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Part A: Week 2 Lecture 1 – Instant Centre Method

for Velocity Analysis

(Chapter 5/5 Meriam, Kraige & Bolton, Chapter 4 Waldron & Kinzel)

Learning outcomes:

• Solve the relative-velocity equation by finding a unique point with a

momentary zero velocity.

• From the perspective of the body, it will be in pure rotation about the
point at the moment under consideration.

• In many instances, this approach will be simpler than solving the relative
velocity equation and provides a valuable means for visualising and
analysing velocities in plane motion.

Instantaneous centres of zero velocity
At every instant during the motion of a rigid body in a plane there exists a point
that is instantaneously at rest. This point is called the instantaneous centre of
zero velocity.

A rotating disk without slipping

Situation (a)
• Velocities of points A and B are not parallel.
• The point about which A and B exhibit absolute
circular motion must lie on the normal to each
velocity vector.
• The intersection of the two normal lines locates the
absolute center of rotation at the instant considered.
• Point C is the instantaneous center of zero velocity,
and may lie on or off the body. It need not be a
fixed point in the body or in the plane of motion. 𝑣𝑣 C
= 0 m/s
• The velocities of points A and B must be
proportional to their respective distance from the
center of zero velocity.
• Thus vA = rAω and vB = rBω and ω = vA/rA = vB/rB.

Situation (b) and (c)

• Velocities of points A and B are parallel and share

a common normal line.
• The instantaneous center can be located by direct
• Thus vA = 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴ω and vB = 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵ω
i.e., points A and B rotate about point C with the
same angular velocity ω at the instant shown.


(1) The location of an instantaneous centre of zero velocity can be determined

by the directions of two velocities.
(2) Point C may lie on or off the body and C may not be fixed.

(3) At the instant shown, 𝑣𝑣C = 0 m/s. Point C is called the instantaneous centre
of zero velocity.

Situation (d)
If the velocities of points A and B are parallel and do not share a
common normal line, then the angular velocity of the body is zero at
the instant under consideration and the velocity of point A is equal to
the velocity of point B.

vA = vB

Applications of the instantaneous centre of zero velocity:

• To determine the linear velocity of any points in the body

• To determine the direction of the instant velocity of any points in the

For example
𝑣𝑣 A is given
Find 𝑣𝑣p

Since point A rotates about C (instantaneous

A 𝑣𝑣A centre of zero velocity)
P ⇒ 𝑣𝑣A = ωrA

The instant angular velocity is:


C (𝑣𝑣c = 0)

Important Comments
• While the instantaneous center of zero velocity is
momentarily at rest, its acceleration is generally not zero.
• It cannot be used as an instantaneous center of zero

Question 1: Locate the instantaneous centre of zero velocity of link OA
Question 2: Locate the instantaneous centre of zero velocity of link AB
Lecture 1 - Example 1
End A of the slender pole is given a velocity vA to the right along the
horizontal surface. Show that the magnitude of the velocity of end B
equals vA when the midpoint M of the pole comes in contact with the
semicircular obstruction.

Lecture 1 - Example 2
The flexible band F is attached at E to the rotating sector and leads
over the guide pulley G. If the band has a speed of 2 m/s, determine the
angular velocities of links AB and BD for the position shown (both DB
and OA are in the vertical position).

Lecture 1 - Example 3
At the instant shown, bar AB has a clockwise angular velocity of ω = 4
rad/s. Using the method of instant centres, calculate:
(a) the angular velocity of link BC,
(b) the velocity of point C,
(c) the angular velocity of link CDE.


• Understand the concept of the instantaneous center of a rigid body and be

able to locate it with the given information

• Know how to use the instant centre method to find an unknown velocity or
angular velocity
Part A: Week 2 Lecture 2 – Acceleration analysis of
rigid bodies to fixed references
(Chapter 5/6-5/7 Meriam, Kraige & Bolton)

Acceleration analysis of rigid bodies (Review)

The motion of a rigid body can be considered

as a combination of translation and rotation
about a point on the body.

Relative velocity equation:

𝐯𝐯B = 𝐯𝐯A + 𝐯𝐯B/A
where 𝐯𝐯𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 = 𝜔𝜔𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐞𝐞𝑡𝑡 = 𝛚𝛚 × 𝐫𝐫𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴

Relative acceleration equation:
aB = aA + aB/A

aA = Acceleration of point A
aB = Acceleration of point B

aB/A = Acceleration of point B relative to A due to

rotation of the rigid body about point A

Since points A and B are on the same body, the term aB/A results from
the circular motion of B about A.
𝐚𝐚𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 = 𝑎𝑎𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 𝐞𝐞 + 𝑎𝑎𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 𝐞𝐞𝑡𝑡
𝑛𝑛 𝑛𝑛 𝑡𝑡

= 𝜔𝜔2 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐞𝐞𝑛𝑛 + 𝛼𝛼𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐞𝐞𝑡𝑡

= 𝛚𝛚 × 𝛚𝛚 × 𝐫𝐫𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 + 𝛂𝛂 × 𝐫𝐫𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴

• Rotation about a fixed axis

Point A (on the rigid body) rotates

about a fixed point O.

r aP = aO + aP/O

= 𝛚𝛚 × 𝛚𝛚 × 𝐫𝐫 + 𝛂𝛂 × 𝐫𝐫

• General plane motion

Combination of translation and rotation

Translation Rotation

aB = aA + aB/A

𝐚𝐚𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 = 𝑎𝑎𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 𝐞𝐞𝑛𝑛 + 𝑎𝑎𝐵𝐵/𝐴𝐴 𝐞𝐞𝑡𝑡 = 𝜔𝜔2 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐞𝐞𝑛𝑛 + 𝛼𝛼𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐞𝐞𝑡𝑡

𝑛𝑛 𝑡𝑡

Interpretation of the relative-acceleration equation
• Separate translation and rotation components

aA = aB + aA/B

Interpretation of the relative-acceleration equation

aA = aB + aA/B
• Relative tangential acceleration term is always perpendicular to the line
joining the two points and the relative normal acceleration term is always
directed back toward the reference point in the equation.
• The magnitudes of the relative acceleration terms depend on the absolute
angular velocity and the absolute angular acceleration of the body.

Relative motion perspective
• Motion relative to A Motion relative to B

rB/A = -rA/B

vB/A = -vA/B

aB/A = -aA/B

Comments about solving the equation

• Identify the knowns and unknowns. The solution to a vector equation in

two dimensions can be carried out when the unknows have been reduced to
two scalar quantities. These can be either the magnitude or direction of any
of the terms in the equation.
• Acceleration components depend on velocities, so it is generally necessary
to solve for the velocities before the acceleration calculations can be made.
• Choose a reference point in the equation whose acceleration is either
known or easily determined.

Lecture 2 – Example 1
If rod AB slides along the horizontal slot with a constant velocity of 5 m/s,
determine the angular accelerations of link BC and the disk at the instant shown.

Lecture 2 – Example 2
Bar AB has a clockwise angular velocity of ω = 4 rad/s (constant).

Find the angular accelerations of links BC and CE.


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