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Is advertising the key to a great business?

Introductions to advertisement

In this presentation, we will

explore the power of advertising
in capturing consumer's attention.
Get ready to be inspired by the
creative strategies that brand use
to make a lasting impact with
their audience.
Advertisements are a powerful
tool for increasing brand Overall, advertisements play a crucial
awarness and reaching a large Further more, advertisements
can drive sales for business by role in the success of business by building
audience. They can help interest and driving growth. They are a
attracting new customers and
business showcase their encouraging repat purchase. key point of marketing strategy and can
products in a creative and Advertisements not only help companies sand out in a
engaging way, capturing the increase sales nationally but competitive market.
attention of people. internationally too.

Pros of advertising
Manipulative Nature
Adverts have the potiential to
manipulate consumers. They o en Cons of advertisements
promote materialisim, misleading
people think they need the products
they don't usually need.
Negative impact
Adverts can contain harmful labels
and promate unhealthy body
standards, protraying unrealistic
beauty ideals that can impact our
self esteem. Adverts also have a
heavy influnce on people which is
very concerning for our mental
Conclusions and recommandations

> In conclusion, advertisements are a great way to increase sale

and audience but it is important for companies to focus on clear
and truthful messages of their products. This way you can
maximize the consumers of your products.
> For recommandations , I suggest to not only rely soly on adverts
and you should try to campaign your products in other various
way to attract attention and make the best results.
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