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Received: 2 October 2021 | Revised: 25 October 2021 | Accepted: 28 October 2021

DOI: 10.1111/apa.16170


Diagnosis and management of hypernatraemia in children

Jakub Zieg

Department of Paediatrics, Second

Medical Faculty, Motol University Abstract
Hospital, Charles University, Prague,
Hypernatraemia is most commonly caused by excessive loss of solute-­free water or
Czech Republic
decreased fluid intake; less often, the aetiology is salt intoxication. Especially infants,
young children and individuals with a lack of access to water are at risk of develop-
Jakub Zieg, Department of Paediatrics,
Second Faculty of Medicine, Motol ing hypernatraemia. Diagnosis is based on detailed history, physical examination and
University Hospital, Charles University,
basic laboratory tests. Correction of hypernatraemia must be slow to prevent cerebral
V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Prague 5, Czech
Republic. oedema and irreversible brain damage. This article reviews the aetiology, differential
diagnosis and management of conditions associated with paediatric hypernatraemia.
Funding information Distinguishing states with water deficiency from states with salt excess is important
This work was supported by the project
for proper management of hypernatraemic patients.
(Ministry of Health, Czech Republic) for
conceptual development of research
organization 00064203 (University KEYWORDS
Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic) children, hypernatraemia, plasma osmolality, salt excess, water loss

Hypernatraemia is defined as a serum concentration of sodium
above 145 mmol/L. This electrolyte abnormality is encountered less Water is essential for the human body to function. Approximately
frequently in children compared to hyponatraemia; however, rapid 60% of body weight in adults is attributable to water. While the in-
diagnosis of hypernatraemia is necessary to prevent neurologic in- tracellular compartment (ICC) is the largest and represents about
jury due to a decrease in the intracellular water content of brain cells. two-­thirds of total body water, the extracellular compartment (ECC)
The most common aetiology is dehydration secondary to gastroen- comprising plasma, interstitial and transcellular fluid contains the
teritis or systemic infection, and insufficient breastfeeding may also remaining one-­third. Children have higher body water content was
result in hypernatraemic dehydration, but cases of salt poisoning can compared to adults. Water comprises 75% of term newborns and
occur, mainly in young infants.1,2 Hypernatraemia may also be a pre- even more in preterm infants. Unlike adults, water is distributed
senting sign of a urine concentration defect. Generally, infants and equally between the ICC and ECC in term neonates.5 Adult values
young children are at higher risk of developing hypernatraemia due of the ICC and ECC proportions are reached by the age 1–­3 years.6
to their small mass-­to-­surface ratio.3 Most cases are mild, but espe- The water in the human body is moved across semipermeable
cially sodium levels of 160 mmol/L and higher require rapid clinical membranes via special channels called aquaporins and by osmosis.
assessment, a differential diagnostic process and adequate treat- Thus, the content of water is determined by osmotically active par-
ment, because improper management can lead to severe complica- ticles creating tonicity in individual compartments. There are two
tions. This mini review discusses the common aetiology, diagnostics major sources of water: the water content in the diet and metabolic
and management strategies in paediatric hypernatraemic states. water produced by the oxidation of ingested food. Urine, faeces,

Abbreviations: ADH, antidiuretic hormone; DIDMOAD, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, deafness; ECC, extracellular compartment; FENa, sodium fractional
excretion; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; ICC, intracellular compartment; RAA, renin–­angiotensin–­aldosterone.

© 2021 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Acta Paediatrica. 2022;111:505–510. | 505


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506 ZIEG

sweating, breathing and insensible perspiration are the main routes

of water elimination. Importantly, urine output represents the major
Key Notes
mechanism of external water balance.7
• Hypernatraemia is an uncommon electrolyte abnormal-
Plasma osmolality and blood pressure are the main determi-
ity, which may lead to severe neurologic damage.
nants of water homoeostasis. On the other hand, impaired ability
• Distinguishing states with water deficiency from the
of kidneys to excrete sodium and to control extracellular volume
states of salt excess is important for the adequate
is an important risk factor for hypertension.8 Plasma osmolality is
defined as the concentration of all the solutes in a given weight of
• The review summarizes the current view of the physi-
water. It is maintained by osmoregulation within normal limits (275–­
ology of water and sodium homoeostasis and practical
290 mmol/L) and is primarily determined by the sodium (Na) concen-
approach to diagnosis and management of a hyper-
tration. Plasma osmolality may be directly measured or calculated
natraemic child.
using serum values of sodium, glucose and urea. Under physiological
conditions, an increase in plasma osmolality stimulates thirst and ar-
ginine vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) se-
cretion.9 In contrast, plasma hypoosmolality causes the suppression A well-­preserved thirst mechanism that stimulates the desire to
of ADH release. Tonicity is the effective osmolality and reflects the drink is very important in disorders of urinary concentration as it
content of effective osmoles providing the driving force for water prevents dehydration. Central osmoreceptors are neurons located
movement into the compartment of greater tonicity. Hypotonic in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and in subfor-
plasma causes cellular swelling (e.g. brain oedema), while on the other nical organ in hypothalamus outside the hemato-­encephalic barrier.
hand hypertonic plasma leads to cell shrinkage. Significant changes These cells are able to transform osmotic stimuli to electric signals
in osmolality may lead to life-­threatening conditions affecting brain and to send the information to neurons responsible for the produc-
cells. The pre-­prohormone of ADH is synthetized in the hypothala- tion of ADH.16 Central osmoreceptors are very sensitive; even a 1%
mus, and ADH is then stored in the posterior hypophysis. It regulates variation in plasmatic osmolarity is sufficient to determine signifi-
body water retention by reducing the water lost to the urine. Apart cant modifications in ADH secretion. The threshold for cessation
from hyperosmolality, hypovolemia also stimulates AVP release to a of ADH release corresponds to a plasma osmolarity <275 mmol/kg,
lesser extent by the action of baroreceptors that sense the intravas- while for plasma osmolarity >284 mmol/kg or higher, the ADH con-
cular pressure and respond to stretching of the vessel wall, providing centration rises linearly.17 The brain generates efferent neural out-
information to the central nervous system and regulating the release put via the sympathetic nervous system, and outgoing stimuli can
of ADH. While low-­pressure receptors are located in larger veins, the change the heart rate, cardiac output and peripheral vascular tone.
atria and lungs, high-­pressure receptors reside in the carotid sinus Recently, peripheral osmoreceptors were discovered in the thoracic
and aortic arch.10 Stimulation of both types of baroreceptors leads to dorsal root ganglia that innervate hepatic blood vessels in mice.18
ADH secretion in states with extracellular depletion. Other receptors that play an important role in maintaining body
Intravascular dehydration also causes the activation of the fluid balance are flow receptors in the juxtaglomerular apparatus.
renin–­angiotensin–­aldosterone (RAA) axis, which results in water Upon stimulation, these receptors are able to moderate blood flow in
retention and an increase in blood pressure by increasing sodium the afferent arteriole by a mechanism of tubuloglomerular feedback.
and water reabsorption and arteriolar tone.11,12 ADH contributes to Increased tubular flow causes vasoconstriction of the afferent arte-
blood pressure maintenance not only by water reabsorption but also riole with a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This prevents
by its direct vasopressor effect. Small decreases in blood pressure water loss in conditions with increased GFR. Increased tubular flow
have little effect, but more significant falls in blood pressure will sac- also inhibits renin release. Atrial and brain natriuretic peptide both
rifice concentration for volume and release ADH, even in patients produced in the heart play an important role in natriuresis. They act
with hypoosmolar plasma. There are other non-­osmotic stimuli that directly on tubules to decrease sodium tubular reabsorption, facil-
promote ADH release, such as nausea, hypoxia, acute hypoglycae- itate sodium excretion and block the effect of the RAA system.14
mia, motion sickness, alcohol, morphine and nicotine. In the kid-
neys, ADH acts through V2 receptors on the principal cells of the
renal distal tubules and collecting ducts by increasing the number 3 | A E TI O LO G Y O F H Y PE R N ATR A E M I A
of aquaporin 2 receptors, i.e. molecular water channels in the apical
membranes. As hyponatraemia is commonly caused by an excess of water, hy-
There are only very discreet variations in plasma osmolality de- pernatraemia is usually associated with water deficiency. The abil-
spite changes in water intake and excretion. The amount of water ity to concentrate the urine and an intact thirst mechanism along
loss varies on a daily basis depending on body temperature, physi- with unrestricted free access to water are the main protective
cal activity and environmental conditions. The kidneys can regulate measures of the body against the development of hypernatrae-
urine osmolality within a large range, from 50 to 900–­1400 mmol/L mia. 2 Hypernatraemia rarely develops in children with an adequate
in adults. thirst response and free access to water. Two main causes of

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ZIEG 507

hypernatraemia are excessive water losses and excessive sodium in- 5 | C LI N I C A L S TATE S W ITH FR E E WATE R
take. Less frequently, insufficient water intake and mineralocorticoid LOS S
overproduction may be responsible for hypernatraemia. Patients
with hypernatraemia usually present with non-­specific symptoms The most common mechanism leading to a high serum sodium
such as nausea, vomiting, irritability, restlessness, weakness and concentration is increased loss of solute-­
free water, which ex-
hyperthermia. Spasticity, convulsions, absence seizures, coma and ceeds the sodium wasting in children with acute gastroenteritis.
other neurologic symptoms may occur. A rapid rise in serum sodium Hypernatraemic dehydration most frequently affects young infants
can result in hyperthermia, intracranial haemorrhage, venous sinus receiving insufficient water replacement for losses. Fluid shifts from
thrombosis or demyelination. Rhabdomyolysis may be a complica- the cells to the hypertonic intravascular space result in cell dehy-
tion of severe hypernatraemia. dration and shrinkage. Hypernatraemic dehydration is usually clini-
cally less apparent as general signs of dehydration are mitigated,
which may delay the diagnosis. Brain cell dehydration may result in
4 | D I AG N OS I S severe neurological injury such as intracranial haemorrhage and is
associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Mainly children
A diagnosis of hypernatraemia is suspected in the presence of symp- with a serum sodium concentration of more than 160 mmol/L and
toms and confirmed by an elevated serum sodium concentration. those with fast correction of sodium are at the greatest risk of com-
A detailed history is the first step, and states with too little water plications. 23 Decreased body water content is caused by excessive
need to be distinguished from states with too much salt. 5 The fluid water losses from the urinary tract in children with diabetes insipi-
intake and output, weight dynamics and composition of oral fluids dus centralis and renalis, states characterized by a renal concentra-
or infusions should be assessed. Evaluation of water and electrolyte tion defect related to decreased ADH or resistance to its effects.
losses and their replacement along with medication history are im- Patients typically present with polydipsia, polyuria, dehydration and
portant. A renal concentrating defect is suspicious in children with hypoosmolar urine. Genetic causes, trauma, infection, tumours and
inadequately high urine output and low urine osmolality in hyper- autoimmune processes are the most common cause of diabetes in-
natraemic states. While hypovolemic hypernatraemia is usually as- sipidus centralis. Genetic and acquired aetiologies are responsible
sociated with weight loss, weight gain is seen in salt intoxication. for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. A disturbed kidney concentra-
Serum and urinary sodium, creatinine, and osmolality levels are labo- tion mechanism may be associated with certain electrolyte abnor-
ratory markers used for the differential diagnosis of hypernatraemia. malities (hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia), chronic kidney disease or
Calculation of the sodium excretion fraction is very helpful. While drug exposure. 24 The aetiology of diabetes insipidus is summarized
fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) ≤1% is characteristic for water in Table 1. Moreover, osmotic diuresis, e.g. in diabetic ketoacidosis
loss, FENa of ≥2% will typically be seen in salt-­poisoned children. and acute kidney injury due to glucose and urea-­induced solute diu-
Ion-­selective electrode assays are used in most of the laboratories resis or after mannitol administration, may result in hypernatraemia if
for sodium assessment; however, pseudohypernatraemia-­falsely water losses are not adequately replaced. Hypernatraemia may also
increased sodium serum levels may occur in children with hypo- occur in individuals with excessive sweating due to prolonged physi-
proteinemia due to increased plasma water fraction if indirect ion-­ cal activity, fever or exposure to high temperatures. Interestingly,
elective electrode assays are used. 22 Image 1 shows an algorithm for although sweat is hypotonic compared to plasma, endurance sport
the differential diagnosis of hypernatraemia (Figure 1).

F I G U R E 1 Practical approach to
differential diagnosis of paediatric
hypernatraemia. FENa, sodium fractional
excretion; Posm, plasma osmolality; Uosm,
urine osmolality

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508 ZIEG

TA B L E 1 Aetiology of diabetes insipidus in children

Central diabetes insipidus Familial Autosomal dominant

Autosomal recessive
Wolfram syndrome, DIDMOAD
Acquired Tumors—­germinoma, craniopharyngioma, glioma, metastasis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Infectious—­meningitis, encephalitis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis
Hypocalaemia, hypercalcaemia
Cerebral malformations Holoprosencephaly, genesis of corpus callosum, septo-­optic
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Familial X-­linked
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
Acquired Drug-­induced—­lithium, amphotericin B, rifampicin, clozapine,
methicillin, demeclocycline, cyclophosphamide,
ifosfamide, vinblastine, furosemide
Primary kidney disease: obstructive uropathy, polycystic
kidney disease, nephronophthisis, cystinosis, Bartter
syndrome, sickle cell disease, Sjögren syndrome
Mineralocorticoid excess

Abbreviation: DIDMOAD, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, deafness.

activities may also cause hyponatraemia due to increased ADH se- hypernatraemia development. Also, small infants and children with-
cretion and high water intake. out free access to water may encounter hypernatraemia. The serum
sodium concentration may increase mainly if the restricted access
to water is also combined with water ongoing losses. Ineffective
6 | C LI N I C A L S TATE S W ITH S O D I U M breastfeeding-­associated hypernatraemia was reported in several
E XC E S S studies. Poor feeding secondary to lactation failure and excessive
weight loss are the main presenting signs. 2,27 Unlike other forms of
High sodium consumption, inappropriate rehydration by enteral or hypernatraemic dehydration, there is usually mild or no neurologic
parenteral hypernatraemic solutions and salt poisoning lead to hy- damage. 28
pernatraemia from sodium excess. Cases of salt poisoning in children
have been reported, both unintentional and intentional. Salt toxicity
is dangerous and associated with significant (>50%) mortality due to 8 | C LI N I C A L S TATE S W ITH
irreversible neurological damage. 26 Renal impairment and the inabil- M I N E R A LO CO RTI CO I D OV E R PRO D U C TI O N
ity of children to communicate the need for fluids represent the main
risk factors for salt toxicity. A high serum sodium content leads to Hypernatraemia may accompany states with endogenous and
rapidly increased tonicity and excretion of water without electrolyte exogenous mineralocorticoid excess. Conditions associated with
loss. A variety of neurological symptoms may occur. mineralocorticoid excess include primary hyperaldosteronism,
s ecreting tumours and congenital adre-
nal hyperplasia due to 11-­
hydroxylase deficiency. The sodium
7 | C LI N I C A L S TATE S W ITH I N S U FFI C I E NT concentration in patients with primary hyperaldosteronism is
WATE R I NTA K E typically higher than the normal range or only mildly elevated
due to resetting of the osmostat. Patients usually also pre-
Intact thirst sensation is an important regulator of body water sent with hypokalaemia, suppressed renin activity and hy-
homoeostasis. Children with adipsia or hypodipsia due to a con- pertension. High renin activity is associated with secondary
genital or acquired hypothalamic defect are at a particular risk of hyperaldosteronism. 29

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ZIEG 509

9 | M A N AG E M E NT and maintenance requirements including sensible and insensible

losses need to be added.32 (Table 2) Of note, management of children
Once the aetiology of hypernatraemia is clarified (deficiency of with impaired urinary concentration ability differs, and 5% glucose is
water vs. excess of salt), the goal of treatment is the administration appropriate initial rehydration fluid for these patients, because sodium
of free water to correct the water deficit using formula3: containing solutions may further worsen their hypernatraemia.33

Free water deficit (ml) = 4 ml × weight (kg) × desired change in sodium in mmol∕L.

Maintenance of the circulatory volume by isotonic solution or 10 | CO N C LU S I O N

colloids should precede the administration of a hypotonic solution
to dehydrated children. Although 0.9% NaCl is an isosmotic solution Understanding and respecting the physiologic principles of sodium
commonly used in fluid resuscitation, it cannot be considered physio- and water homoeostasis is essential in the adequate management
logic because of its higher content of sodium and chloride. However, it of children with hypernatraemia. Although this electrolyte abnor-
is the preferred intravenous fluid for acutely ill children. As in hypo- mality is quite rare in clinical practice, a differential diagnosis and
natraemic states, the correction of hypernatraemia should be gradual correct therapeutic strategy may be challenging in some cases. Slow
to prevent the development of cerebral oedema. Insensible losses, correction of serum sodium levels along with frequent monitoring
urine output and other fluid wasting should be added to the calcu- of natraemia are the mainstay of therapy. Improper treatment may
lated free water deficit. The serum sodium level should not decrease cause irreversible and severe neurologic complications.
by more than 1 mmol/L/h and 15 mmol/24 h to prevent brain swelling.
So, it may take more than 48 h in some cases to reach the desired C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
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