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INDEX NUMBER: 4030990023



JULY 2024

I, the undersigned, declare that this research project is my original work. I affirm that it has
been conceived, developed, and written entirely by me, without prior submission to any other
college, university, or institution for any academic award or recognition. This project has
been exclusively prepared for submission to Zetech College/Institute. By making this
declaration, I attest to the authenticity and originality of my research and assert that all
sources and references have been properly acknowledged. This statement serves to uphold
the academic integrity of my work and the esteemed standards of Zetech College/Institute.

Name: Valentine Naliaka Simiyu

Signed: _____________________ Date: March 2024.


Signed: _____________________ Date: March 2024.


I dedicate this research project to my family and friends, whose unwavering encouragement
has been a constant source of strength and motivation. Their moral support has been
invaluable, providing me with the confidence and reassurance needed to persevere through
challenges. The material assistance they offered ensured I had the necessary resources to
conduct my research effectively. Furthermore, their spiritual guidance and prayers uplifted
me, fostering a sense of hope and determination. It is through their collective efforts and
steadfast belief in my capabilities that I was able to complete this project. This dedication is a
heartfelt acknowledgment of their significant contributions and a testament to the profound
impact they have had on my journey.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God for guiding me through my
studies and providing me with the strength and wisdom needed to complete this project. His
blessings have been instrumental in my journey.

A special thank you to my supervisor for his invaluable guidance, time, and resources. His
dedication and commitment to ensuring the quality and success of my work were truly
remarkable. His expert advice and constructive feedback were crucial in shaping this research

In the strategic development of an organization, employee training is a vital component. This

paper explores the relationship between training programs for employees and their
performance. By reviewing existing literature and conducting case studies, we identify key
factors that make training initiatives effective. Our research delves into effective training
methods and how to measure employee performance.

This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of employee

training on performance through surveys, interviews, and performance metric analysis. We
aim to demonstrate that well-designed and effective training programs lead to improved
performance, increased job satisfaction, and overall organizational efficiency.

Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of aligning training programs with
organizational goals. To ensure the effectiveness of training initiatives, periodic evaluations
and feedback on areas for improvement are crucial. By studying successful training programs
in various companies, we provide blueprints for the best strategies and practices in employee
development. The research concludes with recommendations on effective training program
models and their significance to organizational success.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................................7
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Background of the study............................................................................................................................7
1.2 Statement of the problem..........................................................................................................................9
1.3 Purpose of the Study................................................................................................................................10
1.4 Research Questions..................................................................................................................................10
1.5 Scope of the Study....................................................................................................................................10
1.6 Significance of the study...........................................................................................................................10
1.7 Limitations of the Study...........................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................13
Literature Review.....................................................................................................................13
2.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................13
2.1 Training programs and employee engagement.........................................................................................13
2.2.1 The Need for Employee Engagement.................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Elements of employee engagement...................................................................................................14
1. Culture...................................................................................................................14

2. Commitment...........................................................................................................14

3. Co-operation..........................................................................................................15

4. Responsibility.........................................................................................................15

2.2 Training and motivation............................................................................................................................15

2.3 Training programs and job satisfaction.....................................................................................................15
2.3.1 Effects of training on job satisfaction.................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Job satisfying and quits.......................................................................................................................16
2.3.3 Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism......................................................................................................16
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................17
Research Methodology............................................................................................................17
3.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................17
3.1 Research Design........................................................................................................................................17
3.2. Population and Sampling Design..............................................................................................................17
3.2.1 Target population...............................................................................................................................17
3.2.2 Sampling Design.................................................................................................................................18
I. Sampling frame......................................................................................................18

II. Sampling technique................................................................................................18

III. Sampling size......................................................................................................18

3.3 Data Collection Methods...........................................................................................................................18

3.4 Research Procedures.................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Data analysis methods..............................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................20
Results and Findings................................................................................................................20
4.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................20
4.1 Demographics of the Respondents...........................................................................................................20
4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents...............................................................................................................20
4.1.2 Age group...........................................................................................................................................20
4.1.3 Education level...................................................................................................................................21
4.1.4 Frequency of training.........................................................................................................................21
4.1.5 Training attended in the last 12 months.............................................................................................22
4.2 The Role of Training on Employee Engagement........................................................................................22
4.2.1 Training and employee engagement..................................................................................................22
4.2.2 Training and employee engagement in innovation............................................................................23
4.2.3 Training and employee engagement for better performance............................................................23
4.3 Training and Employee Motivation...........................................................................................................24
4.3.1 Motivation through recognitions........................................................................................................24
4.3.2 Motivation by Organizational Vision..................................................................................................24
4.3.3 Motivation through leadership style..................................................................................................24
4.3.4. Motivation through work itself..........................................................................................................25
4.4 Training and Employee Job Satisfaction...........................................................................25
4.4.1 Satisfaction with Work Relationships.................................................................................................25
4.4.2 Satisfaction with the scope of using own initiative and skills.............................................................26
CHAPTER FIVE.....................................................................................................................27
Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations.....................................................................27
5.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................27
5.1 Discussion..................................................................................................................................................27
5.1.1 Employee training and engagement...................................................................................................27
5.1.2 Employee Training and Motivation....................................................................................................27
5.1.3 Employee Training and Job Satisfaction.............................................................................................27
5.2 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................28
5.3 Recommendations....................................................................................................................................28
5.3.1 Recommendations for improvement.................................................................................................28
5.3.2 Recommendations for further research.............................................................................................29
Appendix A: Cover letter.................................................................................................................................32
Appendix B: Questionnaire.............................................................................................................................33

1.0 Introduction
The business and corporate world is very competitive and as time goes the competition

continues to grow a bit stiffer, to maintain business in such a competitive environment

organizations have to evolve and deploy training programs for their employees. Employee

training helps in the development of employees. Employee development is associated with

training programs that are designed objectively to enhance the knowledge, skills, and

personified abilities of employees in their respective departments. Such objective tailored

programs improve respective employee’s performance hence leading to the organization’s

success in the market. In this paper, we will research and analyze the correlation and impact

of employee training on the performance and overall success of the organization by

examining various training strategies and methodologies and their respective outcomes.

1.1 Background of the study

We can define employee training as the improvement of performance in the current job

occupation through learning (Amin et al., 2013), or it can also be defined as the task

undertaken by employers to systematically develop skills, knowledge, and behavior of

employees to ensure adequate performance on confirmed posts (Shaheen, Naqvi & Khan,

2013). Employee training is described in different models considering where it takes place,

we have on-the-job or off-the-job training and or outside-the-organization employee training.

Irrespective of having numerous definitions of the term ‘Employee Training’ from different

scholars and writers all of them agree that is involves the process of employees acquiring

knowledge and skills related to their duties in the workplace to enhance their management of

current and future situations.

The business environment is very dynamic since the situations and problems being faced

change daily, the situation a business faces today is not the same as it will face tomorrow.

Due such the volatile nature of the business environment with problems faced changing

rapidly, there is a need for continuous learning to cope and keep the business afloat. The
learning which is in the form of employee training will involve upgrading and updating

employees with current knowledge, skills, and capabilities. This will result in improved

performance, adaptability to a rapidly changing business environment, and growth of the

business which will make it competitive (Amin et al., 2013).

In organizations, there are many factors affecting performance including technology and

other factors of production such as human resources. Among all the factors, human resources

hold a vital position in the performance and progress of the organization. Therefore, every

business organization must take it as a responsibility to ensure continuous training of

employees to facilitate their performance towards achieving its goals and thus remaining

competitive. As mentioned human resources is an important pillar towards every

organization’s success, thus enhancing their contribution to the aims and goals of the

company is the right decision for sustainable good performance. This information then

influences managers and other top officials to ensure that their organizations are empowering

employees towards social competence and technical skills to help them increase their

performance (Afshan et al., 2012).

1.2 Statement of the problem

In Nairobi, Kenya Mpesa, which is a mobile money transfer service offered by Safaricom

PLC, is the most used financial service by millions of residents in conducting money transfers

and micro-financing services. These Mpesa services are offered at Mpesa shops set up all

around the city of Nairobi and sometimes anywhere by individuals through their mobile

phones. In this research paper, we will concentrate on the Mpesa shops and how the training

of those operating them has and can impact their performance. In most cases, the shops are

operated by employees who have been delegated by the shops’ owners, and in some cases,

the owners choose to do their work themselves. There have been many cases where Mpesa

shops have recorded big losses leading to worse business decisions like closing down the

shops due to inefficiency and poor performance of employees. The poor performances of

many Mpesa businesses can be attributed to employees’ lack of relevant knowledge,

technological skills, and social manners required to run such businesses. This problem can be

solved by continuous training of Mpesa shops operators in order to equip them with the

current trends in the market, required skills, and customer services practices.

In many business industries, employee training is a very important aspect of improving

workforce performance and many researches have been done to back it up but in the Mpesa

shops sector there are few researches on the same thus making its implementations and

impact analysis hard. In this research we are working to avail the importance of training

Mpesa operators and investigating its outcome in the shops within Nairobi. We will research

about different training methodologies which have and can be deployed and their respective

impacts in the operations of Mpesa shops. In addition, the paper will include the factors

influencing successful training programs and it will offer realizable recommendations to

individuals running Mpesa shops within the city on how to optimize their training efforts.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

In general, the research aims to investigate how employee training in Mpesa shops in Nairobi

impacts performance. The research intends to exploit the correlation between employee

training and their efficiency, customer service quality, and productivity.

1.4 Research Questions

The research seeks to answer the following questions;

 What is the role of training on employee engagement?

 What is the role of training on employee motivation?
 What is the role of training on employee job satisfaction?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The study is concentrated to doing research about Mpesa shops in Nairobi, Kenya where it is

exploring the need for operators training and its impact on their performance. In the study

various training strategies and programs will be covered including e-learning, on-the-job

training, off-the-job training, and the blended learning. In order to optimize the employee

training programs we will look at the challenges faced by Mpesa shops and how training will

help in solving them. In the fully exploration of the research mixed methods approach will be
deployed through surveys and interviews to utilize both quantitative performance and

qualitative insights from employees and managers.

1.6 Significance of the study

The study is significant to Mpesa owners and operators in the following ways;

1. Improving performance

The study aims to provide Mpesa shop owners and operators with strategies on how to

enhance performance, quality of services, and customer satisfaction through effective

training programs.

2. Addressing challenges

The research will explore in-depth challenges that are faced in the Mpesa shops

business and recommend well-tailored training programs that will address them.

3. Strategic development

In any industry, for an organization to be able to compete and sustain a life of

profitable operation it has to continually develop the knowledge and skills of its

workforce. This study will make practical recommendations in terms of effective

training strategies for Mpesa shop managers and policymakers to implement for the

achievement of continuous strategic development.

4. Contributing knowledge

Knowledge is power, this is a common saying all around the world over the years, in

the business world with knowledge you can have a competitive advantage. The

research will broaden the pool of knowledge on the financial services sector in

Nairobi and Kenya at large. This knowledge will constitute all aspects of employee

training and performance.

5. Economic impact

A good financial system leads to a positive economic impact, the study will

recommend effective training programs for Mpesa operators and this will result in

better financial service in Nairobi thus leading to economic growth and development.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
1. Geographical limitations

The study is conducted on Mpesa shops within Nairobi only, this means that the

findings will not include specific issues faced by Mpesa shops in other parts of the

country. Thus, the findings of the research will be generalized and assumed to feature

all parts of the country and countries where Mpesa is available.

2. Resource constraints

The research requires resources such as bus fare to move around the city to collect

data, cash for sustainable needs such as food while on the move, and time. The limited

nature of such resources meant inconclusive data collection and analysis.

3. Sample size

As Kenyans we have a peculiar behavior of not being willing to respond to such

activities such questionnaire filling purposes of public knowledge, we only turn up for

political rallies where money is involved. In the research, the problem of sample size

was evident since most Mpesa shop operators and owners were unwilling to respond

and this affected the comprehensiveness of data collection.

4. Rapid technological changes

In this era of AI technology things are changing at a very fast rate, most of the

fundamental operations of Mpesa shops may change in no time and this will mean the

data collected, challenges identified, and recommendations made can be obsolete the

next day.

5. Subjectivity in qualitative data

In most cases, the participants of the survey may give information based on their

perception or bias and not factual. This would mean that the data collected does not

represent the situation correctly and will influence the findings in the wrong way.

6. Regulatory changes
The dynamism in the policies by the government and respective regulatory authorities

in the finance sector may limit the relevance of the findings of the right way to do


Literature Review

2.0 Introduction
In this chapter of the research, the works of other people related to the topic under research

were critically reviewed. The chapter is based on research questions outlined above related to

the topic of research.

2.1 Training programs and employee engagement

Job satisfaction is directly related to employee engagement levels at the workplace, more

engagement with the employees is likely to result in more job satisfaction. Employee

engagement can be described as the emotional and intellectual commitment employees have

to their jobs and the organization at large. However, on other levels of satisfaction, it lowers

down to the individual personality of the employee, experience, and the type of job. Skills

enhancement, professional development, and career advancements associated with training

programs play a vital role in promoting employee engagement.

2.2.1 The Need for Employee Engagement

Employee engagement involves the attachment of the employee emotionally and

intellectually to the organization’s mission and vision through the allocated duties. The

higher the level of engagement of employees, the more likely the organization is expected to

perform. More engaged employees are likely to be retained in the company as opposed to the

less engaged ones since engagement bridges job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Ultimately, engaged employees are reliable and are willing to go the extra mile in putting

more effort towards the company thus resulting in positive business outcomes (Wachira,

2013). Employee engagement can be in the form of a sense of purpose, competence, feeling

of control, and impact. A high level of employee engagement can be translated to better

individual performance, productivity, retention, turnover, customer service, and loyalty.

Therefore, engaged employees lead to better performance and motivation, higher staff

retention, and higher profitability. Also, other evidence shows that highly engaged employees
tend to be attached to their company’s goods and services, that kind of association promotes

the fundamental business and thus success. In a competitive business world engaged

employees offer operational advantage due to royalty, high working energy up to the extent

of others serving as ambassadors of the organization, high retention, commitment to

performance, and business success (Saleem, Shahid, & Naseem, 2011).

2.2.2 Elements of employee engagement

There are four major areas of concentration for organizations that keep and improve levels of

employee engagement and they include;

1. Culture

The culture of the organization is made up of the vision, values, strategic plan,

effective communication, human resource policies, and foundational leadership that

are employee-centered.

2. Commitment

This involves the organization’s foundational engagement with the employee.

Commitment includes salary contracts, rewards, and bonuses. An organization that

has a good commitment to its employees is likely to achieve its goals since employees

are willing to make discretionary contributions.

3. Co-operation

Co-operation is the good working relationship between the employees in the

organization. This enables the smooth execution of mandates and the running of the

organization’s activities. An organization with cooperation among the employees is

set for success in its goals.

4. Responsibility

This is the most important element of engagement, it involves employees feeling

empowered as they take part in contributing toward the achieving in the organization.

When employees take responsibility in solving tasks it enhances their sense of

belonging and loyalty.

2.2 Training and motivation
Motivation has been either a personal trait or a result of the interaction of an individual with a

situation. It has also been indicated that things that drive motivation differ from one

individual to another. In an organizational setup, motivation is considered as the efforts

conditioned towards organizational goals and at the same time satisfying individual needs. It

is evident that when employees are motivated, they develop more sense of high esteem and

dedication toward their duties thus resulting in high performance. Maslow’s and

Hertzberg’s theories on human resource management indicate that the performance of

employees depends much on motivation. The theories depict that the motivation of

employees is derived from efforts to satisfy their needs through merit pay, rewards,

incentives, job security, training and development, and compensation. In this study, we are

looking at the training and development factor (Saeed & Asghar, 2012).

2.3 Training programs and job satisfaction

In understanding the relationship between training and job satisfaction we will address two

questions. First, does training affect job satisfaction? Second, does the effect of training on

job satisfaction affect the performance of employees either directly or indirectly? Training

raises the job satisfaction of an employee by improving manpower utilization. The result of

training and job satisfaction is measured by workplace performance. Some of the measures of

performance in an organization include; productivity, quality of the product, financial

performance, labor turnover, pay rates, efficiency scrap rates, job creation, perceived

company performance, and market performance (Otuko, Chege, &Douglas, 2013). ‘

2.3.1 Effects of training on job satisfaction

From previous research it's evident that access to workplace training tends to influence job

satisfaction positively; meaning job satisfaction is higher in organizations with training

packages for its employees. Training can be classified as either general skills or specific skills

training. The relationship between job satisfaction and the two classes of training is said to

differ depending on the employee. For the general skills training, employees tend to be more
satisfied since with the skills gained it is easier to move to other jobs which they consider

more satisfying. Whereas specific skills training limits the options for them, to change jobs

and move to more satisfying ones.

2.3.2 Job satisfying and quits

The previous studies show that there is a relationship of a negative correlation coefficient

between employee turnover and job satisfaction. This means that in the most satisfying job,

there were few cases of quitting. However, it’s not only job satisfaction that significantly

affects quitting but wages and job security also quantitatively do influence quitting. In terms

of what makes a job satisfying, it is discussed that long-term prospects and short-term

rewards make employees more satisfied with their jobs than the level of work intensity.

2.3.3 Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism

Job absenteeism is when an employee misses on scheduled workday at the workplace. This

has many diverse effects on the organization and the employer. Some effects of absenteeism


• Lost output of the absent employee

• Additional cost to pay overtime for another employee to fill in

• Additional cost for any temporary help

• Can lead to loss of customers due to satisfaction

However, from the employee side, researchers say that it can be beneficial for an individual

to be absent since it helps to provide some relief from work-related stress (Elnaga & Imran,


Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction

Research methodology is the process of handling and systematically solving the research

problem under consideration by following logical steps. This section describes the research

methods used in researching the topic, it looks at; the research design, the targeted population

during the study, the sample population and sampling techniques data collection methods and

instruments, and the research procedures.

3.1 Research Design

The research deployed the survey research design which is considered as the best design in

conducting research related to social science fields. The survey design is the best for this

study since it enabled us to get a collection of original data for understanding and describing

variables under consideration. By using the design, independent variables were identified,

and the relationships among analyzed in their natural setting. The independent variable in the

research was employee training whereas the dependent was the performance of employees

(Ogutu, 2012).

3.2. Population and Sampling Design

3.2.1 Target population
A population is the entire group of people, interests, or things under the study to be

investigated by the researcher. A target population is a section of the population from which

the researcher wishes to make inferences about the research topic. The population in this

study was the Mpesa shop operators in Nairobi County and the target population was 100

Mpesa shop operators in Nairobi CBD. Nairobi CDB Mpesa shop operators were taken as the

target population due to ease of access.

3.2.2 Sampling Design
I. Sampling frame
The sampling frame is the process of selecting participants from the target population

for the study. The sampling frame usually includes the list of members strictly from

the population of interest. For this study, the sampling frame included 100 Mpesa

shop operators based in Nairobi CBD.

II. Sampling technique

The sample size was obtained using the stratified sampling technique. The population

was categorized as owner and Mpesa operator (employee).

III. Sampling size

A sampling size is selected to represent the population under study. Mostly in a given

study, a sample of 30% is enough to represent a population. In this case, 35 Mpesa

shops were selected as a sample size, assuming each Mpesa shop had one employee as

an operator (Garson, 2012).

3.3 Data Collection Methods

Survey questionnaires were used in collecting primary data related to the study. They were

preferred because they ensured all respondents had the same questions, and the strategy of

drop and pick was used. The structure of the questionnaire followed the order of the research

questions about the study.

3.4 Research Procedures

For purposes of ensuring validity and reliability, the questionnaire was pre-tested by having

two respondents from the target population. The two respondents were excluded from the

final process of collecting data. The pre-testing was aimed at fine-tuning and refining the

questionnaire to avoid any errors during final data collection. The final process of data

collection involved dropping the questionnaires in the morning and then picking them up

later in the day.

3.5 Data analysis methods
The data from the questionnaires was presented in tabular forms and analyzed by finding

frequencies and means which were used to bring out the relationship between variables under

study (Garson, 2012).


Results and Findings

4.0 Introduction
The objective of the research was to study the effects of employee training on performance in

the Mpesa business industry. In the study, Mpesa businesses within the county of Nairobi

were used as a case study. The target respondents within the Nairobi CBD were given one

hard copy questionnaire per shop and in the evening all 35 questionnaires were collected and

all of them were duly filled.

4.1 Demographics of the Respondents

4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents
The individuals who participated in the study were 23% male and 77% female. It was

necessary to find the gender composition of operators in the Mpesa operations business.




Figure 1: Chart showing gender composition of the respondents

4.1.2 Age group
In this section the age of employee in the industry was determined by grouping them to age

groups. As shown below, individual within the age group of 25-34 years were many

constituting almost half of the population?

Chart Title
Below 25 Years 25-34 Years 35-44 Years 45-50Years 55 Years and

Figure 2: Chart showing age of respondents

4.1.3 Education level

In determining whether the education level of the respondents influenced their response the

research sought to get their education levels. From the representation below we have many of

the respondents with the education level of secondary certificate with 43%, followed by

diploma and certificate holders with 29%, bachelor’s 11%, primary 11%, and master degree

with 6%.

Education Level of Respondents

Master Primary , 4.00,
Degree,… 11%
Degree, 4.00,
Diploma &
Certicate 10.00, Secondary, 15,
29% 43%

Primary Secondary Diploma Bachelor's Degree Master Degree

Figure 3: Age representation of the respondents

4.1.4 Frequency of training
In determining of how frequent the employees undergo training, the research offered two

options; yes and no. The results were 57% for no and 43% for yes.
Frequency of Training



Yes No

Figure 4: Training frequency in a chart

4.1.5 Training attended in the last 12 months

In determining of whether the employees have undergone training for the last 12 months, the

research offered two options; yes, and no. The results were 57% for no and 43% for yes.

Training in the Last 12 Months



Yes No

Figure 5: Attended training in the last 12 months

4.2 The Role of Training on Employee Engagement

The research in this section was intending to get the insight about the impact of training

employees on their performance, organizational performance and engagement.

4.2.1 Training and employee engagement

In researching weather employee training has impacted engagement of employee in big shops
the results were categorized to disagree, highly disagree, neutral, agree, and highly agree.
Table 1: Training and engagement
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
Staff trainings has improved my willingness to accept 0 65 35
I am more willing to take new tasks due to staff trainings 0 70 30
Staff trainings enhance my commitment to taking the 10 60 30
initiative in helping other employees when the need
Summated 3.3 65 31.7

The results shows that 3.3% disagree, 31.7% agree, and 65% are neutral about training

impacting their engagement.

4.2.2 Training and employee engagement in innovation

Table 2: Training and employee engagement in innovation
Percentage (%) N = 35

Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement

Staff trainings allow employees to proactively identify 0 35 65

future challenges and opportunities
Staff trainings empower employees to always keep going 0 50 50
when the going gets tough
In my shop employees adapt quickly to difficult 20 40 40
situations due to staff trainings
Summated 6.7 41.7 51.7

From the results of the research presented in the table above, majority of the respondents

agree that training enhances employee engagement in innovation.

4.2.3 Training and employee engagement for better performance

Table 3: Training and employee engagement for better performance
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
With training, I am completely focused on my work 0 50 50
Staff training has made me give the best effort at work 15 35 50
each day
I am now more involved in my work and days goes by 0 40 60
very quickly due to staff training
Summated 5 41.7 53.3

General, the results from the study showed that the Mpesa operators agreed to the hypothesis;

training and employee engagement leads to better performance. The summed numbers show
53.3% agrees. Mostly, the Mpesa operators agreed that due to staff training they are now

more involved with their work and days go by quickly.

4.3 Training and Employee Motivation

4.3.1 Motivation through recognitions
Table 4: Motivation through recognitions
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
After undergoing staff training, I now can work on 0 65 35
important tasks
My training within the organization now gives me the 0 70 30
necessary skills to work in tasks from start to the end
I now take personal responsibility for my job outcome 10 60 30
after being trained
Summated 3.3 65 31.7

From the data above, most employee felt neutral about the issue of recognition impacting

their motivation at the workplace. Of the respondents, 65% were neutral, 31.7% agreed,

and 3.3% disagreed with it.

4.3.2 Motivation by Organizational Vision

Table 5: Motivation by Organizational Vision
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
After attending trainings funded by the organization, I 0 65 35
can now understand how my efforts contribute to the
Employee training imparts skills in long-term thinking 0 70 30
Staff trainings enhance my commitment to taking the 10 60 30
initiative in helping other employees when the need arises

Summated 3.3 65 31.7

The analysis of the provided data showed that most of the Mpesa shop operators were neutral

to the issue of organizational vision influencing their motivation. 65% of the respondents

were neutral, while 31.7% agreed and 3.3% disagreed.

4.3.3 Motivation through leadership style

Table 6: Motivation through Leadership Style
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
My supervisors have been trained on how to treat 0 70 30
subordinates with respect
Summated 0 70 30

The research was interested to understand how the running of Mpesa shops and their

management styles affected the motivation of employees. From the data collected 70% were

neutral on the issue.

4.3.4. Motivation through work itself

Table 7: Motivation through work itself

Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
I now find my work more interesting and passionate after 0 60 40
being trained
Training has empowered me to carry out my dues 10 60 30
without any difficulty
Summated 5 60 35

The section was included in the questionnaire to understand how training impacts motivation

by influencing work. The table above shows that most of the Mpesa shop attendants were

neutral to the raised issue.

4.4 Training and Employee Job Satisfaction

Employee job satisfaction can positively influence organizational performance, in this

section, the study was interested to know how employee training impacts job satisfaction.

The issues addressed are discussed below.

4.4.1 Satisfaction with Work Relationships

Table 8: Satisfaction with work relationships
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
I now enjoy good relationships with my co-workers, 5 40 55
courtesy of staff training
Staff training at my workplace has improved my 15 35 50
relationship with my supervisors at work
After my training at work, I now enjoy good relationships 10 30 60
with the organizational customers
Summated 10 35 55
Many of the respondents confirmed that employee training results in job satisfaction and thus

enhancing work relationships. From the data, 55% agreed, 35% were neutral and 10%


4.4.2 Satisfaction with the scope of using own initiative and skills
Table 9: Satisfaction with the scope of using own initiative and skills
Percentage (%) N = 35
Statement Disagreement Neutral Agreement
Staff training has enabled me to use my skills better 0 30 70
Employee training offers me an opportunity to learn new 0 20 80
Summated 0 25 75

In this section, the study sought to determine the impact of training of employees on the use

of their initiatives and skills. The table above presents the results, we have 75% agreeing and

25% being neutral. It implies that Mpesa attendants agree that training empowers them with

new skills and gives them the courage to use their initiatives and skills to solve issues at the


Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations

5.0 Introduction
In this, we have the summary of the research, discussions of the results, conclusions, and

recommendations. It is presented in line with the research questions and respective findings.

5.1 Discussion
5.1.1 Employee training and engagement
The research shows that employee training enhances performance by influencing engagement

at Mpesa shops. This supports initial researches which indicate that a strong emotional bond

to the workplace grows among employees who engage more often, this lowers cases of

absenteeism thus resulting in high performance (Aarti et al., 2013).

5.1.2 Employee Training and Motivation

The study shows that many Mpesa shop attendants were neutral about the influence of

employee training on their motivation at work workplace, the second largest portion of the

respondents agree to it, but very few disagreed. Those who agree are the ones who are

involved in employee training often, and the neutral respondents may not attend training

frequently. This implies that if all Mpesa shop operators attend training frequently they will

recognize the role of employee training in motivation at the workplace. According to earlier

research training of employees enhances workplace motivation and enhances employees’

knowledge towards their jobs and in turn, this will result in high performance (Saeed &

Asghar, 2012).

5.1.3 Employee Training and Job Satisfaction

The recorded data from the study indicate that Mpesa shop attendants who were involved in

the study agree that employee training enhances job satisfaction and in turn leads to better

organizational performance. Regarding satisfaction with work relationships, most

respondents confirmed that they enjoy good relationships with their co-workers as a result of

staff training. Also, they confirmed that after taking part in employee training them now
enjoy good relationships with organizational customers. On the other hand, on the satisfaction

with the scope of using their initiative and skills, many Mpesa operators confirmed that

employee training has enabled them to do the same. The above findings are in line with

previous researches which indicate that many managers use employee training to enhance job

satisfaction thus improving the working atmosphere which in the long run influences

organizational performance positively (Aarti et al., 2013).

5.2 Conclusion
The research on the impact of employee training on Mpesa shop operators in Nairobi has

confirmed the many prior researches on the same topic. The respondents in the study

confirmed that staff training enhances employee engagement in the shops and this increases

performance and most cases helps employees make the right decisions in handling some

complicated issues in the workplace. For instance, in case of a fraud instance in a Mpesa

shop, the engagement of employees can inform the decision to avert a disaster. Also,

collected data for the research confirmed that staff training leads to motivation at the

workplace. This was reached since those who agreed to the research questions in the section

were many as compared to those who disagreed. Training enhances positive traits among

employees which motivates them towards better work which further results in better

organizational performance. Lastly, the research confirmed that staff training improves job

satisfaction which in turn enhances organizational performance.

5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Recommendations for improvement
The study confirmed that Mpesa shop attendants don’t attend training about their work

regularly irrespective of the data showing that training enhances organizational performance

through different ways. From the research many respondents agree that training influences

engagement among staff members, the engagement in turn leads to better performance.

Therefore, it's recommended that Mpesa shop partners organize frequent training for shop

operators. This will not be a waste of resources but rather it will be an investment. Also, it
has been confirmed by the research that motivation levels that result from employee training

have a positive impact on the shop’s performance. Thus, it would be a wise decision for

Mpesa shops’ owners to create more training opportunities for their operators since it will

result in better performance of their shops. Moreover, the findings of the research confirmed

that employee training enhances job satisfaction which in turn influences better performance

of the Mpesa shops.

5.3.2 Recommendations for further research

To ensure a strong empirical conclusion on how employee training impacts performance at

the workplace other studies on different populations are recommended. This is because the

study on Mpesa shops in Nairobi included a small population and a small industry thus more

research would help to contribute to the understanding of the topic under research.

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Appendix A: Cover letter

School of Business and


Zetech University P.O.

Box 2768 00200,


1st June 2024.

Dear Respondent,

I am a student at Zetech University pursuing [Course]. As a partial fulfillment of my course, I

am doing a research study on how employee training impacts their performance at work.

The study uses the Mpesa Shops operators in Nairobi County as the population for the

research. The findings from the study will be used to provide the management with

recommendations regarding employee training and its impacts ranging from those on

employees to those on the performance of the organization.

The information provided in the questionnaire will be used purely for academic purposes and

confidentiality is assured. It will take you 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Yours


Appendix 2 : Questionnaire

PART I: General Information

Answer all the questions either by ticking in the boxes or writing in the spaces

1. What is your Gender: -

Male ☐ Female ☐

2. What is your age?

Below 25 years ☐ 25-34 years ☐ 35-44 years ☐ 45-54 years☐

55 years and above ☐

5. What is your highest level of educational achievement?

Primary level ☐ Secondary level ☐ Diploma level☐ Bachelor’s Degree ☐Master’s

Degree ☐ Post graduate☐

6. How often do you attend staff training funded by your employer?

None at all☐ rarely ☐Once in a while ☐Often ☐ Quite often☐

7. Did you receive any staff training in the last 12 months?

Yes ☐ No ☐
PART II: Training and Employee Engagement

Indicate your level of agreement to the following statements concerning employee

training and employee engagement. Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 strongly disagrees, 2
disagree, 3 neutral, 4 agree and 5 strongly agree.
Highly Neutral Highly
Disagree Agree Agree


(2) (3) (4) (5)

Training and employee engagement in the
change process
1 Staff training has improved my willingness to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
accept change
2 I am more willing to take on new tasks due to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
staff training
3 Staff trainings enhance my commitment to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
taking the initiative in helping other
employees when the need arises
Training and employee engagement in
4 Staff trainings allow employees to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
proactively identify future challenges and
5 Staff trainings empower employees to always ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
keep going when the going gets tough
6 In my organization, employees adapt quickly ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
to difficult situations due to staff training
Training and employee engagement for
better performance

7 With training, I am completely focused on ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

my work
8 Staff training has made me give my best ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
effort at work each day

9 I am now more involved in my work and ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

days go by very quickly due to staff training

Apart from the factors above, how else would you describe the impact of training on staff


PART III: Training and Employee Motivation

Indicate your level of agreement to the following statements concerning staff training and
employee motivation at Mpesa shops. Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 strongly disagrees, 2
disagree, 3 neutral, 4 agree and 5 strongly agree.
Highly Highly
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Motivation through recognitions

1 After undergoing staff training, I now can ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
work on important tasks
2 My training within the organization now gives ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
me the necessary skills to work in tasks from
start to the end
3 I now take personal responsibility for my job ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
outcomes after being trained
Motivation by organizational vision
4 After attending trainings funded by the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
organization I can now understand how my
efforts contribute to the organizational goals
5 Employee trainings impart skills on long term ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6 Training inclines staff to the organizational ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Motivation through leadership style
7 My supervisors have been trained on how to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
treat subordinates with respect
8 The organization leaders are sufficiently ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
trained by the organization on how to focus
on strengths rather than weaknesses

9 The organization leadership are well trained ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

on how to recognize staff suggestions

Motivation through work itself

10 I now find my work more interesting and ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

passionate after being trained
11 Training has empowered me to carry out my ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
dues without any difficulty
12 I now complete my tasks within time after ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Being trained on how to improve my
What recommendation would you offer the management on how best to use training to
motivate the staff of Mpesa shops?


PART IV: Training and Employee Job Satisfaction

Indicate your level of agreement to the following statements concerning staff training and
employee job satisfaction. Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 is strongly
Disagrees, 2 Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree and 5 strongly agree.
Highly Highly
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Satisfaction with work relationships

1 I now enjoy good relationships with my co- ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
workers courtesy of staff training
2 Staff training at my workplace has improved ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
my relationship with my supervisors at work
3 After my training at work, I now enjoy good ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
relationships with the organization's customers
Satisfaction with the scope of using own
initiative and skills
4 Staff training has enabled me to use my ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
skills better
5 Employee training offers me an opportunity to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
learn new skills

Indicate any other recommendations on how Mpesa shop owners can use training
to improve staff job satisfaction through training



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