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1. Put the verbs in the correct tense (Present Simple–Present continuous–Past Simple-Future)

Susan ……………………(be) a pretty girl. She ……………………(live) in Cordoba in a big house near the hills. Her
school is far from her house so her father ……………………(take) her to school by car.

Susan ……………………(love) going to school but she ……………………(not like) History. In winter holidays she and
her friends ……………………(go) to the club, ……………………(ride) bikes or ……………………(walk).

But last winter holidays ……………………(be) different. She ……………………(not stay) in Cordoba. She
……………………(go) to San Martin de los Andes with her family. They ……………………(ski) and ……………………(visit)
wonderful places there.

Next summer, they ……………………(travel) to the USA. They ……………………(go) to Disneyland.

Now, she is in her bedroom. She ……………………(study) English.

2. Choose the correct question word and then write questions for these answers.
a. What / Where ………………………………………………
I’m going to buy some flowers for Beth’s birthday.
b. How much / How many …………………………………
The school trip is going to cost $ 200.
c. What time / Where ………………………………………
We’re going to meet him at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
d. When / What …………………………………………………
They’re going to do their homework.
e. When / Where ………………………………………………
Mum is going to do the shopping after work.

3. Complete the sentences with will or going to and the correct form of the following verbs:
win – like – have – fly - buy
a. I think you ………………………… this film. Jake Gyllenhaal is in it.
b. My brother ………………………… a new house soon. He’s got enough money.
c. I ………………………… a party next Saturday. Are you coming?
d. Are you watching American Idol? Do you think Max ………………………?
e. We ………………………… to Buenos Aires next Christmas.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a. She doesn’t like ……………………(eat) meat.
b. You don’t mind ……………………(cook) on Sunday.
c. Toni hates ……………………(do) the ironing.
d. I enjoy ……………………(go) to parties with friends.
e. They like ……………………(listen) to music.

5. Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a. If we ……………………(not protect) tigers, they ……………………(become) extinct.
b. They ……………………(fail) their exams if they ……………………(not study)
c. If I ……………………(be) late, I ……………………(call) you.
d. If you ……………………(look) in the kitchen, you ……………………(find) some crisps.
e. You ……………………(miss) the bus if you ……………………(get up) late.
f. I ……………………(lend) you my mobile phone if you ……………………(need) to call your mum.
g. If I ……………………(go) to japan this summer, I ……………………(visit Mount Fuji.
h. Mark ……………………(buy) a scooter if his uncle ……………………(give) him the money for his birthday.
i. If it ……………………(not be) sunny at the weekend, I ……………………(not go) to the beach.
j. Lily ……………………(not play) in the school orchestra if she ……………………(not do) her violin practice.

6. Complete the sentences with mustn’t, don’t have to and the following verbs: wear-buy-feed-take-get up
a. You …………………………………………………… the animals at the zoo.
b. Teachers …………………………………………………… a uniform.
c. We …………………………………………………… any milk, there is some in the fridge.
d. David …………………………………………………… early tomorrow. He isn’t working.
e. Visitors …………………………………………………… pictures in an art gallery.

7. Write sentences using comparatives and superlatives

a. Portugal – France (comp. small)
b. Science fiction films – Comedies (comp. interesting)
c. Biology – History – English (sup. Boring)
d. Sandra – Pat (comp. bad)
e. Brazil – Paraguay – Argentina (sup. Hot)

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