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Introduction to Hypervisor:

A hypervisor is software that creates and manages virtual

machines (VMs) on a physical host machine. There are
two main types of hypervisors:

Type 1 Hypervisor

Type 1 hypervisors are installed directly on the host

machine's hardware, without the need for an operating
system. Exp- Oracle VM Server

Type 2 Hypervisor

Type 2 hypervisors are installed on top of an existing

operating system. Examples include VirtualBox and
VMware Workstation.
VirtualBox Installation

Downloading and Installing VirtualBox

To download VirtualBox, go to the official site and

download the latest version for windows.

Beginning with the Installation:

• Getting started

Select Installation Location:

Ready to Install:

• Installing Files and packages:

• Finished Installation:
When you will open virtualbox it will look like as shown below:

Installation of GNU/Linux
1. Open Virtual Box:
2. Select Iso File and click on next:

3. Make User name and password:

4. It will start installing in your PC:

5. Finally it will look like this:

ls: - Lists the contents of the current directory.
cd: - Changes the current directory.
pwd: - Prints the working directory.
mkdir: - Creates a new directory.
rmdir: - Removes an empty directory.
rm: - Removes a file or directory.
cp: - Copies a file or directory.
mv: - Moves a file or directory.
touch: - Creates a new file.
cat: - Displays the contents of a file.

Introduction to Git/Git Hub

Git is a version control system that helps manage changes

to code. GitHub is a web-based platform for hosting and
collaborating on Git repositories.

Essential Git Commands

1. git init: Initializes a new Git repository.

2. git add: Stages changes in the working directory.
3. git commit: Commits changes to the local repository.
4. git push: Pushes changes to a remote repository.
5. git pull: Pulls changes from a remote repository.
GitHub is a web-based platform that allows developers to
collaborate on, store, and manage code.
Introduction to Docker

Docker is a containerization platform that allows running

multiple isolated environments on a single host. It is
widely used for developing, testing, and deploying

Implementation of Docker

1. Install Docker from the package manager of your

GNU/Linux distribution.
2. Create a Dockerfile for your application.
3. Build the Docker image using the Dockerfile.
4. Run the Docker container from the image.
5. Test the Docker application.

Google Colab:
Google Colab is a free, cloud-based platform that lets
users write and run Python code in their browser. It's a
hosted version of Jupyter Notebook, a free, open source
creation from the Jupyter Project. Colab is well suited for
machine learning, data analysis, and education.

Writting python code in google colab

Connecting google colab to google drive

1. Authenticate Your Google Account: Click on the link displayed in

the output of the code cell. Select the Google account containing

your desired Google Drive files and grant permission to access your

Google Drive.

2. Access Google Drive: Your Google Drive is now mounted, and you

can access its contents under the /content/drive directory within

your Colab notebook.

3. Test Connection: Verify the connection by listing the contents of

your Google Drive directory using the following command:

4. Start Using Google Drive: You can now read, write, and manipulate
files from your Google Drive directly within your Colab notebook,

enabling seamless integration of your data with your code.

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