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Exercises on Vocabulary
1) Choose the correct answer:

1- She was ------------------------ with the murder of her husband.

a- accused b- charged c- blamed d- tricked

2- In his trial, he tried to portray himself as the----------------------- of an uncaring society.

a- accomplice b- witness c- victim d- suspect

3- Call her if you like but don’t ----------------------- me if she’s angry.

a- blame b- accuse c- charge d- cheat

4- Thieves -------------------------- jewelry worth over £10 000.

a- stole b- hacked c- charged d- broke into

5- An armed gang ----------------------a bank in Main Street last night.

a- stole b- robbed c- charged d- shoplifted

6- No one could ever --------------------- this government of not caring about the poor.
a- suspect b- accuse c- charge d- blame

7- Lisa could not have committed murders in two different towns at the same time unless
she had a / an ----------------------------.
a- suspect b. accomplice c- witness d- victim

8- Billy was arrested for ------------------------- after he was caught using fake checks.
a- bargain b- vandalism c- kidnapping d- fraud

9- The muddy footprints was a /an -------------------------that someone had been outside and
walked into the house without wiping their feet.
a- scam b- clue c- originality d- fraud

10- The captain’s military position required him to have the ---------------------------- to take
action at any moment.
a- originality b- weakness c- confidence d- persuasion


11- Did you know people ------------------------- candies more frequently than any other item
found on supermarket shelves?
a- a- burglar b- shoplift c- rob d- donate

12- Someone had forged her --------------------- on the cheque.

a- sign b- signature c- fraud d- autograph

2) Choose the correct answer:


A- Choose the correct gerund or infinitive from the parenthesis at the end of the sentence:
1- Mr. Harris enjoys __________________ people out to dinner. (inviting / to invite)
2- In the old days, gentlemen challenged their rivals______________. (fighting / to fight)
3- As the famous saying goes, there’s no use _________over spilt milk. (crying / to cry)
4- Jim stopped _______________________his shoelace. Wait for him. (tying / to tie)
5- Don’t waste my time __________________about your salary. (complaining/ to complain)
6- Eva is having trouble _________________on the exam. (concentrating / to concentrate)
7- Please allow me _____________________ your Facebook page. (joining / to join)
8- You won’t forget ___________milk on your way home, will you? (buying /to buy)
B- Fill in the correct form of the verb between brackets:
1. Mary enjoys listening to music. (listen)
2. I don’t mind doing the washing up. (do)
3. Irregular verbs are not easy to remember. (remember)
4. Mathew is really good at cooking. (cook)
5. The doctor encouraged his patients to eat healthy food. (eat)
6. My flat is easy to find. (find)
7. She is interested in becoming a doctor. (become)
8. He is saving money to buy a new car. (buy)
9. When I met her, I couldn’t help hugging her. (hug)
10. My favorite hobby is cooking. (cook)
11. My father helped me do / to do my homework. (do)
12. I’m sick of eating hamburgers every day. (eat)
13. It is important to surf the internet for more information. (surf)
14. She advised me to see a doctor as soon as possible. (see)


C- Choose the correct answer.

1. The new students hope in many of the school's social activities.

a) including b) being included c) to include d) to be included

2. The owner of the building supply store doesn't mind his customers discounts
when they buy large quantities.

a) giving b) being given c) to give d) to be given

3. Tom got into trouble when he refused his briefcase for the customs officer.

a) opening b) being opened c) to open d) to be opened

4. It’s nice to help your mother the housework.

a) does b) do c) doing d) did
5. A: Do you regret to the stadium by car?
B: Yes. The traffic was heavy.

a) going b) to go c) went d) will go

6. We will never forget Europe. It was a nice journey.
a) visited b) visits c) visiting d) have visited
7. Stop I’m trying to concentrate on my work.
a) Shout b) to shout c) shouting d) to shouting
8. On my way to school, I stopped a newspaper.
a) buying b) buys c) will buy d) to buy
9. Remember your camera with you when you come to the party.
a) bringing b) to bring c) bring d) brought


D- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs using Gerunds/infinitives1-
Simon's attempts to find (find) accommodation in Paris were not very

successful. He tried to call (call) every hotel in his guidebook, but he was shocked
to discover (discover) they were all full. He called all the youth hostels to find (find) out if
they had any beds, but they were full, too. Another traveler advised him
to go (go) to the tourist information office to ask (ask) for help, but
the office was closed. Although Simon hated the idea of leaving (leave)
Paris without having seen anything, the thought of sleeping (sleep) in the train station or
walking (walk) the streets all night convinced him to take (take) the train to another city
to look (look) for accommodation there.
E: Choose the correct answer:


A- Choose the correct answers.

1. You (don’t have to / ought to / could / shouldn’t) eat healthy food.
2. I think Diana (will / must / have to / had to) pass the exam.

3. A: Let’s go out tonight.

B: What time (must / shall / need) we meet?

4. A: When is Barbara going to phone you?

B: I don’t know. She (can’t / might / couldn’t / needn’t) phone this afternoon.

5. (Must/ Need/ Have to / could) you open the door, please?

6. I’m sorry, but I (don’t have to / can’t / shouldn’t / couldn’t) come to your party next
7. (Should / Could / Must / Shall) you pass me the salt, please?
8. I had a party last weekend, but Paul and Jenny (couldn’t / could / shouldn’t / wouldn’t)
come. I was so upset.
9. You (couldn’t / don’t have to / mustn’t / can) wear shoes in this area. Shoes aren’t
allowed here.
10. A: My bag is heavy.
B: I (will / would / have to / need) carry it for you.
11. I think everybody (can’t / wouldn’t / should / couldn’t) learn another language. It’s
agood idea to know more than one language.
B- Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. It’s forbidden to take pictures. (mustn’t)

You mustn’t take pictures.

2. It isn’t necessary to feed the cats. I’ve already fed them. (have)

You don’t have to feed the cats. I’ve already fed them.
3. Perhaps they left before you called. (might)

They might have left before you called.

4. It’s possible that I took your jacket by mistake. (might)

I might have taken your jacket by mistake.

5. I didn’t wear a sunhat, and now my head hurts. (should)

I should have worn a sunhat.

6. The man you saw wasn’t Jack. He’s been abroad since the summer. (can’t)

You can’t have seen Jack. He’s been abroad since the summer.

7. I’m sure that he finished the exercise. (must)

He must have finished the exercise.

8. It was wrong of you to go to that party. (shouldn’t)

You shouldn’t have gone to the party.

9. She was able to run faster but she didn’t. (could)

She could run faster but she didn’t / She could have run faster ………………

10. I’m sure that Mrs. Smith didn’t leave home. (can’t)

Mrs. Smith can’t / couldn’t have left home.

11. Perhaps she went to stay with her mother. (might)

She might have gone to stay with her mother.

not thinking carefully enough or not worrying about what might
result from actions taken.
To frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them
to do something that you want them to do.
Conversation or reports about other people’s private lives which
might be unkind, disapproving or not true.
criticism The action of expressing disapproval of something or someone
When someone or something is not allowed to take part in an
activity or to enter a place.
brute force Great physical force or strength.
Not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be
The careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or
army, because of a crime that has happened or is expected.
footage (A piece of) a film especially showing an event.
to enter an area of activity in a forceful and noticeable way.
Synonyms: violate – intrude on – trespass on
outweigh To be greater or more important than something else.
guaranteed Made certain.


Choose the correct answer:


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