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4, APRIL 2012 1605

Structural Peculiarities and Magnetic Properties

of FeNi Films and FeNi/Ti-Based Magnetic Nanostructures
N. Villar Alzola , G. V. Kurlyandskaya , Fellow, IEEE, A. Larrañaga , and A. V. Svalov
Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain
Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
SGIker, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain

films and /Ti-based nanostructures were prepared by rf-sputtering. The thicknesses of FeNi samples were below
and above the critical thickness of the transition into “transcritical” state which controls perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and there-
fore the low coercivity and magnetic softness. FeNi/Ti-based magnetic nanostructures were designed with focus on high-frequency ap-
plications. Their structure was studied by X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties and magnetic domains were investigated by mag-
neto-optical Kerr effect and Bitter technique. The increase of the grain size was observed with an increase of the total thickness of the
films. It was shown that nanostructures have the lowest coercivity and interesting struc-
tural features which can be responsible for the improvement of their magnetic properties.
Index Terms—Magnetic anisotropy, magnetic domains, magnetic nanostructures, permalloy films.

I. INTRODUCTION In this work, films and /Ti-based nanos-

tructures were prepared by rf-sputtering technique and their

I N RECENT years, there has been an increasing interest

in the development of magnetic thin films with control-
lable properties for such applications as magnetic inductors,
structure, magnetic properties, and magnetic domains were
comparatively analyzed with focus on the possibility to obtain
magnetically soft material with well-defined transverse mag-
transducers, recording media, magnetoelectronic devices, and netic anisotropy and increased thickness.
magnetic sensors [1]–[3]. One of the most convenient materials
for well-controlled thin films deposition is permalloy
with close to zero magnetostriction and high saturation magneti-
zation [4], [5]. Magnetic inductors and giant magnetoimpedance films and /Ti-based nanostructured mul-
(MI)-based magnetic sensors with thin film-based sensitive ele- tilayers were prepared by rf-sputtering technique using a
ments require the order of the micron thickness of the FeNi film target and glass substrates. The background pressure
for obtaining desired properties [5]–[7]. One of the problems to was . The deposition pressure of argon of
achieve a magnetic softness at a high thickness is well-known was selected on the basis of previous studies
transition in thick permaloy films in a “transcritical” state with [9]. A constant magnetic field of 250 Oe was applied parallel
appearance of out of plane magnetization component, high coer- to the film plane during deposition in order to induce a well-de-
civity, and stripe magnetic domains [2], [4], [7]–[9]. The thick- fined uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Table I describes selected
ness of the transition into a “transcritical” state depends on sev- properties of all prepared nanostructures. Their thicknesses
eral technological parameters, like Ar pressure during sputtering were selected aiming to investigate the films with the thickness
process, and it can vary in a rather wide interval of about 20 to below, close to, and above the critical thickness for the “trans-
250 nm [4], [9]. The strategy therefore was to use a magnetic critical” state transition. The thicknesses of the magnetic layers
FeNi-based multilayers , where M is a non-magnetic in the multilayeres were selected to be equal to the thicknesses
separating layer and x is a number of the layers in the multilay- of the single layered FeNi films.
ered structure [5], [7], [10]. The influence of the thickness of the The microstructure was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
FeNi layer in the multilayers on MI or influence of the type of using a PHILIPS X’PERT PRO automatic diffractometer op-
non-magnetic separating layers were not systematically studied erating at 40 kV and 40 mA, in theta-theta configuration, sec-
yet. One can mention FeNi/Cu/FeNi [10], [5], or ondary monochromator with Cu-Ka radiation ,
[7] multilayers. It was considered that mag- and a PIXcel solid state detector. Data were collected from 15 to
netic softness in such and similar structures was in part provided ( and time per step of 600 s) at room
by interactions between the magnetic layers [11]. At the same temperature. PANalytical X’Pert High Score program was used
time, no special studies were done with respect to the structural for identification and Miller indexing of all observed maxima.
state of FeNi MI multilayered nanostructures. The information from broadened XRD lines was used to esti-
mate the average size of coherent diffraction domains by using
Manuscript received July 30, 2011; accepted October 12, 2011. Date of the Scherrer approach [12].
current version March 23, 2012. Corresponding author: G. V. Kurlyandskaya The in-plane hysteresis loops both in an easy magnetization
(e-mail: axis (ED), corresponding to the direction of the external field
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at applied during the deposition and the hard magnetization axis
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2172781 (HD) were measured by means of the magneto-optic Kerr effect

0018-9464/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE



Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern for S5 multilayer (see also Table I).
Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction spectra for FeNi-based structures (Table I). All iden-
tified Bragg positions are also listed in Table I. Inset shows maxima used for
average grain size calculation. Fig. 3 shows MOKE hysteresis loops of all magnetic nanos-
tructures. Single layered S1 and S2 films and S4 and S5 mul-
tilayers are very soft ferromagnets with well-defined induced
(MOKE). The magnetic domains were studied in remanence by magnetic anisotropy with an anisotropy field of about 3 Oe and
standard Bitter technique [13]. coercivity of order of 1 Oe. S3 sample, as be to expect [9], [10],
is in “transcritical” state having a sizeable perpendicular mag-
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION netic anisotropy component. It is characterized by the absence of
Fig. 1 shows XRD spectra of all samples listed in Table I. The the in-plane induced magnetic anisotropy and MOKE hysteresis
grain size of the FeNi films slightly increases with the thickness loop constituted by two magnetization phases: abrupt magneti-
being of order of 12 nm in all cases. For multilayers, the average zation reversal at fields close to the coercive field, and a linear
size is about twice higher being of order of 25 nm. approach to saturation. The thickness of S3 FeNi film is equal
Fig. 1 shows that S5 sample is characterized by very intensive to the total thickness of magnetic layers in S5 multilayer. De-
maximum at position. It can be due to the preferential spite of very complex multiphase structural state, S5 multilayer
orientation of the (111) planes of FeNi or (220) planes of Ti. is characterized by the smallest coercivity of 0.5 Oe and
Careful analysis of the intensity of the diffraction maxima most high value of the anisotropy field .
(Fig. 1, Table I) shows that both FeNi and Ti have these Magnetic domain features studied in the remanence state
preferential orientations. In all cases, the FeNi cubic phase is (Fig. 4) are in accordance with MOKE measurements: in S1,
detected with typical cell parameter of 3.52 . Most interesting S2, S3, and S5 samples, both main and closure magnetic do-
results were obtained for S5 multilayer in which both cubic and mains are typical of soft magnetic films with in plane magnetic
hexagonal Ti phases were present as well as (FeNi)Ti cubic anisotropy (ED corresponds to the direction of the magnetic
phase with smaller value of cell parameter of 2.975 (Fig. 2). field applied during the film deposition).
The appearance of the last phase is not surprising for sputtered In S3 case, observations with Bitter technique do not reveal
multilayers. Most probably, it is due to the existence of some magnetic domains because they are stripe domains of much
interdiffusion. There might be also some interdiffusion in the smaller size, characteristic for a “transcritical” state [2], [4].
S5 multilayer. However, due to the small volume fraction It is worth to mention that in the S1 sample, we indeed ob-
of this phase, it cannot be detected in the X-ray diffraction serve the typical charge cross-tie type domain walls of very thin
patterns. permalloy films with out of plane magnetization vector [13] in

Fig. 3. Magnetic nanostructures and magnetooptical hysteresis loops

measured in the easy magnetization (ED) and hard magnetization (HD) Fig. 4. Magnetic domains revealed by Bitter technique for selected FeNi
directions in plane of the samples: S1-FeNi(50 nm); S2-FeNi(200 nanostructures (see also Table I). Top part of each photo corresponds to
nm); S3- FeNi(400 nm); S4-FeNi(200 nm)/Ti(6 nm)/FeNi(200 nm); the sample edge. Dashed circles show unusual magnetic domain features
. characteristic only for S5 sample.
the vicinity of both main and closure domains. Fig. 3 shows an neither in FeNi films nor in FeNi/Ti-based multilayers with rela-
example of unusual magnetic domain features, which appeared tively thick FeNi layers [14] and might be an indicator of the ex-

istence of additional interlayer interactions in mul- REFERENCES

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