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Unit Code, Number and

L/618/5036 - Unit 4: Leadership and Management

Semester and Academic

Semester 2 / Academic year 2023 – 2024

Unit Assessor(s) Liam Patrick Maher / Nguyen Thu Tram

Component Number and LM A2 Leadership Manifesto (Assessment 2 of 2, Individual

Title Assignment)

Submission Date 16.00PM July 25th 2024

Student Name

NEU Student ID

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I

Learner Declaration have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand
that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student Name / Signature Date:

Submission format

● This is an individual assignment.

● The submission format is in the form of an E-report. Please refer the “Turnitin Submission
Rules” that was posted on Moodle.

● The file on Turnitin must be in Word format and include the first page of this cover sheet.
The first page of the cover sheet should be in the picture format in order to ensure the accepted
similarity of Turnitin.

● The similarity allowed is up to 25% after excluding references.

● Name of the file includes Student ID_Unit name_Assessment no. (E.g. “1010001_LM_A1.1”)

● Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed electronically.

● Plagiarism is unacceptable. Students must cite all sources and input the information by
paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Referral Grade is given when Plagiarism
is identified in your work. There are no exceptions.

● Your evidence/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to
Reference guiding posted on Moodle. The Reference page is compulsory to upload on Turnitin.

● This assignment should be written in a concise, formal business style using Arial 11 or Times
New Roman 13 font size and 1.5 spacing.

● The word limit is 1,500 words (+/- 10%).

● You MUST complete and submit softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on Assignment
brief. All late work is not allowed to submit. This rule is not waived under any circumstances.

● Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria
carefully. To pass the assignment, you must achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined in the
marking sheet. To achieve a Merit, you must achieve ALL the Merit criteria (and therefore the
Pass criteria). To achieve a Distinction, you must achieve ALL the Distinction criteria (and
therefore the Pass and Merit criteria).

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3: Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance

LO4: Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure
continuous improvement

Assignment Purpose and Description

The purpose of this assignment is for you to organize the theoretical learnings from this class
into a practical action plan for your specific personal and career goals. This helps you
organize your thoughts and create actionable behaviors that will help you improve as an
employee, leader, and/or person.

In this assignment, you will apply what we have learned about in this class to your own
personal goals and situation. If you are unsure what type of job you would like to have after
graduation, please select an organization within an industry that you are interested in and
answer the question below as if you were the CEO of that company.

Assignment Activity and Guidance

For this assignment, you will write a paper that outlines your leadership style. The paper will include
the following sections:
 Desired Position/Vision (1/2 page)
o What professional position/organization/industry would you like to work in 1-5 years
after graduation?
o What is your vision for your position?
o What are some of the values that you want to advance within your organization?
 Leadership Style (1 pages)
o What is your style of leadership?
o How does this leadership style fit within your desired context?
 Motivation and Culture (2 pages)P5,M4,D3
o How will you apply theory to motivate employees?
o How will your organizational values be reflected in the culture? What attitudes,
behaviors, and artifacts do you expect to observe (name at least 3)?
 Assessment and Continuous Improvement (2 pages)P6-M5-D4
o Assess how your leadership and management approaches for managing performance
support continuous improvement.
o How will you design a performance management system that will ensure continuous
Your writing should be personalized so that it fits with your situation. However, we have learned about
management and leadership from a variety of sources during this class. I expect that your perspectives
will be informed by these formal sources and other sources that you will research on your own for this
paper. You should have a minimum of 3 references per section that support your perspectives.

Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your
research – the list is not definitive.

HN Global
Journal articles

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3: Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational


P5 Produce a motivational strategy M4 Produce a detailed D2 Produce a comprehensive

for an organisation that supports motivational strategy for an motivational strategy that effectively
optimal achievement of organisation that addresses addresses all variables of motivation
organisational objectives. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. to enhance organisational

LO4: Apply leadership and management approaches to
managing performance to ensure continuous improvement.

P6 Apply to a range of business M5 Assess how leadership and D3 Make recommendations to improve
situations, appropriate leadership management approaches for performance management that will
and management approaches for managing ensure continuous improvement.
managing performance and performance supports continuous
continuous improvement. improvement.

* Please note that grades are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external verifiers
have taken place, and the final decisions have been agreed by the assessment board.
* This grade only reflects the result of this assignment, not for the whole Unit.

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