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Ethics and Laws

Source: PAP, APA
[ APA ] Ethics o Psychologists DO NOT deny persons
General Principles employment, advancement, admissions, tenure
A. Beneficence and Take care to do no or promotion based solely upon their having
Nonmaleficence harm; minimize harm made or their being the subject of an ethics
B. Fidelity and Establish relationships complaint
Responsibility of trusts, upholding ▪ Just because they are questioned by the
professional standards ethics committee or involved in an on-going
of conduct, cooperate ethics investigation, they would be
with other discriminated or denied advancement
professionals if needed ▪ Unless the outcome of the proceedings are
to serve the best already considered
interests of the client, Competence
and strive to contribute o Psychologists should do their services within
their professional time, the boundaries of their competence, which is
compensated or not. based on the amount of training, education,
C. Integrity Promote accuracy, experience, or consultation they had
honesty, and o Understanding of factors associated with age,
truthfulness gender, gender identity, ethnicity, culture, etc.
D. Justice Fairness and justice to are essential for effective implementation of
all person to access their services
and benefit from the o When they are tasked to provide services to
contributions of clients who are deprived with mental health
psychology services (e.g., communities far from the urban
E. Respect for People’s Respect the dignity and cities), however, they were still not able to
Rights and Dignity worth of all people by obtain the needed competence for the job, they
exercising their rights could still provide services AS LONG AS they
to privacy, make reasonable effort to obtain the
confidentiality, and competence required, just to ensure that the
self-determination services were not denied to those communities
Resolving Ethical Issues o When assuming forensic roles, they must be
o If mistakes was made, they should do familiar with the judicial rules governing their
something to correct or minimize the mistakes roles
o If an ethical violation made by another o During emergencies, psychologists provide
psychologist was witnessed, they should services to individuals, even though they are yet
resolve the issue with informal resolution, as to complete the competency/training needed
long as it does not violate any confidentiality just to ensure that services were not denied.
rights that may be involved However, the services are discontinued once
o If informal resolution is not enough or the appropriate services are available
appropriate, referral to state or national o Psychologist must continuously develop and
committees on professional ethics, state maintain their competence
licensing boards, or the appropriate o Works and Services must be based on scientific
institutional authorities can be done. Still, and professional knowledge of discipline
confidentiality rights of the professional in o When delegating work to employees,
question must be kept. supervisors, or others (assistants,
o Failure to cooperate in ethics investigation interpreters, etc.), avoid delegating it to people
itself, is an ethics violation, unless they request who could possibly have MULTIPLE
for deferment of adjudication of an ethics RELATIONSHIP with the client, authorize it only
complaint to “competent” ones, and see if those persons
o Psychologists must file complaints responsibly performed the tasks competently
by checking facts about the allegations
Ethics and Laws
Source: PAP, APA
o Psychologists should refrain working if they ✓ For legally INCAPABLE, they must provide
know their personal problems would affect appropriate explanation, assent, consider
their performance the client’s preferences and best interests,
o If so, they must take appropriate measures and obtain permission from a legally
such as referrals, assistance, and determine authorized person
where they should limit themselves with the ✓ If COURT ORDERED, they must inform the
case nature of the services, whether it is court
Human Relations order or mandated, as well as, its limits of
o Do not engage in unfair discrimination based on confidentiality before proceeding
gender, age, race, etc. ✓ Must document written or oral consent,
o Sexual Harassment – verbal or nonverbal permission, and assent
conduct sexual in nature, either unwelcome or o In case of interruption of services (such as
creates hostile workplace, sufficiently severe death, relocation, illness, retirement),
to be abusive psychologists must make reasonable efforts to
o Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid plan for continuing services
harm, therefore, do not participate in activities ▪ Unless stated in the contract
that would engage in torture (physical or Privacy and Confidentiality
mental), intentionally inflicted on a person o Psychologists should discuss the limits of
o Multiple Relationships – psychologist is in a confidentiality, uses of the information that
professional role with the client, at the same would be generated from the services to the
time is in another role with them (e.g., family, persons and organizations with whom they
intimate relationships, friends), or with their establish a scientific or professional
closely associated/related family or friends, or relationships
promises to enter in “another” relationship with o Before recording voices or images, they must
them in the future or a person closely related obtain permission first from all persons
with the client involved or their legal rep
▪ Must refrain from entering, especially when o Only discuss confidential information with
it could impair the objectivity, competence, persons clearly concerned/involved with the
or effectiveness matters
▪ Multiple relationship that would not o Disclosure is allowed with appropriate consent
reasonable be expected to cause ▪ No consent is not allowed UNLESS
impairment or risk exploitation or harm is mandated by the law
not UNETHICAL o No disclosure of confidential information that
o Psychologists shouldn’t seek professional role could lead to the identification of a client unless
when personal, scientific, professional, legal, they have obtained prior consent or the
financial or other interest could impair the disclosure cannot be avoided
objectivity and could lead to exploitation ▪ Only disclose necessary information
o When asked for services as a third party o Exemptions to disclosure:
psychologist, they must clarify the nature of the ✓ If the client is disguised/identity is protected
relationships of all individuals involved (role of ✓ Has consent
psychologists, identification of client, use of the ✓ Legally mandated
services) and they must ensure the Advertising and Other Public Statements
confidentiality of the case o No false, deceptive, or fraudulent public
o Cooperation with other professionals is statements concerning their research, practice,
allowed to serve the clients effectively and or other works
appropriately o They do not fabricate their level of competency,
o Informed Consent: academic degrees, credentials, affiliations,
✓ When conducting research, providing services, degree of success, fees, and their
assessment, therapy, counseling, or publications
Ethics and Laws
Source: PAP, APA
o Psychologists can create public statements as ▪ Must be current and accurate
long as they would be responsible for it o Students or supervisees are NOT REQUIRED to
▪ They cannot compensate employees of the disclose personal information regarding sexual
media in return for publicity in a news item history, abuse, psychological treatments,
▪ Paid Advertisement must be clearly relationships, EXCEPT it was identified this
recognizable requirement in its programs and the
▪ when they are commenting publicly via information is necessary for evaluation
internet, media, etc., they must ensure that o When individual or group therapy is required,
their statement are based on their psychologist must allow students to have an
professional knowledge in accord with option to select therapy from practitioners
appropriate psych literature and practice, unaffiliated with the program
consistent with ethics, and do not indicate ▪ Faculty that are responsible for evaluating
that a professional relationship has been students’ academic performance do not
established with the recipient provide therapy to the students
o Do NOT solicit testimonials, unless when trying o No sexual relationships with students who are
to implement appropriate collateral contracts in their department, agency, or training center
that would benefit the client and providing whom psychologists have or are likely to have
disaster or community outreach services evaluative authority
Record Keeping and Fees Research and Publication
o Confidentiality must still be ensured when o Must provide accurate information and obtain
creating, storing, accessing, transferring, and approval prior to conducting the research
disposing records o Informed consent is required, which include:
▪ Must use coding to hide the identity of the ✓ Purpose of the research
client, especially when data is entered to a ✓ Duration and procedures
system wherein anyone (without consent) ✓ Right to decline and withdraw
could see it ✓ Consequences of declining or withdrawing
o Withholding records just because payment is ✓ Potential risks, discomfort, or adverse
not received for emergency purposes is NOT effects
ALLOWED ✓ Benefits
o Payments and financial agreements must be ✓ Limits of confidentiality
discussed as early as they could ✓ Incentives for participation
▪ Must be consistent with the law ✓ Researcher’s contact information
▪ Do not misrepresent their fees o Permission for recording images or vices are
▪ If ever the client cannot pay for the services, needed unless the research consists of solely
and the psychologists decides to take legal naturalistic observations in public places, or
measures, they must first inform their research designed includes deception
clients about it ▪ Consent must be obtained during debriefing
o Barter is only accepted when: (1) not clinically o Dispense or Omitting Informed consent only
contraindicated (harmful), and (2) not when:
exploitative 1. Research would not create distress or harm
o When psychologists pay, receive payment, or ▪ Study of normal educational practices
divide fees from another professional, the conducted in an educational settings
payment must be based on the services ▪ Anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic
provided observation, archival research
Education and Training ▪ Confidentiality is protected
o Must ensure that the programs are designed to 2. Permitted by law
provide the appropriate knowledge and proper o Avoid offering excessive incentives for
experiences, and to meet the requirements for research participation that could coerce
licensure, certification, or other goals for which participation
claims are made by the program
Ethics and Laws
Source: PAP, APA
o DO not conduct study that involves deception Therapy
unless they have justified the use of deceptive o When conducting or providing services to
techniques in the study several persons who have a relationship, they
▪ Must be discussed as early as possible and should clarify which of them is the clients and
not during the conclusion of data collection the relationship he/she will have with each
o They must give opportunity to the participants person
about the nature, results, and conclusions of ▪ If conflicting roles would arise, he/she must
the research and make sure that there are no clarify, modify, or withdraw from roles
misconceptions about the research appropriately
o Must ensure the safety and minimize the o Psychologists do not engage in sexual
discomfort, infection, illness, and pain of animal intimacies with former clients/patients for AT
subjects LEAST TWO YEARS after termination of therapy
▪ If so, procedures must be justified and be as o Terminate therapy when the client no longer
minimal as possible needs the service, is not likely to benefit, or is
▪ During termination, they must do it rapidly being harmed by continued service
and minimize the pain ▪ Also, when threatened or endangered by the
o Must no present portions of another’s work or client
data as their own ▪ Must provide pretermination counseling and
▪ Must take responsibility and credit, including suggest alternative service providers as
authorship credit, only for work they have appropriate
actually performed or to which they have [ PAP ] Ethics
substantially contributed General Principles
▪ Faculty advisors discuss publication credit I. Respect for Dignity of - Respect for all human
with students as early as possible Persons and Peoples beings, diversity,
o After publishing, they should not withhold data culture, beliefs
from other competent professionals who - free and informed
intends to reanalyze the data consent
▪ Shared data must be used only for the - privacy, fairness, and
declared purpose justice
Assessment II. Competent Caring for - working for their
o Opinions written on recommendations, reports, the Well-being of benefit and do no harm
and diagnostic or evaluative statements must Persons and Peoples
be based and sufficient to their findings III. Integrity - honesty, truthfulness,
o Only provide statements after conducting open and accurate
examinations to support their statements communication
o Informed Consent, except: - appropriate
✓ Mandated by law professional
✓ Routine boundaries, multiple
✓ Evaluating decisional capacity relationships, and
▪ If the person has a questionable capacity to conflicts of interest
consent, it must be obtained using the IV. Professional and - contributing
language that is reasonably understandable Scientific knowledge about
to the person being assessed Responsibilities to human behavior
o In the absence of client/patient release, Society - conducting affairs
psychologists must provide test data only as within society with
required by law highest ethical
o Psychological assessment techniques done by standards
unqualified persons, except during training o If conflicts cannot be solved by ethics, we
purposes, given it is supervised adhere to the law, regulations, or governing
legal authority
Ethics and Laws
Source: PAP, APA
o Only licensed and registered psychologists and o No foreigner can practice psychology in PH
psychometricians are legally allowed to unless their home country does the same with
practice their profession (RA 10029) Filipinos (Foreign Reciprocity)
o Shall make appropriate referrals, except during o A psychologist or psychometrician cannot,
emergencies without consent, be examined on any
o During emergencies, we can make our services communication or information disclosed and/or
available where necessary mental health acquired in the course of giving services to
services are not available to ensure they were client/patient
not deprived during that time RA 11036 Mental Health Act
▪ Should proceed cautiously, may be in the o For the purpose of enhancing the delivery of
form of support, provision, or referral integrated mental health services, promoting
▪ Discontinue when emergency has ended, and protecting the rights of persons utilizing
and appropriate competent services are psychiatric, neurologic and psychosocial health
available services
o Regularly engage in Continuing Professional o Addiction – primary chronic relapsing disease
Development activities to ensure that our of brain reward, motivation, memory, and
services remains to be relevant and applicable related circuitry
o RA 10912 – Continuing Professional o Carer – the person who maintains a close
Development Act of 2016 personal relationship and manifests concern
o Announcements thru telephone listings, for the welfare of the patient
websites, etc. for professional services must o Deinstitutionalization – process of transitioning
include information such as name, highest service users from institutional and other
relevant academic degrees earned, etc. segregated settings, to community-based
o Shall avoid making malicious or ill-intentioned settings
remarks o Recovery-Based Approach – approach to
o When making public announcements, we must intervention and treatment centered on the
clearly state whether we are representing strengths of a service user and involving the
ourselves as private citizens, member of active participation, as equal partners in care,
specific org, or as a professional of persons with lived experiences in mental
o Proper distress protocols are undertaken in health
situations when sessions are interrupted due to o Service User – person with lived experiences of
internet connectivity issues any mental health condition
RA 10029 Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 o Exceptions to Informed Consent:
o Interim Professional Organization (IPO) – ▪ During psychiatric or neurologic
Psychological Association of the Philippines emergencies, or when there is impairment
o Accredited Integrated Professional or temporary loss of decision-making
Organization (AIPO) of licensed and registered capacity on the part of service user
Psychologists and Psychometrician Other Laws to remember
o A person who possesses the qualifications o RA 9258 – Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004
required to take the examination as o RA 9262 – Violence Against Women and
psychometrician may be registered WITHOUT Children
EXAMINATION, given that the applicant files o RA 7610 – Child Abuse
with the board within 3 years (this happened o RA 9165 – Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
before May 21, 2015; hence, not applicable of 2002
anymore) o RA 11469 – Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
▪ Obtained a bachelor’s degree in psych o RA 7277 – Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
▪ Minimum of 2 years full time work in the o RA 11210 – Expanded Maternity Leave Law
practice of psychometrics o Art. 12 of Revised Penal Code – Insanity Plea
o At least 75% GWA for all board subjects with no end
grade lower than 60% on any subject

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