
- Monitor students during group and individual activities.
- Review the worksheets and homework to evaluate their understanding.
- Use a short quiz or oral questions in the next class to further assess retention and

This lesson plan provides a structured approach to teaching the present tense, combining
explanation, practice, and production activities to ensure students can effectively learn and
use the present tense in English.

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