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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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A combined transient thermal model for laser hyperthermia of tumors

with embedded gold nanoshells
Leonid A. Dombrovsky a,⇑, Victoria Timchenko b, Michael Jackson c, Guan H. Yeoh b
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Krasnokazarmennaya 17A, NCHMT, Moscow 111116, Russia
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia
Department of Radiation Oncology, Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, Sydney 2031, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A combined thermal model for transient temperature field in a tumor and ambient tissue during laser
Received 28 June 2011 heating of embedded gold nanoparticles is developed. The approach considered is based on coupling of
Received in revised form 26 July 2011 the particular models for the absorbed radiation power and transient temperature field. A modified
Accepted 26 July 2011
two-flux approximation is used for the radiative transfer in a scattering tissue containing absorbing
Available online 9 September 2011
gold nanoshells. The spectral properties of silica-core gold nanoshells are calculated using the Mie the-
ory. The transient energy equation for composite human tissue takes into account the metabolic heat
generation and heat conduction, the heat transfer with blood perfusion through capillary tubes, the
continuous or periodic laser heating, and also heat transfer of a human body with ambient medium.
Laser heating A simplified example problem for a superficial human cancer is solved numerically to illustrate the rel-
Gold nanoshells ative role of the problem parameters on the transient temperature field in a human body during hyper-
Absorption and scattering thermia treatment.
Transient thermal model Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nanoparticles in the visible and near infrared spectral ranges, mod-
eling of propagation of laser radiation in various human tissues
The use of laser light directly or via minimally invasive fiber with embedded nanoparticles, and developing of specific heat
optics for induced thermal treatment (hyperthermia) of tumors is transfer models taking into account heat conduction, blood perfu-
one of the present-day tools to fight cancer [1–4]. The normal sion, metabolic heat generation, and radiative power absorbed in
human tissues are highly scattering but weakly absorbing the processed tissues. A reader is directed to recent key publica-
(semi-transparent) media in the wavelength range form about tions [5–10] to learn about the state-of-the-art in this research
0.6 to 1.4 lm providing a ‘‘therapeutic window’’. The absorption field. Laser irradiation in combination with hollow gold nanoparti-
of laser light leading to a targeted heating of the tumor cells can cles has been recently used in the treatment of melanoma in mice
be strongly increased by embedding silver or gold nanoparticles [11].
in the tumor. These nano-sized noble metal particles are character- It is known that no measurable effects are observed while heat-
ized by strong resonance absorption and relatively weak scattering ing part of the human body up to about 42 °C. The first mechanism
in the therapeutic window. Particularly, one can chose geometrical by which biological tissue is thermally affected can be attributed to
parameters of silica-core gold nanoshells to make these particles some changes of molecules. These effects, accompanied by bond
very good absorbers for the light of a widely used helium–neon la- destruction and membrane alterations, are summarized in the
ser with the radiation wavelength 0.6328 lm. term hyperthermia ranging from about 42 to 50 °C. If such a hyper-
Nanoscale thermal therapy of targeted cancer cells is a promis- thermia lasts for several minutes, a significant percentage of the
ing new weapon in the battle against cancer. A combination of tissue will undergo necrosis [12]. Strictly speaking, the thermal
hyperthermia with radiotherapy and chemotherapy is also consid- problem of hyperthermia should be considered by taking into ac-
ered by many researchers. Therefore, many studies have been pub- count the kinetics of the cell destruction processes as described
lished on different aspects of the complicated and multi-faceted by the Arrhenius-type equation. In the present paper, we consider
problem of photothermal therapy. Theoretical studies were fo- only the initial period of the so-called soft thermal treatment when
cused on unusual resonance optical properties of various gold the thermal damage is not so important either for the tissue
physical properties or the temperature field in the body. Of course,
a complete analysis of thermal processes during long-term
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +7 499 250 3264; fax: +7 495 362 5590. treatment should include the effect of tissue damage but this is
E-mail address: ldombr@yandex.ru (L.A. Dombrovsky). beyond the scope of this paper.

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5460 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469


a particle radius e volume fraction of blood

c specific heat capacity h angle measured from the normal
C coefficient introduced by Eq. (16) j index of absorption
d thickness of tissue layer k wavelength
D radiation diffusion coefficient l cosine of an angle
E function introduced by Eq. (16) l asymmetry factor of scattering
fv volume fraction of particles n coefficient introduced by Eq. (7)
F, G functions introduced by Eq. (17) q density
g unknown function in Eq. (23) r scattering coefficient
h heat transfer coefficient s optical thickness
I radiation intensity u, w functions introduced by Eq. (22)
J diffuse radiation intensity U scattering phase function
k thermal conductivity x scattering albedo
m complex index of refraction ~
X unit vector of direction
M coefficient introduced by Eq. (7)
n index of refraction Subscripts and superscripts
p porosity a absorption
q heat flux b blood
Q efficiency factor c cooling
r spatial coordinate cr critical
R reflection coefficient e external
t time f Fresnel’s
T temperature g gold
u velocity h heating
v perfusion rate i initial
W power m metabolic
x diffraction parameter n normal
z coordinate across the layer r radiative
s scattering
Greek symbols si silica
a absorption coefficient t tissue
b extinction coefficient tr transport
c coefficient introduced by Eq. (25) w water
d relative radius of the particle core z in z-direction
D characteristic size of tumor k spectral

In the present paper, a combined transient heat transfer model properties of gold nanoshells and radiative transfer in a tissue layer
for laser thermal treatment of tumors with embedded gold nano- and also to suggest a more accurate formulation for the transient
shells is developed. At every stage of the problem solving, the sim- combined heat transfer problem taking into account blood perfu-
plest approach was used as it enabled us to take into account sion and metabolic heat generation.
various physical processes without considerable mathematical dif- The complete calculations for a model problem with realistic
ficulties. In the section concerning the radiative properties of single parameters of human tissues are also given in the paper. It should
silica-core gold nanoshells, a possible use of simple relations of the be emphasized that presented example problem is still far from
Rayleigh approximation instead of the general Mie theory was current medical practice and should be considered only as one of
examined. In radiation heat transfer modeling, a modified two-flux the first steps towards the computational modeling of complex
approximation was employed instead of the complete radiative processes in human body during laser thermal treatment of tumors
transfer equation (RTE). Mathematically, it means that we with embedded gold nanoparticles.
considered a boundary-value problem for the second-order
ordinary differential equation which is much simpler than the
2. Spectral optical properties of a human tissue with embedded
integro-differential RTE formulated for the radiation intensity
gold nanoparticles
depending on both spatial and angular variables. We also
simplified the combined heat transfer problem by using a
It is known that spectral absorption and scattering coefficients
one-dimensional model of the process. Specific conditions of the
of a composite medium which can be treated as a matrix (host
thermal problem under consideration make it possible to employ
medium) containing a not too high volume fraction, fv, of small
a simplified equilibrium model for the temperature field. This
spherical particles of the same radius a can be calculated using
model leads to a transient single energy equation instead of two
the following simple relations [16]:
coupled equations for tissue and arterial blood. As was mentioned
above, we do not consider these assumptions valid for long-term Qa Q tr
hyperthermia. ak ¼ at;k þ 0:75f v rtrk ¼ rtrt;k þ 0:75f v s
a a
The papers by Tjahjono and Bayazitoglu [13] and Vera and
Bayazitoglu [14,15] can be considered as prototype studies of our where ak is the absorption coefficient and rtr k ¼ ð1  lk Þrk is the

work. The objective of the present paper was to take into account transport scattering coefficient (rk is the ordinary scattering coeffi-
the effect of the human tissue index of refraction on both radiative  k is the asymmetry factor of scattering), Qa and Q tr
cient, l s are the
L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469 5461

dimensionless efficiency factor of absorption and transport effi- As scatterers, most of these structures fall in the so-called Mie re-
ciency factor of scattering for single particles. The first terms in rela- gime, exhibiting highly anisotropic forward-directed scattering
tions (1) correspond to the host medium whereas the second terms patterns [18]. Note that disk-shaped red cells (erythrocites) are
are the contributions due to embedded particles. We introduced the the strongest scatterers in blood because the erythrocyte disk is
so-called ‘‘transport’’ scattering properties because they are the about 2 lm thick with a diameter of 7 to 9 lm.
most important parameters which determine the radiative transfer The methods developed for identification of the main spectral
in scattering media [16]. The latter will be clarified in one of the characteristics of absorption and scattering of diverse disperse
subsequent sections of the paper. Note that the extinction coeffi- media are usually based on the measurements of directional-
cients bk = ak + rk and btr
k ¼ ak þ rk are often used in the optics of
hemispherical reflectance and transmittance of collimated radia-
scattering media. The relations (1) allow a separate consideration tion for small plane samples of the material. One can find the de-
of the optical properties of human tissues and single gold nanopar- tails of the experimental procedure and inverse problem solution
ticles embedded in the tissue. in recent book by Dombrovsky and Baillis [16] and review papers
One should recall that human tissues are also complex disperse by Baillis and Sacadura [22], Sacadura [23], and Dombrovsky
systems (even without embedded gold nanoparticles). Fortunately, et al. [24]. Similar experimental methods are also employed to
in the most important spectral range of semi-transparency, the determine the optical properties of human tissues in the visible
most of soft tissues are close to optically soft media with optical and near infrared spectral ranges. Of course, there is a definite spe-
constants satisfying the following conditions: cific of in vivo optical measurements described in some details by
Bargo et al. [25].
jt  1 jnt  1j  1 ð2Þ
In contrast to healthy tissues, current data for optical properties
where jt and nt are the spectral indices of absorption and refraction, of tumor tissues are far from complete and the experimental stud-
respectively. In this case, the absorption coefficient at,k and trans- ies of these properties are continuing. In particular, the data for
port scattering coefficient rtrt;k are practically independent of each absorption and extinction coefficients of mammary fibroadenoma
other. The absorption coefficient of a tissue with hypothetical large tissue at the wavelength k = 0.63 lm have been recently reported
pores is determined by the local value of spectral absorption index by Chaikovskaya et al. [26]. The obtained values of the absorption
of the substance and totally insensitive to the tissue morphology: coefficient were found to be in the range from at,k = 0.96 to
1.45 cm1, as well as the extinction coefficient is much greater:
at;k ¼ ð1  pÞ ð3Þ from bt,k = 133.7 to 191 cm1. The values of asymmetry factor of
scattering appeared to be in the range from l  t;k ¼ 0:92 to 0:96. It
where p is the tissue porosity (void fraction). In further analysis, we was noted in [26] that the values obtained are of the same order
consider the case of p = 0. On the contrary, the value of rtrt;k is prac- of magnitude as the values of at,k = 0.52 cm1 and bt,k = 144 cm1
tically independent of absorption and mainly determined by the tis- at k = 0.7 lm from the book by Tuchin [21]. This example indicates
sue morphology and the resulting spatial variation of the refraction that optical properties of tissues are very specific, patient depen-
index [17]. dent, and there is a considerable uncertainty in the experimental
It is known that both scattering and absorption properties of results even for the same type of tumor. This leads to a limited
gold nanoparticles depend on optical constants of the ambient accuracy of the radiative transfer predictions, which are important
medium. In the region of the tissue semi-transparency, where for any computational modeling of photothermal therapy process.
jt  nt, the effect of absorption index is negligible and it is suffi- To our mind, this drawback can be and should be partially compen-
cient to know the local tissue index of refraction [16]. sated by in situ measurements of all the important parameters
during laser targeted thermal treatment of cancers.
2.1. Optical properties of human tissues

It is well known that soft human tissues are semi-transparent 2.2. Optical properties of gold nanoshells
for long-wave (red) visible light and for adjacent (in spectrum)
near-infrared radiation. Of course, various tissues have specific Following [13–15], we considered only one type of gold nano-
optical properties but the most wide therapeutic window consid- particles which can be used in laser based hyperthermia. These
ered in literature is a wavelength range from 0.6 to 1.4 lm [18]. two-layer spherical particles consist of a silica core and relatively
According to [7], ordinary biotissues are almost transparent in thin gold mantle. It is clear that one needs the data for optical con-
the near-infrared range from k = 0.75 lm to 1.1 lm where the stants of both silica and gold to calculate optical properties of such
spectral absorption coefficient is especially small: at,k < 0.5 cm1. silica-core gold nanoshells.
One can find a lot of particular (but not quite complete) data for The optical constants of gold in the short wave part of the spec-
optical properties of tissues of various human and animal organs tral range considered in the present study are presented in Fig. 1.
in the literature [18–21]. In addition to the absorption coefficient, One can see that there is a discrepancy between spectrally com-
the data for the scattering coefficient, asymmetry factor of scatter- plete early data for absorption index reported by Schulz [27] and
ing, and index of refraction are usually given. the tabulated data recommended by Lynch and Hunter [28] with
A significant portion of tissues contains water which refractive no data in the important range from k = 0.5636 to 0.6526 lm. At
index (nw = 1.33) represents the minimum value of the refractive the same time, there is a good agreement between data of
index for fluids and soft-tissue constituents. Among the other [29,28] for spectral index of refraction. In further calculations, we
soft-tissue components, melanin particles, found mostly in the epi- will use the interpolated data from papers [27,29] but the effect
dermal layer of skin, are at the high end of the refractive index of this choice on the computational results appeared to be very
scale, with reported values above 1.6 [18]. small. The above illustrated specific optical properties of gold are
The radiation scattering in tissues occurs where there is a spa- explained by a high electric conductivity of this substance due to
tial variation of the refractive index, either continuous or abrupt presence of numerous free electrons. As a result, the index of
(e.g., due to localized particles). In cellular media, the important absorption is almost directly proportional to the wavelength and
scatterers are the subcellular organelles. The size range exhibited the index of refraction is less than one.
by these organelles includes the wavelength of the therapeutic The index of refraction of fused quartz (pure silica, SiO2) at
window, as their dimensions run from less than 100 nm to 6 lm. room temperature in the spectral range of interest is well
5462 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469

6 1 þ d3 M m2g  n2si
n¼ 3
M¼ ð7Þ
1  2d M 2m2g þ n2si
Note that the Rayleigh approximation is a particular case of the rig-
4 orous Mie solution and the Rayleigh formulae can be easily derived
κg from the first term of the Mie series. This term corresponds to the
ng, κg

3 simplest partial wave. It is the so-called electric dipole scattering.

To determine the absorption and scattering properties of typical
single nanoshells, the Mie theory calculations were performed for
2 1
nanoshells with fixed external radius a = 20 nm and variable rela-
tive radius d of the silica core. The computational results in the
1 wavelength range of 0.5 < k < 0.8 lm, presented in Fig. 2 are given
ng for two values of the ambient tissue refractive index of nt = 1.4 and
0 1.45. One can see a similar resonance behavior of both absorption
0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 and transport scattering efficiency factors with a great effect of the
λ, μm gold mantle thickness. The same qualitative result has been ob-
tained by Averitt et al. [34] for gold-coated Au2S nanoshells. They
Fig. 1. Optical constants of gold at room temperature: 1 – from [25,27], 2 – from
found that a variation of d from 0.6 to 0.9 yields a plasmon reso-
nance tunable from 0.6 lm to greater than 1 lm. This unusual
physical behavior of gold nanoshell optical properties has been
described by the three-term dispersion relation suggested by also considered by Loo et al. [35] and Cleveland et al [36]. It is
Malitson [30]: interesting that the results are sensitive to a small variation of
the ambient tissue refractive index. Note that the latter gives a pos-
0:6962k2 0:4079k2 0:8975k2 sibility of sensitive optically based chemical detectors [37–41].
n2si  1 ¼ þ þ ð4Þ
k2  0:004679 k2  0:01351 k2  97:93 Let us compare the exact results obtained using the Mie theory
where k is expressed in microns. In Eq. (4), approximate values of with the Rayleigh approximation which is expected to be applica-
coefficients are given. The index of refraction calculated by use of ble for so small particles. A comparison presented in Fig. 3 shows
Eq. (4) varies from 1.458 to 1.446 with the wavelength from
k = 0.6 to 1.4 lm. Of course, we use the constant value of
nsi = 1.45 for silica core of gold nanoshells in our calculations. The 10 a 0.8
detailed data for silica index of absorption can be found in review
paper by Kitamura et al. [31]. But the values of jsi in the therapeutic
spectral window are so small that one can assume jsi  0. 8 0.7
The ambient tissue is also a weakly absorbing substance and
0.6 1.45
one can assume jt  0 at least in calculations of the optical proper-
ties of gold nanoshells. The classical Mie solution for the absorp-

tion and scattering of radiation by a spherical particle relates to δ =0

the case when the particle is surrounded by vacuum. According 4
to the Mie theory, the efficiency factors of absorption and scatter-
ing of core-mantled particles depend on the diffraction parameter
x = 2pa/k, relative core radius and the complex indices of refraction
of the particle materials msi  nsi and mg = ng  ijg. The formulae of
the Mie theory are also valid for particles immersed in a refracting 0
medium with index of refraction nt. In so doing, the quantities 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
~ si ¼ nsi =nt ; m
n ~ g ¼ mg =nt and ~
x ¼ nt x should be substituted for nsi, λ, μm
mg and x as independent variables in calculating the Mie coeffi- 1.6
cients [32]. The computational results presented below were ob- b
tained using the Mie theory code published in the Appendix of 1.4 0.8
the book [33]. All the relations can be found also in monograph
[16]. 1.2
0.7 nt=1.4
One can expect that optical properties of gold nanoshells can be
1.0 1.45
calculated much simpler because of very small size of these parti-
cles as compared with the wavelength. This can be done using the 0.8 0.6

Rayleigh theory which is applicable when the following conditions

are satisfied: 0.6
δ =0
~x  1 nsi xd  1 jmg jx  1 ð5Þ 0.4

The Rayleigh relations for absorption and scattering properties of 0.2

gold nanoshells are [16]:
!  2 0.0
nm ~ 2g tr 8 4  m~ 2g  n  0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
Q a ¼ 4~xIm ~
Qs  Qs ¼ x  2  ð6Þ λ, μm
~ 2g þ 2n
m 3 m ~ g þ 2n
Fig. 2. Efficiency factor of absorption (a) and transport efficiency factor of scattering
(b) of gold nanoshells with external radius a = 20 nm and various values of a relative
radius of silica core at two values of the ambient tissue refractive index.
L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469 5463

d ¼ 0:7316 Q a ¼ 7:978 Q tr
s ¼ 1:053 when nt ¼ 1:4 ð8aÞ
12 a
0.8 d ¼ 0:7196 Q a ¼ 8:181 Q tr
s ¼ 1:201 when nt ¼ 1:45 ð8bÞ
The above optimal choice of a relative radius of the silica core is not
8 δ =0.7 1 realistic because we do not know the exact value of the tumor tissue
2 refractive index. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume the same
6 value of d in model calculations at various values of nt. In the pres-

ent paper, the following theoretical properties of a silica-core gold

4 nanoshell at wavelength k = 0.6328 lm are used:

ð7:716; 1:044Þ; nt ¼ 1:4
2 d ¼ 0:725 ðQ a ; Q tr
s Þ ¼ ð9Þ
ð7:828; 1:144Þ; nt ¼ 1:45
0 It can be easily shown that the transport scattering coefficient of
0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 gold nanoshells at realistic volume fraction fv < 105 is less than
λ, μm that of tumor tissues. At the same time, the absorption coefficient
2.0 of tumor tissues is small as compared with the absorption coeffi-
cient of gold nanoshells at fv > 107. The latter determines the most
1.8 b
interesting range of 106 6 fv 6 105 considered in the present
1.6 paper.

1.2 δ =0.7 1 3. Radiative transfer modeling

In our study, we employed a continuum approach to model the

0.8 radiative transfer in a complex medium containing scattering (and

weakly absorbing) tissue and absorbing (and weakly scattering)
nanoparticles. The so-called radiative transfer equation (RTE) is
0.4 considered in the traditional continuum theory. In the case of a
0.2 negligible emission of the radiation by a scattering and absorbing
medium, the RTE can be written as follows [16,42,43]:
0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 Z
~rIk ð~ ~Þ þ b Ik ð~ ~Þ ¼ rk ~0 ÞUk ðX ~ÞdX
~0 X ~0
λ, μm X r; X k r; X Ik ð~
r; X ð10Þ
4p ð4pÞ
The physical meaning of Eq. (10) is evident: variation of the spectral
c radiation intensity in direction X ~ takes place due to extinction by
0.20 absorption and by scattering in other directions, as well as due to
scattering from other directions (the integral term). The absorption
coefficient, ak, the scattering coefficient, rk, and scattering phase
0.15 function, Uk, depend on the coordinate ~ r. For simplicity, Eq. (10)
δ =0.7
is written for the case of an isotropic medium when the coefficients

of RTE do not depend on direction. One can also consider more gen-
0.10 0.8 eral case of anisotropic medium but this is not so important for
optically thick highly scattering tissues [16].
1 Generally speaking, one can consider the most general form of
2 the RTE, the so-called vector RTE (VRTE), which fully accounts for
the polarization nature of light and is applicable to scattering med-
0.00 ia composed of arbitrary shaped and arbitrary oriented particles.
0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 The VRTE is formulated for the Stokes column vector (instead of
λ, μm the radiation intensity), and the scattering matrix is used instead
of the scattering phase function in the VRTE integral term [44].
Fig. 3. Efficiency factor of absorption (a), transport efficiency factor of scattering
The polarization effects are really important in remote sensing
(b), and transport albedo (c) of gold nanoshells with external radius a = 20 nm and
various values of a relative radius of silica core at fixed value of the ambient tissue and in specific problems of microwave radiation. Fortunately, one
refractive index nt = 1.45: 1 – Mie theory, 2 – Rayleigh approximation. can ignore polarization of the infrared radiation in most of applied
problems for dispersed materials. Moreover, the details of scatter-
that simple relations (6) and (7) based on the Rayleigh theory give ing phase function are not important when hemispherical charac-
qualitatively true spectral dependencies and an excellent result for teristics of the radiation field are considered. In this case, it appears
the nanoshell transport albedo xtr ¼ Q tr tr
s =ðQ a þ Q s Þ. The latter can to be sufficient to know the so-called asymmetry factor of scatter-
be used in practical estimates. At the same time, the error in values ing, which is independent of polarization [16].
of the efficiency factors is considerable. It goes without saying that A complete and accurate solution to the RTE in scattering media
this error decreases very fast with decreasing the nanoshell size. is a very complicated task because of the integral term in the right-
In the present paper, we consider the irradiation of human tis- hand side of the RTE. One can find a lot of studies in the literature
sue by a helium–neon laser with the wavelength k = 0.6328 lm. If on specific numerical methods developed to obtain more and more
we consider gold-coated silica nanoshells with radius a = 20 nm accurate spatial and angular characteristics of the radiation inten-
which give the maximum absorption at this wavelength, the Mie sity field. Several modifications of the discrete ordinates method
theory yields the following values of d and efficiency factors: (DOM) and statistical Monte Carlo (MC) methods are the most
5464 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469

Z 1
popular tools employed by many authors (see monographs @I rtr
[16,42,43]). As to the applied problem under consideration, one
l þ btr I ¼ Iðz; lÞdl l ¼ cos h 0 < z < d ð13Þ
@z 2 1
can refer to recent papers by Fasano et al. [45] and Banerjee and
Sharma [46] where the MC method is used in biomedical The boundary conditions at two surfaces of the layer are:
To avoid additional mathematical complexity, we prefer to use Ið0; lÞ ¼ Rf Ið0; lÞ þ ð1  Rf ÞIe dð1  lÞ
a simplified approach to the problem and focus on analysis of the Iðd; lÞ ¼ Rt Iðd; lÞ l>0 ð14Þ
interaction of physical processes. The specific problem statement
makes possible the use the well-known transport approximation where Ie is the incident spectral radiation intensity, Rf is the Fres-
for the scattering phase function [16,47]. According to this approx- nel’s reflection coefficient [51]:
imation, the scattering phase function is replaced by a sum of the
isotropic component and the term describing the peak of forward Rf ¼ ðRjj þ R? Þ=2 ð15aÞ
scattering: ( pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi)2
Uk ðls Þ ¼ ð1  l
 k Þ þ 2l
 k dð1  ls Þ ð11Þ l  nt 1  n2t ð1  l2 Þ
Rjj ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
l þ nt 1  n2t ð1  l2 Þ
With the use of transport approximation, the RTE can be written in ( pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi)2
the same way as that for isotropic scattering, i.e. with Uk  1: nt l  1  n2t ð1  l2 Þ
R? ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when l 6 lcr ð15bÞ
Z nt l þ 1  n2t ð1  l2 Þ
~rIð~ ~Þ þ b Ið~ ~ rtr ~0 ÞdX
X r; X tr r; XÞ ¼ Ið~
r; X ð12Þ
4p ð4pÞ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Rjj ¼ R? ¼ 1 when l 6 lcr ¼ 1  1=n2t ð15cÞ
Hereafter, the subscript k is omitted for brevity. The transport
approximation is widely used in radiative transfer calculations dur-
We assume here that the tissue index of absorption is relatively
ing many years. It was confirmed that hemispherical characteristics
small: jt  nt. The value of Rf = 1 for l 6 lcr corresponds to the to-
of radiation field in scattering materials are well described using
tal internal reflection. The reflection coefficient Rt from the scatter-
this approximation [16]. The latter makes the quantity rtr to be
ing tissue at the other boundary of the computational region will
the most important scattering property of the medium. It should
be determined below. Note that assumption of Rt = 0 used in pa-
be noted that the transport approximation is also applicable to
pers [13–15] is not correct because of high albedo of the human
rather complex multi-dimensional radiative transfer problems [48].
tissue. The reflection of radiation from a human tissue at the sha-
Let us consider the simplest model problem to study the effect
dow side of the layer containing absorbing particles may lead to a
of the main physical parameters on volumetric absorption of the
considerable increase of absorption across the absorbing layer
incident collimated radiation by a scattering medium. We assume
when optical thickness of this layer is small.
that a plane-parallel layer of the medium is illuminated along the
Following the usual technique consider the radiation intensity I
normal and the incident beam cross dimensions are much larger
as a sum of the diffuse component J and the term, which corre-
than the medium layer thickness. The latter enables us to ignore
sponds to the transmitted and reflected directional external
the radiation energy transfer along the layer and consider a simple
one-dimensional radiative transfer problem in the incident beam
direction. 1  Rf ;n
The schematic of the particular example problem in which the I¼Jþ ½Edð1  lÞ þ ðC tr =EÞdð1 þ lÞIe ð16Þ
1  Rf ;n C tr
layer is illuminated from one side by a collimated monochromatic
radiation is presented in Fig. 4. The geometrical parameters of this where Rf,n = Rf(1) and Rt,n = Rt(1) are the normal reflection coeffi-
simplified picture were taken from papers by Çetingül and Herman cients and
[49,50]. The properties of the tissues will be specified in the next Z z
section of the paper. The shadow surface of the layer is character- E ¼ expðstr Þ str ¼ btr dz C tr ¼ Rt;n expð2s0tr Þ
ized by a surface albedo. In other words, we should take into ac- 0
Z d
count the radiation scattered from the medium beyond the
computational region. After integration over an azimuth angle, s0tr ¼ btr dz ð17Þ
the RTE can be written in the transport approximation as follows
[16]: The mathematical problem statement for the diffuse compo-
nent of radiation intensity is as follows:
Z 1
@J rtr 1  Rf ;n
without embedded gold nanoshells

l þ btr J ¼ ðG þ FÞ G ¼ Jdl F ¼ ðE þ C tr =EÞIe

2 1  Rf ;n C tr
thick layer of a healthy tissue

@z 1

incident ð18Þ
Jð0; lÞ ¼ Rf ðlÞJð0; lÞ Jðd; lÞ ¼ Rt ðlÞJðd; lÞ l>0 ð19Þ

1 3 4 5 The spectral radiation power absorbed in the medium, W, is ex-

pressed as

Z 1
0 W ¼ ldl ¼ aðG þ FÞ ð20Þ
d z 1 dz
In the range of semi-transparency, the index of absorption of
2, tumor 1, 3, 4, 5 - healthy tissues human tissue is small as compared with the index of refraction.
Therefore, one can use approximate formula for the Fresnel normal
Fig. 4. Schematic of a one-dimensional model problem with five layers of tissues. reflectance:
L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469 5465

nt  1 not difficult to obtain a numerical solution for the simplified spec-
Rf ;n ¼ ð21Þ tral radiative transfer problem. The computational results for the
nt þ 1
model problem will be presented and discussed below. In the pres-
The normal reflectance at the boundary inside the tissue (at z = d) ent section, we give only some general comments on the known
can be simply obtained from analytical solution derived by features of the radiation absorption profiles. It seems obvious that
Dombrovsky et al. [52]: external radiation is absorbed first of all in a surface layer of irra-
xe diated medium and the absorbed specific power decreases with
Rt;n ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffitr pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð22Þ the distance from the illuminated surface. This is really true in
1 þ 1  xetr 1 þ 2 1  xetr
the case of a purely absorbing medium when there is no scattering.
where xetr ¼ retr =betr is the transport albedo of a healthy tissue out- In the general case of an absorbing and scattering medium, the
side the computational region (see Fig. 1). monotonic absorption profiles are observed only in the case of dif-
The above formulated problem for the diffuse component of the fuse irradiation. It is not the case for the interaction of collimated
radiation intensity is still very complex. To simplify this problem incident radiation with a semi-transparent highly scattering med-
one can use simple analytical representations of the angular ium. One can observe a local maximum of volumetric absorption at
dependence of the radiation intensity. It is known that the latter some distance from the illuminated surface.
leads to the so-called differential approximations for radiative
transfer [16]. As for the choice of a differential approximation,
4. Transient energy equation for combined heat transfer in
one can use the first-order approximation of the spherical harmon-
human tissues
ics method (P1) or the two-flux approximation, which is equivalent
to the zero-order approximation of the double spherical harmonics
The energy transport in a biological system is usually expressed
(DP0) [16]. The P1 approximation used by Tjahjono and Bayazitoglu
by the so-called bioheat equation. The bioheat equation developed
[13] and Vera and Bayazitoglu [14,15] is a more general method
by Pennes [54] is one of the earliest models for energy transport in
and it can be used in multi-dimensional problems. At the same
tissues. Pennes assumed that the arterial blood temperature, Tb, is
time, the modified two-flux approximation suggested by
uniform throughout the tissue while the vein blood temperature is
Dombrovsky et al. [53] is preferable for the particular model con-
equal to the local tissue temperature T. The resulting transient en-
sidered in the present paper because of discontinuous angular
ergy equation is as follows:
behavior of the radiation intensity and the effect of total internal
reflection at the interfaces [16]. @T
qc ¼ rðkrTÞ þ qb cb v b ðT b  TÞ þ W m ð29Þ
In the modified two-flux approximation, the following repre- @t
sentation for the angular dependence of radiation intensity is
where the second term on the right-hand side is responsible for the
considered [16,53]:
8  heat transfer due to arterial blood perfusion of rate vb, and the last
< u ðzÞ; 1 6 l < lcr
> term Wm is the metabolic heat generation within the tissue. A more
Jðz; lÞ ¼ wðzÞ; lcr < l < lcr ð23Þ detailed model for heat transfer in human tissues should be based
: þ on two coupled energy equations for the tissue and artery blood.
u ðzÞ; lcr < l 6 1
Of course, the spatial and time variation of arterial blood tempera-
Note that the case lcr = 0 corresponds to the ordinary two-flux ture is taken into account in such a model. The details of advanced
model. The intermediate angle interval lcr < l < lcr gives no con- heat transfer models derived on the basis of a general heat transfer
tribution to the radiation flux and the words ‘‘two-flux’’ are applica- theory in porous media can be found in [5,8].
ble to the modified approximation too. Integrating Eq. (18) In the hyperthermia, the temperature variation due to thermal
separately over the intervals 1 < l < lcr, lcr < l < lcr, and treatment is usually much greater than the difference between lo-
lcr < l < 1, after simple transformations, one can obtain the follow- cal temperatures of the tissue and blood. Therefore, this difference
ing boundary-value problem for the function g = u + u+: can be neglected, at least in the approximate thermal model, and
  with assumption of the local thermal equilibrium the energy equa-
d dg a rtr tion derived from the coupled equations for the tissue and blood
 D þ g¼ F ð24Þ
dz dz 1  xtr lcr 1  xtr lcr [5] can be written as follows:
dg cf dg c
z ¼ 0; D ¼ ð1 þ lcr Þg z ¼ d; D ¼  t ð1 þ lcr Þg ð25Þ @T
dz 2 dz 2 qc ¼ rðkrTÞ þ eqb cb~
ub rT þ ð1  eÞW m þ W ð30Þ
where e is the volume fraction of blood. We added here the term W
ð1 þ lcr Þ2 1  Rf ;n 1  Rt;n to account for heat generation due to absorption of laser radiation
D¼ cf ¼ ct ¼ ð26Þ
4btr 1 þ Rf ;n 1 þ Rt;n by gold nanoshells. In the case of a one-dimensional problem (see
Fig. 4), the mathematical formulation is as follows:
The absorbed radiation power can be calculated using Eq. (20) and
the following relation between functions G and g: @T @ @T @T
qc ¼ k þ eqb cb ub;z þ ð1  eÞW m þ W ð31Þ
ð1  lcr Þg þ xtr lcr F @t @z @z @z
G¼ ð27Þ
1  xtr lcr t ¼ 0; T ¼ T i ðzÞ ð32Þ
As a result, we obtain the following relation: z ¼ 0; T ¼ T w ðtÞ z ¼ d; k ¼ h2 ðT e;2  TÞ ð33Þ
ð1  lcr Þg þ F
W ¼a ð28Þ The boundary condition at z = 0 corresponds to the case of water
1  xtr lc
cooling the body surface. The temperature Tw(t) is equal to the
In the case of uniform optical properties of a medium in the measured water temperature in the cooling system running during
computational region, the boundary-value problem (24), (25) can the thermal treatment. This temperature can be regulated manually
be solved analytically. But the realistic problems are characterized according to preliminary estimates and in situ diagnostics of the pa-
by different properties of tumor and healthy tissue and nonuni- tient. The boundary condition at z = d describes approximately the
form distribution of absorbing gold nanoshells. Fortunately, it is heat transfer from the internal part of the body, which has a con-
5466 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469

stant temperature Te,2. The initial steady-state temperature profile heat generation in the right-hand side of Eqs. (31) and (34), a small
Ti(z) in Eq. (32) is a solution to the following boundary-value value of e has been neglected so that a highest estimate of the met-
problem: abolic heat generation was obtained.
  For simplicity, it was assumed that gold nanoshells were
d dT i dT i
k þ eqb cb ub;z þ ð1  eÞW m ¼ 0 ð34Þ embedded in the epidermis and tumor only and there was no these
dz dz dz nanoshells in the deeper tissues. Moreover, the case of a uniform
dT i @T i concentration of the gold nanoshells across the tumor was consid-
z ¼ 0; k ¼ h1 ðT e  T i Þ z ¼ d; k ¼ h2 ðT e;2  T i Þ ð35Þ
dz @z ered. Note that the developed computational model allows taking
In the problem statement (31)–(33), we ignore possible effect of into account more realistic concentration profiles but this is not
increase in thermal conductivity of the tumor tissue due to the essential for the example problem considered in this work. The
presence of nanoparticles. As was noted in Section 1, we do not reflection coefficient at the interface between fat layer and external
consider also kinetics of the tissue cell destruction, which is impor- (with respect to the computational region) muscle layer was
tant in the case of a long-time hyperthermia. obtained assuming the muscle transport albedo equal to 0.9. The
It is important that solution to the heat transfer problem yields results of radiation heat transfer calculations are presented in
not only the transient temperature field but also the heat flux to Fig. 5. The profiles of a specific volumetric power of absorbed
 per unit radiation flux of the incident laser beam
radiation, W,
the cooling water
 are plotted for two values of the nanoshells volume fraction. As cal-
@T  culations at different values of the tissue refractive index produced
qw ¼ k t>0 ð36Þ
@z z¼0 very close results, only the case of nt = 1.45 is presented in Fig. 5. It
should be noted that a part of laser radiation power absorbed in
The value of the local heat flux can be obtained experimentally from R
the tissue defined as W ~ ¼ d WðzÞdz is different for the cases
the measurements of water flow rate and temperature. In the case ~ increases
considered. One can see in Table 2 that the value of W
of a more realistic two-dimensional problem statement, one can use
considerably with the concentration of embedded nanoshells. This
these measurements to validate the computational model and iden-
result can be explained by relatively small role of scattering at
tify in situ the main parameters of the transient temperature field in
large concentrations of highly absorbing gold nanoshells. To obtain
the tumor region. ~ and avoid unfavorable radiative heating
the maximum value of W
of the fat layer, the value of fv = 105 was used in subsequent
5. Analysis of computational results for the model problem calculations.
The conditions of the experimental study by Çetingül and
The main physical parameters of the model problem for a tumor Herman [49] were used to determine a steady-state temperature
close to the human body surface (see Fig. 3) are specified in Table 1. profile in the tissue without laser treatment. According to the mea-
The geometrical parameters, tissue density, specific heat capacity, surements of [49] the ambient temperature and heat transfer coef-
thermal conductivity, and the metabolic heat generation rates ficient were taken equal to Te = 22.5 °C and h1 = 10 W/(m2 K). To
were taken from papers by Çetingül and Herman [49,50]. The val- calculate the heat flux from the body to the surface layer, we used
ues of absorption and transport scattering coefficients were par- value of Te,2 = 37 °C and estimated value of h2 = 50 W/(m2 K). The
tially taken from paper by Vera and Bayazitoglu [14] and problem (34) and (35) was solved using an implicit finite-differ-
completed using some data reported in [18–20]. The optical prop- ence scheme and splitting of the right-hand side operator of Eq.
erties of the layers 2, 3, and 4 should be considered as estimates (34) (details of this procedure can be found in [56]). Calculated
only. But the latter is not so important for the profile of the ab- steady-state temperature profiles for non-irradiated tissues are
sorbed radiation power. shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen from this figure, the main temper-
An estimate of the effective perfusion velocities in the normal ature difference takes place in the layer of low-conductivity fat and
direction for every tissue layer was obtained from the perfusion the total effect of both local blood perfusion and metabolic heat
rate data of [49,50] by using the following relation: generation on temperature distribution is only about 0.3 °C in
the skin surface temperature.
eub;z ¼ ej~
uj=2 ¼ mb;j dj =2 ð37Þ
Selected typical results of a series of heat transfer calculations
where dj is the thickness of the jth layer. One should recall that obtained at constant Tw = 35 °C, nt = 1.45 and periodic laser irradi-
there is a significant uncertainty in the local blood perfusion [55], ation of the body surface are discussed below. We assumed that
which may increase during thermal treatment. Note that these per- every period of thermal treatment includes heating during the
fusion rate data do not significantly alter the predicted temperature time th with incident radiative flux q0e and the cooling period (when
profiles. The following values of blood density and specific heat there is no irradiation) of duration tc (see Fig. 7). One can see in
capacity were used in the calculations: qb = 1060 kg/m3 and Fig. 8 that temperature profiles at the end of heating and cooling
cb = 3770 J/(kg K) [49]. In the term responsible for the metabolic time for the second period of thermal treatment are close to those

Table 1
Properties of tissues in the computational region.

Layer number 1 2 3 4 5
Tissue name Emidermis Lesion Papillary dermis Reticular dermis Fat
Layer thickness, mm 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.8 2.0
qt, kg/m3 1200 1030 1200 1200 1000
ct, J/(kg K) 3589 3582 3300 3300 3674
kt, W/(m K) 0.235 0.558 0.445 0.445 0.185
Wm, W/m3 0 3680 368.1 368.1 368.3
eub,z, 106 m/s 0 9.4 0.4 5.2 1.0
a, 1/m 180 50 20 20 10
rtr, 1/m 2360 600 200 200 400
L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469 5467


1 3
1000 42
Papillary dermis 1 Fat layer

T, C
W, m


dermis Fat layer

100 38

36 2

10 34

0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6
z, mm z, mm

Fig. 5. Profiles of the absorbed radiation power. Calculations at nt = 1.45 and two Fig. 8. Transient temperature profiles in the tissue during periodic thermal
variants of gold nanoshell volume fraction: 1 – fv = 106, 2 – fv = 105. treatment by laser radiation at th = 10 s, tc = 15 s, and q0e ¼ 20 kW=m2 (the desig-
nations 1, 2, 3, and 4 see in Fig. 7).

Table 2
Relative part of incident laser power absorbed in the tissue.
fv = 106 (%) fv = 105 (%) 44 2
nt = 1.4 44.0 85.0
nt = 1.45 45.2 85.2
T, C

34.5 40

Dermis Fat layer

Ti , C

0 10 20 30 40 50

t, s
Fig. 9. Time variation of temperature at the shadow site of the lesion for two
variants of a periodic laser heating with tc = 15 s: 1 – q0e ¼ 20 kW=m2 , th = 10 s, 2 –
32.5 q0e ¼ 30 kW=m2 , th = 5 s.

32.0 for the first period. Fig. 9 for the temperature at the interface of the
0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 lesion and papillary dermis indicates that desirable variation of
z, mm
both the temperature level and duration of hyperthermia can be
Fig. 6. Calculated steady-state temperature profiles for non-irradiated tissues: 1 – obtained by a combination of the incident laser radiation flux
without blood perfusion and metabolic heat generation, 2 – complete calculation. and heating period. Note that periodic regime of heating has two
advantages as compared with the continuous heating: (1) the
ambient tissues are not overheated during the treatment and (2)
one can avoid unfavorable increase in the blood perfusion because
20 1 3
of a time delay in the natural reaction of the cardiovascular system
[57,58]. The complete time of hyperthermia can be computation-
15 ally predicted for the periodic laser irradiation. This may provide
qe a required thermal regime of a long-time soft thermal treatment
qe, kW/m

10 of some tumors.
5 th
6. Conclusions
0 2 4
A combined thermal model for the transient temperature field
0 10 20 30 40 50 in a tumor and surrounding tissue during laser heating of embed-
t, s
ded gold nanoparticles in conditions of cancer hyperthermia is
Fig. 7. Typical time variation of the incident radiative flux in periodic heating. The
developed. The approach considered is based on the coupling par-
marked points 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the time moments selected for the temperature ticular models for the absorbed radiation power and transient tem-
profile analysis. perature field.
5468 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 5459–5469

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