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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26 – 36

Inhibition of asphaltene precipitation in Brazilian crude oils using

new oil soluble amphiphiles
Luiz Carlos Rocha Junior, Maira Silva Ferreira, Antonio Carlos da Silva Ramos *
Departamento de Tecnologia Quı́mica — Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luis — MA, Brazil
Accepted 4 November 2005
Dedicated to Prof. Rahoma Sadeg Mohamed


Asphaltene and resins are heavy fractions of petroleum responsible for serious problems during petroleum production. These
problems include the formation of organic deposits in oil reservoirs; wells, transport pipelines and equipment, and can significantly
increase the production operational costs. The nature and behavior of asphaltene in crude oils is complex and changes in
temperature, pressure and composition of crude oils during production can result in precipitation of asphaltene components.
Potential solutions for these problems include physical removal of deposits, solvent washes and treatment with dispersant agents.
The use of soluble amphiphile oils provides the most practical and economical solution for deposits treatment. In this work, the
inhibitory capacity of a number of new chemical additives to asphaltene precipitation was examined in three types of Brazilian
crude oils. Low molar mass ethoxylated nonylphenols, vegetable oils (coconut essential oil, sweet almond, andiroba and
sandalwood oil) and organic acids (linoleic, caprylic and palmytic) displayed highest capacity to inhibit asphaltene deposition.
The dissolution capacity of some additives was evaluated for two asphaltenic deposits in aliphatic solvents. The remarkable
solubilization effect displayed by dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, confirmed the importance of acid–base interactions in this process.
The results also revealed distinct mechanisms for asphaltene solubilization/dispersion in aliphatic solvents and inhibition of
asphaltene precipitation in crude oils.
D 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Asphaltene; Deposit; Precipitation; Polymeric dispersants; Amphiphiles

1. Introduction soori, 1988, Ramos, 2001). Deposits formation during

petroleum production causes several operational trou-
Organic deposits formation is a problem that seri- bles such as total or partial blocking of pipelines and
ously affects the petroleum industry worldwide with reservoirs, changes in wettability and equipment
drastic economical implications which depend on the damages. Changes in the balancing of the crude oil
extension of the phenomenon. In the literature there are phases during production and processing may lead to
many accounts relating the problems generated by the the formation of solid phases through the precipitation
deposition of heavy fractions in the various steps of the of heavy fractions, such as asphaltenes, resins and
production process (Islam, 1994; Leontaritis and Man- paraffin.
Due to their aggregative nature (Ramos et al., 2001;
Ramos, 2001; Mohamed et al., 1999a; Loh et al., 1999),
* Corresponding author. asphaltene and resins are important deposit forming
E-mail address: (A.C. da Silva Ramos). crude oils heavy fractions. These fractions are consti-
0920-4105/$ - see front matter D 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36 27

tuted by molecules with polycondensated aromatic on the higher additive’s capacity to maintain the asphal-
rings and lateral aliphatic chains, acid–base functional tene stabilized in the oil phase (Ramos et al., 2001;
groups and complexed metals (León, 1998; Al-Sahhaf Mohamed et al., 1999b; Subodhsen et al., 1999).
et al., 2002), varying in size as well as in their aggre- Commercial additives are mixtures difficult to char-
gation tendency. The IP143/84 (1989) procedure, acterize once they are produced with no scientific cri-
defines asphaltene as a precipitated of crude oil fluid teria and, in general, they are effective only with crude
produced by the addition of an exceeding portion of n- oils already tested (Boer et al., 1992).
heptane, thus forming amorphous particles soluble in A few studies have presented alternatives to identify
toluene or benzene. and develop more effective substances. Nevertheless,
Measures for solving asphaltene precipitation and due to the complex nature of the crude oils it is neces-
deposition problems are typically three fold: (a) the sary to estimate these substances with as many types of
development of theoretical models (Vasquez and Man- crude oils as possible in order to obtain more sustain-
soori, 2000; Pacheco-Sanchez and Mansoori, 1998; able results. Usually, the studies have addressed the use
Victorov and Firoozabadi, 1996; Islam, 1994; (b) the of nonionic amphiphiles, such as the ethoxilated non-
study of asphaltene interfacial and colloidal behavior in ylphenols for asphaltene stabilization process (Gonzá-
crude oils and model systems (Ramos, 2001; Ramos et lez and Middea, 1991; Loh et al., 1999; Mohamed et
al., 2001; Mohamed et al., 1999a; Carbognani, 2001) al., 1999b; Ramos et al., 2001, Ibrahim and Idem,
and; (c) the estimation of chemical additives for the 2004a), and the importance of acid–base interactions
inhibition of asphaltene precipitation (Chang and Fog- for asphaltene dissolution process in aliphatic solvents
ler, 1994a,b; Mohamed et al., 1999b; González and (Chang and Fogler, 1993, 1994a,b; Ramos et al., 2001).
Middea, 1991; Rogel and León, 2001). In the search for new inhibitors, the low solubility of
With respect to the estimation of chemical additives certain substances in crude oils has become a barrier for
for the inhibition of asphaltene precipitation, several the development of more effective mixtures as well as a
procedures are used to remove or prevent deposits restriction for those products practical use. Ramos et al.
formation throughout the production, transportation (2001), selected diverse polymers with functional
and refining operations, among which we can cite: groups similar to the ones usually found in the research
mechanical removal, use of ultrasonic techniques, concerning asphaltene stabilization in crude oils and
cleaning with solvents, removal with hot fluids or aliphatic solvents, being most of them total or partially
water steam and the addition of inhibitors and disper- insoluble in the estimated crude oils.
sants (Ramos, 2001). Solvent treatment comes to be an In the literature, few studies have evaluated the use
excellent alternative; however the most applicable such of vegetable oils for preventing asphaltene precipita-
as toluene, xylene, benzene and chlorate solvents, are tion. Vegetable oils are mixtures that, due to their
flammable, carcinogenic, dangerous for handling and chemical nature, are more soluble in crude oils which,
harmful for the environment. In addition, many of those in addition, contain some substances with characteris-
techniques may cause pauses in the production. tics similar to those found in amphiphiles already esti-
Using of substances which effectively stabilize or mated. Cashew-nut shell liquid, for example, almost
solubilize asphaltene in crude oils is either a preventive totally formed by phenolic compounds with linear un-
or remedial measure which, in addition, saves costs and saturated alkyl chains (fifteen carbon atoms) meta-sub-
ease its application (Stephenson, 1990). stituted in aromatic rings, performed well in the
Market products with amphiphile agents are used as peptization and inhibition of asphaltene precipitation
asphaltene precipitation inhibitors and the Pfeiffer mi- (Moreira et al., 1999). It was also observed that changes
celle (Pffeifer and Saal, 1940), one of the first attempts in pressure and temperature can cause an increase in the
to explain crude oils colloidal behavior, is still used as asphaltene stability, thus reducing the inhibition rate
to justify the additives effect on the asphaltene stabili- necessary for preventing its deposition (Aquino-Olivos
zation. In several researches it is assumed that asphal- et al., 2001; Boer et al., 1992).
tene particles are kept dispersed in crude oils due to The use of vegetable oils as inhibitors of asphaltene
interactions between natural surfactant polar groups precipitation is a plausible economical measure because
(resins) and asphaltene superficial charges. of its low production cost, cheaper than the cost of the
The analysis of changes in crude oils composition by majority of the commercial highly elaborated products
low molecular mass n-alkane titration is a common used as dispersants, its easy handling and operational
technique to identify the additive’s affectivity over application which does not cause environmental threats.
asphaltene and, in this case, such affectivity depends Yet, essences and vegetable oils present in their chem-
28 L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36

ical composition substances with functional groups from Dierberg S.A. oil essentials industry—
already estimated in the literature as effective in the Brazil).
inhibition of asphaltene precipitation (Moreira et al.,
1999), besides the fact that these substances are chem- The asphaltene precipitation onset was determined
ically compatible with crude oils, and thus usable dur- by n-heptane titration of the crude oil, and the particle
ing the production process without affecting the crude formation was viewed with the help of an Olympus
oil original quality. BX51/BX52 optical microscope. The additive effec-
In this work, vegetable oils and derivatives were tiveness to inhibit precipitation was estimated by com-
estimated against those of certain classical amphiphiles, paring the precipitation onset either, with or without the
in situations involving both, the asphaltene precipita- use of additives. The additive’s capacity to solubilize
tion and the asphaltene solubilization capacity in ali- asphaltene was estimated in aliphatic solvents (n-hep-
phatic solvents. tane and n-pentane), considering the ones that better
affected the asphaltene precipitation. Asphaltene con-
2. Experimental section centration in the supernatant was determined by means
of a Cary50 type spectrophotometer from Varian, in the
The A, B, C crude oils used in this work came from visible region (400 nm), and the increase in the asphal-
important Brazilian petroleum fields, and the asphal- tene concentration was considered either, as a marker of
tenes were separated from the crude oils according to IP the additive’s inhibitory effectiveness or ineffectiveness
143/84 procedure (1989), Ramos et al., 2001. To obtain in the asphaltene precipitation.
the asphaltenes, n-heptane, n-pentane and toluene were
used (all three purchased from Carlos Erba, with purity 3. Results and discussion
higher than 99%). The obtained asphaltenes were la-
beled as C7I-insoluble in n-heptane or as C5I-insoluble 3.1. Asphaltene precipitation onset in crude oils
in n-pentane.
The following substances were evaluated as asphal- The evaluated crude oils presented different charac-
tene precipitation inhibitors: teristics, as shown in Table 1 for C7I and C5I asphal-
tene content and for the precipitation onset. Yet, crude
(i) Ionic surfactants — dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid oil C presents a great amount of suspended paraffin.
(DBSA) purchased from Hoechst; sebacic acid, Generically, crude oils A and B are classified as asphal-
from BHD; caprylic acid, also from BHD; linoleic tenic, but the latter derives from a mixture of several
acid, from Acros Organics; palmytic acid, from crude oils, and C is a paraffinic crude oil.
Vetec; salicylic acid, from Isofar; 8-hydroxyquino- A, B, and C crude oils individual precipitation onset
line acid, from Merck; alizarin, also from Merck; is shown in Table 1 and represents the smallest n-
m-hydroxybenzoic acid, from Sigma; cetyltri- heptane amount to produce precipitation, as determined
methylammonium bromide (CTAB) from Aldrich; by optical microscopy. Experiments were carried out at
ethylparaben and methylparaben from Sigma; so- 28 F 1 8C, in duplicate, and the results were used as
dium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) from Sigma; poly reference to estimate the capacity of the additives to
(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) from Aldrich; inhibit asphaltene precipitation. On the other hand, in
(ii) Nonionic surfactants — (nonylphenols ethoxy- this work, the precipitation onset was used just as
lated — Renex), Renex 18, Renex 40, Renex reference to estimate the additive’s effectiveness to
100 and Renex 1000, from Oxiteno; hold the asphaltene within the oil phase. Recent
(iii) Vegetable oils — soy oil, buriti oil, copaı́ba oil, works (Ibrahim and Idem, 2004b,c) have shown that
pequi oil, babaçu oil, sweet almond oil, resin oil, asphaltene precipitation behavior is a function either, of
andiroba oil, arruda sabina oil, Brazil nut oil,
grape seed’s oil, essential eucalyptus oil, pepper Table 1
Jamaican essential oil, pinewood essential oil, Onset of precipitation at a temperature of 28 F 1 8C and asphaltene
sandalwood essential oil, coconut essential oil, content for different Brazilian crude oils
lemon essential oil. All the oils were commercial Petroleum Onset precipitation C5I (wt.%) C7I (wt.%)
samples, purchased in São Luis, State of Maran- (mL n-heptane/g oil)
hão, Brazil, and were used as received; A 3.1 F 0.1 7.7 F 0.3 4.2 F 0.3
(iv) Vegetable oil derivatives — a-terpinene, g-ter- B 2.2 F 0.1 3.3 F 0.5 1.2 F 0.4
C 2.8 F 0.1 7.0 F 0.3 2.8 F 0.4
pinene, linalyl acetate, linalool and eugenol (all
L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36 29

the crude oil nature or the structural characteristics of

the asphaltene molecules; yet, they also show that the
asphaltene stabilization mechanism is equally a func-
tion of the additive’s nature.
In some cases, the effectiveness can be related with a
significant decrease in the amount of precipitated
asphaltene, not necessarily occurring onset shifting
(Ibrahim and Idem, 2004b,d). Yet, it can be verified
that the conditions along the processing and production
of crude oils are different from those found in the
laboratory and, in this case, our results furnish only
an indication that supposedly favors the practical use of
these substances that, for sure, need further accurate
estimation under field conditions. Fig. 2. Inhibition capacities of chemical additives: Renex 18, 40 and
100 in oil-B.
For the three crude oils, the C5I asphaltene content
was always bigger than C7I asphaltene, which is a
characteristic found in crude oils from different sources mistaken experimental interpretations and turn unviable
(Fotland et al., 1993). The fact that the B crude oil the practical use of those substances.
presents lower precipitation onset compared with the A In this work, it was carefully observed whether the
and C crude oils, added with the A crude oil higher C5I additives, throughout the estimated concentration range
and C7I asphaltene content against the A and C crude (about 8% in weight), were or not soluble in the crude
oils, is not related with the asphaltenes tendency toward oils, either by the lack of solids or emulsions. That
precipitation. In Brazil, asphaltene precipitation is usu- amount represents a far higher percent compared with
ally found in light crude oils with lower asphaltene the one used in loco (about a few parts per million);
content. Nevertheless, problems related to asphaltenes however it was necessary in order to establish a rela-
deposition are frequently observed in light crude oils tionship between the structural parameters of the addi-
and derivatives in the diverse production stages, irre- tive molecules and their effectiveness to inhibit
spective of its origins. asphaltenes precipitation.
In this work the graphs show only the soluble addi-
3.2. Inhibitors effect on asphaltene precipitation in tives that acted better as inhibitors of asphaltenes pre-
crude oils cipitation in the evaluated concentrations. All probes
concerning the study of asphaltenes precipitation were
Ramos et al. (2001) reported troubles when solubi- carried out under the same experimental conditions,
lizing some additives already tested in other studies. with uncertainty of (0.1 mL/g for each measurement).
Either the insolubility or partial solubility can lead to
3.2.1. Renex effect over the precipitation onset
Renex ethoxylated chain increase was followed by a
higher insolubility in the crude oils, reason for which
the Renex 1000 was found insoluble in the three oils, as
confirmed by the presence of particles viewed by opti-
cal microscopy. The remaining three Renex were solu-
ble within the estimated concentration range. Figs. 1 2
and 3 show the Renex effect on the asphaltene precip-
itation in A, B and C crude oils. The dotted line shows
the precipitation onset without additives and the exper-
imental points over this line show the additive’s effi-
ciency to inhibit the asphaltene precipitation as induced
by the addition of n-heptane.
Three Renex (18, 40 and 100) were effective in the
inhibition of asphaltenes precipitation, disregarding the
Fig. 1. Inhibition capacities of chemical additives: Renex 18, 40 and crude oils nature. These results reinforce the capacity
100 in oil-A. attributed to ethoxilated nonylphenols to inhibit crude
30 L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36

oils from different sources (Ramos, 2001; León et al.,

2001; González and Middea, 1991; Loh et al., 1999).
The higher the Renex concentration the higher its inhi-
bition effect in the crude oils, being Renex 18 and
Renex 40 the ones which yielded better results, espe-
cially with the A and B crude oils. With crude oil C, the
three Renex acted similarly in the inhibition of asphal-
tenes precipitation, provably due to the Renex smaller
solubility in this crude oil and, consequently, their
higher affinity with the asphaltene surface.
One should notice that (Fig. 4) the Renex 18 effect
over the three oils is very alike indicating, in principle,
that the asphaltene stabilization mechanism is identical
Fig. 4. Effect of Renex 18 on the asphaltene precipitation onset in
for the estimated crude oils.
crude oils A, B and C.

3.2.2. Organic acids effect on the precipitation onset

As to evaluate the effects of the hydrocarbon chain gesting that the stabilization mechanism probably
length, the presence of functional groups and the oc- occurs due to the adsorption of just one functional
currence of double bounds, the following organic acids group, reinforcing former proposals related with
were tested: palmytic acid, linoleic acid, caprylic acid, asphaltenes stabilization produced by the additives
sebacic acid and salicylic acid (see Fig. 5, for their surfactant activity (Ramos et al., 2001). In the same
chemical structures). context, we suggest that the carboxyl functional group
The acids were tested with crude oils A and C and from the sebacic acid interacts with species in the
the best results were found in the following order: asphaltene particle surface, exposing the hydrocarbon
palmytic acid, linoleic acid and caprylic acid, as chain to the external medium.
shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Within the estimated range of Palmytic acid best effect, compared with the caprylic
concentration, an increase in the additive’s concentra- acid, can be correlated with the increase in the alkyl
tion is proportional to the asphaltenes precipitation chain length, consequently increasing its surfactant
inhibition effectiveness. character. This result, also obtained for the two crude
The sebacic acid, with the same number of carbon oils, reinforces the former proposal for the asphaltene
atoms as the caprylic acid and with two functional stabilization.
groups in the extremity, did not show any inhibitory The linoleic acid, which has two double bonds with
effect in the asphaltenes precipitation, reason for larger hydrocarbon chains than the palmytic acid, be-
which was not included in Figs. 6 and 7. Similar cause of its character prominently polar, was less effi-
results as the ones presented by the sebacic acid cient in the asphaltene stabilization process.
were also observed in two different crude oils, sug- The salicylic acid, which chemical structure presents
functional groups similar to those of organic acids
and Renex, produced a strong destabilization in the
asphaltene reducing the A crude oil precipitation to
2.9 mL of n-heptane/g oil and the B crude oil to
1.0 mL n-heptane/g oil, both accounting for 3% wt/wt
of the additive.
In general, results concerning the organic acids study
suggest that the balance between the additive lyophilic
and lyophobic portions rule the asphaltenes stabiliza-
tion process.

3.2.3. Vegetable oils’ effect on the precipitation onset

The choice of vegetable oils as potential asphaltene
inhibitors is backed by the following factors: first be-
Fig. 3. Inhibition capacities of chemical additives: Renex 18, 40 and cause of the importance of finding new substances with
100 in oil-C. higher solubility; second because of the good results
L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36 31

Fig. 5. Organic acids chemical structure: (a) palmytic acid (hexadecanoic acid); (b) linoleic (9,12-octadecadyenoic acid); (c) caprylic acid (octanoic
acid); (d) sebacic acid (decanodyoic acid) and salicylic acid.

obtained in the present tests with organic acids, taking terants, etc.) (Vasconcelos, 2000), special care was taken
into account the fact that vegetable oils are mixtures as to estimate at least three different samples of vegetable
rich in free organic acids or forming glycerides; third oils for each type of crude oil. In Fig. 8, the asphaltene
because they are easy to obtain and are cheaper than onset represents the average value of at least two vege-
most polymeric dispersants commercially used and, table oil samples that presented the closer values.
finally, once Maranhão State is plenty in such sub- As viewed in Fig. 8, the essential coconut oil per-
stances, their use could lead to positive socio-econom- formed excellently in the inhibition of A crude oil
ical consequences. asphaltene precipitation, as compared with other addi-
Essential vegetable oils were randomly chosen tives, fact that, in principle, recommends its application
according to their availability in São Luis city; never- in field tests.
theless we tried to estimate products of different nature, Good results in the inhibition of asphaltene precip-
especially the more abundant ones. itation were also obtained for andiroba oil, sandalwood
Tests were conducted in crude oils A and C. As essential oil, pinewood essential oil, Brazil nut oil,
vegetable oils sold in São Luis market lack quality grape seed oil, pepper Jamaican essential oil and
control varying in their composition according to the sweet almond oil and equivalent results were observed
way they are processed (raw matter, mixing with adul- for the same additives in C crude oil.

Fig. 6. Inhibition capacities of chemical additives: organic acids Fig. 7. Inhibition capacities of chemical additives: organic acids
(palmytic, linoleic and caprylic) in oil A. (palmytic, linoleic and caprylic) in oil C.
32 L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36

Fig. 8. Asphaltene precipitation onset in crude oil A as a function of the additives amount.

For pepper Jamaican essential oil, for example, the 3.3. Chemical additives evaluation in asphaltene
inhibitory effect on the asphaltene precipitation in solubilization
crude oils A and C could, in principle, be attributed
to the presence of eugenol, a substance which presents a Initially, as we are dealing with a polydisperse sam-
phenolic group and is highly concentrated in this oil ple (crude oil fraction), it was necessary to estimate the
(Mouchrek Filho, 2000). Experiments using an eugenol asphaltene behavior in toluene as to relate it with the
standard, however, showed a poor effect on the asphal- spectrophotometer response. The aim of this study is to
tene stabilization process (in the A crude oil, 3.14% wt/ determine a wavelength that allows the monitoring of
wt eugenol shifted the precipitation onset from 3.1 to asphaltene concentration. Fig. 9 shows the UV–vis;
3.3 mL n-heptane/g oil). Eugenol molecular structure is spectra-taken for different C5I and C7I asphaltene con-
similar to that of some nonylphenolic resins, which also centration in crude oils A and C. Although the profile
had little effect in the asphaltene precipitation inhibi- of the curve shows a lack of absorption peaks, this is a
tion, compared with the nonylphenols (Renex) or native typical behavior of polydisperse systems (characteristic
resins (León et al., 2001). Probably the bigger effect of of crude oil fractions).
the pepper Jamaican essential oil found in this work can 400 nm was the selected wavelength to investigate
be attributed to the presence of other substances in this the asphaltene concentration because that is a wave
oil. This result, together with the good effects found range that allows the application of the Lambert–Beer
when using these vegetable oils in the inhibition of the law (considering up to 1.0 unit absorbance readings as
A and C crude oils asphaltene precipitation, suggest maximum) and also due to literature references (Brüg-
that they can be fractioned as to allow the identification gemann and Freitas, 1995), that recommend the check-
of substances with greater capacity to inhibit asphaltene
precipitation, as reported by Moreira et al. (1999),
during the application of cashew-nut oil shell liquid,
where it was proved that, beside the oil, two substances
containing phenolic groups in their chemical structure,
cardanol and polycardanol, obtained from their frac-
tionation, were also active.
Up to this date, however, there are no systematic
studies that establish a relationship between the addi-
tive efficiency in inhibiting asphaltene precipitation
induced by the addition of flocculants and its efficien-
cy in the field. As a rule, all substances pointed out in
this article must be further tested in the field during
production, where asphaltene precipitation conditions
can substantially differ from experimental laboratory Fig. 9. Absorbance spectra obtained from a solution of C5I and C7I in
conditions. toluene at 28 F 1 8C.
L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36 33

Fig. 10. Absorbance as a function of C7I and C5I asphaltene concentration from A and C crude oils, in toluene.

ing of polyaromatic hydrocarbon concentration in that In the asphaltene solubility study, only the additives
wavelength range. listed in Figs. 12 and 13, soluble in n-heptane and
Asphaltene C7I and C5I calibration curves (in A and n-pentane within the determined concentration range,
C crude oils) in toluene (T = 28 F 1 8C room tempera- were tested. Model solvents such as the n-heptane and
ture) presented a linear behavior within the evaluated n-pentane are more representative in this case, once
concentration range, as shown in Fig. 10 for the C7I-A they are crude oil derivatives and simulate the oil low
asphaltene, and they were further used to study the dielectric constant.
asphaltene solubilization in aliphatic solvents as to Fig. 12 shows the results of asphaltene C7I solubil-
determine their concentration in the supernatant. ity, from oil A, in n-heptane. Dodecylbenzenessulfonic
In order to determine the kinetics of the solubili-
zation/dispersion, preliminary tests were undertaken
with some of the additives, as shown in Fig. 11 for
the octanoic acid (caprylic acid) and for the andiroba
vegetable oil, in which an initial increase of the
absorbance can be observed, followed by a plateau
region or saturation, as well as two distinct behaviors:
on the one hand it occurs the absorbance increasing in
function of time, on the other the absorbance remains
The stabilization time for asphaltene absorbance was
about 70 h for the andiroba oil and 90 h for the octanoic
acid. After that, only small oscillations in the readings
were observed, with no more than 3% variation with
respect to the absorbance value. To be sure, all experi- Fig. 11. Kinetic study of C7I and C5I asphaltene solubilization from
ments on the additives efficiency in aliphatic solvents crude oil A in n-pentane and n-heptane, respectively, as a function of
were carried out during at least 168 h (seven days). the octanoic acid and andiroba vegetable oil combined action.
34 L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36

Fig. 12. C7I asphaltene from oil A — solubilization in n-heptane in presence of additives.

acid (DBSA) had an excellent performance as well as In practice, vegetable oils did not have any effect in
the Renex 100. Similar behavior was observed for the solubilization tests with a model solvent, with the
asphaltene C5I in n-pentane (Fig. 13). Proof of the best result furnished by coconut essential oil and Brazil
dodecylbezenesulfonic acid (DBSA) effectiveness in nut oil.
dissolving C7I and C5I deposits, corroborates former Results with C7I and C5I asphaltene of C crude oil
reports by Boer et al. (1992), Chang and Fogler (1993), match the ones previously obtained for crude oil A; yet,
Loh et al. (1999), and Ramos et al. (2001), revealing the they prove that DBSA and Renex efficiency does not
importance of acid–base interactions in the asphaltene depend on the asphaltene source used in this experiment.
dissolution process. Weak acids, however, such as lino-
leic and octanoic ones, did not present significant 4. Conclusions
Nevertheless, DBSA presented less expressive In this work several substances were screened and
results on the asphaltene precipitation inhibition. This selected as potential asphaltene precipitation inhibitors
result points out that the asphaltene stabilization mech- and/or as potential asphaltene deposit solubilizers. Once
anism in crude oils is different from the asphaltene operational variables in the field may be very distinct
stabilization mechanism in crude aliphatic solvents, from laboratory experiments, the necessity of evaluating
reinforcing the idea that, in crude oils, the asphaltene these substances bin locoQ is emphasized. Low molecular
can be dispersed by additives due to hydrophobic inter- mass ethoxilated nonylphenols performed well in the
actions with asphaltene particles, while solubilization is inhibition of asphaltene in Brazilian crude oils, confirm-
the process that controls the additive activity on asphal- ing the efficiency of these substances in diverse sources
tene in aliphatic solvents. of crude oils. Nevertheless, one observed restriction was

Fig. 13. C5I asphaltene from oil A — solubilization in n-pentane in presence of additives.
L.C. Rocha Junior et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (2006) 26–36 35

Renex insolubility due to an increase in the ethoxilated Boer, R.B., Leelooyer, K., Eigner, M.R.P., van Bergen, A.R.D.,
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Renex 40 (in the three tested crude oils) does not depend 25185, 339 – 349.
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It was also confirmed that vegetable oils could be aromatic hydrocarbons in oils samples by micellar eletrokinetic
used as inhibitors, while revealing products rather sol- capillary chromatography with photodiode-array detection.
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Carbognani, L., 2001. Dissolution of solid deposits and asphaltene
polymeric dispersants, turning these results practical isolated from crude oil production facilities. Energy Fuels 15,
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formed better were sweet almond, andiroba, coconut Chang, C.-L., Fogler, H.S., 1993. Asphaltene stabilization in alkyl
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The authors thank the Brazilian agencies CAPES, IP 143/84, 1989. Standard Methods for Analysis and Testing of
for financial support, and CNPq, for the research grants, Petroleum and Related Products.
and address especial thanks to Prof. Watson Loh, for Islam, M.R., 1994. Role of asphaltene on oil recovery and mathemat-
ical modeling of asphaltene properties. In: Yen, T.F., Chilingarian,
some useful discussions.
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