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which of the following is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomenon or

inquiry by gathering quantifiable data and doing the statistical mathematical or
computational strategies

 Quantitative Research

2. Anthony review data results from surveys and determine its significance and
implications to the study what is being referred in the above situation.

 Interpretation of Data

3. What is the main goal of data preparation?

 The main goal of data preparation is to transform raw data into something
meaningful, significant, and user-friendly.

4. Which of the following is the correct four-step process of data validation.

 fraud, screening, procedure, completeness

5. Irish assigned codes to responses from the conducted survey. What step in data
interpretation is portrayed in the example provided?

 Data Coding

6. Which measure of central tendency is derived from the most common value?

 Mode

7. Which measure of central tendency is obtained by calculating the sum of values

and dividing this figure by the number of values there are in the data set?

 Mean

8. Unclear
9. The measure of central tendency obtained using the middle score when all
scores are organized in numerical order is the?

 Median

10.What percentage of the respondents said that the dance presentation a


 60%

11.What percentage of the respondents said that the dance presentation is boring?

 20%

12.What percentage of the respondents said that the dance presentation is neither
entertaining or boring?

 20%

13.Why do you think knowing the data is the initial process in doing a qualitative

 Since it is the sole basis for the analysis of the data gathered in the entire
research process

14.Which can be done through Van Manen method in utilizing literary works as
poem, quote, or song?

 Summary

15.Which part in a research paper that emphasizes the opportunity to witte

suggestions for the improvement of the research study?

 Recommendation

16.Which part of the paper that provides information necessary to locate and
retrieve the source of the material

 If does not leave a conclusive Impression to the readers

17.Which one is NOT the purpose of the research conclusion

 If does not leave a conclusive Impression to the readers

18.Which of the following characteristics of recommendations states that it should

not be confusing and must be precise

 Recommendations must be precise

19.Which of the following defeats the purpose of securing the correct in-text


 provides where this evidence cannot be found

20. in qualitative research, what is the basis in drawing conclusions?

 from patterns and themes

21.Recommendations were formulated from which of the following

 Conclusion

22.What should be a good conclusion must have?

 All of the above which is; a conceptual significance, can imply and/or
indicate, chart future research directions

23.Of the 80 ninth-grade students Johanno surveyed at random at her high school,
27.5% of them stated that they prefer year-round school to their current
schooling system. If this survey is representative of the 280 students in the
ninth-grade class, which of the following is closest to the number of students in
the class who prefer year-round school?

 80 (since 280 x 0.275 = 77)

24. To determine how citizen feel about the city's proposed prior to a second
library, researchers surveyed 50 library visitors and found that 42 of them
supported the plan and 30 of them would even be open to a tax increase to fund
it Which the following statements must be true?

 D

25.The mayor of a city wants to determine whether the city's citizens would
support a small fox increase to expand and renovate the city's playgrounds. She
randomly surveyed 200 parents who live in the city and found that nearly 75%
of them would be in favor of the proposal. Which of the following is true of the

 The survey indicates that if the proposal were to be put up for a vote of the
city's citizens, It would win a majority of votes.

26.A cafeteria service company serves lunches at all 20 schools in a particular

school district. In its effort to satisfy students, the company seeks to learn how
happy students are with the variety of cafeteria lunch offerings they have, but it
suspects that happiness may vary from school to school. Which of the following
survey methods is more appropriate to estimate the percentage of students in
the district who are happy with Their cafeteria options

 Select 20 students from each school and survey each student selected about
how happy they are with the variety of cafeteria options.

27.Which of the following criteria is not included in rating your final Defense

 Organization and Cooperation

28.Something….. hypothesis, a brief description of the methods, and/or graphs

related to the data your data.

 Brief Presentation
29.What is the meaning of DEFENSE

 D. Defend, Expound, Focus, Elaborate, Note, Share, Embark

30.Which of the following is not a tip in revising and editing your research paper

 Have Someone else Read it aloud to you

31.Which of the following is not a definition of revision of a research paper

 Revision is provided a complete draft of the new introduction and conclusion

32.Which of the following is a not a step in when preparing for the oral defense?

 Rehearse a single time with the equipment you will use for your presentation

33.Which of the following statements is not true about revising your research paper

 Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time

34.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Research Proposal?

 The proposal might not be consistent with the donor's interests.


36.What does it implies if the panelist have few to no corrections or suggestions on

your presentation

 The panelists find your paper organize and clear

37.How will you answer your panelists if they will ask you "What is the significance
of the study"

 In this area, mention how your study addressed the existing

issues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topics

38. Why do you think it is important to revise and improve your research paper ofle
your final defense?

 Because it is making sure everything is aligned and connected.

39. It focuses on implying the totality of the result of the study, whether all the
objectives of the study are satisfied or not a recommendation up

 Suggestions

40. It focuses on implying the totality of the result of the study, whether all the
objectives of the study are satisfied or not a recommendation up

 Conclusion

41. ….comprehensive summary of the findings and point out what were some from
the study.

 Conclusion

42. What section in a research paper gives the researcher the chance to give
suggestions to matters for the Improvement of the research study?

 Recommendations

43. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion

 It does not leave a final impression to the readers

44. A part of the research report that holds the findings of the study and the
discussion of each finding.

 Results and Discussion

45. Which among the parts of your research report focuses on presenting relevant
Information regarding the research topic?

 Introduction (Gives background contexts)

46. Which of these is NOT a method of data collection?

 Experiments

47. From the given choices below, which consideration in making research reports
focuses on securing the correct in-text citation?

 References should be carefully and accurately cited.

48. Which of the following considerations in making research reports discusses the
Importance of proofreading?

 Report should be edited by several times

49. …doesn't even care to participate What do you think is the best way to solve
Pancho's problem

 Talk to his groupmate sincerely and encourage him to participate in the


50. Why do you think it is important to present your research report

 It's a way to communicate things you found out through your principled
data collecting and analysis methods.

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