Module 9 Booklet Exercises

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the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by keeping

fiber the bowels working and moving other food quickly through the
the substances that you take into your body as food and the way
that they influence your health.
A chemical substance used to stop food from decaying.
a substance that is added in small amounts to something, especially
additive food, in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer, etc.

Phrasal verbs of the verb “Come” check student’s book page 108.

come back- come up with – come around – come into- come down with – come out –
come up against – come up.

Phrasal verbs of the verb “Go” check student’s book page 108.

go through – go with – go along with – go over – go ahead – go off – go by.

Exercises on Vocabulary
1- Complete with words from the box:

prevention – cholesterol – handful – high – vitality - preservatives

1- Some food has many added …………………………. to make it last longer.

2- Bad eating habits can cause ……………………………… and high blood pressure.

3- Since lack of sleep can affect our ……………………………….., it therefore affects

our performance in sports, makes it difficult to pay attention in class.
4- My mother always says that ………………………………….. is better than cure.

5- Eric is very shy. He has only a …………………………………. of friends.

6- Avoid eating junk food as it is ………………………….in fat.


2- Choose the correct answer:

1. We often take medication and receive vaccinations to ………………………… our immune
system, making it stronger than it is by itself.
a. boost b. slap c. reserve d. consume
2. Although the girl wanted to improve her …………………………., the abundance of fast food
around her work place made it difficult
a. prevention b. nutrition c. additive d. ailment
3. He takes every …………………….. to ensure his home is protected from intruders.
a. cautious b. cure c. precautious d. precaution
4. If you get caught cheating on your exam, you'll have to pay the ……………… which could
include expulsion.
a. cost b. price c. fee d. charge
5. John’s doctor explained that the sharp pains in his joints were caused by ………………...
a. diabetes b. kidney stone c. arthritis d. flue
6. Dieters need to refrain from sweets and snack foods high in …………………………... .
a. fiber b. fats c. carbohydrate d. calcium
7. The ………………. creature had the head of a man and the body of a horse in the story.
a. physical b. real c. mythical d. existent
8. I love reading sports biographies to understand what makes the greatest athlete's
a. tick b. pick c. sick d. rick
9. Whenever we took medicine, my siblings and I would pretend it was a magical
………………… that would make us stronger.
a. poison b. elixir c. venom d. toxin




1- Choose the correct answer:

1. What would you say if you Barack Obama?

a- meet b-met c-would meet d-will meet

2. What would you do if you your job?

a- lose b- lost c- would lose d- will lose

3. If I smoking, I would save $5000 a year.

a- stop b-stopped c-would stop d-will stop

4. If I smoking, I'll improve my health.

a-stop b-stopped c-would stop d-will stop

5. If I you, I'd speak to him about it.

a-am b- were c- would be d-will be

6 If I saw her again, I to her.

a-don't speak b-didn't speak c-wouldn't speak d-won't speak



3- Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. If I were you, I -------------------------------(start) now.
2. If Charles ------------------------------ (visit) me, I would lend him my tools.
3. If Sam has a hammer, he------------------------ (lend) it to me.
4. If Mary helped in the kitchen, she ------------------------------- (get) more pocket money.
5. If you ----------------------------- (come), you would see her.
6. If we go to London, we ------------------------------ (see) the Tower.
7. Susan will help you if she --------------------------------- (have) time.
8. I -------------------------------------(tell) you if you asked me.
9. If we-------------------------------- (eat) too much, we would get fat.
10. If you------------------------------- (get) up early, you would catch the bus.
11. If I have some money, I -------------------------------- (buy) a new car.
12. If Mr. Brown--------------------------- (sell) his car last year, he would have got more
money for it.
13. If Susan takes her driving lessons regularly, she ------------------------- (pass) her driving
17. If Mr. Jones ------------------------- (watch) the news every evening, he would know more
about politics.
18. If you had told me the truth, I------------------------------ (help) you.
19. If Mrs. White heard a strange noise, she ------------------------------------ (call) the police.
20. If I----------------------------- (have) good luck, I would have won the first prize.




1- Choose the correct answer:
1. I …………………… my sister’s feet and she laughed.
a. sneezed b- pickled c- hit d- tickled
2. After adding the sugar, …………………….. the lemon in the jug for homemade lemonade.
a. sneeze b. squeeze c. tickle d. fry
3. You need to wear a life jacket while canoeing in case your canoe …………………….. .
a. overturns b. overrides c. oversees d. overlooks
4. Pain medication will reduce the uncomfortable ……………………. around the burn, but won’t
heal the wound.
a.proportion b. separation c. sensation d. support
5. Remember that canoeing is a /an …………………..activity, so if you feel tired or week, you
should head for the shore to rest.
a. strenuous b. effortless c. easy d. simple
6. Eating properly is an important ……………………. in any weight loss program.
a. harm b. disadvantage c. factor d. sensation
7. Ben had a particular form of ……………………….. , whenever he heard a bell, he smelled
a. arthritis b. flue c. synesthesia d. diabetes
8. There is a strong ………………………… that another earthquake will occur.
a. probability b. synesthesia c. sensation d. support
9. A loud ………………… from a sick student in the quiet classroom startled both the teacher
and the other students.
a. sneeze b. squeeze c. breeze d. freeze
10. We ……………. the canoe along the coast.
a. saddled b. paddled c. tickled d. squeezed


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