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You can install Supabase package from pub.


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1 flutter pub add supabase_flutter


You can initialize Supabase with the static initialize() method of the Supabase class.

The Supabase client is your entrypoint to the rest of the Supabase functionality
and is the easiest way to interact with everything we offer within the Supabase ecosystem.


url REQUIRED string

The unique Supabase URL which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard.

anonKey REQUIRED string

The unique Supabase Key which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard.

headers Optional Map<String, String>

Custom header to be passed to the Supabase client.

httpClient Optional Client

Custom http client to be used by the Supabase client.

authOptions Optional FlutterAuthClientOptions

Options to change the Auth behaviors.

Open accepted values

postgrestOptions Optional PostgrestClientOptions

Options to change the Postgrest behaviors.

Open accepted values

realtimeClientOptions Optional RealtimeClientOptions

Options to change the Realtime behaviors.

Open accepted values

storageOptions Optional StorageClientOptions

Options to change the Storage behaviors.

Open accepted values

For Flutter For other Dart projects

Future<void> main() async {

await Supabase.initialize(
url: '',
anonKey: 'public-anon-key',

// Get a reference your Supabase client
final supabase = Supabase.instance.client;

Upgrade guide

Although supabase_flutter v2 brings a few breaking changes, for the most part the public API
should be the same with a few minor exceptions.
We have brought numerous updates behind the scenes to make the SDK work more intuitively for
Flutter and Dart developers.

Upgrade the client library

Make sure you are using v2 of the client library in your pubspec.yaml file.

1 supabase_flutter: ^2.0.0

Optionally passing custom configuration to Supabase.initialize() is now organized into

separate objects:

Before After

1 await Supabase.initialize(
2 url: supabaseUrl,
3 anonKey: supabaseKey,
4 authFlowType: AuthFlowType.pkce,
5 storageRetryAttempts: 10,
6 realtimeClientOptions: const RealtimeClientOptions(
7 logLevel:,
8 ),
9 );

Auth updates

Renaming Provider to OAuthProvider

Provider enum is renamed to OAuthProvider .

Previously the Provider symbol often collided with classes in the provider package and
developers needed to add import prefixes to avoid collisions.
With the new update, developers can use Supabase and Provider in the same codebase without
any import prefixes.

Before After

1 await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth(
3 );

Sign in with Apple method deprecated

We have removed the sign_in_with_apple dependency in v2.

This is because not every developer needs to sign in with Apple, and we want to reduce the
number of dependencies in the library.
With v2, you can import sign_in_with_apple as a separate dependency if you need to sign in with
We have also added auth.generateRawNonce() method to easily generate a secure nonce.

Before After

1 await supabase.auth.signInWithApple();

Initialization does not await for session refresh

In v1, Supabase.initialize() would await for the session to be refreshed before returning.
This caused delays in the app's launch time, especially when the app is opened in a poor network

In v2, Supabase.initialize() returns immediately after obtaining the session from the local
storage, which makes the app launch faster.
Because of this, there is no guarantee that the session is valid when the app starts.

If you need to make sure the session is valid, you can access the isExpired getter to check if
the session is valid.
If the session is expired, you can listen to the onAuthStateChange event and wait for a new
tokenRefreshed event to be fired.

Before After

1 // Session is valid, no check required

2 final session = supabase.auth.currentSession;

Removing Flutter Webview dependency for OAuth sign in

In v1, on iOS you could pass a BuildContext to the signInWithOAuth() method to launch the
OAuth flow in a Flutter Webview.

In v2, we have dropped the webview_flutter dependency in v2 to allow you to have full control
over the UI of the OAuth flow.
We now have native support for Google and Apple sign in, so opening an external browser is no
longer needed on iOS.

Because of this update, we no longer need the context parameter, so we have removed the
context parameter from the signInWithOAuth() method.

Before After

1 // Opens a webview on iOS.

2 await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth(
3 Provider.github,
4 authScreenLaunchMode: LaunchMode.inAppWebView,
5 context: context,
6 );

PKCE is the default auth flow type

PKCE flow, which is a more secure method for obtaining sessions from deep links, is now the
default auth flow for any authentication involving deep links.

Before After

1 await Supabase.initialize(
2 url: 'SUPABASE_URL',
4 authFlowType: AuthFlowType.implicit, // set to implicit by default
5 );
Auth callback host name parameter removed

Supabase.initialize() no longer has the authCallbackUrlHostname parameter.

The supabase_flutter SDK will automatically detect auth callback URLs and handle them

Before After

1 await Supabase.initialize(
2 url: 'SUPABASE_URL',
4 authCallbackUrlHostname: 'auth-callback',
5 );

SupabaseAuth class removed

The SupabaseAuth had an initialSession member, which was used to obtain the initial
session upon app start.
This is now removed, and currentSession should be used to access the session at any time.

Before After

1 // Use `initialSession` to obtain the initial session when the app starts.
2 final initialSession = await SupabaseAuth.initialSession;

Data methods

Insert and return data

We made the query builder immutable, which means you can reuse the same query object to
chain multiple filters and get the expected outcome.

Before After

1 // If you declare a query and chain filters on it

2 final myQuery = supabase.from('my_table').select();
4 final foo = await myQuery.eq('some_col', 'foo');
6 // The `eq` filter above is applied in addition to the following filter
7 final bar = await myQuery.eq('another_col', 'bar');

Renaming is and in filter

Because is and in are reserved keywords in Dart, v1 used is_ and in_ as query filter
Users found the underscore confusing, so the query filters are now renamed to isFilter and
inFilter .

Before After

1 final data = await supabase

2 .from('users')
3 .select()
4 .is_('status', null);
6 final data = await supabase
7 .from('users')
8 .select()
9 .in_('status', ['ONLINE', 'OFFLINE']);

Deprecate FetchOption in favor of count() and head() methods

FetchOption() on .select() is now deprecated, and new .count() and head() methods
are added to the query builder.

count() on .select() performs the select while also getting the count value, and .count()
directly on .from() performs a head request resulting in only fetching the count value.

Before After

1 // Request with count option

2 final res = await supabase.from('cities').select(
3 'name',
4 const FetchOptions(
5 count: CountOption.exact,
6 ),
7 );
9 final data =;
10 final count = res.count;
12 // Request with count and head option
13 // obtains the count value without fetching the data.
14 final res = await supabase.from('cities').select(
15 'name',
16 const FetchOptions(
17 count: CountOption.exact,
18 head: true,
19 ),
20 );
22 final count = res.count;

PostgREST error codes

The PostgrestException instance thrown by the API methods has a code property. In v1, the
code property contained the http status code.

In v2, the code property contains the PostgREST error code, which is more useful for
Before After

1 try {
2 await supabase.from('countries').select();
3 } on PostgrestException catch (error) {
4 error.code; // Contains http status code
5 }

Realtime methods

Realtime methods contains the biggest breaking changes. Most of these changes are to make the
interface more type safe.

We have removed the .on() method and replaced it with .onPostgresChanges() ,

.onBroadcast() , and three different presence methods.

Postgres Changes

Use the new .onPostgresChanges() method to listen to realtime changes in the database.

In v1, filters were not strongly typed because they took a String type. In v2, filter takes an
object. Its properties are strictly typed to catch type errors.

The payload of the callback is now typed as well. In v1 , the payload was returned as dynamic .
It is now returned as a PostgresChangePayload object. The object contains the oldRecord
and newRecord properties for accessing the data before and after the change.

Before After

2 RealtimeListenTypes.postgresChanges,
3 ChannelFilter(
4 event: '*',
5 schema: 'public',
6 table: 'messages'
6 table: messages ,
7 filter: 'room_id=eq.200',
8 ),
9 (dynamic payload, [ref]) {
10 final Map<String, dynamic> newRecord = payload['new'];
11 final Map<String, dynamic> oldRecord = payload['old'];
12 },
13 ).subscribe();


Broadcast now uses the dedicated .onBroadcast() method, rather than the generic .on()
Because the method is specific to broadcast, it takes fewer properties.

Before After

2 RealtimeListenTypes.broadcast,
3 ChannelFilter(
4 event: 'position',
5 ),
6 (dynamic payload, [ref]) {
7 print(payload);
8 },
9 ).subscribe();


Realtime Presence gets three different methods for listening to three different presence events:
sync , join , and leave .
This allows the callback to be strictly typed.

Before After
1 final channel ='room1');
3 channel.on(
4 RealtimeListenTypes.presence,
5 ChannelFilter(event: 'sync'),
6 (payload, [ref]) {
7 print('Synced presence state: ${channel.presenceState()}');
8 },
9 ).on(
10 RealtimeListenTypes.presence,
11 ChannelFilter(event: 'join'),
12 (payload, [ref]) {
13 print('Newly joined presences $payload');
14 },
15 ).on(
16 RealtimeListenTypes.presence,
17 ChannelFilter(event: 'leave'),
18 (payload, [ref]) {
19 print('Newly left presences: $payload');
20 },
21 ).subscribe(
22 (status, [error]) async {
23 if (status == 'SUBSCRIBED') {
24 await channel.track({'online_at':});
25 }
26 },
27 );

Fetch data

Perform a SELECT query on the table or view.

By default, Supabase projects will return a maximum of 1,000 rows. This setting can be changed in
Project API Settings. It's recommended that you keep it low to limit the payload size of accidental
or malicious requests. You can use range() queries to paginate through your data.
select() can be combined with Filters

select() can be combined with Modifiers

apikey is a reserved keyword if you're using the Supabase Platform and should be avoided as a
column name.

columns Optional String

The columns to retrieve, separated by commas. Columns can be renamed when returned with

Getting your data Selecting specific columns Query referenced tables

Query referenced tables through a join table Query the same referenced table multiple times

Filtering through referenced tables Querying with count option Querying JSON data

Querying referenced table with inner join Switching schemas per query

final data = await supabase


Data source


Insert data

Perform an INSERT into the table or view.


values REQUIRED Map<String, dynamic> or List<Map<String, dynamic>>

The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row or an array to insert multiple rows.

Create a record Fetch inserted record Bulk create

await supabase
.insert({'name': 'The Shire', 'country_id': 554});

Data source

Update data

Perform an UPDATE on the table or view.

update() should always be combined with Filters to target the item(s) you wish to update.


values REQUIRED Map<String, dynamic>

The values to update with.

Update your data Update a record and return it Update JSON data

await supabase
.update({ 'name': 'Australia' })
.eq('id', 1);

Data source

Upsert data

Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed to onConflict ,
.upsert() allows you to perform the equivalent of .insert() if a row with the corresponding
onConflict columns doesn't exist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on
ignoreDuplicates .

Primary keys must be included in values to use upsert.


values REQUIRED Map<String, dynamic> or List<Map<String, dynamic>>

The values to upsert with. Pass a Map to upsert a single row or an List to upsert multiple rows.

onConflict Optional String

Comma-separated UNIQUE column(s) to specify how duplicate rows are determined. Two rows are duplicates
if all the onConflict columns are equal.

ignoreDuplicates Optional bool

If true, duplicate rows are ignored. If false, duplicate rows are merged with existing rows.

defaultToNull Optional bool

Make missing fields default to null. Otherwise, use the default value for the column. This only applies when
inserting new rows, not when merging with existing rows where ignoreDuplicates is set to false. This also only
applies when doing bulk upserts.
Upsert your data Bulk Upsert your data Upserting into tables with constraints

final data = await supabase

.upsert({ 'id': 1, 'name': 'Albania' })

Data source


Delete data
Perform a DELETE on the table or view.

delete() should always be combined with Filters to target the item(s) you wish to delete.

If you use delete() with filters and you have RLS enabled, only rows visible through SELECT
policies are deleted. Note that by default no rows are visible, so you need at least one
SELECT / ALL policy that makes the rows visible.

Delete records Delete multiple records Fetch deleted records

await supabase
.eq('id', 1);

Data source

Call a Postgres function

Perform a function call.

You can call Postgres functions as Remote Procedure Calls, logic in your database that you can
execute from anywhere.
Functions are useful when the logic rarely changes—like for password resets and updates.


fn REQUIRED String

The function name to call.

params Optional Map<String, dynamic>

The arguments to pass to the function call.

Call a Postgres function without arguments Call a Postgres function with arguments Bulk processing

Call a Postgres function with filters

final data = await supabase


Data source


Using filters

Filters allow you to only return rows that match certain conditions.

Filters can be used on select() , update() , upsert() , and delete() queries.

If a Database function returns a table response, you can also apply filters.

Applying Filters Chaining Filters Conditional Chaining Filter by values within a JSON column

Filter Referenced Tables

final data = await supabase

.select('name, country_id')
.eq('name', 'The Shire'); // Correct

final data = await supabase

.eq('name', 'The Shire') // Incorrect
.select('name, country_id');


Column is equal to a value

Match only rows where column is equal to value .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.eq('name', 'Albania');

Data source


Column is not equal to a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column doesn't match the specified value .

column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.select('name, country_id')
.neq('name', 'Albania');

Data source


Column is greater than a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is greater than the specified value .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.gt('id', 2);

Data source


Column is greater than or equal to a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is greater than or equal to the specified value .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`
final data = await supabase
.gte('id', 2);

Data source


Column is less than a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is less than the specified value .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.lt('id', 2);
Data source


Column is less than or equal to a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is less than or equal to the specified value .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.lte('id', 2);

Data source

Column matches a pattern

Finds all rows whose value in the stated column matches the supplied pattern (case sensitive).


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

pattern REQUIRED String

The pattern to match with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.like('name', '%Alba%');

Data source


Column matches a case-insensitive pattern

Finds all rows whose value in the stated column matches the supplied pattern (case insensitive).


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

pattern REQUIRED String

The pattern to match with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.ilike('name', '%alba%');

Data source


Column is a value

A check for exact equality (null, true, false), finds all rows whose value on the stated column exactly
match the specified value .

column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object?

The value to filter with.

Checking for nullness, true or false

final data = await supabase

.isFilter('name', null);

Data source



Column is in an array

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column is found on the specified values .


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

values REQUIRED List

The List to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.inFilter('name', ['Albania', 'Algeria']);

Data source



Column contains every element in a value

Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where column contains every
element appearing in value .


column REQUIRED String

The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with.

On array columns On range columns On `jsonb` columns

final data = await supabase

.contains('tags', ['is:open', 'priority:low']);

Data source



Contained by value

Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where every element appearing in
column is contained by value .


column REQUIRED String

The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with.

On array columns On range columns On `jsonb` columns

final data = await supabase
.containedBy('days', ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'friday']);

Data source


Greater than a range

Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column is greater than
any element in range .


column REQUIRED String

The range column to filter on.

range REQUIRED String

The range to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.rangeGt('during', '[2000-01-02 08:00, 2000-01-02 09:00)');
Data source



Greater than or equal to a range

Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column is either
contained in range or greater than any element in range .


column REQUIRED String

The range column to filter on.

range REQUIRED String

The range to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.rangeGte('during', '[2000-01-02 08:30, 2000-01-02 09:30)');

Data source


Less than a range

Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column is less than any
element in range .


column REQUIRED String

The range column to filter on.

range REQUIRED String

The range to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.rangeLt('during', '[2000-01-01 15:00, 2000-01-01 16:00)');

Data source



Less than or equal to a range

Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column is either
contained in range or less than any element in range .

column REQUIRED String

The range column to filter on.

range REQUIRED String

The range to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.rangeLte('during', '[2000-01-01 15:00, 2000-01-01 16:00)');

Data source



Mutually exclusive to a range

Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where column is mutually exclusive to range
and there can be no element between the two ranges.

column REQUIRED String

The range column to filter on.

range REQUIRED String

The range to filter with.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.rangeAdjacent('during', '[2000-01-01 12:00, 2000-01-01 13:00)');

Data source



With a common element

Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where column and value have an
element in common.


column REQUIRED String

The array or range column to filter on.

value REQUIRED Object

The array or range value to filter with.

On array columns On range columns

final data = await supabase

.overlaps('tags', ['is:closed', 'severity:high']);

Data source


Match a string

Finds all rows whose tsvector value on the stated column matches to_tsquery(query).


column REQUIRED String

The text or tsvector column to filter on.

query REQUIRED String

The query text to match with.

config Optional String

The text search configuration to use.

type Optional TextSearchType

Change how the query text is interpreted.

Text search Basic normalization Full normalization Websearch

final data = await supabase

.textSearch('content', "'eggs' & 'ham'",
config: 'english'

Data source


Match an associated value

Finds all rows whose columns match the specified query object.


query REQUIRED Map<String, dynamic>

The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped to their filter values
With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.match({ 'id': 2, 'name': 'Albania' });

Data source


Don't match the filter

Finds all rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.

.not() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter names and values.

1 .not('name','eq','Paris')

2 .not('arraycol','cs','{"a","b"}') // Use Postgres array {} for array c

3 .not('rangecol','cs','(1,2]') // Use Postgres range syntax for range c

4 .not('id','in','(6,7)') // Use Postgres list () and 'in' instead of `

5 .not('id','in','(${mylist.join(',')})') // You can insert a Dart list


column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

operator REQUIRED String

The operator to be negated to filter with, following PostgREST syntax.

value Optional Object

The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax.

With `select()` With `update()` With `delete()` With `rpc()`

final data = await supabase

.not('name', 'is', null)

Data source


Match at least one filter

Finds all rows satisfying at least one of the filters.

.or() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter names and values.

1 .or(',7),arraycol.cs.{"a","b"}') // Use Postgres list () and

2 .or('${mylist.join(',')}),arraycol.cs.{${mylistArray.join(',')}

3 .or('${mylist.join(',')}),rangecol.cs.(${mylistRange.join(',')}


filters REQUIRED String

The filters to use, following PostgREST syntax

referencedTable Optional String

Set this to filter on referenced tables instead of the parent table

With `select()` Use `or` with `and` Use `or` on referenced tables

final data = await supabase


Data source


Match the filter

Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you should use the specific filter
methods wherever possible.

.filter() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter names and values, so it
should only be used as an escape hatch in case other filters don't work.

1 .filter('arraycol','cs','{"a","b"}') // Use Postgres array {} and 'cs' fo

2 .filter('rangecol','cs','(1,2]') // Use Postgres range syntax for range c

3 .filter('id','in','(6,7)') // Use Postgres list () and 'in' for in_ filt

4 .filter('id','cs','{${mylist.join(',')}}') // You can insert a Dart arra

column REQUIRED String

The column to filter on.

operator REQUIRED String

The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax.

value REQUIRED Object

The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax.

With `select()` With `update()` With `delete()` With `rpc()` On a referenced table

final data = await supabase

.filter('name', 'in', '("Algeria","Japan")')

Data source


Using modifiers

Filters work on the row level. That is, they allow you to return rows that
only match certain conditions without changing the shape of the rows.
Modifiers are everything that don't fit that definition—allowing you to
change the format of the response (e.g., returning a CSV string).
Modifiers must be specified after filters. Some modifiers only apply for
queries that return rows (e.g., select() or rpc() on a function that
returns a table response).

Return data after inserting

With `upsert()`

final data = await supabase

.upsert({ 'id': 1, 'name': 'Algeria' })

Data source


Order the results

Orders the result with the specified column.

column REQUIRED String

The column to order by.

ascending Optional bool

Whether to order in ascending order. Default is false.

nullsFirst Optional bool

Whether to order nulls first. Default is false.

referencedTable Optional String

Specify the referenced table when ordering by a column in an embedded resource.

With `select()` On a referenced table

final data = await supabase

.select('id, name')
.order('id', ascending: false);

Data source


Limit the number of rows returned

Limits the result with the specified count.

count REQUIRED int

The maximum number of rows to return.

referencedTable Optional int

Set this to limit rows of referenced tables instead of the parent table.

With `select()` On a referenced table

final data = await supabase


Data source


Limit the query to a range

Limits the result to rows within the specified range, inclusive.


from REQUIRED int

The starting index from which to limit the result.

The last index to which to limit the result.

referencedTable Optional String

Set this to limit rows of referenced tables instead of the parent table.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.range(0, 1);

Data source


Retrieve one row of data

Retrieves only one row from the result. Result must be one row (e.g. using limit), otherwise this will
result in an error.

With `select()`

final data = await supabase


Data source


Retrieve zero or one row of data

With `select()`

final data = await supabase

.eq('name', 'Singapore')

Data source


Retrieve as a CSV

Return data as CSV

final data = await supabase

Data source



Using explain

For debugging slow queries, you can get the Postgres EXPLAIN execution plan of a query
using the explain() method. This works on any query, even for rpc() or writes.

Explain is not enabled by default as it can reveal sensitive information about your database.
It's best to only enable this for testing environments but if you wish to enable it for production you
can provide additional protection by using a pre-request function.

Follow the Performance Debugging Guide to enable the functionality on your project.


analyze Optional bool

If true, the query will be executed and the actual run time will be returned.

verbose Optional bool

If true, the query identifier will be returned and data will include the output columns of the query.

settings Optional bool

If true, include information on configuration parameters that affect query planning.

buffers Optional bool

If true, include information on buffer usage.

wal Optional bool

If true, include information on WAL record generation.

Get the execution plan Get the execution plan with analyze and verbose

final data = await supabase


Data source



Error codes

Supabase Auth can throw or return various errors when using the API. All errors originating from
the supabase.auth namespace of the JavaScript client library will be wrapped by the
AuthError class.

Error objects are split in a few classes:

AuthApiError -- errors which originate from the Supabase Auth API.

Use isAuthApiError instead of instanceof checks to see if an error you caught is of

this type.

CustomAuthError -- errors which generally originate from state in the client library.

Use the name property on the error to identify the class of error received.

Errors originating from the server API classed as AuthApiError always have a code property
that can be used to identify the error returned by the server. The status property is also
present, encoding the HTTP status code received in the response.

In general the HTTP status codes you will likely receive are:

403 Forbidden is sent out in rare situations where a certain Auth feature is not available for the
user, and you as the developer are not checking a precondition whether that API is available
for the user.

422 Unprocessable Entity is sent out when the API request is accepted, but cannot be
processed because the user or Auth server is in a state where it cannot satisfy the request.

429 Too Many Requests is sent out when rate-limits are breached for an API. You should
handle this status code often, especially in functions that authenticate a user.

500 Internal Server Error often means that the Auth server's service is degraded. Most often it
points to issues in your database setup such as a misbehaving trigger on a schema, function,
view or other database object.

501 Not Implemented is sent out when a feature is not enabled on the Auth server, and you are
trying to use an API which requires it.

To supplement HTTP status codes, Supabase Auth returns a string error code which gives you
more insight into what went wrong. These codes are stable and can be used to present an
internationalized message to your users.

Code Description

bad_code_verifier Returned from the PKCE flow where the provided code verifier
does not match the expected one. Indicates a bug in the
Code Description

implementation of the client library.

bad_json Usually used when the HTTP body of the request is not valid

bad_jwt JWT sent in the Authorization header is not valid.

bad_oauth_callback OAuth callback from provider to Auth does not have all the
required attributes (state). Indicates an issue with the OAuth
provider or client library implementation.

bad_oauth_state OAuth state (data echoed back by the OAuth provider to

Supabase Auth) is not in the correct format. Indicates an issue
with the OAuth provider integration.

captcha_failed Captcha challenge could not be verified with the captcha

provider. Check your captcha integration.

conflict General database conflict, such as concurrent requests on

resources that should not be modified concurrently. Can often
occur when you have too many session refresh requests firing
off at the same time for a user. Check your app for concurrency
issues, and if detected back off exponentially.

email_conflict_identity_not_deletable Unlinking this identity causes the user's account to change to

an email address which is already used by another user
account. Indicates an issue where the user has two different
accounts using different primary email addresses. You may
need to migrate user data to one of their accounts in this case.

email_exists Email address already exists in the system.

email_not_confirmed Signing in is not allowed for this user as the email address is
not confirmed.

email_provider_disabled Signups are disabled for email and password.

flow_state_expired PKCE flow state to which the API request relates has expired.
Ask the user to sign in again.

flow_state_not_found PKCE flow state to which the API request relates no longer
exists. Flow states expire after a while and are progressively
Code Description

cleaned up, which can cause this error. Retried requests can
cause this error, as the previous request likely destroyed the
flow state. Ask the user to sign in again.

identity_already_exists The identity to which the API relates is already linked to a user.

identity_not_found Identity to which the API call relates does not exist, such as
when an identity is unlinked or deleted.

insufficient_aal To call this API, the user must have a higher Authenticator
Assurance Level. To resolve, ask the user to solve an MFA

invite_not_found Invite is expired or already used.

manual_linking_disabled Calling the supabase.auth.linkUser() and related APIs is

not enabled on the Auth server.

mfa_challenge_expired Responding to an MFA challenge should happen within a fixed

time period. Request a new challenge when encountering this

mfa_factor_name_conflict MFA factors for a single user should not have the same friendly

mfa_factor_not_found MFA factor no longer exists.

mfa_ip_address_mismatch The enrollment process for MFA factors must begin and end
with the same IP address.

mfa_verification_failed MFA challenge could not be verified -- wrong TOTP code.

mfa_verification_rejected Further MFA verification is rejected. Only returned if the MFA

verification attempt hook returns a reject decision.

no_authorization This HTTP request requires an Authorization header, which

is not provided.

not_admin User accessing the API is not admin, i.e. the JWT does not
contain a role claim that identifies them as an admin of the
Auth server.

oauth_provider_not_supported Using an OAuth provider which is disabled on the Auth server.

Code Description

otp_disabled Sign in with OTPs (magic link, email OTP) is disabled. Check
your sever's configuration.

otp_expired OTP code for this sign-in has expired. Ask the user to sign in

over_email_send_rate_limit Too many emails have been sent to this email address. Ask the
user to wait a while before trying again.

over_request_rate_limit Too many requests have been sent by this client (IP address).
Ask the user to try again in a few minutes. Sometimes can
indicate a bug in your application that mistakenly sends out too
many requests (such as a badly written useEffect React

over_sms_send_rate_limit Too many SMS messages have been sent to this phone number.
Ask the user to wait a while before trying again.

phone_exists Phone number already exists in the system.

phone_not_confirmed Signing in is not allowed for this user as the phone number is
not confirmed.

phone_provider_disabled Signups are disabled for phone and password.

provider_disabled OAuth provider is disabled for use. Check your server's


provider_email_needs_verification Not all OAuth providers verify their user's email address.
Supabase Auth requires emails to be verified, so this error is
sent out when a verification email is sent after completing the
OAuth flow.

reauthentication_needed A user needs to reauthenticate to change their password. Ask

the user to reauthenticate by calling the
supabase.auth.reauthenticate() API.

reauthentication_not_valid Verifying a reauthentication failed, the code is incorrect. Ask

the user to enter a new code.

same_password A user that is updating their password must use a different

password than the one currently used.
Code Description

saml_assertion_no_email SAML assertion (user information) was received after sign in,
but no email address was found in it which is required. Check
the provider's attribute mapping and/or configuration.

saml_assertion_no_user_id SAML assertion (user information) was received after sign in,
but a user ID (called NameID) was not found in it which is
required. Check the SAML identity provider's configuration.

saml_entity_id_mismatch (Admin API.) Updating the SAML metadata for a SAML identity
provider is not possible, as the entity ID in the update does not
match the entity ID in the database. This is equivalent to
creating a new identity provider, and you should do that

saml_idp_already_exists (Admin API.) Adding a SAML identity provider that is already


saml_idp_not_found SAML identity provider not found. Most often returned after
IdP-initiated sign-in with an unregistered SAML identity
provider in Supabase Auth.

saml_metadata_fetch_failed (Admin API.) Adding or updating a SAML provider failed as its

metadata could not be fetched from the provided URL.

saml_provider_disabled Using Enterprise SSO with SAML 2.0 is not enabled on the
Auth server.

saml_relay_state_expired SAML relay state is an object that tracks the progress of a

supabase.auth.signInWithSSO() request. The SAML
identity provider should respond after a fixed amount of time,
after which this error is shown. Ask the user to sign in again.

saml_relay_state_not_found SAML relay states are progressively cleaned up after they

expire, which can cause this error. Ask the user to sign in again.

session_not_found Session to which the API request relates no longer exists. This
can occur if the user has signed out, or the session entry in the
database was deleted in some other way.

signup_disabled Sign ups (new account creation) is disabled on the server.

Code Description

single_identity_not_deletable Every user must have at least one identity attached to it, so
deleting (unlinking) an identity is not allowed if it's the only one
for the user.

sms_send_failed Sending an SMS message failed. Check your SMS provider


sso_domain_already_exists (Admin API.) Only one SSO domain can be registered per SSO
identity provider.

sso_provider_not_found SSO provider not found. Check the arguments in

supabase.auth.signInWithSSO() .

too_many_enrolled_mfa_factors A user can only have a fixed number of enrolled MFA factors.

unexpected_audience (Deprecated feature not available via Supabase JavaScript

client.) The request's X-JWT-AUD claim does not match the
JWT's audience.

unexpected_failure Auth service is degraded or a bug is present, without a specific


user_already_exists User with this information (email address, phone number)

cannot be created again as it already exists.

user_banned User to which the API request relates has a banned_until

property which is still active. No further API requests should be
attempted until this field is cleared.

user_not_found User to which the API request relates no longer exists.

user_sso_managed When a user comes from SSO, certain fields of the user cannot
be updated (like email ).

validation_failed Provided parameters are not in the expected format.

weak_password User is signing up or changing their password without meeting

the password strength criteria. Use the
AuthWeakPasswordError class to access more information
about what they need to do to make the password pass.
Tips for better error handling

Do not use string matching on error messages! Always use the name and code properties of
error objects to identify the situation.

Although HTTP status codes generally don't change, they can suddenly change due to bugs,
so avoid relying on them unless absolutely necessary.

Create a new user

Creates a new user.

By default, the user needs to verify their email address before logging in. To turn this off, disable
Confirm email in your project.
Confirm email determines if users need to confirm their email address after signing up.

If Confirm email is enabled, a user is returned but session is null.

If Confirm email is disabled, both a user and a session are returned.

When the user confirms their email address, they are redirected to the SITE_URL by default. You
can modify your SITE_URL or add additional redirect URLs in your project.
If signUp() is called for an existing confirmed user:

When both Confirm email and Confirm phone (even when phone provider is disabled) are
enabled in your project, an obfuscated/fake user object is returned.
When either Confirm email or Confirm phone (even when phone provider is disabled) is
disabled, the error message, User already registered is returned.


email Optional String

User's email address to be used for email authentication.

phone Optional String

User's phone number to be used for phone authentication.

password REQUIRED String

Password to be used for authentication.

emailRedirectTo Optional String

The URL to redirect the user to after they confirm their email address.

data Optional Map<String, dynamic>

The user's metadata to be stored in the user's object.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

channel Optional OtpChannel

Messaging channel to use (e.g. whatsapp or sms). Defaults to OtpChannel.sms.

Sign up with an email and password Sign up with a phone number and password (SMS)

Sign up with additional metadata Sign up with redirect URL

final AuthResponse res = await supabase.auth.signUp(

email: '',
password: 'example-password',
final Session? session = res.session;
final User? user = res.user;

Listen to auth events

Receive a notification every time an auth event happens.

Types of auth events: AuthChangeEvent.passwordRecovery , AuthChangeEvent.signedIn ,

AuthChangeEvent.signedOut , AuthChangeEvent.tokenRefreshed ,
AuthChangeEvent.userUpdated and AuthChangeEvent.userDeleted

Listen to auth changes Listen to a specific event Unsubscribe from auth subscription

final authSubscription = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange.listen((data) {

final AuthChangeEvent event = data.event;
final Session? session = data.session;

print('event: $event, session: $session');

switch (event) {
case AuthChangeEvent.initialSession:
// handle initial session
case AuthChangeEvent.signedIn:
// handle signed in
case AuthChangeEvent.signedOut:
// handle signed out
case AuthChangeEvent.passwordRecovery:
// handle password recovery
case AuthChangeEvent.tokenRefreshed:
// handle token refreshed
case AuthChangeEvent.userUpdated:
// handle user updated
case AuthChangeEvent.userDeleted:
// handle user deleted
case AuthChangeEvent.mfaChallengeVerified:
// handle mfa challenge verified
Create an anonymous user

Creates an anonymous user.

Returns an anonymous user

It is recommended to set up captcha for anonymous sign-ins to prevent abuse. You can pass in the
captcha token in the options param.


data Optional Map<String, dynamic>

The user's metadata to be stored in the user's object.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

Create an anonymous user Create an anonymous user with custom user metadata

await supabase.auth.signInAnonymously();


Sign in a user

Log in an existing user using email or phone number with password.

Requires either an email and password or a phone number and password.


email Optional String

User's email address to be used for email authentication.

phone Optional String

User's phone number to be used for phone authentication.

password REQUIRED String

Password to be used for authentication.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

Sign in with email and password Sign in with phone and password

final AuthResponse res = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword(

email: '',
password: 'example-password',
final Session? session = res.session;
final User? user = res.user;

Sign in with ID Token

Allows you to perform native Google and Apple sign in by combining it with google_sign_in or
sign_in_with_apple packages.


provider REQUIRED OAuthProvider

The provider to perform the sign in with. Currently, and
are supported.

idToken REQUIRED String

The identity token obtained from the third-party provider.

accessToken Optional String

Access token obtained from the third-party provider. Required for Google sign in.

nonce Optional String

Raw nonce value used to perform the third-party sign in. Required for Apple sign-in.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

Native Google sign in Native Apple Sign in

import 'package:google_sign_in/google_sign_in.dart';
import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

const webClientId = '<web client ID that you registered on Google Cloud, for examp
const iosClientId = '<iOS client ID that you registered on Google Cloud, for examp

final GoogleSignIn googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(

clientId: iosClientId,
serverClientId: webClientId,
final googleUser = await googleSignIn.signIn();
final googleAuth = await googleUser!.authentication;
final accessToken = googleAuth.accessToken;
final idToken = googleAuth.idToken;

if (accessToken == null) {
throw 'No Access Token found.';
if (idToken == null) {
throw 'No ID Token found.';

final response = await supabase.auth.signInWithIdToken(

idToken: idToken,
accessToken: accessToken,



Sign in a user through OTP

Requires either an email or phone number.

This method is used for passwordless sign-ins where an OTP is sent to the user's email or phone
If you're using an email, you can configure whether you want the user to receive a magiclink or an
If you're using phone, you can configure whether you want the user to receive an OTP.
The magic link's destination URL is determined by the SITE_URL . You can modify the
SITE_URL or add additional redirect urls in your project.

email Optional String

Email address to send the magic link or OTP to.

phone Optional String

Phone number to send the OTP to.

emailRedirectTo Optional String

The URL to redirect the user to after they click on the magic link.

shouldCreateUser Optional bool

If set to false, this method will not create a new user. Defaults to true.

data Optional Map<String, dynamic>

The user's metadata to be stored in the user's object.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

channel Optional OtpChannel

Messaging channel to use (e.g. whatsapp or sms). Defaults to OtpChannel.sms.

Sign in with email. Sign in with SMS OTP. Sign in with WhatsApp OTP

await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp(
email: '',
emailRedirectTo: kIsWeb ? null : 'io.supabase.flutter://signin-callback/',


Sign in a user through OAuth

Signs the user in using third-party OAuth providers.

This method is used for signing in using a third-party provider.

Supabase supports many different third-party providers.


provider REQUIRED OAuthProvider

The OAuth provider to use for signing in.

redirectTo Optional String

The URL to redirect the user to after they sign in with the third-party provider.

scopes Optional String

A list of scopes to request from the third-party provider.

authScreenLaunchMode Optional LaunchMode

The launch mode for the auth screen. Defaults to LaunchMode.platformDefault.

queryParams Optional Map<String, String>

Additional query parameters to be passed to the OAuth flow.

Sign in using a third-party provider With `redirectTo` With scopes

await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth(OAuthProvider.github);

Sign in a user through SSO

Before you can call this method you need to establish a connection to an identity provider. Use the
CLI commands to do this.
If you've associated an email domain to the identity provider, you can use the domain property
to start a sign-in flow.
In case you need to use a different way to start the authentication flow with an identity provider,
you can use the providerId property. For example:

Mapping specific user email addresses with an identity provider.

Using different hints to identify the correct identity provider, like a company-specific page, IP
address or other tracking information.


providerId Optional String

The ID of the SSO provider to use for signing in.

domain Optional String

The email domain to use for signing in.

redirectTo Optional String

The URL to redirect the user to after they sign in with the third-party provider.

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification.

launchMode Optional LaunchMode

The launch mode for the auth screen. Defaults to LaunchMode.platformDefault.

Sign in with email domain Sign in with provider UUID

await supabase.auth.signInWithSSO(
domain: '',

Sign out a user

Signs out the current user, if there is a logged in user.

In order to use the signOut() method, the user needs to be signed in first.


scope Optional SignOutScope

Whether to sign out from all devices or just the current device. Defaults to SignOutScope.local.

Sign out

await supabase.auth.signOut();

Verify and log in through OTP

The verifyOtp method takes in different verification types. If a phone number is used, the type
can either be sms or phone_change . If an email address is used, the type can be one of the
following: signup , magiclink , recovery , invite or email_change .
The verification type used should be determined based on the corresponding auth method called
before verifyOtp to sign up or sign in a user.


token REQUIRED String

The token that user was sent to their email or mobile phone

type REQUIRED OtpType

Type of the OTP to verify

email Optional String

Email address that the OTP was sent to

phone Optional String

Phone number that the OTP was sent to

redirectTo Optional String

URI to redirect the user to after the OTP is verified

captchaToken Optional String

The captcha token to be used for captcha verification

tokenHash Optional String

Token used in an email link

Verify Signup One-Time Password (OTP) Verify SMS One-Time Password (OTP)

final AuthResponse res = await supabase.auth.verifyOTP(

type: OtpType.signup,
token: token,
phone: '+13334445555',
final Session? session = res.session;
final User? user = res.user;

Retrieve a session

Returns the session data, if there is an active session.

Get the session data

final Session? session = supabase.auth.currentSession;


Retrieve a new session

This method will refresh and return a new session whether the current one is expired or not.

Refresh session using the current session

final AuthResponse res = await supabase.auth.refreshSession();

final session = res.session;

Retrieve a user

Returns the user data, if there is a logged in user.

Get the logged in user

final User? user = supabase.auth.currentUser;


Update a user

Updates user data for a logged in user.

In order to use the updateUser() method, the user needs to be signed in first.
By default, email updates sends a confirmation link to both the user's current and new email. To
only send a confirmation link to the user's new email, disable Secure email change in your
project's email auth provider settings.


attributes REQUIRED UserAttributes

Attributes to update for the user.

Open accepted values

emailRedirectTo Optional String

The URI to redirect the user to after the email is updated.

Update the email for an authenticated user Update the password for an authenticated user

Update the user's metadata Update the user's password with a nonce

final UserResponse res = await supabase.auth.updateUser(

email: '',
final User? updatedUser = res.user;



Retrieve identities linked to a user

Gets all the identities linked to a user.

The user needs to be signed in to call getUserIdentities() .

Returns a list of identities linked to the user

final identities = await supabase.auth.getUserIdentities();


Link an identity to a user

Links an oauth identity to an existing user. This method supports the PKCE flow.

The Enable Manual Linking option must be enabled from your project's authentication settings.
The user needs to be signed in to call linkIdentity() .
If the candidate identity is already linked to the existing user or another user, linkIdentity()
will fail.


provider REQUIRED OAuthProvider

The provider to link the identity to.

redirectTo Optional String

The URL to redirect the user to after they sign in with the third-party provider.

scopes Optional String

A list of scopes to request from the third-party provider.

authScreenLaunchMode Optional LaunchMode

The launch mode for the auth screen. Defaults to LaunchMode.platformDefault.

queryParams Optional Map<String, String>

Additional query parameters to be passed to the OAuth flow.

Link an identity to a user

await supabase.auth.linkIdentity(;

Unlink an identity from a user

Unlinks an identity from a user by deleting it. The user will no longer be able to sign in with that
identity once it's unlinked.

The Enable Manual Linking option must be enabled from your project's authentication settings.
The user needs to be signed in to call unlinkIdentity() .
The user must have at least 2 identities in order to unlink an identity.
The identity to be unlinked must belong to the user.


identity REQUIRED UserIdentity

The user identity to unlink.

Unlink an identity

// retrieve all identites linked to a user

final identities = await supabase.auth.getUserIdentities();

// find the google identity

final googleIdentity = identities.firstWhere(
(element) => element.provider == 'google',
// unlink the google identity
await supabase.auth.unlinkIdentity(googleIdentity);

Send a password reauthentication nonce

This method is used together with updateUser() when a user's password needs to be updated.
This method sends a nonce to the user's email. If the user doesn't have a confirmed email address,
the method sends the nonce to the user's confirmed phone number instead.

Send reauthentication nonce

await supabase.auth.reauthenticate();


Resend an OTP

Resends a signup confirmation, email change, or phone change email to the user.
Passwordless sign-ins can be resent by calling the signInWithOtp() method again.
Password recovery emails can be resent by calling the resetPasswordForEmail() method
This method only resend an email or phone OTP to the user if an initial signup, email change, or
phone change request was made.
Resend an email signup confirmation

final ResendResponse res = await supabase.auth.resend(

email: '',


Set the session data

setSession() takes in a refresh token and uses it to get a new session.

The refresh token can only be used once to obtain a new session.
Refresh token rotation is enabled by default on all projects to guard against replay attacks.
You can configure the REFRESH_TOKEN_REUSE_INTERVAL which provides a short window in which
the same refresh token can be used multiple times in the event of concurrency or offline issues.


refreshToken REQUIRED String

Refresh token to use to get a new session.

Refresh the session

final refreshToken = supabase.currentSession?.refreshToken ?? '';

final AuthResponse response = await supabase.auth.setSession(refreshToken);
final session = res.session;



Auth MFA

This section contains methods commonly used for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and are invoked
behind the supabase.auth.mfa namespace.

Currently, we only support time-based one-time password (TOTP) as the 2nd factor. We don't support
recovery codes but we allow users to enroll more than 1 TOTP factor, with an upper limit of 10.

Having a 2nd TOTP factor for recovery means the user doesn't have to store their recovery codes. It
also reduces the attack surface since the recovery factor is usually time-limited and not a single static

Learn more about implementing MFA on your application on our guide here.

Enroll a factor

Starts the enrollment process for a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) factor. This method
creates a new unverified factor.
To verify a factor, present the QR code or secret to the user and ask them to add it to their
authenticator app.
The user has to enter the code from their authenticator app to verify it.
Currently, totp is the only supported factorType . The returned id should be used to
create a challenge.
To create a challenge, see mfa.challenge() .
To verify a challenge, see mfa.verify() .
To create and verify a challenge in a single step, see mfa.challengeAndVerify() .


factorType Optional String

Type of factor being enrolled.

issuer Optional String

Domain which the user is enrolled with.

friendlyName Optional String

Human readable name assigned to the factor.

Enroll a time-based, one-time password (TOTP) factor

final res = await supabase.auth.mfa.enroll(factorType: FactorType.totp);

final qrCodeUrl = res.totp.qrCode;


Create a challenge

Prepares a challenge used to verify that a user has access to a MFA factor.
An enrolled factor is required before creating a challenge.
To verify a challenge, see mfa.verify() .


factorId REQUIRED String

System assigned identifier for authenticator device as returned by enroll

Create a challenge for a factor

final res = await supabase.auth.mfa.challenge(

factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',


Verify a challenge

Verifies a code against a challenge. The verification code is provided by the user by entering a code
seen in their authenticator app.

To verify a challenge, please create a challenge first.


factorId REQUIRED String

System assigned identifier for authenticator device as returned by enroll

challengeId REQUIRED String

The ID of the challenge to verify

code REQUIRED String

The verification code on the user's authenticator app

Verify a challenge for a factor

final res = await supabase.auth.mfa.verify(

factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',
challengeId: '4034ae6f-a8ce-4fb5-8ee5-69a5863a7c15',
code: '123456',


Create and verify a challenge

Helper method which creates a challenge and immediately uses the given code to verify against it
thereafter. The verification code is provided by the user by entering a code seen in their authenticator

An enrolled factor is required before invoking challengeAndVerify() .

Executes mfa.challenge() and mfa.verify() in a single step.


factorId REQUIRED String

System assigned identifier for authenticator device as returned by enroll

code REQUIRED String

The verification code on the user's authenticator app

Create and verify a challenge for a factor

final res = await supabase.auth.mfa.challengeAndVerify(

factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',
code: '123456',


Unenroll a factor

Unenroll removes a MFA factor.

A user has to have an aal2 authenticator level in order to unenroll a verified factor.


factorId REQUIRED String

System assigned identifier for authenticator device as returned by enroll

Unenroll a factor
final res = await supabase.auth.mfa.unenroll(


Get Authenticator Assurance Level

Returns the Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL) for the active session.

Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL) is the measure of the strength of an authentication

In Supabase, having an AAL of aal1 means the user has signed in with their first factor, such as
email, password, or OAuth sign-in. An AAL of aal2 means the user has also signed in with their
second factor, such as a time-based, one-time-password (TOTP).
If the user has a verified factor, the nextLevel field returns aal2 . Otherwise, it returns
aal1 .

Get the AAL details of a session

final res = supabase.auth.mfa.getAuthenticatorAssuranceLevel();

final currentLevel = res.currentLevel;
final nextLevel = res.nextLevel;
final currentAuthenticationMethods = res.currentAuthenticationMethods;

Auth Admin

Any method under the supabase.auth.admin namespace requires a service_role key.

These methods are considered admin methods and should be called on a trusted server. Never
expose your service_role key in the Flutter app.

Create server-side auth client

final supabase = SupabaseClient(supabaseUrl, serviceRoleKey);

Retrieve a user

Get user by id.

Fetches the user object from the database based on the user's id.
The getUserById() method requires the user's id which maps to the column.


uid REQUIRED String

User ID of the user to fetch.

Fetch the user object using the access_token jwt

final res = await supabase.auth.admin.getUserById(userId);
final user = res.user;


List all users

Get a list of users.

Defaults to return 50 users per page.


page Optional int

What page of users to return.

page Optional int

How many users to be returned per page. Defaults to 50.

Get a page of users Paginated list of users

// Returns the first 50 users.

final List<User> users = await supabase.auth.admin.listUsers();


Create a user

Creates a new user.

To confirm the user's email address or phone number, set email_confirm or phone_confirm
to true. Both arguments default to false.
createUser() will not send a confirmation email to the user. You can use
inviteUserByEmail() if you want to send them an email invite instead.

If you are sure that the created user's email or phone number is legitimate and verified, you can
set the email_confirm or phone_confirm param to true .

attributes REQUIRED AdminUserAttributes

Attributes to create the user with.

Open accepted values

With custom user metadata Auto-confirm the user's email Auto-confirm the user's phone number

final res = await supabase.auth.admin.createUser(AdminUserAttributes(

email: '',
password: 'password',
userMetadata: {'name': 'Yoda'},


Delete a user

Delete a user.

The deleteUser() method requires the user's ID, which maps to the column.


id REQUIRED String

ID of the user to be deleted.

Removes a user

await supabase.auth.admin

Send an email invite link

Sends an invite link to the user's email address.


email REQUIRED String

Email address of the user to invite.

redirectTo Optional String

URI to redirect the user to after they open the invite link.

data Optional Map<String, dynamic>

A custom data object to store the user's metadata. This maps to the auth.users.user_metadata column.

Invite a user

final UserResponse res = await supabase.auth.admin

final User? user = res.user;


Generate an email link

Generates email links and OTPs to be sent via a custom email provider.

The following types can be passed into generateLink() : signup , magiclink , invite ,
recovery , emailChangeCurrent , emailChangeNew , phoneChange .

generateLink() only generates the email link for email_change_email if the "Secure email
change" setting is enabled under the "Email" provider in your Supabase project.
generateLink() handles the creation of the user for signup , invite and magiclink .


type REQUIRED GenerateLinkType

The type of invite link to generate.

email REQUIRED String

Email address of the user to invite.

password Optional String

Password for the user. Required for signup type.

redirectTo Optional String

URI to redirect the user to after they open the invite link.

data Optional Map<String, dynamic>

A custom data object to store the user's metadata. This maps to the auth.users.user_metadata column.

Generate a signup link

final res = await supabase.auth.admin.generateLink(

type: GenerateLinkType.signup,
email: '',
password: 'secret',
final actionLink =;


Update a user


uid REQUIRED GenerateLinkType

User ID of the user to update.

attributes REQUIRED AdminUserAttributes

Attributes to update for the user.

Open accepted values

Updates a user's email

await supabase.auth.admin.updateUserById(
attributes: AdminUserAttributes(
email: '',

Invokes a Supabase Edge Function.

Invokes a Supabase Function. See the guide for details on writing Functions.

Requires an Authorization header.

Invoke params generally match the Fetch API spec.


functionName REQUIRED String

The name of the function to invoke.

headers Optional Map<String, String>

Custom headers to send with the request.

body Optional Map<String, String>

The body of the request.

method Optional HttpMethod

HTTP method of the request. Defaults to POST.

Basic invocation. Specifying response type. Parsing custom headers.

final res = await supabase.functions.invoke('hello', body: {'foo': 'baa'});

final data =;

Listen to database changes

Returns real-time data from your table as a Stream .

Realtime is disabled by default for new tables. You can turn it on by managing replication.
stream() will emit the initial data as well as any further change on the database as
Stream<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> by combining Postgrest and Realtime.

Takes a list of primary key column names that will be used to update and delete the proper
records within the SDK.
The following filters are available

.eq('column', value) listens to rows where the column equals the value

.neq('column', value) listens to rows where the column does not equal the value

.gt('column', value) listens to rows where the column is greater than the value

.gte('column', value) listens to rows where the column is greater than or equal to the
.lt('column', value) listens to rows where the column is less than the value

.lte('column', value) listens to rows where the column is less than or equal to the value

.inFilter('column', [val1, val2, val3]) listens to rows where the column is one of the

Listen to a table With filter, order and limit With an IN filter Using `stream()` with `StreamBuilder`
.stream(primaryKey: ['id'])
.listen((List<Map<String, dynamic>> data) {
// Do something awesome with the data

Subscribe to channel

Subscribe to realtime changes in your database.

Realtime is disabled by default for new tables. You can turn it on by managing replication.
If you want to receive the "previous" data for updates and deletes, you will need to set REPLICA

Listen to database changes Listen to inserts Listen to updates Listen to deletes Listen to multiple events

Listen to row level changes Listen to broadcast messages Listen to presence events

event: PostgresChangeEvent.all,
schema: 'public',
table: 'countries',
callback: (payload) {
print('Change received: ${payload.toString()}');
Unsubscribe from a channel

Unsubscribes and removes Realtime channel from Realtime client.

Removing a channel is a great way to maintain the performance of your project's Realtime service
as well as your database if you're listening to Postgres changes. Supabase will automatically
handle cleanup 30 seconds after a client is disconnected, but unused channels may cause
degradation as more clients are simultaneously subscribed.

Remove a channel

final status = await supabase.removeChannel(channel);

Unsubscribe from all channels

Unsubscribes and removes all Realtime channels from Realtime client.

Removing channels is a great way to maintain the performance of your project's Realtime service
as well as your database if you're listening to Postgres changes. Supabase will automatically
handle cleanup 30 seconds after a client is disconnected, but unused channels may cause
degradation as more clients are simultaneously subscribed.

Remove all channels

final statuses = await supabase.removeAllChannels();

Retrieve all channels

Returns all Realtime channels.

Get all channels

final channels = supabase.getChannels();

Create a bucket
Creates a new Storage bucket

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: insert

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


id REQUIRED String

A unique identifier for the bucket you are creating.

bucketOptions Optional BucketOptions

A parameter to optionally make the bucket public.

Open accepted values

Create bucket

final String bucketId = await supabase



Retrieve a bucket

Retrieves the details of an existing Storage bucket.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: select

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


id REQUIRED String

The unique identifier of the bucket you would like to retrieve.

Get bucket

final Bucket bucket = await supabase



List all buckets

Retrieves the details of all Storage buckets within an existing product.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: select

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works

List buckets

final List<Bucket> buckets = await supabase



Update a bucket

Updates a new Storage bucket

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: update

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


id REQUIRED String

A unique identifier for the bucket you are updating.

bucketOptions REQUIRED BucketOptions

A parameter to optionally make the bucket public.

Open accepted values

Update bucket

final String res = await supabase

.updateBucket('avatars', const BucketOptions(public: false));


Delete a bucket

Deletes an existing bucket. A bucket can't be deleted with existing objects inside it. You must first
empty() the bucket.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: select and delete

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


id REQUIRED String

A unique identifier for the bucket you are deleting.

Delete bucket

final String res = await supabase



Empty a bucket

Removes all objects inside a single bucket.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: select

objects permissions: select and delete

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


id REQUIRED String

A unique identifier for the bucket you are emptying.

Empty bucket

final String res = await supabase


Upload a file

Uploads a file to an existing bucket.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: insert

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The relative file path. Should be of the format folder/subfolder/filename.png. The bucket must already exist
before attempting to update.

file REQUIRED File or Uint8List

File object to be stored in the bucket.

fileOptions Optional FileOptions

Open accepted values

retryAttempts Optional int

Sets the retryAttempts parameter set across the storage client. Defaults to 10.

retryController Optional StorageRetryController

Pass a RetryController instance and call cancel() to cancel the retry attempts.

Upload file Upload file on web

final avatarFile = File('path/to/file');
final String fullPath = await'avatars').upload(
fileOptions: const FileOptions(cacheControl: '3600', upsert: false),


Download a file

Downloads a file.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The full path and file name of the file to be downloaded. For example folder/image.png.

transform Optional TransformOptions

Transform the asset before serving it to the client.

Open accepted values

Download file With transform

final Uint8List file = await supabase



List all files in a bucket

Lists all the files within a bucket.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The folder path.

searchOptions Optional SearchOptions

Options for the search operations such as limit and offset.

Open accepted values

List files in a bucket

final List<FileObject> objects = await supabase



Replace an existing file

Replaces an existing file at the specified path with a new one.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: update and select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The relative file path. Should be of the format folder/subfolder/filename.png. The bucket must already exist
before attempting to update.

file REQUIRED File or Uint8List

File object to be stored in the bucket.

fileOptions Optional FileOptions

Open accepted values

retryAttempts Optional int

Sets the retryAttempts parameter set across the storage client. Defaults to 10.

retryController Optional StorageRetryController

Pass a RetryController instance and call cancel() to cancel the retry attempts.

Update file Update file on web

final avatarFile = File('path/to/local/file');

final String path = await'avatars').update(
fileOptions: const FileOptions(cacheControl: '3600', upsert: false),


Move an existing file

Moves an existing file, optionally renaming it at the same time.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: update and select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


fromPath REQUIRED String

The original file path, including the current file name. For example folder/image.png.

toPath REQUIRED String

The new file path, including the new file name. For example folder/image-new.png.

Move file

final String result = await supabase

.move('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png');


Delete files in a bucket

Deletes files within the same bucket

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: delete and select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works

paths REQUIRED List<String>

A list of files to delete, including the path and file name. For example ['folder/image.png'].

Delete file

final List<FileObject> objects = await supabase



Create a signed URL

Create signed url to download file without requiring permissions. This URL can be valid for a set
number of seconds.

Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: select

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The file path, including the file name. For example folder/image.png.

expiresIn REQUIRED int

The number of seconds until the signed URL expires. For example, 60 for a URL which is valid for one minute.

transform Optional TransformOptions

Transform the asset before serving it to the client.

Open accepted values

Create Signed URL With transform

final String signedUrl = await supabase

.createSignedUrl('avatar1.png', 60);

Retrieve public URL

Retrieve URLs for assets in public buckets

The bucket needs to be set to public, either via updateBucket() or by going to Storage on, clicking the overflow menu on a bucket and choosing "Make public"
Policy permissions required:

buckets permissions: none

objects permissions: none

Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works


path REQUIRED String

The path and name of the file to generate the public URL for. For example folder/image.png.

transform Optional TransformOptions

Transform the asset before serving it to the client.

Open accepted values

Returns the URL for an asset in a public bucket With transform

final String publicUrl = supabase



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