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Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

School of Computer Science & IT, DAVV

M. Tech., MCA (2 years), M.Sc. (CS/IT), MBA (CM), BCA, BCA (Hons.), PGDCA

Particulars Odd Semester Even Semester

I Semester III Semester II Semester IV Semester

Registration 01 Sep 2022 15 July, 2022 23 Jan, 2023 02 Jan, 2023
Starting From

Beginning of
12 Sep, 2022 20 July, 2022 23 Jan, 2023 02 Jan, 2023
Semester Classes

Class Test I 11-13 Oct, 2022 01- 03 Sep 2022 22-24 Feb, 2023 06-08 Feb,2023

Result Test I Till 25 Oct, 2022 Till 10 Sep 2022 Till 5 Mar, 2023 Till 15 Feb, 2023

Class Test II 15-17 Nov, 2022 11-13 Oct, 2022 27-29 Mar, 2023 13-15 Mar,2023

Result Test II Till 25 Nov, 2022 Till 25 Oct, 2022 Till 5 Apr, 2023 Till 25 Mar, 2023

Class Test III 20-22 Dec, 2022 15-17 Nov, 2022 26-28 Apr, 2023 17-19 Apr,2023

Result Test III Till 28 Dec, 2022 Till 25 Nov, 2022 Till 5 May, 2023 Till 25 Apr, 2023

Teaching Ends 28 Dec, 2022 25 Nov, 2022 5 May, 2023 25 Apr, 2023

Feedback Dates 29 Dec, 2022 29-30 Nov, 2022 6-7 May, 2023 26-27 Apr, 2023

Examinations 1 May -15 May,

01-16 Jan, 2023 01-15 Dec, 2022 15-31 May 2023
(Th. & Pr.) 2023

Vacation for 17 May- 30 June,

17-21 Jan, 2023 19-31 Dec, 2022 1 -30 June, 2023
Students 2023

Diwali Holidays: 24 Oct, 2022 – 29 Oct, 2022

Dissertation/ Project work for M.Tech. final year shall span over 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023


1. For all academic matters pertaining to Attendance, Examination Scheme, Curriculum

etc, Ordinance 14 should be strictly adhered to.
2. Scheduled dates for 1st Semester students may vary because of late admissions.

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3. All vacations and holidays shall be as per University orders.
4. The dates of technical and cultural activities are tentative and shall be announced
separately. Orientation Programme, Cultural Fest & Sports Fest.
5. Inter departmental cultural and sport activities shall be held as per the UTD schedule.
6. Many other activities like Seminars, Workshops, Debate etc. shall be announced by
the school from time to time.
7. The best two test marks shall be considered for final internal test marks. Final written
exam, practical viva and comprehensive viva voce are compulsory.
8. The students falling short of attendance shall not be allowed to appear in test(s) &
final exam. (Minimum 75% attendance is compulsorily required in Theory and Lab
classes respectively).
9. Calendar is tentative and subject to change under unavoidable situations or in case of
change in common academic calendar of university or as per university orders.
10. Students must check the notice boards, Google classroom and website regularly for
latest updates.


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