Bridging the length of expectations

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Bridging the length of expectations, time to travel, and distance to learn, Cagayan Valley Medical Center

is deemed to be one of the busiest hospitals in the region for it accommodates hundreds and thousands
of patients, opening its doors & receiving patients without limits. It is our last rotation for this semester,
and we expected our duty days here in CVMC as a toxic one. We have our individual stereotype and
impressions of what CVMC is, and during the 6-day hospital duty, some were proved right, and some
were proved wrong.

We all know that the role of nurses can be demanding, and they may require the use of individualized
skills for each unique cases of the patients, hence the number of patients, quality of care is still given
equally and efficiently. It is evident in the surgical ward that the resources used are advanced and well-
utilized just to make sure that patient-care is given effectively. Indeed, as they say, “Nursing is an art.”
CVMC healthcare team thinks and works innovatively to bring centralized care to the specific diagnosis of
each patient admitted in the ward. No wonder, this hospital is an ISO certified healthcare institution.

John 1:8 states, “We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together
for the truth.” Some things cannot be achieved without the help of others; in a healthcare setting,
everyone must collaborate and communicate substantially-- the observed teamwork among the
healthcare team served as an inspiration for us young student-nurses to value a good working
relationship. We still have a long way to go and for sure, our communication skills will improve and as
well as to be accustomed in becoming the true essence of becoming a future Paulinian Nurse.

Overall, our stay in the surgical ward helped us enhance our capability to establish our relationship with
patients, colleagues, administrators, and other hospital staff we encountered and we may encounter in
the future. Moreover, it motivated us to find the true value and purpose of our chosen career and
profession, and that is to be an agent of change not just with knowledge and skills but also with a
compassionate, empathetic, and courageous heart.

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