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Current Medical Research and Opinion

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Real-world evidence costs of allergic rhinitis

and allergy immunotherapy in the commercially
insured United States population

Joseph P. Tkacz, Karen Rance, Douglas Waddell, Mark Aagren & Eva

To cite this article: Joseph P. Tkacz, Karen Rance, Douglas Waddell, Mark Aagren & Eva
Hammerby (2021) Real-world evidence costs of allergic rhinitis and allergy immunotherapy in
the commercially insured United States population, Current Medical Research and Opinion,
37:6, 957-965, DOI: 10.1080/03007995.2021.1903848

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2021, VOL. 37, NO. 6, 957–965
Article RT-0064.R1/1903848


Real-world evidence costs of allergic rhinitis and allergy immunotherapy in the

commercially insured United States population
Joseph P. Tkacza, Karen Ranceb, Douglas Waddellb, Mark Aagrenb and Eva Hammerbyb
IBM Watson Health, Cambridge, MA, USA; bALK-Abello, Hørsholm, Denmark


Objective: To assess total and allergic rhinitis (AR)-related healthcare costs among AR patients residing Received 26 January 2021
in the United States with a focus on patients persisting with AIT. Revised 25 February 2021
Methods: AR patients were identified in the IBM MarketScan database between 1 January 2014 to 31 Accepted 8 March 2021
March 2017. Patients receiving allergy immunotherapy (AIT) were identified with relevant billing codes
(earliest AIT claim ¼ index date); non-AIT patients were identified with claims containing a diagnosis Allergy immunotherapy;
code for AR (earliest AR claim ¼ index date). AIT patients reaching 25þ injection claims were analyzed allergic rhinitis; healthcare
as a separate maintenance cohort. All patients were required to have continuous enrollment for costs; wastage
12 months preceding and following index.
Results: A total of 2,334,530 AR patients were included; 103,207 had at least 1 AIT claim, with 45,279
(43.9%) of these patients reaching maintenance, and 24,640 AIT patients (23.9%) never presenting a
single injection claim. Compared to non-AIT patients, patients initiating AIT presented higher rates of
baseline comorbidities, including asthma (30.1% vs. 7.5%) and conjunctivitis (21.7% vs. 4.4%). During
the follow-up period, patients reaching the maintenance phase of AIT incurred lower total costs than
the overall AIT cohort ($10,431±$16,606 vs. $11,612±$24,797), and also presented lower follow-up hos-
pitalization costs ($698±$7,248 vs. $1,281±$12,991) and total medical costs ($7950±$13,844
vs. $8989±$22,019).
Conclusions: Continued efforts are needed to increase patient awareness of available options and
adherence to AIT, along with reducing wastage. Despite AIT patients presenting fairly progressed dis-
ease at the time of treatment initiation, this therapy remains an economical treatment option, as it
was not accompanied by substantial increases in overall healthcare expenditure, and may promote
positive societal impacts beyond the direct medical costs.


 The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased over the past 50 years and affects between
10–30% of the world population.
 Allergic rhinitis (AR) poses a significant economic burden in the form of both direct and indir-
ect costs
 Allergy immunotherapy (AIT) is the only treatment option able to modify the underlying course of
the disease.


 Specific all-cause and AR-related healthcare costs decreased following the initiation of AIT among
patients diagnosed with AR, with the largest decreases observed among AIT patients reaching the
maintenance phase of treatment, while non-AIT patients showed increases in all categories assessed
over a similar follow-up period.
 Cost decreases among AIT patients were observed despite increased levels of comorbidities com-
pared to non-AIT patients, as the AIT cohort presented elevated rates of atopic dermatitis (7.1% vs.
2.7%), conjunctivitis (21.7% vs. 4.4%), asthma (30.1% vs. 7.5%), and chronic sinusitis (22.6%
vs. 4.9%).
 An analysis of patients’ index subcutaneous AIT consultation revealed substantial variability in the
initial treatment costs, with nearly 20% of paid amounts exceeding $1,000; given nearly 1 in 4 AIT
patients who get AIT mixed never came back for their first injection, this highlights an opportunity
to target frontloaded billing practices and the timing of mixing/injection as an area to minimize
healthcare waste.

CONTACT Joseph P. Tkacz 6710 Rockledge Drive, Floors 2A and 3A, Bethesda, MD 20817, USA
ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon
in any way.
958 J. P. TKACZ ET AL.

Introduction Methods
Allergic rhinitis (AR), also known as hay fever, is a condition Study design and data source
in which inflammatory processes stimulated by environmen-
This observational, retrospective study used de-identified
tal allergens result in sneezing, airflow obstruction, nasal
healthcare claims from the IBM MarketScan Commercial
pruritus, and clear nasal discharge1. Allergic diseases have
Database spanning the period of 1 January 2014, through 31
increased in prevalence across the globe over the past half
March 2017 (study period) to evaluate the healthcare cost
century, affecting between 10–30% of the world popula-
profiles of patient diagnosed with AR in the United States.
tion2, with sensitization rates to common allergens in
The database comprises enrollment and demographic infor-
school-aged children approaching 50%3, As a chronic dis-
mation, as well as inpatient medical, outpatient medical, and
ease, AR is associated with significant direct costs in the
outpatient pharmacy claims data collected from employees,
form of disease management, indirect costs in the form of
dependents, retirees, and members of >300 large self-
decreases in work productivity, and “hidden” costs associ- insured U.S. employers and >25 U.S. health plans. The data-
ated with the management of comorbidities common to base includes employer and health plan sourced data from
patients with AR4. As such, AR poses a significant economic approximately 140 million individuals from 1995 to 2017.
burden to society, particularly if treatment protocols are All database records were de-identified and fully compli-
not followed5. ant with the US Health Insurance Portability and
Societal estimates of the medical costs attributed to AR in Accountability Act (HIPAA); this compliance with HIPAA regu-
the United States (U.S.) have consistently returned values lation meant that patient consent and Institutional Review
between approximately $3 and $4 billion dollars annually6–9. Board approval to conduct this study were unnecessary.
A previous analysis of medical and pharmacy claims from a
U.S. managed care plan demonstrated that AR patients
incurred over $650 annually in direct AR-related costs, which Patient selection and cohort assignment
were evenly dispersed between medical and pharmacy serv- To be eligible for study inclusion, patients were required to
ices, and which were elevated among patients with specific meet the following criteria:
AR-related comorbidities10. Asthma, atopic dermatitis
(eczema), allergic conjunctivitis, and various sleep disorders
 The presence of  1 medical or pharmacy claim for AIT,
are just a few of the comorbidities commonly associated
and if an absence of AIT claims,  1 claim with a diagno-
with an AR diagnosis11–17, and recent evidence has high- sis of AR (ICD-9-CM 477.x or ICD-10-CM J30.x) between 1
lighted the substantial economic burden of both asthma, January 2014, and 31 March 2017
particularly among those with severe disease18, and atopic  Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for sub-
dermatitis19. As such, AR is seldom an isolated disorder, and cutaneous AIT (SCIT) included 95115; 95117; 95120;
the associated sequela contributing to these “hidden” costs 95125; 95144; 95165; 95180; and 9519927
should be taken into consideration when assessing the true  The earliest service date for either an AIT or AR claim
burden of this disease. served as the index date
Allergen avoidance, pharmacotherapy, and immunother-  At least 12 months of continuous enrollment with med-
apy are the primary options when considering a disease ical and pharmacy benefits for 12 months preceding the
management approach20. Though pharmacotherapy can sup- index date
press symptoms of AR, allergy immunotherapy (AIT) is the  At least 12 months of continuous enrollment with med-
only therapy that can modify the underlying course of dis- ical and pharmacy benefits for 12 months following the
ease21. AIT is typically prescribed for the most severe AR, index date
and persistence with treatment has been associated with
reduced high-cost venue service use and AR-related expend- Additionally, for patients in the AIT cohort, the 12-month
iture5. Additionally, a recent review has demonstrated that pre-index period was required to be absent of any AIT treat-
AIT is a cost-effective option in the management of AR com- ment, and patients were excluded if they presented any
pared with standard drug treatment22. claims for venom allergies at any time during the measure-
However, there remains a dearth of up to date, real- ment window. As the build-up phase of SCIT may entail 1–2
world evidence studies focused on the costs of AR, par- shots per week for 3–6 months, based on clinician recom-
ticularly among the subset of patients prescribed AIT. mendation, AIT patients reaching the maintenance phase of
Further, as adherence and persistence rates to AIT remain treatment were operationally defined in the current study as
less than optimal23–26, it will be critical to evaluate the those presenting 25þ AIT injection claims (CPT codes 95115
relationship between treatment compliance/non-compliance, and 95117) and were analyzed as a stand-alone cohort.
outcomes, and potentially healthcare wastage. Therefore, Review of the frequency distribution of patients meeting this
the purpose of this exploratory study was to better under- conservative definition corresponding to a once-weekly shot
stand the total and AR-related healthcare costs among a regimen for 6 months confirmed this threshold. As such,
large, nationally representative sample of AR patients resid- three main cohorts comprised the primary study compari-
ing in the United States, with a focus on patients pre- sons, and included all AIT patients, AIT patients reaching the
scribed AIT. maintenance phase of treatment (25þ injection claims), and

non-AIT patients. Additionally, for the analysis of healthcare Statistical analysis

wastage, the proportion of patients who discontinued AIT
As this was an exploratory study, only descriptive statistics
after a single visit was also presented.
were reported for demographics, clinical characteristics, and
healthcare cost measures for three cohorts: all AIT patients,
Measures AIT patients reaching the maintenance phase of treatment,
and non-AIT patients. Continuous variables were summarized
Sample characteristics using means and standard deviations (SD). Categorical varia-
Patient demographic characteristics were assessed on the
bles were reported using counts and percentages.
index date and included age, sex, geographic region of resi-
dence (Northeast, North-Central, South, West, and unknown),
urban or rural residency, and index year. Patient clinical char- Results
acteristics were assessed during the 12-month baseline, and
A total of 2,334,530 AR patients qualified for the current
included the Deyo-Charlson comorbidity index (a claims-
study; 103,207 patients presented 1 AIT claim (either for
based overall measure of health)28, the presence of comorbid
preparation or administration), with 45,279 (43.9%) of these
conditions of interest (asthma, atopic dermatitis, conjunctiv- AIT patients presenting 25þ AIT injection claims (mainten-
itis, depression, eustachian tube disorder, food allergy, head- ance). A total of 17,757 AIT patients (17.2%) only presented a
ache, heartburn/reflux/GERD, migraine, otitis media, single AIT claim of any type, while 24,640 AIT patients
pneumonia, skin rash [including pruritus], eczema, sleep (23.9%) only presented without any injection claims (i.e. had
apnea, sleep disturbance, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, AIT mixed but did not receive it). The remaining 2,231,323 AR
bronchitis, and any upper respiratory tract infection), the use patients did not receive AIT treatment.
of specific prescription medication classes (antihistamines, Groups were similar demographically, with mean patient
decongestants, intranasal corticosteroids, and nasal sprays), ages in the early 30 s, and a relatively uniform dispersion
and the frequency of specific surgeries (polypectomy, septo- between early and middle adulthood (Table 1). A greater
plasty, sinus surgey, turbinectomy, and tympanostomy). proportion of patients receiving AIT were female compared
to non-AIT patients (58.2% vs. 56.4%), and patients primarily
resided in urban areas of the southern United States. During
the baseline year, discordant rates of a number of comorbid
All-cause and AR/AR comorbidity-specific healthcare costs
conditions were observed between AIT and non-AIT cohorts,
were assessed during each the 12-month baseline and 12-
with a higher proportion of AIT patients presenting claims
month follow-up period, and were reported by the following
for atopic dermatitis (7.1% vs. 2.7%), conjunctivitis (21.7% vs.
service categories: inpatient, emergency room (ER), physician
4.4%), asthma (30.1% vs. 7.5%), chronic sinusitis (22.6% vs.
office, laboratory, other outpatient services, outpatient pre-
4.9%), and upper respiratory tract infections (60.3% vs.
scriptions, and surgical procedures. AR/AR comorbidity-
34.2%; Table 2). Additionally, a higher proportion of AIT
related healthcare costs included all inpatient medical claims
patients filled baseline prescriptions for decongestants
with any of the following diagnosis codes in the primary
(28.9% vs. 6.2%), nasal sprays (44.3% vs. 11.1%), antihist-
position or any position on outpatient claims: AR, asthma,
amines (16.8% vs. 4.7%), and intranasal corticosteroids
atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, eus-
(36.9% vs. 11.3%), with a higher proportion also presenting a
tachian tube disorder, food allergy, headache, migraine, otitis
baseline AR-related surgical procedure (4.1% vs. 0.9%) com-
media, skin rash (including pruritus), eczema, sleep apnea, pared to non-AIT patients.
sleep disturbance, bronchitis, any upper respiratory tract Table 3 presents all-cause and AR/AR comorbidity-related
infection, nasal polyps, or chronic sinusitis. Additionally, all healthcare cost metrics during each of the baseline and fol-
pharmacy claims indicated for AR or AR-related treatment, low-up periods. In the year leading up to treatment initi-
and any of the five surgeries listed above (polypectomy, sep- ation, the AIT cohort presented greater baseline all-cause
toplasty, sinus surgey, turbinectomy, and tympanostomy) total healthcare costs compared to non-AIT patients
also contributed to disease-related costs. ($9,418±$20,566 vs. $5,213±$19,503), along with greater total
As medical coding practices for the reimbursement of AIT, AR-related costs ($2,482±$5,118 vs. $518±$2,252). The major-
in particular SCIT, are known to vary, the distribution of paid ity of costs were derived from medical expenditure as
amounts appearing on the initial, index SCIT claim were also opposed to pharmacy expenditure, which was consistent for
examined as a separate outcome given the known issues both all-cause and AR-related cost metrics. Across all service
with AIT adherence23–26. Costs were presented for the eight categories, AIT patients presented greater mean baseline
distinct non-venom AIT procedure codes in use at the time costs compared to non-AIT patients, with the subset of
of the analyses, and these visit costs were segmented into patients who eventually reached the maintenance phase of
categories of the total amount claimed ($0–$99, $100–$299, treatment (25þ injections) presenting a slightly lower mean
$300–$499, $500–$999, $1000þ). For all analyses of cost met- baseline cost compared to the overall AIT cohort
rics, dollar amounts were inflated to 2018 USD (the final year ($8,447±$15,467 vs. $9,418±$20,566).
of study data) using the medical component of the Similar cost patterns emerged during the follow-up
Consumer Price Index29. period, with the AIT cohort presenting greater mean
960 J. P. TKACZ ET AL.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics by AIT cohorts.

N ¼ 45,279 N ¼ 103,207 N ¼ 2,231,323
N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD
Age (Mean, SD) 33.2 18.0 34.2 17.3 32.0 19.2
Age categories (N, %)
18–27 4,269 9.4% 12,357 12.0% 263,302 11.8%
28–37 6,848 15.1% 16,885 16.4% 308,516 13.8%
38–47 8,574 18.9% 20,925 20.3% 361,546 16.2%
48–57 8,001 17.7% 18,564 18.0% 394,717 17.7%
58–65 4,306 9.5% 9,396 9.1% 226,072 10.1%
Sex (N, %)
Male 20,004 44.2% 43,162 41.8% 973,797 43.6%
Female 25,275 55.8% 60,045 58.2% 1,257,526 56.4%
Geographic region (N, %)
Northeast 6,751 14.9% 14,107 13.7% 330,536 14.8%
North Central 8,198 18.1% 15,357 14.9% 384,770 17.2%
South 23,725 52.4% 58,137 56.3% 1,186,081 53.2%
West 6,431 14.2% 15,088 14.6% 319,442 14.3%
Unknown 174 0.4% 518 0.5% 10,494 0.5%
Population density (N, %)
Urban 40,055 88.5% 90,275 87.5% 1,948,820 87.3%
Rural 5,051 11.2% 12,440 12.1% 272,742 12.2%
Unknown 173 0.4% 492 0.5% 9,761 0.4%
Index year (N, %)
2014 14,009 30.9% 33,157 32.1% 727,487 32.6%
2015 14,366 31.7% 33,317 32.3% 736,087 33.0%
2016 13,657 30.2% 29,777 28.9% 602,157 27.0%
2017 3,247 7.2% 6,956 6.7% 165,592 7.4%
Abbreviation. AIT, allergy immunotherapy.

all-cause total healthcare costs compared to non-AIT patients for allergen immunotherapy)27 was used in 78% of the first
($11,612±$24,797 vs. $7815±$27,041), and with patients claims, and carried an average cost of $748±$849 per claim,
reaching the maintenance phase of AIT presenting total with 21% of the paid amounts on these claims exceeding
mean costs values lower than the overall AIT cohort $1000. Among patients presenting a single AIT claim, 30.4%
($10,431±$16,606). Compared to the full AIT cohort, AIT of these sole visits were associated with costs in excess of
maintenance patients presented lower mean follow-up hos- $1000, with 12.8% in excess of $2000 As such, patients pre-
pitalization costs ($698±$7248 vs. $1281±$12,991), emer- senting with a single AIT claim managed to incur nearly half
gency room costs ($96±$513 vs. $125±$687), pharmacy costs the costs associated with AIT compared to patients present-
($2480±$7198 vs. $2622±$8674), and total medical costs ing at least 25 injections ($976±$1367 vs. $2150±$1205).
($7950±$13,844 vs. $8989±$22,019). Follow-up AR/AR comor-
bidity-related costs were naturally highest among AIT
patients reaching the maintenance phase of treatment Discussion
($4380±$4909), as these patients incurred greater costs for
This study presents a real-world examination of the cost pro-
their extended period of AIT treatment. In assessing the
files of patients diagnosed with AR in the United States, with
change in costs from baseline to follow-up, AIT patients pre-
a focus on those patients prescribed AIT. The AIT cohort pre-
sented reductions in nearly all service categories assessed
sented higher rates of numerous baseline allergy-related
with the exception of “other” outpatient services, where AIT
comorbidities compared to non-AIT patients, including
treatment costs are captured. These results were largely
asthma (30.1% vs. 7.5%), chronic sinusitis (22.6% vs. 4.9%),
driven by the subset of patients reaching the maintenance
phase of treatment (Figure 1). The non-AIT group showed and upper respiratory tract infections (60.3% vs. 34.2%), sug-
increases in all categories assessed. gesting those patients most severely impacted by the dis-
As less than half of AIT patients reached the maintenance ease were most likely to initiate AIT. These translated into
phase of treatment, with 17% only presenting a single AIT higher baseline and all-cause costs for the AIT cohort com-
claim of any type, and 23.9% never presenting a single AIT pared to non-AIT. However, from the year prior to AIT initi-
injection claim, analyses of the initial SCIT claim were under- ation to the year following, patients in the AIT cohort
taken to quantify potential AIT-related healthcare wastage. presented cost decreases in the majority of service categories
The cost associated with the index claim for SCIT varied assessed, including inpatient hospital and ER costs, while the
greatly, with a mean value of $674±$832. Fifty-five percent non-AIT group showed increases in all categories assessed.
of index SCIT claims carried a paid amount of less than $500, AIT patients reaching the maintenance phase of treatment
though 20% of these claims were observed with cost values were observed to present the largest reductions in expend-
in excess of $1000. Figure 2 presents the procedure codes iture from baseline to follow-up
with the largest variance in costs for the index SCIT claim. Total annual healthcare costs were relatively low for the
Procedure code 95165 (preparation and provision of antigens full AIT and non-AIT cohorts ($11,612±$24,797 vs.

Table 2. Baseline clinical characteristics by AIT cohorts.

N ¼ 45,279 N ¼ 103,207 N ¼ 2,231,323
N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD
Deyo-Charlson Comorbidity Index (Mean, SD) 0.46 0.72 0.45 0.76 0.22 0.66
Comorbid conditions of interest (N, %)
Any upper respiratory tract infection 28,568 63.1% 62,229 60.3% 762,433 34.2%
Sinusitis 19,291 42.6% 41,897 40.6% 385,113 17.3%
Asthma 15,689 34.6% 31,031 30.1% 166,674 7.5%
Conjunctivitis 12,277 27.1% 22,372 21.7% 98,447 4.4%
Chronic cough 12,074 26.7% 25,033 24.3% 230,975 10.4%
Upper respiratory tract infection 11,631 25.7% 25,969 25.2% 405,578 18.2%
Chronic sinusitis 11,087 24.5% 23,365 22.6% 108,380 4.9%
Heartburn, reflux, GERD 5,748 12.7% 13,346 12.9% 143,469 6.4%
Headache 5,119 11.3% 12,928 12.5% 117,204 5.3%
Otitis media 4,980 11.0% 10,287 10.0% 196,258 8.8%
Food allergya 4,503 9.9% 9,181 8.9% 20,955 0.9%
Bronchitis 4,347 9.6% 9,851 9.5% 116,626 5.2%
Atopic dermatitis 3,715 8.2% 7,324 7.1% 59,502 2.7%
Depression 3,628 8.0% 9,473 9.2% 126,999 5.7%
Eczema 3,469 7.7% 7,517 7.3% 83,330 3.7%
Sleep apnea 3,365 7.4% 7,662 7.4% 82,031 3.7%
Eustachian tube disorder 3,162 7.0% 6,660 6.5% 49,032 2.2%
Skin rash (including pruritus) 2,634 5.8% 6,488 6.3% 72,505 3.2%
Sleep disturbanceb 2,594 5.7% 6,682 6.5% 79,540 3.6%
Migraine 2,428 5.4% 6,243 6.0% 61,997 2.8%
Pneumonia 1,313 2.9% 2,754 2.7% 39,751 1.8%
Nasal polyps 1,295 2.9% 2,685 2.6% 4,970 0.2%
Chronic tonsillitis 414 0.9% 985 1.0% 7,387 0.3%
Concomitant Therapy (N, %)
Nasal spray 23,653 52.2% 45,766 44.3% 246,566 11.1%
Intranasal corticosteroid 19,435 42.9% 38,058 36.9% 251,121 11.3%
Decongestant 13,626 30.1% 29,796 28.9% 139,088 6.2%
Antihistamine 8,155 18.0% 17,371 16.8% 105,286 4.7%
Surgical Proceduresc (N, %) 2,030 4.5% 4,239 4.1% 20,195 0.9%
Food allergy includes peanuts, milk and milk produces, eggs, seafoods, and adverse symptoms related to food contact.
Sleep disturbance includes insomnia, hypersomnia, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, and narcolepsy.
Surgical procedures include turbinectomy, endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty, tympanostomy, and nasal polypectomy.
Abbreviations. AIT, allergy immunotherapy; GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; SD, standard deviation.

$7815±$27,04) compared to other chronic diseases in which discrepancies in accepted code usage across health insurance
long-term maintenance treatment may be indicated30,31. The plans. Present results demonstrated substantial variability in
lack of additional healthcare costs associated with prolonged the initial treatment costs for SCIT, along with a high mean
use of AIT is noteworthy, as the maintenance group actually cost, and with nearly 20% of paid amounts exceeding $1000.
incurred lower annual healthcare costs than the AIT group as The observed spread in claimed amounts may be reflective
a whole ($10,431±$16,606 vs. $11,612±$24,797). For most of certain physicians’ willingness and ability to bill for aller-
therapeutic classes, adherence and persistence is often asso- gen extracts, which would be administered over multiple
ciated with significantly increased medical and/or pharmacy successive office visits. This up front-billing may contribute
costs in the short term, which are not consistently offset by to healthcare waste, particularly as almost 1 in 4 patients
reductions in other healthcare spend32, and has long been never actually received a single AIT injection. Sublingual AIT
cited by patients as one of the reasons for medication non- (SLIT) tablets, which have been FDA approved since 201434,
adherence33. As such, results demonstrate that despite AIT may present a better option to promote persistence and
patients presenting fairly progressed disease at the time of adherence for some proportion of the AR population and
AIT initiation based on their increased levels of allergy- comes with less up front billing. A number of therapy-related
related comorbidities compared to non-AIT patients, AIT factors have been shown to correlate negatively with treat-
remains an economical treatment option and is not expected ment adherence, including the route of administration and
to be accompanied by notable increases in overall healthcare complexity of the regimen35. As SLIT is taken at home orally
expenditure. once a day, this may present a more convenient option for
In the current study, less than half of AIT patients reached select patients. Though the direct comparison of adherence
the maintenance phase of treatment, which may be partially rates between SLIT and SCIT have been variable36,37, these
explained by the fact that nearly a quarter of patients never can often be traced to the inherent difficulties comparing
presented a single injection claim. The sub-analysis of the ini- two routes of administration, often leading to bias grounded
tial, index SCIT claims revealed a curious pattern of variables in differences in how adherence is defined and thresholds
costs, particularly when juxtaposed against this observed low for compliance are set. Regardless, improved patient treat-
rate of AIT persistence. Medical procedure coding practices ment matching efforts and patient education on AIT main-
for the reimbursement of AIT may vary, partly driven by the tenance treatment in general may be warranted, in which
962 J. P. TKACZ ET AL.

Table 3. All-cause and AR-related healthcare costs by AIT cohorts in the baseline and follow-up periods.
N ¼ 45,279 N ¼ 103,207 N ¼2,231,323
N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD N/Mean %/SD
All-Cause Costsa
Pre-Index Period
Inpatient costs $799 $6,815 $1,091 $9,926 $981 $11,811
ER costs $324 $1,095 $432 $1,517 $275 $1,244
Physician office visit costs $1,004 $780 $981 $993 $480 $616
Specialist office visit costs $260 $237 $212 $237 $20 $86
Laboratory costs $399 $1,459 $520 $2,397 $257 $1,292
Other outpatient costs $3,823 $9,410 $4,170 $11,955 $2,075 $10,150
Outpatient prescription costs $2,098 $5,727 $2,222 $6,873 $1,145 $6,123
Total Medical Costs (Mean, SD) $6,349 $13,551 $7,195 $18,270 $4,069 $17,780
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $8,447 $15,467 $9,418 $20,566 $5,213 $19,503
Follow-Up Period
Inpatient costs $698 $7,248 $1,281 $12,991 $1,426 $16,790
ER costs $288 $1,079 $416 $1,573 $370 $1,615
Physician office visit costs $903 $802 $898 $1,140 $760 $731
Specialist office visit costs $202 $259 $156 $258 $71 $166
Laboratory costs $355 $1,047 $490 $2,433 $380 $1,606
Other outpatient costs $5,706 $9,478 $5,905 $13,539 $3,180 $13,769
Outpatient prescription costs $2,480 $7,198 $2,622 $8,674 $1,699 $8,529
Total Medical Costs (Mean, SD) $7,950 $13,844 $8,989 $22,019 $6,116 $24,692
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $10,431 $16,606 $11,612 $24,797 $7,815 $27,041
Pre-Index Period
Inpatient costs $66 $1,286 $76 $1,577 $29 $1,115
ER costs $96 $513 $125 $687 $61 $434
Physician office visit costs $515 $405 $455 $423 $126 $223
Specialist office visit costsb $240 $217 $192 $216 $12 $63
Laboratory costs $10 $189 $9 $166 $3 $85
Other outpatient costs $1,312 $3,748 $1,254 $3,875 $200 $1,579
Outpatient prescription costs $617 $1,377 $563 $1,807 $101 $535
Surgical procedure costsc $295 $2,339 $271 $2,168 $32 $603
Anaphylaxis costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Medical Costs (Mean, SD) $1,998 $4,283 $1,919 $4,568 $417 $2,132
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $2,615 $4,668 $2,482 $5,118 $518 $2,252
Follow-Up Period
Inpatient costs $22 $763 $43 $1,043 $35 $1,405
ER costs $74 $458 $107 $671 $88 $561
Physician office visit costs $410 $431 $363 $429 $322 $317
Specialist office visit costs $188 $244 $141 $237 $60 $146
Laboratory costs $4 $81 $6 $136 $5 $145
Other outpatient costs $3,054 $3,855 $2,747 $4,663 $528 $2,749
Outpatient prescription costs $816 $2,119 $749 $2,544 $218 $992
Surgical procedure costs $280 $2,136 $271 $2,145 $104 $1,233
Anaphylaxis costs $6 $90 $5 $99 $0 $0
AIT costs $2,150 $1,205 $1,798 $1,805 $0 $0
Total Medical Costs (Mean, SD) $3,564 $4,163 $3,266 $5,091 $978 $3,352
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $4,380 $4,909 $4,015 $5,950 $1,195 $3,597
Costs were calculated based on paid amounts of adjudicated claims, including insurer and health plan payments, and patient cost-shar-
ing in the form of copayment, deductible, and coinsurance. All costs were adjusted for inflation using the medical care component of
the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and standardized to 2018 U.S. dollars.
Specialist office visits include allergy, immunology, otolaryngology, or pulmonary disease providers.
Surgical procedures include turbinectomy, endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty, tympanostomy, and nasal polypectomy.
Abbreviations. AIT, allergy immunotherapy; ER, emergency room; SD, standard deviation.

the timing and proportion of AR patients identified for candi- severity41,42. The total indirect cost estimates of AR vary
dates for SCIT or SLIT is maximized. considerably from 0.1 billion to 9.7 billion USD annually,
As AR has also been shown to have significant impacts on with per-person costs of $5939,43. Improving the overall
quality of life and work productivity, there is more than a dir- quality of life for these patients, along with the promotion
ect economic benefit to be realized when the disease is of increased productivity, will result in significant societal
treated timely and appropriately. Studies have reported the cost savings beyond direct medical expenditure, which will
direct impact of AR on mood, anxiety, depression, social life, be critical as the increasing trend in the prevalence of AR
sleeping, cognitive function, school performance, and overall is likely to continue due to a variety of environmental and
quality of life38,39, with specific clinical, immunological, and lifestyle-based causes44,45]. Thus, it may be advantageous
functional parameters of the disease directly tied to quality for patients to initiate AIT earlier in the course of their dis-
of life indices40. Further, results of a systematic review dem- ease, which could hinder the development of a more
onstrate that 35% of patients with AR report impairment on severe disease and minimize the onset of allergy-related
the job, also with a direct relationship to symptom comorbidities.

Allin All-Cause
Cause CostsFigure
Cost Change Pre to Post Index
Inpatient costs -$101 $190 $445
ER costsLaboratory costs -$36 -$17 $94
Physician office visit costs -$101 -$83 $280
Specialist office visit costs -$58 -$56 $51
Laboratory costs -$44 -$31 $123
Other outpatient costs $1,882 $1,735 $1,106
Specialist office visit costs
Outpatient prescription costs $382 $400 $554
Total Medical Costs (Mean, SD) $1,601 $1,794 $2,047
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $1,983 $2,194 $2,602
Physician office visit costs

AR-Related Cost Change Figure

Inpatient costs -$44 -$33 $7
ER costs -$22 -$18 $27
Physician office visit costs -$105 -$92 $196
Specialist office costs
visit costs -$51 -$51 $48
Laboratory costs -$6 -$3 $3
Other outpatient costs $199 $186 $117
Outpatient prescription-$200
costs -$100 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500


Surgical procedure costs3 $15 $0 -$72
Anaphylaxis costs -$6 -$5 $0
Total Medical Costs (Mean,Change
SD) in$1,566
AR-Related Costs$1,346
Pre to Post Index$560
Total Healthcare Costs (Mean, SD) $1,764 $1,533 $677

Other outpatient costs

Laboratory costs

Specialist office visit costs

Physician office visit costs

ER costs

Inpatient costs

-$150 -$100 -$50 $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250


Figure 1. All-cause and AR-related cost differences baseline to follow-up by AIT cohorts.

$0 - $99 $100 - $299 $300 - $499 $500 - $799 $800 - $999 $1,000+
Current Procedural Terminology Code

9514495199 30% 51%

65% 2% 2% 34% 0% 7%
95165 13% 23% 15% 18% 10% 21%
95180 5% 24% 15% 20% 12% 25%
95199 51% 34% 3% 1% 4% 7%
95180 5% 24% 15% 20% 12% 25%

95165 13% 23% 15% 18% 10% 21%

95144 30% 65%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

$0 - $99 $100 - $299 $300 - $499 $500 - $799 $800 - $999 $1,000+

Figure 2. Cost distribution of index SCIT claims by select Current Procedural Terminology codes.
964 J. P. TKACZ ET AL.

Limitations Declaration of financial/other relationships

Studying AR in administrative claims data does come with KR, DW, MA and EH were employed by ALK-Abello  during the execution
some limitations. First, AR can often be managed without of this study. JT is employed by IBM Watson Health as a consultant and
received funding from ALK-Abello  to conduct this study. Peer reviewers
intervention of a physician (e.g. over the counter medications), on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other relationships
meaning there will be a period of time where AR patients do to disclose.
not generate any claims with an AR diagnosis until the disease
reached more severe levels. As such, the true length of dis-
ease for patients in the current sample is unknown. Acknowledgements
Additionally, the current study required a minimum of 2 years Lisa Elliott is greatly acknowledged for her assistance with the develop-
of continuous commercial health coverage. Therefore, results ment of various elements of the initial study design.
of this analysis may not be generalizable to AR patients who
change or lose insurance, to those with Medicare/Medicaid
insurance, and to the uninsured. Also, though patients were
Previous presentation
followed for two years, the long-term clinical outcomes of AR A preliminary analysis of select data appearing in the current manuscript
will likely require an extended follow-up window, as AIT will was presented at the AMCP 2020 annual meeting, April 21-24.
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