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The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java called Padjadjaran. The king had a beautiful
daughter named Dayang Sumbi. She was single because she did not want to marry anyone except
Jaka Sangara, a man riding a dog with wonderful magical strength.

One day, Dayang Sumbi was weaving cloth on the bank of a river. She saw a puppy dog almost
drowned in the river. Without any hesitation, she jumped into the water and saved the puppy.
The rescued puppy then turned into a handsome man who was known as Jaka Sangara. They fell
in love and got married.

Before leaving to go west, Jaka Sangara told his wife some rules she must follow while he was
away. However, many years later, Dayang Sumbi broke the rules, and as a result, Jaka Sangara
did not return to her.

Dayang Sumbi was sad and lonely without her husband. She had two children, Sangkuriang and
Tunggaranuih. When they grew up, Sangkuriang fell in love with his mother (Dayang Sumbi), as
he did not know that she was his real mother.

Dayang Sumbi could not accept Sangkuriang's love because it was a forbidden love. She asked
Sangkuriang to make her a lake and a boat as big as a lake. If he could make these for her before
sunrise, she would accept his love.

With his supernatural power, Sangkuriang almost succeeded in making the lake and the boat.
However, when the morning sun rose, Dayang Sumbi awoke and lit up the eastern horizon with
her shining shawl so that it looked like the sun was rising.

Realizing that Dayang Sumbi had cheated him, Sangkuriang was furious. With rage and anger,
he kicked the lake, causing it to overflow. He also threw away the boat, turning it into the
mountain of Tangkuban Perahu (the boat's overturned).

Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution

With the growing concerns over water scarcity and environmental conservation, rainwater
harvesting has emerged as a sustainable solution. This ancient practice involves collecting and
storing rainwater for future use, reducing our reliance on traditional water sources and
minimizing water wastage.

The concept of rainwater harvesting is simple yet effective. During rainfall, water is collected
from various surfaces, such as rooftops, patios, and specially designed catchment areas. This
collected water is then directed and stored in tanks, reservoirs, or underground cisterns, where it
can be treated and used for various purposes.
One of the primary advantages of rainwater harvesting is its environmental friendliness. By
utilizing a natural resource that would otherwise be lost as surface runoff, we can reduce the
strain on groundwater reserves and minimize the energy consumption associated with water
treatment and transportation. Additionally, rainwater harvesting can help mitigate urban flooding
by reducing the amount of water that flows into storm drains.

Rainwater harvesting systems can be designed to suit various needs, ranging from small-scale
residential systems to large-scale commercial or industrial installations. Residential systems can
provide water for non-potable uses, such as gardening, washing cars, or flushing toilets, while
larger systems can supply water for agricultural or industrial processes.

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting can be a valuable tool in areas with limited access to clean
water sources, particularly in developing countries. By providing a reliable and cost-effective
source of water, this practice can improve sanitation, reduce the burden of water collection, and
promote better health and hygiene.

Why Reading Is Important

Reading is one of the most basic skills that everyone must master. This simple activity turns out
to have many benefits for our personal development.

First, reading can increase our knowledge and insight about various things. By reading, we can
explore new worlds we have never encountered before, learn about different cultures and history,
and gain diverse points of view.

Second, reading can help improve language and communication skills. The more we read, the
richer our vocabulary becomes. This will make us more confident in communicating and
expressing our thoughts clearly.

Apart from that, reading can also stimulate our critical and analytical thinking skills. When
reading, we are faced with various information and points of view that we need to evaluate and
criticize. This helps us develop the ability to think deeply and consider multiple perspectives.

No less important, reading can be a means of relaxation and entertainment. Being involved in an
interesting story can relieve stress and take us to another exciting world. This is very beneficial
for our mental and emotional health.

Finally, reading is also believed to delay the decline in cognitive function with age. Research
shows that people who read regularly tend to have better memory and concentration than those
who don't.
Why We Should Save Energy?

For years, we have used energy resources such as oil, natural gas and coal excessively without
thinking about the impact on the environment. However, the fact that these resources are non-
renewable means that we must start changing energy consumption patterns.

Uncontrolled energy use can cause global warming and extreme climate change. Burning fossil
fuels such as oil and coal releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, disrupting the balance
of the earth's climate. As a result, we experience erratic weather, rising sea levels, and the
extinction of animal and plant species.

Apart from that, exploitation of non-renewable energy resources also endangers natural
ecosystems. Oil and gas mining can destroy natural habitats, pollute groundwater, and disturb
wildlife. The impact of environmental damage is not only felt by the current generation, but also
by future generations.

Therefore, we all must be responsible for saving energy in our daily lives. Simple steps such as
turning off lights when not in use, using energy-saving equipment, and reducing the use of
private vehicles can have a significant impact in conserving remaining energy resources.

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