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Ina XI-O
Obesity is a complex disease involving excessive fat in
our bodies that can lead to heart disease, deteriorating
bone health or type 2 diabetes.
what causes
Obesity has many causes, but the main ones
are a lack of physical activity, eating too much,
stress, not getting good sleep and genetics.
I’m sure we’ve all experienced a few of the
causes listed above so if you have any of them
please don’t continue that habit.
what happens when
you have obesity?
When you are obese, the hormones in your body that
controls hunger doesn’t function properly. That is a main
reason why a lot of obese people can’t escape from
obesity. The risk of heart disease or diabetes also
increases when you are obese.
How can we
prevent obesity?
These are 4 ways that you can do to prevent
yourself from getting obese.
Choosing healthier foods over fast or junk food.
Exercising regularly.
Limiting unhealthy foods and sugary drinks.
Learn and understand your eating habits.

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