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Edgar Barnett Regression

Induce & deepen, establish yes/no/other ideomotor responses Find Critical Experience(s) o Ask unconscious to review all old outdated tensions related to this issue (emotion), signal yes when done o Ask unconscious to go to earliest of these tensions, signal yes when done o Ask unconscious to review earliest tension in complete detail, signal when done Bring to consciousness o Ask unconscious if its ok for you to know about the experience that is responsible for the issue, if so ask unconscious to bring it to a level where you can review it o Unusual and unclear emotions at first, fragmentary info at first, its ok, may eventually be uncomfortable, thats ok, it will soon clarify. Emotions such as desolation, sadness, anger, or fear may come up, welcome them (do not block them off where they will remain bottled and continue having a hold on you), they are the keys to your freedom. o Uncovering forbidden repressed emotions to the stage of finally discarding it often gives intense relief Get unconscious acceptance. Ask unconscious mind to use all your unconscious wisdom, understanding, and compassion to look at and review all the now-visible experience, signal yes when done Recognize the present irrelevance of the previously repressed emotion. o Ask unconscious With the understanding I now possess, must I preserve that old tension? (If Yes, Do I still need ALL of that outdated emotion?. If still yes, not ready right now, can look for deeper/other reasons) Relinquish the Unnecessary Outdated Tension o Having decided that you no longer need some or all of that outdated emotion, you need to find a satisfactory way to relinquish the unnecessary tension. o Using all my unconscious understanding and wisdom, please find a way this old useless and outdated tension can be released, signal yes when done. When the signal comes, you may or may not consciously be aware of the solution your unconscious has discovered, but you will begin to feel a lessening of the tension. Resolve the outdated tension o You are ready to surrender the old tension. Ask your unconscious mind to supply the solution it has found to the part of your mind that has had to deal with the problem creating the tension, wait for a signal that the solution has been accepted and the tension at last completely relinquished. o When the solution has been put into effect and you have given up the old tension, you will feel a great sense of relief. Wait for the yes signal. o Is there anything else that needs to clear up? Put the solution to practice, future pace o Imagine the solution that has been accepted being applied to three different relevant problematic situations, signal when done. Reinforce general well being, and any little partial progress. Actual upcoming experiences o At this point, all the old hesitations should be gone. If not, follow the hesitations to clear up other aspects of the scenario. There may be several pieces to the puzzle, other pieces come in when the one yelling the loudest has been addressed. o If cannot successfully finish these steps in one session, dont be downhearted: give direct suggestions that you will be successful and start fresh after a rest. o When you leave, there may be aspects or old triggers that have not been addressed during the session, but you are prepared to face them. You may completely be done with it right here and now. Or there may appear to be some relapse and you may think see, Ill never change. Thats usually part of a healing crisis, things may get a little or a lot worse, then they resolveweve punched a hold into the pocket of venom and it is clearing up. Some people mistakenly take a temporary relapse as failure, its just how the mind works sometimes, once you chip away at the old things that no longer serve you, you never want to go back. The habit may have a strong influence for a day, or a week while it is clearing up and resolving. Further Analysis o Having resolved a long standing problem, you will no doubt be feeling very good. It is probable that you have other unconscious tensions that must be dealt with before you can enjoy the true relief of complete freedom. o Does every part of my inner mind now feel and believe that I am just as good and important as any other human being, living or dead? If the answer is NOT an immediate yes, a part of your mind is harboring another problem, repeat the process on this new revelation. o Ask unconscious to review all unconscious memories and stop at any experience preventing you from feeling as good and as important as any other human being, wait for yes response.

Ego Strengthening (Edgar Barnett) Challenges and problems are part of life, you must be able to deal with them and not again seek refuge in the only place you have known, prison! Does every part of my unconscious mind now feel and believe that I am just as good and important as any other human being, living or dead? you should receive a resounding yes. In any case, repeat I am just as good and important as any other human being living or dead. Positive powerful message like these tend to erase all the other negative recordings that you have been carrying in your unconscious mind throughout your life. Does my inner mind agree that I have the right to every one of my normal human feelings, whether or not they are pleasant? Does my inner mind agree that I have the right and the duty to respect and protect every one of my normal human feelings, whether they be pleasant or unpleasant? Does my inner mind agree that I have the right to keep any of my normal human feelings as long as I need them and a right to let them go whenever they become unnecessary? Do I need to feel guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed by any of my normal human feelings? Will every part of my inner mind promise never to put any other part down? Will every part of my inner mind promise never to allow anyone to put me down? Will every part of my inner mind promise never to allow me knowingly to put anyone else down? put down=discount or devalue feelings (not proper and just criticism). If you call yourself stupid or use some other derogatory name, you are putting yourself down. But if you recognize you have made a mistake, you are not demeaning yourself by being aware of it. You also disparage yourself when you discount your feelings and say things like I should not feel angry (hurt, afraid, etc.). You have a right to your feelings; any time you discount them or allow someone else to do so, you are putting yourself down. Repeat these exercises until you are sure you can keep these promises under all circumstances. (imagine them into various circumstances and ask the questions). Once youve come this far successfully, you will no doubt be aware of a tremendous increase in your feelings of wellbeing and self-confidence. Without any conscious effort, you are beginning to stick up for yourself, and people who previously ignored your views and opinions now obviously respect you. Less concerned about otherss opinions, you will remain interested in their views without sacrificing yours to theirs. Most of all, you will find yourself doing things with increased energy, acting because you want to and not because a certain response is expected of you. Anyone who has been locked up in a mental prison will discover that this freedom is a wonderful experience.

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