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Twist Stitch Hat

16 Twist Stitch Hat

Size no stitch On some charts, “no stitch” is indicated with shaded spaces where stitches have been decreased
or not yet made. In such cases, work the stitches of the chart, skipping over the “no stitch” spaces.
Sized for adult woman.
place markers Loop a piece of contrasting yarn or a purchased stitch marker onto the needle.
pick up and knit/purl Knit (or purl) into the loops along an edge.
Finished Measurements purlwise Insert the needle into the stitch as if you were going to purl it.
• Head circumference 19½in/49.5cm. selvage stitch Edge stitch that helps make seaming easier.
• Length 9in/23cm. skip Skip specified number of stitches of the previous row and work into next stitch (UK: miss).
slip, slip, knit/purl Slip next two sts knitwise (purlwise), one at a time, to right-hand needle.
Materials Insert tip of left-hand needle into fronts of these sts from left to right and knit/purl them together to
• 1 x 100g hank of Noro Miyabi #09. decrease one stitch.
• One set (5) size US 7/4.5mm double pointed needles or size slip stitch In knitting, pass a stitch from the left-hand to the right-hand needle as if to purl without
to obtain gauge. working it. In crochet, insert hook through loop or edge, yarn over and pull through loop on hook
• Clip-on st marker. (UK: ss or sc).
• 2in/5cm pompom marker (optional). work even Continue in specified pattern without increasing or decreasing (UK: work straight).
yarn over In knitting, make a new stitch by placing the yarn over the right-hand needle (UK: yfwd,
Gauge yon, yrn). In crochet, wind yarn around hook. (UK: yoh or yrh).
24 sts and 29 rows = 4in/10cm over chart 1, unstretched,
using size US 7/4.5mm dpn. TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE Note
The head circumference is measured with the hat when worn,
General and Knitting Abbreviations that is, slightly stretched.
approx approximately; beg begin(ning); CC contrasting color; cm centimeter(s); cn cable needle;
cont continue(ing); dec decrease(ing); dpn double-pointed needle(s); est established; foll follow(s) Stitches/Techniques Used
(ing); g gram(s); in inch(es); inc increase(ing); k knit; kfb knit into front and back of stitch; LH left-
hand; mm millimeter(s); MC main color; M1 make one (see glossary); p purl; patt(s) pattern(s); S2KP Sl 2 sts tog as for a k2tog to RH needle, k next st, then
pm place marker; psso pass slip stitch(es) over; rem remain(s)(ing); rep repeat; rev reverse(ing) pass the 2 slipped sts over the k st, one at a time.
(ed); RH right-hand; rnd(s) round(s); RS right side; SKP slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over; SK2P RT K2tog leaving the sts on LH needle, then k the first st again
slip 1, knit 2 stitches together, pass slip stitch over k2tog; S2KP slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit
and sl both sts off needle.
1, pass slip stitches over knit 1; sl slip; sm slip marker; ssk/ssp slip, slip, knit/purl (see glossary);
st(s) stitch(es); St st Stockinette stitch; tbl through back loop; tog together; WS wrong side(s); LT Pass behind the first st on LH needle and k into the back loop
wyib with yarn in back; wyif with yarn in front; yo yarn over (hook or needle); * repeat directions of 2nd st, then k into the front loop of first st and let both sts fall
following * as many times as indicated; [ ] repeat directions inside brackets as many times as indicated. from needle.
Crochet Abbreviations Hat
BP back post; BPdc back post double crochet; BPsc back post single crochet; BPtr back post treble
Using dpn, cast on 112 sts and divide evenly onto 4 dpn with
crochet; ch chain(s); ch- refers to chain or space previously made (i.e., ch-1 space); ch-sp chain
space previously made; dc double crochet (UK: tr=treble); dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together; 28 sts on each dpn. Join, taking care not to twist sts on needles.
dtr double treble (UK: trtr=triple treble); FP front post; FPdc front post double crochet; FPsc front Place a clip-on st marker to mark beg of rnds.
post single crochet; FPtr front post treble crochet; grp(s) group(s); hdc half double crochet (UK: Rnd 1 *P1, [k2, p1] twice; rep from * around.
htr=half treble); lp(s) loop(s); sc single crochet (UK: dc=double crochet); sc2tog single crochet 2 Rep this rnd for rib patt until piece measures 2in/5cm from beg.
stitches together; sk skip(ped); sl st slip stitch (UK: sc=single crochet); sp(s) space(s); t-ch turning
chain; tr treble (UK: dtr=double treble); trtr triple treble (UK: qtr=quadruple treble). Begin Chart 1
Rnd 1 Work the 7-st rep of chart 1 for 16 reps.
Glossary Cont to foll chart 1 through rnd 6, then rep rnds 7–18 twice.
bind off To finish off an edge and keep stitches from unraveling by lifting the first stitch over the Piece measures approx 6in/15cm from beg.
second, the second over the third, etc. (UK: cast off).
bind off in ribbing Maintain the rib pattern as you bind off (knit the knit stitches; purl the purl
Begin Chart 2
stitches) (UK: cast off in ribbing) Work rnds 1–12 of chart 2 once—64 sts.
cast on Form a foundation row by making specified number of loops on the knitting needle. Shape crown
decrease Reduce the number of stitches in a row (i.e., knit 2 together; purl 2 together).
Dec rnd 1 K4, S2KP, *k5, S2KP; rep from *, end k1—48 sts.
increase Add to the number of stitches in a row (i.e., knit in front and back of stitch).
knitwise Insert the needle into the stitch as if you were going to knit it.
Knit 3 rnds.
make one Insert tip of LH needle from front to back under the strand between the last stitch worked Dec rnd 2 *K3, S2KP; rep from * around—32 sts.
and the next stitch on the needle. Knit into the back loop to increase one stitch. Knit 3 rnds.
make one purl stitch With the needle tip, lift the strand between the last stitch worked and the Dec rnd 3 Sl 1, *k1, S2KP; rep from * to last 2 sts, end sl 2,
next stitch on left-hand needle and purl it. One purl stitch has been added. remove marker, k1 and pass the 2 sl sts over—16 sts.
Knit 1 rnd.
16 Twist Stitch Hat

Last rnd *K2tog; rep from * around—8 sts.

Cut yarn leaving a long end for sewing. Draw through sts on Chart 2
needle once, then draw through sts a 2nd time and pull up
tightly to fasten off the top. 12
Make a pompom and fasten to the top of hat with the long end.  11
14 sts dec’d to 8

Chart 1

12-rnd rep
7 sts

Stitch Key
knit RT
purl LT
S2KP no stitch

Copyright © 2020 Knitting Fever, Inc. 315 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, New York 11701. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, electrostatic, magnetic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing of
the copyright owner. The knitwear design/s in this publication is/are intended for personal use only and may not be knitted for sale. This publication is protected by international copyright
laws and is sold on the condition that it is used for non-commercial purposes. Measurements, gauge, and other information, are included as a guideline. If you have any questions about this
project, please contact us at

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