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28-The Harpist's Escape

1. Put in the missing words :

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

pleasure pleasant please pleasantly
agreement agreeable agree agreeably

2. Find the Stranger : hill harpist garden corner palace

3. Write the plural of :

I. Diary - diaries
II. Dairy - dairies
III. Donkey - donkeys
IV. Monkey - monkeys
V. Key - keys

VI. Buoy – buoys

VII. Toy - toys

VIII. Pony – ponies

4. Find in your dictionary words beginning with in which mean:

(i) priceless - invaluable

28-The Harpist's Escape
(ii) cannot be seen - invisible
(iii) not guilty - innocent
(iv) breaking into someone’s speech - interrupt
(v) a wound - injury
(vi) clever - intelligent
(vii) make bigger- increase
(viii) a query or question - inquiry

5. Compound Words
(a) Make new words by adding another word at the end of these words :

I. Plough – ploughboy
II. Black - blacksmith
III. Wind - windmill
IV. Tooth - toothache
V. Ink - inkpot

(b) Do the same by putting another word at the front of these words:

I. House - farmhouse
II. Man - washerman

III. Cup – eggcup

28-The Harpist's Escape
IV. Tops - treetops
V. Cloth - tablecloth

6. Spelling What do we call these people (all the words ending in 1ST):
I. Pianist - (a piano-player)
II. Artist : (a painter)
III. dentist. (looks after our teeth)
IV. chemist : (sells toothpaste, aspirin, etc.)
V. tourist : (goes on tours or trips)
VI. florist : (sells flowers)
VII. violinist : (a violin-player)
VIII. motorist : (drives a car)?

7. How do we spell the missing words?

(advice, advise) : Follow his good _________________.
(practice, practise) : There will be a netball __________________ tonight.
(prophecy, prophesy) : The wise man said, “I_____________________ disaster!”

15. Use in interesting sentences :

in a quiet corner
in the moonlit garden
the top of the hill


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