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Female Reproductive

All about Female reproductive system

Menstrual cycle
All about Female
Reproductive System
The organs included are Ovaries(gonads), Uterine
tubes or oviducts, Uterus, Vagina and the external
organs which are collectively called Vulva.
It is attached to the uterus by the ovarian
Located close to the fimbriae of the fallopian tubes.
They resemble the shape and the size of an almond
and they are homologous to the testes.
The ovaries produces gametes, secondary oocytes
that develop into mature ova(eggs).
Ovaries contain each 400,000 ovarian follicles at
puberty of which 400 become mature eggs after
undergoing meosis during a female's lifetime.
It produces oestrogen and progesterone.
it releases 1 ovum or mature egg (gamate) per
manth during a process known as ovulation.
Fallopian Tubes
Females have two uterine tubes also called
fallopian tubes or oviduct that extends laterally
from the uterus. The tubes which measure about
10cm (4in).
It provides a root for sperm to reach an ovum and
transport secondary oocyte and fertilized ova
from the ovaries to the uterus
The funnel shaped infundambium, helps to
transport the mature egg or ovum from the
ovaries to the uterus with the help of the finger
like projections called Fimbriae.
The Ampulla of the uterine tubes is the widest and
longest portion.
The isthmus of the uterine tube is the more
medial, short, narrow, thick-walled portion that
joins the uterus.
The uterus serves as the part of the site of
implantation of a fertilized ovum, development of
the fetus during pregnancy, and labor.
During reproductive cycle, if there is no
implantation then the uterus is the source of
menstrual flow.
The womb is located between the sacarum and the
symphysis pubis above the bladder and in front of
the rectum.
The uterus is held in the place by the ligaments
composed of the perimetrium, myometrium and
It is the lower portion of the uterus that connects
to the top of the vagina.
it opens slightly to let the menstrual blood out and
it also secrets an abundant, clear, stretchy, wet and
slippery mucus during the time of ovulation to
help the sperm get in the uterus.
It also secrets a thick and acidic mucus that forms
the mucus plug during pregnancy to prevent other
sperm and germs from getting in the uterus.
The vagina is a tubular, long, fibro muscular canal
lined with mucous membrane that extends from
the exterior of the body of the uterine cervix.
It is Covered by a thin membrane called hymen
that ruptures during the first sexual intercourse,
use of tampons and strenuous exercise.
During copulation it receives the sperm.
It receives the menstrual blood coming out of the
vagina before it leaves the body.
It dilates to let the foetus out during child birth.
It is the external genitals composed of the labia
majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule glands.
Labia majora is the fold of skin covered by hair
forming an opening called Vestibule.
Labia minora are located underneath.
Clitoris resemble the penis providing sexual
arousal to the female.
Vestibular glands or Bartholin’s glands are located
on each side of the vestibule secreting mucus that
lubricates the labia when a female is sexually
The mammary gland is the highly evolved and
specialized organ developing on each side of the
anterior chest wall.
The primary function is to secrete milk[Lactation].
Though the gland is present in both the sex, it is
well-developed in females and rudimentary
(vestigial) in males.
It contains alveolar structures composed of 12-15
lobes separated by septa. Has a dark and
pigmented area called an areola which contains
sebaceous glands.
During lactation the hormone prolactin stimulates
the lobes to produce milk that flows down the
lactiferous ducts in the areola.
Menstrual cycle
A menstrual cycle begins when you get your
period or mensurate. This is when you shed the
lining of the uterus.
This cycle is a part of your reproductive system
and prepares your body for a possible pregnancy.
A typical cycle lasts between 24 and 38 days.
Cycle during which an egg develops and is released
from the ovary and the uterus is prepared to
receive a fertilized egg or zygote.
Menarche: First menstrual period usually occurs
between in the age of 11 and 12.
Menopause: Time when a women stops
menstruating, usually between in the age of 45 and
55 and is no longer able to conceive.
Phases of Menstrual Cycle:
Menstruation Phase: Loss of a mature egg and the
endometrial tissue via the vagina if fertilization
does not occur. It lasts for 4 - 5 days.
Proliferation/Follicular Phase: The hypothalamus
secrets GnRH ( FSH and LH) that causes the
anterior pituitary to secret more FSH than LH. FSH
and LH causes the Follicle to secret more estrogen
to repair the uterus. It lasts for 10 days.
Ovulatory Phase: High levels of estrogen are
detected by hypothalamus which causes the
pituitary to secrete less FSH and more LH. The
increased LH causes the follicle to burst and
release the mature egg/ovum which will come out
of the ovary and be swept into the fallopian tube
by the fimbriae
Luteal/Secretory Phase: LH converts the follicle
left in the ovary to corpus luteum which secrets
mostly progesterone and some estrogen. The
progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy.
The high levels of progesterone keep LH and FSH

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