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Male Reproductive

All about male reproductive system
All about male
reproductive system
The primary sex organ in male is - Testes, and the
secondary sex organs includes- Epididymis, Vas
deference, Ejaculatory ducts, Urethra, Seminal
vesicles, Prostate glands, and
Bulbourethral/Cowper’s gland.
It is located in the scrotum, which is made up of
a skin and subcutaneous tissue.
It is divided into multiple lobes, in each lobes a
seminiferous tubule is coiled producing the
sperms and contains sertoli cells that nourish
the sperm.
Alongside the tubules on the outside the
interstitial cells secrets the androgen hormones.
A narrow, tightly-coiled tube that is attached to
each of the testicles. Sperm cells move from the
testicles into the epididymis, where they finish
maturing and are stored.
It stores the sperms for 2-3 months.
It contracts to push the sperm to vas deferens.
Vas deferens
Long tube in the spermatic cord (contains the
vas deferens, blood & lymphatic vessels, nerves
and muscles) that enters the abdomen through
the inguinal canal and curves behind the bladder.
Each Vas Deferens joins with one seminal vesicle
duct to form the two ejaculatory ducts that pass
through the prostate and connect to the urethra.
Transport the sperm from the epididymis in
anticipation of ejaculation.
Seminal vesicles
It is located at the base of the bladder.
Connected to the Ductus Deferens to form the
Ejaculatory Ducts.
Secretes the thick yellowish fluid in the semen
rich in fructose, vitamin c and prostaglandins to
nourish and activate the sperm as they pass
through the ducts.
Prostate glands
It is located below the bladder.
Secretes a milky alkaline substance that will
increase the sperm’s motility and protect them
against the acidic environment in the vagina
Bulbourethral gland
Cowper’s Glands located below the Prostate on
either side of the Urethra.
It secretes a thick mucus that lubricates the
urethra for the sperm to pass through during
Starts from the base of the urinary bladder to
the urinary meatus or tip of the Penis. Divided
into the prostatic, membranous and penile
In the penile section the urethra is surrounded
by the Corpus Spongiosum that forms the glans.
This spongy tissue prevents the compression of
the urethra during an erection.
On top of the Corpus Spongiosum are the 2
Corpus Cavernosa that are filled with blood
during an erection.
It allows the passage of the semen during
ejaculation and the urine when voiding.
Spermatogenesis is the process by which sperm cell
production occurs, the germ cells give rise to the
haploid spermatozoa.
2n Spermatogonia


2n Primary
spermatocy te
meiosis I

n n Secondary
spermatocy tes

meiosis II

n n n n Spermatids


(sperm cells)
Hypothalamus secretes GNRH (FSHRH & LHRH)
that causes the pituitary to secrete FSH & LH.
LH cause the interstitial cells to develop and
secrete Testosterone.
FSH & Testosterone will cause the sperm to
undergo meiosis and mature into a spermatozoa
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