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Full Expected Question Paper 2024

Model Question Paper 2024
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120 Questions | 120 Marks | Section Wise Paper

Section - 01.GK With Reference to J&k UT ( 20 Marks )

1.Which of the following state does not share boundary with Myanmar-
(a) Assam
(b) Manipur
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Mizoram

2.Andaman and Nicobar Islands are separated by which of the following-

(a) Ten degree channel
(b) Great Channel
(c) Bay of Bengal
(d) Andaman Sea

3.Which soil is best for the production of cotton-

(a) Black soil
(b) Loam soil
(c) Alluvial soil
(d) Peaty soi

4.Where is the Bandipur National Park?

(A) Rajasthan
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Assam

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5.Which article of the Constitution of India deals with the ‘Right to
Constitutional Remedies’?
(a) Article 19
(b) Article 14
(c) Article 21
(d) Article 32

6.Who among the following was not a member of the Drafting committee of the
Constitution of India?
(a) B. R. Ambedkar
(b) K. M. Munshi
(c) M. K. Gandhi.
(d) Krishnaswamy Iyer

07. Who was the last Governor-General in India?

(A) Lord Mountbatten
(B) Chakraborty Raja Gopalachari
(C) Lord William Bentinck
(D) Lord Canning

08.Panchayati Raj System was implemented first in the pair of states?

A. Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan
B. Assam and Bihar
C. Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
D. Punjab and Chandigarh the climate report released by the United Nations (UN), which year
has been described as the hottest year ever?
a) 2019
b) 2020
c) 2022
d) 2023

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10.Amarnathji cave is a holy place for __________ pilgrims
(A) Hindu
(B) Sikh
(C) Jain
(A) (D) Buddhist

11.Where did the Kheda Satyagraha originate?

(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) Gujarat
(D) West Bengal

12.Who among the following rulers adopted Compulsory Primary Education

Regulation in Jammu and Kashmir'?
(A) Maharaja Gulab Singh
(B) Raja Amar Singh
(C) Maharaja Hari Singh
(D) None of these

13.Who was the last Muslim Ruler of the Rajouri region?

(A) Raja Anwar Khan
(B) Raja SardarKhan
(C) Raja Raheem Ullah Khan.
(D) Noor-Ud-Din

14.Which of the following districts is a part of Kashmir valley?

(A) Reasi
(B) Baramulla
(C) Poonch
(D) Kathua

15.Which of the following lakes is named as “Jewel in the crown

of Kashmir” or “Srinagar Jewel”?
(A) Pichola Lake
(B) Dal Lake
(C) Gadisar Lake

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16.Which among the following places in Jammu & Kashmir was called as
"The Land of Kings"?
(A) Shopian
(B) Rajouri
(C) Reasi
(D) Ramban

17.Which of the following lakes is the world‟s highest saltwater lake?

(A) Tso Moriri Lake
(B) Nagin Lake
(C) Pangong Lake
(D) Dal Lake

18.Which article in the Indian Constitution dealt with the special status of
Jammu and Kashmir?
1)Article 270
2) Article 370
3) Article 371
4) Article 372

19.Choose the correct statement from below:

i) The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019 was introduced in Rajya
Sabha ii) Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization bill made the Union Territory of
Ladakh without a legislature
1)Only i
2) Only ii
3) Both i and ii
4) None of the above

20.Who was the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir to sign the Instrument of
Accession with India?
A)Maharaja Hari Singh
B) Raja Gulab Singh
C) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
D) None of the above

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Section - 02 - English ( 10 Marks )

01.The children _______________ in the field now.

a) has played
b) are playing
c) plays
d) will had played

02.It ______________ raining since morning when you rang me up.

a) had been
b) has been
c) have been
d) was

03.This road _____________ to the post office.

a) is leading
b) leads
c) has lead
d) lead

04.Re-Arrange the Given Sentences

P. a huge surge of protesters joining the sites
Q. is the case, and all protest sites are witnessing
R. the government should know that quite the opposite
S. an image of dwindling numbers at the protest sites
T. While the spin doctors of BJP continue to try to create
E. No replacement is required.

05.Find the synonym of the following word

A)- helping hand
B)- hurt
C) - controlling others
D) - injury

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06.The antonym of ‘Compulsory’ is …………………
(A) Voluntary
(B) Permissible
(C) Absolutely
(D) Happily

07.……………is the synonym of ‘Ambitious’

(A) Problematic
(B) Kind
(C) Determined
(D) Hard working

08…… the synonym of ‘Assignment’

(A) Task
(B) Leave
(C) Quit
(D) Resign

09.Find the meaning of the given phrases

Keep at bay:
a. Keep at a distance
b. Keep at the sea-shore
c. Keep in mind
d. Keep thinking about something

10.Pull your socks up

a. To get ready
b. To improve
c. To start
d. To finish

Section (03) - General Science ( 10 Marks )

01.Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?

A) Wind power
B) Solar power
C) Coal
D) Tidal power

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02.Nuclear energy is obtained from the:
A) Sun
B) Fossil fuels
C) Wind
D) Nucleus of an atom

03.Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

A) Oil
B) Coal
C) Natural gas
D) Biomass

04.An apple is a rich source of which of the following nutrients?

(a) Sodium
(b) Potassium.
(c) Phosphorus
(d) Magnesium

05. Which of the given is the main source of Vitamin C?

(a) Guava
(b) Pomegranate
(c) Goose Berry
(d) Mango

06.What happens in the body of a person who is suffering from dengue fever?
(a) His platelets decrease
(b) His sugar level increases
(c) His sugar level decreases
(d) His platelets increase

07.Which of the given diseases caused due to the deficiency of iodine?

(a) Cancer
(b) Night Blindness
(c) Goitre
(d) Rickets

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08.Which vitamin is required for synthesis of the blood clotting proteins?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K

09.Which one of the following cause global warming?

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen

10.Vaccines against viruses are usually

a) Given at birth
b) Expensive
c) Either live-attenuated or killed
d) Mainly polysaccharide

Section - 04 Math & Reasoning ( 10 Marks )

01.What will be the next number in the series 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, .......?

02.What will be the missing number in the series 196, 169, 144, __, 100, 81?

03. If PINK is coded as 1691411, then RED will be coded as -


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04.Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence -
1. Frog
2. Grass
3. Grasshopper
4. Eagle
5. Snake

1)2, 3, 1, 5, 4
2) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
3) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
4) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2

05.Marathon is to race as hibernation is to -

B) summer
C) sleep
D) bear

06.The average of three numbers is 77. The first number is twice the
second and the second number is twice the third. Find the first number.
a. 33
b. 66
c. 77
d. 132

07.Knowing that Vijay’s expenditure for first 3 days is Rs. 100, Rs. 125
and Rs. 85, what is his 4th day expenditure as his 4 days average
expenditure Rs. 90?
a. Rs. 220
b. Rs. 60
c. Rs. 50
d. Rs. 90

08. 5% of 5% of Rs. 100 is

a. Rs. 0.25
b. Rs. 0.50
c. Rs. 10
d. Rs. 25

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09.Two numbers are in the ration 4:7. When these two numbers are added,
the result is 33. Find the numbers.
A) 10 and 23
B) 3 and 30
C) 12 and 21
D) 13 and 20

10.If 3:a = 1:9, then find the value of a.

A) 24
B) 27
C) 21
D) 18

Section ( 05 ) Computer ( 10 Marks )

01.RAM stands for

A) Random origin money
B) Random only memory
C) Read only memory
D) Random access memory

02.BIOS stands for

A) Basic Input Output system
B) Binary Input output system
C) Basic Input Off system
D) all the above

03. Which of the following refers to a small, single site network?


04.Which of the following is not a valid Email address?

B) abcd;
D) "abcdef"

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05. Which of the following storage is used to store data permanently
even after the power supply to computer is turned Off?
A) Registers
B) Cache Memory

06.Which of the following is a web browser used to access the Internet?

(A) Microsoft Access
(B) Google Chrome
(C) Adobe Reader
(D) Flash

07.Which generation of computers was VLSI microprocessor based in?

(A) First generation
(B) Fourth generation
(C) Fifth generation
(D) Third generation

08.Which of the following is an output device?

(A) Joy stick
(B) Scanner
(C) Graphic plotter
(D) Light pen

09.Which of the following can access the server?

a) Web Client
b) User
c) Web Browser
d) Web Server

10.Number of page orientations allowed in PowerPoint is

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

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Section 06 - Specialization ( 60 Marks )

01. The „Government and Non Government Programmes‟ related to

Medical health care, Adoption, Foster care, Institutional care, children
act and children rightsare aimed at
A. Promoting sports among youth
B. Improving nutritional outcomes
C. Providing care and protection to children
D. Promoting early childhood education

02.Anganwadi Services‟ are primarily aimed at:

A. Providing healthcare to the elderly
B. Promoting the education of girls
C. Providing early childhood care and education
D. Promoting sports among youth

03.Which of the following best describes the concept of social change?

a) Changes in geographical conditions of a society
b) Alterations in the size and composition of a society
c) Variations from accepted modes of life over time
d) All of the above

04.Which of the following is NOT identified as a major historical social

change by historians?
a) Hunting societies to pastoral societies
b) Agrarian societies to industrial societies
c) Industrial societies to service economies
d) Steam engine enabling industrialization

05.Which characteristic best signifies the continuous nature of social change?

a) Change is morally neutral
b) Human wants keep modifying requiring change
c) Change denotes a time sequence
d) Change takes place everywhere

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06. How do natural disasters like tsunamis impact social change?
a) They progress development plans
b) They rupture existing social order
c) They redistribute wealth equitably
d) They hardly bring any change

07.Which driver does NOT directly cause social change?

a) Population demographics
b) Economic factors
c) Celebrities and films
d) Political legislation

08.How did India's green revolution contribute to its industrialization?

a) Improved defence production
b) Boosted service sector growth
c) Created links with agrarian economy
d) Caused technological stagnation

09. Which of the following best describes marriage?

a) A contract for reproduction
b) A social obligation
c) A union providing mutual companionship.
d) An economic arrangement

10.Which function of marriage involves meeting needs for belongingness

and intimacy?
a) Regulating sexual behavior
b) Assigning family roles
c) Socializing future citizens
d) Meeting emotional needs

11.In a polygynous marriage, a man can have:

a) One wife
b) Two wives
c) Up to four wives
d) Unlimited wives

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12.Which type of polygyny involves marrying the sisters of one's wife?
a) Fraternal
b) Sororal
c) Non-sororal
d) Cross

13. Under which marriage rule is marrying within one's village prohibited?
b) Endogamy
c) Village exogamy.
d) Kin exogamy

14.Who among the following is credited with defining society as a

web of social relationships?
a) Auguste Comte
b) Herbert Spencer
c) Emile Durkheim
d) Robert M. MacIver

15.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of society?

a) Dynamic
b) Abstract
c) Rigid
d) Interdependent

16.Associations in sociology refer to:

a) Voluntary alliances pursuing shared interests
b) Government welfare schemes
c) Philanthropic initiatives
d) Business partnerships

17) As per Ferdinand Tönnies, community refers to:

a) A professional body
b) A group sharing territorial ties
c) An organic social group
d) An economic alliance

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18. Which among the following would be considered a secondary
group in sociology?
a) A family
b) A school
c) A Facebook group
d) A neighborhood

19. Which sociological perspective explains the origin of society using

material factors?
a) Functionalist
b) Symbolic interactionist
c) Historical materialist
d) Conflict theorist

20.What is the impact of globalization on public health?

A. Globalization has no impact on public health
B. Globalization promotes global health by facilitating the exchange of
medical knowledge, resources, and technologies, but it can also exacerbate
health inequalities and challenges
C. Globalization leads to the deterioration of public health due to
increased exposure to diseases and environmental hazards
D. Globalization leads to the isolation of communities and the
protection of public health

21.Which term describes the involuntary movement of individuals or

groups from one social position to another?
A. Socialization
B. Social mobility
C. Social stratification
D. Socialization

22.Which term describes the process by which individuals learn

to behave in a socially acceptable manner?
A. Socialization
B. Conformity
C. Deviance
D. Rebellion

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23.What distinguishes a rural community from an urban community?
A. Population density
B. Economic activity
C. Ethnic diversity
D. Access to amenities

24.Which factor is essential for the success of an association?

A. Large membership base
B. High turnover rate
C. Effective leadership and governance
D. Limited financial resources

25.What does global warming mean?

1. Over-production of greenhouse gases which increase global temperature
2. Over-use of natural gas
3. Unplanned decomposition of organic waste which produces poisonous
methane gas
4. Increase in temperature

26.What does the Latin term 'Justitia' convey?

1. Idea of liberty
2. Idea of right
3. Idea of judge
4. Idea of binding rules

27.Which of the following tribes does NOT follow the matrilineal kinship
1. Khasis of Assam
2. Garo of Assam
3. Nayars of Kerala
4. Bhils of Tripura

28.Which of the following is NOT a corrective measure of juvenile

1. The Case is headed by a high court magistrate
2. Using probation technique
3. Till the judgement of the court a delinquent stays in a Demand home
4. They are kept in approved schools for special training

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29.Which of the following are the characteristic ofAssociation?
1. We feeling
2. Goal oriented
3. Rational relationship
4. Spontaneous relationship
1. 1 and 2
2. 2 and 3
3. 3 and 4
4. 2 and 4

30. Which of the following schemes is known as a women in difficult

1. Swadhar
2. Women helpline scheme
3. Rajiv Gandhi Scheme of empowerment
4. One stop centre scheme

31.What does the term 'philanthropy' mean?

1. Acts of donation
2. Acts of morality
3. Acts of pure soul
4. Acts of love for humanity.

32.Who among the following is considered as a juvenile delinquent?

1. 14-year-old, Mohit, bunked his classes to watch movie and then lied to
2. 15-year-old, Soham, is taking drugs with his friends
3. 30-year-old, Virender, is indulged in leaking papers from college
4. 19-year-old, Ahaan, driving his bike rashly

33.Which among the following theories believe caste system in India is

established by the Brahmins?
1. The Traditional theory
2. The Functional theory
3. The Political theory
4. The Racial theory

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34. Which of the following areas are increasingly becoming the most important
indicators of social development?
1. Adult education and training
2. Job satisfaction and wage compensation
3. Sanitation and hygien
4. Sex ratio and mortality rate

35.Ganga does not believe in the caste system and she is opposed to
priesthood and the worship of idols. She would be a follower of
1. Brahmo Samaj
2. Prathana Samaj
3. Ramakrishna Mission
4. Arya Samaj

36.Which of the following statements is FALSE about relationship between

sociology and social work?
1. Both deal with the problems that occur due to the changes in modern society
2. Both are truly practical in nature
3. Both are based on humanitarian values.
4. Both deal with society

37.When was the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) launched in
1. December 2000
2. April 2007
3. February 2005
4. September 2005

38. Which of the following is NOT an important achievement of e-Panchayat

1. Transparency in accounting
2. RTI compliance
3. Encouraging investment in villages
4. Prepared National Asset Directory

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39. According to Harrod and Domar, for economic development of the country
which of the following steps is necessary?
1. Investments that increase capital stock
2. Saving of national income
3. Saving and investment in new projects
4. Accumulating personal income

40. Which of the following is NOT a key character of a social networking site?
1. It is a web based service
2. It is an information sharing platform
3. It is a good media to reserve authenticity
4. It is a good media to maintain social life

41.A society 'X' has a population of 400,000 where CDR was 4.5 and life
expectancy was 55 years in 2000, while in 2010 it was 3.4 and 60 years
respectively. This statement indicates which of the following factors?
1. Improvement in birth rate
2. Improvement in sanitation
3. Improvement in education
4. Improvement in medical facility

42.Which of the following statements is FALSE about NREGA Act?

1. NREG Act is now known as MGNREG Act
2. On 31st December, 2009, this act came into action
3. Wage rate notified by the centre shall not be less than Rs. 60 per day
4. Applicants get work within 15 days after submission of their applications

43.Which of the following is NOT an important - feature of the Rajiv Gandhi

Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan?
1. Promoting people's participation in decision making of Panchayats
2. Strengthening Gram Sabhas
3. Strengthing Panchayats financially
4. Putting the Panchayats and the Municipalities on the centre stage

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44. Which of the following is an advantage of social networking sites?
1. Increased face to face interaction
2. Very easy to keep in contact with people of similar interests
3. Decreased crime
4. Increased retention power

45. Which of the following is the key concept of human rights?

1. Equality in identity
2. Equality in dignity
3. Equality in morality
4. Equality in socio economic standards

46..The Poshan Abhiyaan Was launched in which of the following year

. A) 2018
. B) 2019
C) 2020
D) 2021

47.The Poshan Abhiyaan Was launched on which of the following day

A) International women day
B) Children day
C) Teachers day
D) Ghandian day

48.What is full form of poshan scheme ?

A) Prime Minister,s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Department
B) Prime Minister overreach scheme of Holistic nutrition
C) Prime Minister,s Overarching scheme for Holistic Nutrition
D) All of the above

49. The poshan scheme come under which ministry of the following
A) Ministry of women and child development.
B) Ministry of Education only
C) Ministry of health

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50.The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojna Orginally Launch in which of the
following year

51. The PMMVY is which type of scheme.

A)Central sponsored
B)State sponsored
C)Both of the above
D)None of the above

52.The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojna comes under which one of the
Relevant ministry ?
A)Ministry of Home affairs
B)Ministry of women and child development
C)Ministry of health
D)None of the above

53.The main objective of the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana yogana is to which
one of the following ?
A)It provides a partial wage compensation to women for wage loss during child birth
and child care
B)To provide conditions for safe delivery
C)To provide good nutrition and feeding practices
D)All of the above

54.Consider the following statements in relation to Janani Suraksha Yojana :

1. It is a safe motherhood intervention of the State Health Departments.
2. Its objective is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality among poor pregnant
3. It aims to promote institutional delivery among poor pregnant women.
4. Its objective includes providing public health facilities to sick infants up to one
year of age

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[A] Only one
[B] Only two
[C] Only three
[D] All four

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55.National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched in
(A) 2001
(B) 2003
(C) 2005
(D) 2007

56.What are social institutions comprised of?

a) Traditions and rituals
b) Norms, values, folkways and mores
c) Laws and policies
d) Social groups

57.Which of the following is NOT a function of social institutions?

a) Transmission of culture
b) Population growth
c) Social welfare and development
d) Provision of recreational activities

58. The family unit fulfills which basic needs?

a) Economic support only
b) Physical and emotional needs only
c) Economic, emotional and socialization needs
d) Economic and physical needs only

59.What does the educational institution provide?

a) Knowledge and skills
b) Employment
c) Healthcare
d) Law and order

60.Which institution regulates production and consumption of goods and

a) Political
b) Religious
c) Economic
d) Military

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