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__________1. The president is the head of the state/government.
__________2. The president functions as one of the armed forces.
__________3. The president controls all the Judiciary department.
__________4. The president controls executive department, bureaus, and offices.
__________5. A president should be a natural born Filipino.
II. Enumerate the 5 qualities to become a president in the Philippines.
III. Fill in the blanks in the 6 steps to create a Presidential Report in Microsoft Word. Look for
the answers in the box below.
Research pictures Page border
Headings 1 Okay Design tab work

1. Type all your _______________ information about the ____________________.

2. To highlight the title, use ______________________.
3. Go to ___________________, search for images.
4. Go to _____________________, to set your ____________________________.
5. Click page border, click _____________.
6. Save your work; ____________________________________.

IV. Match the items in column A to the items in column B.

Column A
______1. It will make your documents more attractive.
______2. It is to modify a character style.
______3. It is a condition that affects the large group of people negatively.
______4. It is a
______5. It is simply define as a website that contains a journal of information.
______6. It is all about the executive power on the President of the Philippines.
______7. It is a strategy that helps students visually outline information through mapping of
Column B
a. Blog e. Article VII of the 1987 Constitution
b. Website f. Social Problem
c. Mind mapping g. Page Border
d. Headings 1
V. Label the steps to create a mind map from 1-7.
_______ Go to size, and then choose “A4 size”
_______ Open Microsoft word.
_______To apply shape style; double click on the oval shape. Select your desired styles.
_______ Page layout, click orientation and set your document to “Landscape”
_______ Save your work as; Social
_______ Insert an arrow line to start connective the mind map.
_______ Go to shapes, click oval and drag it down to the middle.
VI. Essay
If you were the President of the Philippines, what will you do to make our country one of the
richest country in the world? (5 pts.)

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