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REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS Characters of asexual reproduction

Life span: It is the period of time between the 1. Only one individual of an organism is involved.
birth and death of an organism. 2. Opposite sexes are not involved.
OR 3. The new individuals produced are
The concept of life span implies that the morphologically and genetically identical to the
existence of an organism has a definite beginning parent
and end. Life span of organisms varies from less 4. Cell divisions are either amitotic or mitotic
than one day to more than 4,000 years. The life 5. It represents a rapid mode of multiplication.
spans of some organisms are listed below. Types of asexual reproduction
1. Life span of organisms are not necessarily 1. Binary fission
correlated with their sizes. 2. Multiple fission (Encystation)
2. The size of crows and parrots are not very 3. Budding
different yet their life spans show a wide 4. Sporulation
difference. 5. Zoospore
3. Similarly a Mango tree has a much shorter life 6. Conidia
span as compared to a peepal tree. 7. Gemmule
4. The death of every individual organism is a 8. Fragmentation
certainty, i.e., no individual is immortal, 1. Binary fission: It is the simplest method of
except single-celled organisms. asexual reproduction. it involves mitosis cell
5. Vast number of plant and animal species have division.
existed on earth for several thousands of Definition: It is process in which the parent cell
years because plants and animal species are divides into two more daughter cells.
continuously multiplied their population by a Examples: It is common in Bacteria (kingdom
process of Monera ) and Protozoan’s ( kingdom protista)
Types of binary fission
reproduction.REPRODUCTION 1. Irregular binary fission – Protozoan’s like
It is an biological process in which an Amoeba
organism gives rise to young ones (offspring’s) 2. Longitudinal binary fission- Euglena
similar to itself is called reproduction. 3. Transverse binary fission- Paramecium and
OR planaria
The process of producing of its own kind 2. Multiple fission (Encystation): It is process in
Reproduction is divided into two types based on which the parent cell divides into many
participation of one organism or two in the Offspring’s of smaller size. In amoeba to tide over
process of reproduction. the unfavorable condition a cyst is secreted
1. Asexual reproduction. around itself and is called encystment. On return
2. Sexual reproduction of the favorable condition amoeba divides by
Asexual reproduction multiple fission to produce large number of
(Agamogenesis or Agamogony). spores or amoebulae which are released on the
When offspring is produced by a single rupture of cyst wall.
parent with or without the involvement of 3. Budding: It is a process in which a new
gamete formation it is called asexual individual develops a small outgrowth on the
reproduction. The morphologically and surface of the parent.
genetically similar individuals formed through Example: Yeast (Fungi) and Hydra
asexual reproduction is called clone. 4. Sporulation: It is a process in which the
organism’s produces specialized reproductive
structures called spores.

Examples: Spores form bacteria, algae, fungi d) Bulb- Onion
(Rhizopus) 3. Vegetative propagation by leaves
5. Zoospore: In some algae like Chlamydomonas a) Leaf buds of Bryophyllum
and Ulothrix, the spores are flagellated and Significance of vegetative propagation
motile structure called zoospores. 1. It enables rapid production of genetic
6. Conidia: These are exogenous non- motile variation
outgrowths commonly found in many fungi like 2. The production of large population of
pencilium and Aspergillus. The conidia are borne individuals genetically identical to the parent.
on the tip of special hyphae called conidiophores 3. It reduces the period required for flowering
7. Gemmule: The small buds are formed within and fruiting of plants
the parents body are called gemmules (Internal Sexual reproduction: It is a process formation of
buds) Example: Spongilla the male and female gametes either by the same
8. Fragmentation: It is process in which parent individual or by different individuals of the
body divides into two or more pieces, some of opposite sex (two parents) these gametes fuse to
which develops into complete adult. form the zygote which develops into new
(Regeneration) organism.
Examples: Planaria, Star fish, sponges. Characteristics of sexual reproduction
Vegetative propagatiom: It is a type of asexual 1. Uniparental or biparental
reproduction in plants. 2. Formation and fusion of gametes takes place
Definition: It is a process of multiplication in 3. Offspring’s are not identical to parents
which a part or fragment of plant gets detached 4. Offspring’s show variations due to genetic
and under suitable condition s develops into an recombination
independent plant. Some deferent methods of 5. Offspring’s have better chance of survival
vegetative propagation 6. Rate of reproduction is slow.
a) Potato is an underground modified stem All organisms have to reach a certain
tuber. stage of growth and maturity in their life. In
b) Rhizome of Ginger, banana. relation to reproduction life cycle of an individual
C) Bulbil of agave (century plant) is divisible into three types
2. Vegetative propagation by sub-areal stem 1. Juvenile phase: It is pre reproductive period in
a) Offset of water hyacinth (Eichhornia) the life cycle of an individual. The period is
Eichhornia (water hyacinth) is an floating characterized by rapid growth. In animals this
hydrophytes which once introduced into aquatic process is called juvenile phase while in plants
bodies spread very fast by their vegetative it is called vegetative phase.
propagation through offsets. The offsete may 2. Reproductive phase: It is phase of life cycle
break from the mother plant and grow as where individual have the potential to
independent plants. reproduce. In higher plants beginning of
reproductive phase is marked by flowering.
Eichornia is one of the most invasive Different plants take different time to come
aquatic weed and which is found growing to flower.
wherever there is standing water. It propagates 3. Senescent phase or old age (aging): It is the
vegetatively very rapidly and spread all over the end of reproductive phase of an organism
water body in a short period of time and it characterized by slowed metabolism and
consumes oxygen from the water, which leads to ultimately leads to death. The transition of
death of fishes. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia) is these three phases is regulated by hormones
therefore called scourge of water bodies or the and environmental condition.
terror of Bengal. Flowering / breeding seasons: Flowering is one of
b) Runner of oxalis: Runner is a slender the important reproductive process in plants.
horizontally growing branch (internode) in the There are some plants which flower throughout
ground level. the year, while some other show seasonal
c) Sucker- Chrysanthemum flowering i.e. flowering during the same month,
year after year. A few plants exhibit unusual 1. Homogametes (Isogametes): The male and
flowering phenomenon. female gametes are morphologically similar.
Example: 1. Bamboo plant (Bambusa vulgaris) Examples. Some algae and protozoan like
flower only once in their lifetime. Elphidium
2. Neelkuranji (Strobilantus kunthiana 2. Heterogametes (Anisogametes): The male
Menstrual cycle and Oestrus cycle in animals and female gametes are morphologically
1. Oestrus cycle : The cyclical changes in the dissimilar
activities of ovaries & accessory ducts as well Example: Human being, Fucus. frog, catles etc
as hormones secretion during the Sexuality in organisms
reproductive phase of non-primate mammals a) Bisexual animals or Hermaphrodites: The
like cows, sheep, rats, deers, dogs, tigers etc., animals which possess both male and female
is called Oestrus cycle. reproductive organs in the same body.
OR Eg: Tape worm, earth worm, leech, sponges
2. The cyclical changes in the reproductive tract etc.,
of the non-primates female is called Oestrus b) Unisexual animals or homophrodites: The
cycle. animals which possess male or female
a) Monoestrus animal: Single oestrus cycle in a reproductive organs.
year. Eg: Deer. Eg: Cockroach, round worm, human. These
b) Dioestrus animal: Two oestrus cycle a year. exhibit sexual dimorphism.
Eg: Dog. c) Homothallic plants or bisexual or
c) Polyoestrus animal: Many oestrus cycles in a monoecious: The plant body having both
year. Eg: Mouse. male and female reproductive structures.
1) Menstrual cycle: The cyclical changes in the Eg: Fungi, Hibiscus, cucurbita, coconut, chara,
activities of ovaries & accessory ducts as well sweet potato.
as hormones secretion during the d) Heterothallic plants or unisexual or
reproductive phase of primate mammals like dioecious: The plant body having either male
monkeys, apes & humans is called Menstrual or female reproductive structures.
cycle. Eg: Papaya, Date palm, Marchantia
a) Seasonal breeders: These are the organisms e) The flowers with only stamens are called male
that reproduce only in some favorable flowers or staminate flowers.
seasons. f) The flowers with only pistil are called female
Eg: Mammals living in natural & wild flowers or pistillate flowers.
conditions. II) Gamete transfer:
b) Continuous breeders: These are the  In most of the organisms male gamete is
organisms that are reproductively active motile & female gamete is stationary.
throughout their reproductive phase are  But in some fungi & algae both are motile.
called continuous breeders. Eg: Human  In algae, bryophytes & Pteridophytes, the
beings. gamete transfer takes place through water.
Events in sexual reproduction  In seed producing plants pollen grains carry
The sexual reproduction is characterized by the male gametes & ovules carry egg cell. The
fusion of male and female gamete (fertilization), pollen grains are transferred to stigma called
formation of zygote and embryogenesis. For pollination.
convenience these sequential events may be  The dioecious animals have evolved some
grouped into three distinct stages namely mechanisms and structures to transfer
1. Pre-fertilisation: The pre-fertilisation again gametes for successful sexual reproduction.
divided into two sub events namely 2) Fertilization: Fertilization is a process of fusion
I) Gametogenesis II) Gamete transfer haploid male gamete with haploid female gamete
I) Gametogenesis: It is process of formation of to produce a diploid zygote. It is also called
gametes (sperm and ova) within the sex organs syngamy.
(testis and ovary) There are two ttypes

There are two types of fertilization based on  Ovary into fruit with a thick fruit wall called
fertilization medium. They are, pericarp
a) External fertilization: The syngamy occurs  Sepals, petals and stamens fall off
outside the body of the parents in water  Antipodals and synergids disappear
medium. Eg. Algae, fish, amphibians  Seeds after dispersal germinate into new
b) Internal fertilization: The syngamy occurs plants under favorable conditions.
inside the body of the female in body fluid. Chapter-1 Reproduction in organisms
Eg. Fungi, bryophytes, Pteridophytes, 1. Banana is multiplied through
gymnosperms, angiosperms, cartilaginous 1) Offsets 2) Rhizome
fish, reptiles, birds and mammals 2) Leaf cutting 4) Seeds
 In animals, the motile male gametes reach 2. Binary fission is general multiplication mode is
the egg in accessory reproductive structures. 1) Bacteria 2) Marchentia
 In flowering plants, the non-motile male 3) Mosses 4) yeas
gametes are carried to egg cell by pollen 3. Syngamy is
tube. 1) Fusion of gametes
Parthenogenesis: The female gamete undergoes 2) Fusion of cytoplasm
development to form new organisms without 3) Fusion of similar spores
fertilization this phenomenon is called 4) Fusion of dissimilar spores
parthenogenesis. 4. Fertilization occurs in
Examples: honey bees (unfertilized egg to sterile 1) Ovary 2) Ovule
female), rotifers, and birds (turkey) 3) Embryo sac 4) Nucellus
5. Sexual reproduction result in
3) Post fertilization: The events in sexual 1) Recombination 2) Polyploidy
reproduction after the formation of zygote are 3) Apomixis 4) Parthenogenesis
called post fertilization events. 6. Microspore mother cell makes
a) The growth of the zygote differs in different 1) Pollen grain 2) Pollen sac
individuals as follows. 3) Male gametes 4) Microsporangium
 In algae and fungi, the zygote develops a thick 7. Meiosis is best seen in
wall which is resistant to desiccation and 1) Microspores and anther wall
damage. It undergoes a period of rest before 2) Cells of lateral meristem
germination 3) microsporocytes
 In the organisms of haplontic life cycle, the 4) Cells of apical meristem
diploid zygote divides meiotically to produce 8. Transverse binary fission occurs in
haploid spores which grow into haploid 1) Euglena 3) Amoeba
individuals. Eg. Volvox, Spirogyra 2) Hydra 4) paramesium
 In the organisms of diplontic life cycle, the 9. Which forms the embryo?
diploid zygote directly develops into a diploid 1) Fertilized synergid 3) Fertilized ovum
individual. 2) Oosphere 4) Egg apparatus
 Eg. Gymnosperms, Angiosperms 10. Fleshy specialized buds produce in the axil of
b) Embryogenesis: It is the development of the leaves which fall on the ground and produce
embryo from the zygote. During this, zygote new individuals are called
divides mitotically to produce a mass of cells 1) Offsets 3) Tubers
which on differentiation forms specialized 2) Bulbils 4) Bulbs
tissues and organs to form an organism. In 11. Stolen is a kid of vegetative propagation in
flowering plants, the post fertilization events strawberry which is a
include the development of 1) Subaerial stem 3) Leave
 Zygote into embryo 2) Underground stem 4) Root
 Primary endosperm cell into endosperm
 Ovules into seeds

12. Match the following 4) Sexual , asexual,asexual
Column -1 column-2 19. Match column -1 with column- 2
A) Rhizomes 1)Narcissus Column 1 Column 2
B) Corms 2)Artichoke A. Sponge 1.Tuber
C) Stem tubers 3)Ferms B. Yeast 2.Offset
C. Potato 3.Gemmules
D) Buds 4)Colocasia D. Water hyacinth 4.Budding
1) A-3,B-4,C-2,D-1 2) A-2,B-1,C-3,D-4 1) A-4,B-1,C-2,D-3 2) A-3,B-1,C-4,D-2
3) A-4,B-2,C-1,D-3 4) A-1,B-3,C-4,D-2 3) A-3,B-4,C-1,D-3 4) A-4,B-2,C-1,D-3
20. ___________IS life process that is not essential
13. Individuals of a clone have for an individual’s survival but for the species
1) Growth 2) Reproduction
1) Same height 2) Same age
3) Reproduction 4) Nutrition
3) Same number of leaves 4) Same genome
14. Parthenogenesis is 21. Eyes on the potato , sugar cane, ginger are
1) Condensed nodes
1) Development of fruits without hormones
2) Condensed inter nodes
2) Development of embryo without fertilization
3) Interspread rhizomes
3) Development of embryo from egg without
4) Interspread corm
4) Development of fruit without fertilization 22. Strobilanthus kunthiana differs from bamboo in
15. Study the following figures and select the correct 1) Being mono carpic
2) Length of juvenile phase
statement regarding these
3) Being poly carpic
1) A shows mode of asexual reproduction in
4) None of theses
sponges through internal buds .
2) B shows sexual reproduction through 23. Study carefully the following figures (A and B )
zoospores in chlamydomonas . and select the correct answer regarding them
3) C shows asexual reproduction through 1) X represents the testis of a male cockroach
conidiospores in penicillium and Y represents the ovary of female
4) D shows external budding in sycon cockroach
1) 1&2 2) 1&3 3 2) X represents the ovary of a female cockroach
3) 2,3&4 4) 1,3&4 and Y represents the testis of male cockroach
16. Following table summarizes the difference 3) X represents testis of a male earthworm and Y
represents the ovary of a female earthworm
between self-fertilization and cross-fertilization
4) X represents thw ovary of a female
pic out the wrong difference
earthworm and Y represents the testis of a
(Self-fertilization) (Cross-fertilization)
male earthworm
1) It is uniparental It is biparental
2) It involves the fusion of male and It involves 24. Which of the following is an incorrect
the fusion of two gametes produced female combination of organism with its chromosome
gametes of the same parent by different number in meiocyte and in gamete?
parents Chromoso Chromoso
Name of
3) Example :Pheretima ,Periplaneta me number me number
Example :Taenia, Rana tigrina in meiocyte in gamete
4) None of the above 1 Onion 24 12
17. Which of the following groups is formed only of 2 Ophioglossum 1260 630
the hermaphrodite organisms? 3 Human beings 46 23
1) Earthworm ,tapeworm, housefly, frog 4 Fruit fly 8 4
2) Earthworm , leech, sponge, round worm 25. if a fungal thallus has both male and female
3) Earthworm ,tapeworm ,sea horse, housefly reproduction structures ,it will be called
4) Earthworm, tapeworm, leech,sponge 1) Heterothallic 2) Homothallic
18. The uniparental reproduction is called _______ 3) Dioecious 4) Monoecious
______reprodution .Higher organisms mostly 26. Staminate flowers produce
show --------reproduction 1) Eggs 2) Pollen grains
1) Sexual ,asexual,sexual 3) Fruits 4) All of these
2) Asexual ,sexual , asexual
3) Asexual,sexual, sexual
27. Meiosis does not occur in 3) Both 1 and 4) None of these
1) Asexually reproducing diploid individuals 36. Which of the following options correctly identifies
2) Sexually reproducing haploid individuals artificial and natural methods of vegetative
3) Sexually reproducing diploid individuals propagation?
4) Both 1 and 2 Artificial methods Natural methods
28. A diploid parent plant body produces 1 Grafting Cutting
______gametes and a haploid parent body 2 Layaering Bulbils
produces _____gametes 3 Offset Tissue culture
1) Diploid ,haploid 3) Diploid, Diploid 4 Tubers rhizomes
2) haploid, Diploid 4) haploid, haploid 37. Vegetative propagation is the term used for
29. which of the following options shows bisexual 1) Sexual reproduction in animals
animals only? 2) Sexual reproduction in plants
1) Amoeba, sponge ,leech 3) ASexual reproduction in animals
2) Sponge,cockroach,Amoeba 4) ASexual reproduction in plants
3) Earth worm ,sponge,leech 38. Which of the following is not used for vegetative
4) Tapeworm,earthworm ,honey bee propagation?
30. Which of the following organisms has the highest 1) Bud 2) Bulbil
number of chromosomes? 3) Turion 4) Antherozoid
1) Housefly 2) Butterfly 39. internal fertilization occurs in almost all
3) ophioglossum 4) Onion 1) Plants 2) animals
31. Which one of the following statement is 3) mammals 4) Amphibians
incorrect? 40. Which of the following is correct for the given
1) Earthworms and leeches are hermaphrodite figures?
animals X Y
2) young ones of animals which have extermal 1 Homogamy Lsogamy
fertilization receive little or no –parental care 2 Anisogamy Lsogamy
3) If the egg is not fertilized ,it is thrown out of 3 Heterogam Anisogamy a
the body along with the lining of the uterus as y
menstrual flow 4 Lsogamy oogamy
4) Sex organs in human beings are formed at 41. Select the monocarpic plant out of the following
puberty 1) Bamboo 2) Litchi
32. Match the organisms given in column-1 with their 3) Mango 4) all of these
mode of reproduction in column-2 and select the 42. Development of new individual fro female gamete
correct answer from the code given below without fertilization is termed as
Column-1 Column-2 1) Syngamy 2) Embryogenesis
a) Potato 1) Conjugation 3) Oogamy 4) Parthenogenesis
b) Spirogyra 2) Stem cuttings 43. Figure P represents the reproductive organs of
c) Rose 3) Conidiospores plant chara and figure Q represent the
d) Penicillium 4) Stem tubers reproductive organs of animal earthworm. Select
1) A-1,B-3,C-2,D-4 2) A-4,B-1,C-2,D-3 the option which correctly identifies male
3) A-4,B-1,C-3,D-2 4) A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 reproductive organs of the two organisms
33. Oestrus cycle is reported in 1) A and D 2) B and C
1) Cows and sheep 3) A and C 4) B and D
2) Humans and Monkeys 44. In organisms showing internal fertilization female
3) chimpanzees and gorillas gamete is non motile .lack of motality is
4) None of these advantageous because it
34. Which of the following animals show menstrual 1) Facilitates less expenditure of energy
cycle? 2) Assists in rapid division of female gamete
1) Gorillas and chimpanzees 2)Monkeys 3) Helps the cell to store extra nutrients for rapid
humans 3)Orangutans and monkeys embryo development
4) all of these 4) Both 1 and 3
35. In diploid organism the gamete producing cells 45. Zygote of an organism developed after syngamy
are called undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores ,which
1) Gamete mother cell 2) Meiocytes
divide mitotically and form the gametophyte.The 53. Offsprings formed by sexual reproduction exhibit
organism must have ________life cycle more variations than those formed by asexual
1) Haplontic 2) Diplontic reproduction because
3) Haplodiplontic 4) Either 1 or 3 1) Sexual reproduction is a lenthy process
46. Select the option which shows viviparous animals 2) Gemete of parents have qualitatively different
only genetic composition in sexual reproduction
1) Lizard ,turtle 2) Platypus ,crocodile 3) Genetic materials comes from parents of two
3) Cow , crocodile 4) Whale ,mouse different species
47. Offsprings of oviparous animals are at greater risk 4) Greater amount of DNA is involved in sexual
of survival as compared to those of viviparous reproduction
animals because 54. There are various types of reproduction .The type of
1) Proper embryonic care and protection is reproduction adopted by an organism depends on
absent 1) Habitat and morphology of an organism
2) Embryo does not develop completely 2) Morhology of an organism
3) Progenies are of smaller size 3) Morphology ,Physiology of the organism
4) Genetic variation do not occur 4) Habitat ,physiology and genetic makeup of
48. Deposition of calcareous shell around zygote the organism
occurs in 55. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
1) Birds and reptiles 2) Birds and mammals 1) In asexual reproduction ,the offsprings
3) Mammals and reptiles 4) All of these produced are morphologically and genetically
49. Which of the labeled part in the transverse identical to parents
section of tomato fruit ,is /are diploid ? 2) Zoospores are sexual reproductive structures
1) X 2) Y 3) In asexual reproduction , a single parent
3) Both X and Y 4) None of these produces offsprings with or without the
50. Which of the following animals give birth to formation of gametes
young ones? 4) Conidia are asexual structures in penicillium
1) Ornithorhynhcus and Echidna 56. Which of the following is a post fertilization event
2) Macropus and pteropus in flower plants?
3) Balaenoptera and Homo sapiens 1) Transfer of pollen grains
4) Both 2 and 3 2) Embryo development
51. Read the following statements and select the 3) Formation of flower
correct option Statement 1:Viviperous animals 4) Formation of pollen grains
give better protection to their offsprings. 57. The term ‘clone’ can not be applied to offspring
Statement 2:In viviparous animals, young formed by sexual reproduction because :
ones ,after attaining a certain state of growth ,are 1) Offspring do not possess exact copies of
delivered out of the body of female organism. parental DNA
1) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and 2) DNA of only parent is copied and passed on to
statement 2 is correct explanation of the offspring
statement 1 3) Offspring are formed at different times
2) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and 4) DNA of parent and offspring are completely
statement 2 is not the correct explanation of different
statement 1 58. Choose the corrct statements related to external
3) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is fertilization . choose the correct statements
incorrect 1) The male and female gametes are formed
4) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect and released simultaneously
52. Select the miss macth pair of organism and its 2) Only a few gametes are released into the
mode multiplication Organism Mode of medium
Multiliation 3) Water is the medium in a majority of
1) Agave ,Oxalis Bulbils organisms exhibiting external fertilization
2) Amoeba, Paramoecium Binary fission 4) Offspring formed as a result of external those
3) Chlamydomas ,Ulotrhix Sporangiospres formed inside an organism
4) Adiantum caudatum Adventitious buds 1) 3 and 4 2) 1 and 3 3) 2 and 4 4) 1 and 4
present at leaf tips 59. Choose the correct statement from amongst the
following :

1) Dioecious organisms are seen only in animals 69. Asexual reproduction involves
2) Dioecious organisms are seen only in plants (A) only meiosis (B) only mitosis
3) Dioecious organisms are seen in both plant (C) both mitosis and meiosis
and animals (D) either mitosis or meiosis
4) Dioecious organisms are seen only in
70. Somatogenic reproduction is nothing but
(A) asexual reproduction (B) sexual reproduction
60. Which one of the following is correctly matched? (C) parthenogenesis (D) none of these
1) Chlamdomonas –conidia
2) Yeast –zoospores 71. Asexual reproduction takes place in
3) Onion –Bulb (A) monera (B) protists (C) sponges (D) all of these
4) Ginger –Sucker
72. Which statement is incorrect about sexual
61. The ability of living organism to give rise to reproduction?
the young ones of its own kind is called
(A) segregation (B) reproduction (A) It is a rapid process
(C) perpetuation (D) sedimentation (B) Offspring shows variation
(C) Meiosis takes place (D) It is biparental
62. Reproduction helps in
(A) continuation of species (B) ageing of species 73. Product of sexual reproduction generally
(C) decline of species (D) metamorphosis of generates [NEET 2013]
species (A) longer viability of seeds
(B) prolonged dormancy
63. The period from birth to the natural death of (C) new genetic combination leading to variation
an organism is called as (D) large biomass
(A) regeneration (B) life span (C) metamorphosis 74. Complete and permanent fusion of two
(D) reproduction haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote is called
(A) chalazogamy (B) porogamy
64. The stage at which organism develops the (C) syngamy (D) mesogamy
capacity to reproduce is called 75. When both types of reproductive organs are
(A) maturity (B) senescence present in separate parents, such animals are called
(C) juvenility (D) ageing (A) dioecious (B) monoecious (C) hermaphrodite
(D) both (B) and (C)
65. Progressive deterioration of body of an organism is 76. Temporary pairing of parents involving exchange
called of pronuclei is called
(A) senescence (B) juvenility (C) maturity (D) ageing (A) transformation (B) conjugation
(C) transduction (D) translocation
66. Production of offsprings by a single parent
without fusion of gametes is called 77. A type of asexual reproduction in an unicellular
(A) asexual reproduction (B) sexual reproduction organism in which parent cell divides to produce
(C) amphimixis (D) all of the above two equal cells which develop into two new
individuals is called
67. Amphimixis means (A) budding (B) binary fission
(A) sexual reproduction (B) vegetative propagation (C) sporulation (D) fragmentation
(C) parthenogenesis (D) binary fission
78. As a result of binary fission, number of
68. Which of the following statements regarding individuals produced by one fission is
asexual reproduction are correct? (A) two (B) three (C) four (D) five
(i) It is uniparental 79. In simple fission
(ii) The offsprings produced are genetically (A) Cytokinesis takes place along any plane but
identical to the parent always perpendicular to the karyokinesis
(iii) production and fusion of gametes is (B) Cytokinesis takes place along a plane parallel to
necessary the karyokinesis
(iv) The offsprings produced show genetical (C) Cytokinesis takes place along longitudinal axis
variation (D) Cytokinesis takes place along transverse axis
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) (iii) and (iv) are correct 80. Which of the following statements are correct?
(C) (ii) and (iii) are correct i. Euglena divides by longitudinal binary fission
(D) (i) and (iv) are correct ii. Cytokinesis takes place along transverse

axis in Paramoecium a small fragment
iii. Amoeba divides by irregular binary fission (B) replacement of lost part (C) formation of buds
iv. In multiple fission, parental body divides into (D) both (A) and (B)
many daughter cells under favourable conditions.
(A) (i) and (iv) are correct 92. In restorative regeneration
(B) only (iv) are correct (A) several body parts are redeveloped
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct (B) damage tissues are regenerated
(D) (ii) and (iv) are correct (C) parent body is divided into two or more
Individuals (D) gemmules are formed
81. Identify the mode of asexual reproduction shown
in the diagram given below. 93. Zoospores are
(A) non-motile spores of algae
(B) motile spores of algae
(C) non-motile spores of fungi
(D) motile spores of fungi

94. Penicillium produce non-motile spores called

(A) zoospores (B) conidia (C) fragments (D) bud

95. _______are thick walled spores produced by

(A) Fragmentation (B) Binary fission Rhizopus which are capable of withstanding
(C) Budding (D) Gemmule formation unfavourable conditions.
82. An asexual reproduction in which multinucleate (A) Chlamydospores (B) Zoospores (C) Oidia
parent divides into many multinucleate individuals (D) Sporangiospores
is called
(A) binary fission (B) multiple fission 96. Mucor produce non-motile spores called
(C) plasmotomy (D) fragmentation (A) sporangiospores (B) conidia
83. Plasmotomy is observed in (C) chlamydospores (D) oidia
(A) Opalina (B) Euglena (C) Planaria 97. Gemmae formation is found in
(D) Monocystis (A) Salpa (B) Schypa (C) Mucor (D) Marchantia
84. Which is the mode of reproduction in Amoeba? 98. Methods of asexual reproduction in lower
[RPMT 2001] organisms include
(A) Binary fission only (A) binary fission, budding
(B) Binary fission and multiple fission (B) fertilization, syngamy
C) Binary fission and conjugation (C) porogamy, autogamy
(D) Multiple fission only (D) geitonogamy, xenogamy
85. What is the mode of reproduction in Syllis and
Salpa? 99. A process of multiplication in which a portion
(A) Fission (B) Budding (C) Fragmentation (D) of fragment of plant body function as propagule and
Regeneration develops into new individual is called
86. Exogenous budding is observed in (A) vegetative propagation (B) sexual propagation
(A) Scypha (B) Hydra (C) regeneration (D) metamorphosis
(C) Spongilla (D) both (A) and (B) 100. The roots become fleshy due to storage of
87. Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in food in
[AIIMS 2001] (A) Pothos B) Groundnut (C) Texoma (D) Dahlia
(A) parthenogenesis (B) sexual reproduction
(C) only dissemination (D) asexual reproduction
88. Gemmule consists of mass of undifferentiated
cells called *************
(A) archaeocytes (B) amoebocytes
(C) fragments (D) external bud
89. Filamentous algae reproduce by
(A) fragmentation (B) budding
(C) binary fission (D) conidia
90. Regeneration was observed in Hydra by
(A) George Mendel (B) Abraham Trembley
(C) Leeuwenhoek (D) Maheshwari
91. Regeneration means
(A) formation of the whole body of organism from
 So the mature embryo sac is eight nucleated
and seven celled.
CHAPTER-II Pollination: The process of transfer of pollen
SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS grain from the anther to the stigma is called
Pree – fertilization: structure and events pollination.
STAMEN, MICROSPORANGIUM AND POLLEN GRAIN Autogamy (Self pollination): The transfer of
Stamen: A typical stamen consists of a slender pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the
stalk called the filament and the terminal same flower.
(Geneally bilobed ) structure called the anther Examples: all bisexual flowers (Oxalis and
 The number and length of stamen are Commelina
variable in flowers of different species. These plants produce two types of flowers
 The filament is attached to the thalamus or 1. Chasmogamous flower: The flowers which
the petal of the flower (epipetalous) and open are called chasmogamous flower
bears a knob like anther at the tip. All typical 2. Cleistogamous flower: The flowers which do
another is bilobed with each lobe having two not open are called cleistogamous flower.
chambers or theca i.e. they are dithecous. Geitenogamy: It is a type of cross pollination
Microsporangium (Pollen sac): T.S of typical that occurs between two flowers present on the
anther consisting of 4 microsporangia or pollen same plant i.e. The pollen of one flower fall on
sacs located at the corner i.e. two in each lobe, the stigma of another flower present on the same
thus a typical anther is tetrasporangiate. plant.
 The four microsporangia are covered on the Xenogamy: The transfer of pollen grains for
out side by a common epidermis of the anther of one flower to stigma of another flower
anther. of a different plant (but same species)
 Epidermis is an outer single layer of anther Characters of insect pollinated flowers
which provides protection. (entamophilous flowers)
Microsporogenesis: The process of formation of The insect pollinated flowers are
microspores or pollen grains or male · Large
gametophytes from pollen mother cell through · Colourful
meiosis in the pollen chambers ( microsporangia ) · Showy
of anther is called microsporogenesis. · fragrant
Megasporogenesis : The process of formation of · rich in nectar
megaspores from the megaspore mother cell is · provide reward in the form of nectar and pollen
called megasporogenesis. · safe place to lay eggs
Megagametogenesis: It is the process of · some flowers produce foul odour to attract flies
formation of egg cell from a functional and beetles
megaspore (embryo sac) The nucleus of embryo · pollen grains are sticky.
sac divides mitotically to form two nuclei which Characters of wind pollinated flowers
move to opposite poles. Two more successive (anemophilous flowers)
mitotic divisions occur in each nucleus resulting in · Pollen grains are light and non-sticky.
eight nucleate stage. · Stigma is large & feathery to trap pollen grains.
 Three nuclei in chalazal end are surrounded · They have single ovule in each ovary and
by cell wall and organized to form three numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence.
antipodal cells. Eg: corn cob & grasses.
 Two nuclei from each pole move to the centre Characters of water pollinated (hydrophilous)
to form polar nuclei present in a large central flowers.
cell · Pollen grains are long and ribbon like
 Three nuclei in the micropylar end are · Pollen grains are protected from wetting by
surrounded by cell wall and organize into mucilaginous covering
three celled egg apparatus. It consists of two Eg: vallisneria, hydrilla, marine sea grasses like
synergids and an egg cell. zostera.
results in non endospermic seeds or
exalbuminous seeds.
DOUBLE FERTILIZATION Eg: pea, ground nut, bean, etc.
The fusion of one male gamete with egg nucleus  The embryo may not utilize the endosperm
to form diploid zygote and the fusion of another completely and some amount of endosperm
male gamete with diploid secondary nucleus to persists in the matured seeds. This results in
form PEN called double fertilization and this the formation of endospermic seeds or
fusion of three haploid nucleuses is called triple albuminous seeds.
fusion. Eg: castor, maize.
Post fertilization events that occur in
angiosperm flower. EMBRYO
The post fertilization events are DICOT EMBRYO
 Antipodals and synergids disappear A typical dicot embryo consists of an
 Sepals, petals and stamens wither off embryonic axis and two cotyledons. The portion
 Ovules develop into seeds of the embryonic axis above the cotyledons is
 Integuments form the seed coats namely called epicotyl, which terminates with the
testa and tegmen plumule (embryonic shoot). The cylindrical
 Primary endosperm cell develops into portion below the level of cotyledons is called
endosperm that provides nourishment for hypocotyl, which terminates at its lower end in
developing embryo the radical (embryonic root). The root tip is
 Zygote develops into embryo covered by root cap
 Ovary develops into fruits MONOCOT EMBRYO
 Funicle developed into Stalk of the seed  The monocot embryo possesses only one
 Micropyle developed into seed pore cotyledon called scutellum, which is situated
 Hilum developed into scar of the seed. towards one side of the embryonic axis.
Significance of double fertilization  The embryonic axis has the radicle and root
1. Fertilization restores the diploid number of cap enclosed in an undifferentiated sheath
chromosomes in the zygote. called coleorrhiza.
2. Fertilization brings about genetic variations.  The portion of the embryonic axis above the
ENDOSPERM level of attachment of scutellum is the
The endosperm is nutritive tissue of epicotyl.
embryo, developed from triploid primary  Epicotyl has a shoot apex and a few leaf
endosperm nucleus (PEN). It precedes embryo primordial enclosed in a hollow foliar
development from zygote. structure called coleoptile.
During this process the triploid PEN divides SEED
mitotically to produce endosperm tissue filled Seed is a matured fertilized ovule. It has seed
with food materials. It is used for nourishing coats, cotyledon/s and an embryo. Cotyledon is
developing embryo. thick and swollen due to storage of food reserves.
There are two types of endosperm development There are two types of seeds:
1. Free nuclear endosperm development: The  Albuminous seeds: Have endosperm. Eg:
PEN undergoes successive nuclear division to Wheat, maize, barley, castor, sunflower etc.,
give rise to free nuclei. This does not involve  Exalbuminous seeds: Do not have endosperm.
the cell wall formation. Eg: coconut water Eg: Pea, groundnut etc.,
2. Cellular endosperm development: The PEN  The black pepper and beet seeds have
undergoes successive nuclear division remnants of nucellus in their seeds called
followed by the cell wall formation. Eg: White perisperm.
kernel of coconut  The micropyle remains a pore that facilitates
 During the embryonic development, the the entry of water and oxygen into the seed
embryo may completely consume the during germination.
endosperm before the seed matures. This
 As the seed matures, it loses 10 – 15 % of • Diploid egg cells
moisture by mass and metabolic activities of • Haploid egg cells (Parthenogenesis)
the embryo slows down. This inactive state is • Secondary nucleus (Parthenogamy)
called dormancy. ·►During favorable • Megaspores (Diplospory)
conditions like the availability of adequate • Nucellar cells & Integument cells (Citrus,
moisture, oxygen & suitable temperature Mango) and Orange.
induces the germination of seeds. All these embryos can be isolated and cultured in
SIGNIFICANCE OF SEED artificial medium under aseptic conditions in
1. As they have sufficient food reserves, young vitro. Through micropropagation, many plants
seedlings are nourished until they are capable of can be raised from one seed.
Photosynthesis on their own. The hard seed coats
provide protection to the young embryo. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING
2. As they are the products of sexual PLANTS
reproduction, they generate new genetic
combinations leading to variations. 1. A flower is a modified
3. Seeds are used as food by animals. 1) Leaf 2) Root
Viability of seeds. 3) Shoot 4) All
 In a few species the seeds loose viability 2. Fillform apparatus is present in
within few months. 1) Egg cell 2) Synergids
 The seeds of large number of species live for 3) Antipodals 4) Secondary nucleus
3. The oldest viable seed is that of
several years.
1) Erythronium americanum
 The oldest viable seed is that of lupine,
2) Lupinus arcticus
Lupinus arcticus excavated from Arctic 3) Piper nigrum
tundra. The seed germinated and flowered 4) Ricinus communis
after an estimated record of 10000 years of 4. Perisperm is reported in
dormancy. 1) Pepper ,beet
 The recent record of 2000 years old viable 2) Coconut ,water ,lily and castor
seed is of the date palm. 3) Crotalaria ,pepper ,and castor
Apomixis (Agamospermy) 4) Mango ,coconut and maize
The development of seeds without involving 5. Adventitive embryos develop from the cells of
meiosis and fertilization is called apomixis. It is a 1) Nucellus and integument
2) Zygote
kind of asexual reproduction that mimics sexual
3) Synergids
4) All of the above
Apomictic embryos develop from: 6. Type of pollination seen in Vallisneria is
· Haploid gametophytes (Apogamy) 1) Anemophily 2) Entomophily
· Diploid megaspores (Apospory) 3) Hypohydrophily 4) Epihydrophily
· Diploid Nucellar cell and integument cells. 7. Pollen grains in angiosperms is released at which
Examples: Citrus and Mango stage ?
1) 1-celled 2) 2-celled
The advantages of apomixis are:
3) 3-celled 4) 2 or 3 celled
 The segregation of characters does not take 8. The diagrams given below are the gynoecium
place in the seeds of apomictic hybrids. /pistils of _____and _______respectively
 Reduced cost of hybrid production. 1) Papaver and Hibiscus
 Accelerated breeding. 2) Papaver and Michelia
 Free from diseases. 3) Michelia and papaver
 Nucellar seedlings of citrus provide better 4) papaver and Mango
clones. 9. The inner most layer of microsporangium is
Polyembryony 1) Tapetum 2) Endothecium
3) Middle layer 4) Epidermis
Polyembryony is the occurrence of more than
10. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few
one embryo in a seed. ovules .are generally pollinated by
Polyembryos develop from:
1) wind 2)Bees 2) Emergence of radicals
3) Butterflies 4) Birds 3) Absorption of water for seed germination
11. Which one of the following plants is monoecious? 4) Initiation of pollen tube
1) Papaya 2) Marchentia 24. In the following diagram of embryo sac identify
3) pinus 4) Cycas the parts labeled in alphabets
12. Coconut water of tender coconut is an example A B C D E F
1 Filiform Central Polar
for apparatus
cell nuclei
1) Free nuclear endosperm 2 Synergids
Central Polar
apparatus cell nuclei
2) Helobial endosperm Filiform Central Polar
3 Synergids Egg Antipodals
3) Cellular endosperm apparatus cell nuclei
4 Filiform Central Polar
4) Both 1 and 2 apparatus
Egg Antipodals
13. Poly embryony is seen in
1) Citrus 2) Mango 25. Pollen grains are shed at 2 celled stage in
3) Apple 4) Both 1 and 2 1) 60% of angiosperms 2) 40% of angioerms
14. Which type of pollen grains are in insect 3) 80% of angiosperms 4)10% of angiosperms
pollinated flowers? 26. Given below is diagrammatic sketch of an
1) Hygroscopic 2) Light and sticky anatropous ovule. Select the correct set of names
3) Light and rough 4) Heavy and coloured of parts labeled A ,B, C and D
15. The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal A B C D
embryo sac in the dicot plants ,is Nucellus Embryro sac Chalaza Funicle
1) 2+4+2 2) 3+2+3 Funicle Nucellus Micropyle Embryo sac
3) 2+3+3 4) 3+3+2 Funicle Nucellus Chalaza Embryo sac
16. In nature ,clestogamous flowers are Funicle Nucellus Chalaza Micropyle
1) Self pollinated 2) Insect pollinated
27. Which of the following statement is correct ?
3) Wind pollinated 4) Bird pollinated
1) Sporopollenin can withstand high
17. Double fertilization involves
temperatures but not strong acids
1) Syngamy +triple fusion
2) Sporopollenin can be degraded by enzymes
2) Developmental of antipodal cells
3) Sporopollenin is made up of inorganic
3) Double fertilization
4) None of the above
4) Sporopollenin can withstand high
18. The endos[perm in angiosperm develops from
temperatures as well as strong acids and alkali
1) Zygote
28. Megaspore mother cell has 20 chromosomes in a
2) Secondary nucleus
3) Chalazal polar nucleus
1) 20 2)10 3)80 4)40
4) Micropylar polar nucleus
29. The transfer of pollen grains from anther to the
19. The fertilization in which male gametes are
stigma of same flower of the same plant is called
carried through pollen tube is known as
1) Autogamy b) Gietenogamy
1) Syngamy 2) Porogamy
c) xenogamy d) pollination
3) Siphonogamy 4) Chalazogamy
30. Find out A,B and C in the flow chart given below.
20. Wind pollinated flowers are
1) A-Female gamete, B-Male gamete ,C-
1) Small producing nectar and dry pollen
2) Small brightly coloured producing large
2) A-Endosperm ,B –Female gamete ,C-Male
number of pollen grains
3) Small producing large number of pollen grains
3) A-Male gamete ,B-Polar nuclei ,C-Endosperm
4) Large producing abundant nectar and pollen
4) A-Female gametes ,B-Endosperm ,C-Male
21. Exine in pollen grain is made up of
1) Pectocellulose 2) Lignocellulose
31. Find the true match
3) Sporopollenin 4) Polen kit
Column 1 Column 2
22. Approximate diameter of pollen grain is
A)Apomixes 1)Part of embryo sac
1) 25-50 micrometer 2) 50-70 micrometer
B)Allogamy 2)Self pollination
3) 75-100 micrometer 4) 25-35 micrometer
C)Autogamy 3)Cross pollination
D)Antipodal Seeds without fertilization
23. What is the function of germs pore? 1) A -4,B-3,C-2,D-1 2) A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2
1) Release of male gametes 3) A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4 4) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2
32. Which of the following option is correct? 1) A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4,E-5 2) A-5,B-4,C-3,D-2,E-1
1) Transfer of pollen grains from the anthur to 3) A-4,B-2 ,C-1,D -3,E-5 4) A-1,B-3,C-5,D-2,E-2
stigma of the same flower –Autogamy 40. The monocotyledonous seed consist of One large
2) Transfer of pollen grains from the anthur of and shield shape cotyledon known as
one flower to the stigma of another flower of 1) Aleurone layer 3) Coleoptila
same plant –Geitonogamy 2) Scutellum 4) Hilum
3) Transfer of pollen grains from the anthur to 41. Which one of the folwing events takes place after
the stigma of a genetically different plant – double fertilization ?
Xenogamy 1) The pollen grains germinates on the stigma
4) All of these 2) The pollen tube enter the embryo sac
33. These plants flower and fruit only once in their 3) Two male gametes are discharge into the
life time and die after fruiting .These are embryo sac
1) Monocaric plants 2) Polycarpic plants 4) The PEN (Primary Endosperm nucleus )
3) Omithophily 4) Anemophily Develops into endosperm.
34. Spiny or stickey pollen grains and large attractive 42. CHasmogamy is pollination in
coloured flowers are associated with 1) Bud condition 2) Closed flowers
1) Hydrophily 2) Entromophily 3) Open flowers 4) Unrelated flowers
3) Omithophily 4) Anemophily 43. Which one of the following is fibrous layer ?
35. Identify the parts labeled as A,B ,C,and D in the 1) Middle layer 2) Endothecium
given figure and select the option from the codes 3) Open flowers 4) Unrelated flowers
given below 44. Intine of pollen grain is made of
A B C D 1) Callose 2) Pecto-cellulose
Seed coat Scutellum Epicotyl Hypocotyl 3) Cellulose 4) Fat like sporopollenin
Seed coat Scutellum Hypocotyl Epicotyl 45. Ovule is
Seed coat Cotyledons Endosperm Hypocotyl 1) Megasporangium
Seed coat Endosperm Cotyledon Hypocotyl 2) Megasporospyll
36. Anthesis is 3) Integumented megasporangium
1) Developmet of pollen 4) Rolled megasporophyll
2) Development of anther 46. The most common type of ovule is
3) Opening of flower 1) Orthotropous 2) Hemianatrpous
4) Reception of pollen by stigma 3) Anatropous 4) Campylotrpous
37. The given diagram shows two plants of same 47. Seed leaf is
species .Identify the types of pollen Indicated at 1) Leaf present over the plumule
P1,P2,P3. 2) Cotyledon 3)Coleoptile 4)Mesocotyl
P1 P2 P3 48. Part of the pistil which receives pollen is
Allogamy Chasmogamy Clestogamy 1) Ovary 2)Style 3) Stigma 4)Mesocotyl
Autogamy Xenogamy Geitonogamy 49. Edible part of mango is
Autogamy Geitonogamy Xenogamy 1) Pericarp 2) Mesocarp
2) Endocarp 4) Epicarp
Geitonogamy Allogamy Autogamy
50. Which of the following terms describes pollination
38. During the process of fertilization the pollen tube
by the agency of ants?
of the pollen grains usually enter the embryo sac
1) Chiropterophily 2) Entomophily
3) Ornithophily 4) Myrmecophily
1) Integument 2) Nucellus
51. Anemophilous plants have
3) Chalaza 4) Micropyle
1) Sticky stigmas 2) feathery stigmas
39. Match Column 1 with column 2 and select the
3) Prominent nectarines 4) Colourful flowers
correct option from the codes given below
52. Which of the following statements are true?
Column 1 Column2
1) Endothecium lies below epidermis
Funicle 1)Mass of parenchymatous cells
2) Fusion of egg with male gamete is called
B)Hilum Basal part of ovule
C)Integument 3)One or two protective layers of 3) Synergids are haploid
ovule 4) Point at which funicle touches the ovule is
D)Chalaaza 4)Region where body of ovule fuses raphe.
with funicle 53. In the following diagram of L.S. of grass embryo
E)Nucellus Stalk of ovule (monocot embryo )identify scutellum and epiblast
Scutellum Epiblast
63. Refer the given characteristics of some flowers.
Diagram A. Light and non-sticky pollen grains
B. Exserted stigmas and anthers
1) A D C. Large, often feathery stigma
2) C E D. Flowers colorless, odourless and nectarless.
3) C D E. Common in grass.
4) D E 1. Anemophily 2. Hydrophily
54. Wind pollination is common in 3. Entomophily 4. Zoophily.
1) Legumes 2) Lilies 64. Which of the following is not a water pollinated
3) Grasses 4) Orchids plant?
55. Embryo sac represents 1. Zostera 2. Vallisneria 3. Hydrilla 4. Cannabis
1) Megaspore 2) Megagametophyte 65. With respect to angiosperms, identify the
3) Megasporophyll 4) Megagamete incorrect pair from the following (May 2014)
56. Unisexuality of flowers prevents 1. Primary endosperm nucleus – 3n
1) Geitonogamy ,but not Xenogamy 2. Antipodals – 2n
2) Autogamy and Gietonogamy 3. Cells of nucellus of ovule – 2n
3) Autogamy,but not Geitonogamy 4. Vegetative cell of male gametophyte – n
4) Both Geitonogamy and Xenogamy 66. Male and female flowers are present on different
57. The pollen tube enters the embryo sac plant called
1) Through one of the synergids 1. Monocious 2. Diacious 3. Both 1 and 2
2) By directly penetrating the egg 4. None of these
3) Between one synergids and central cell 67. Endosperm is completely consumed by the
4) Egg cell and antipodal cells developing embryo in
58. Which one of the following pairs of plant 1. Pea and ground nut 2. Maize and castor
structures has haploid number of chromosomes? 3. Castor and ground nut 4. Maize and pea.
1) Nucellus and antipodal cells
2) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus 68. Identify the parts labeled A, B, C and D in the
3) Megaspore mother cell and antipodal given figure and select the correct option.
4) Egg cell and antipodal cells
59. In an embryo sac ,the cells that degenerate after
fertilization are
1) Synergids and primary endosperm cell
2) Synergids and antipodals
3) Antipodals and primary endosperm cell
4) Egg and antipodals
60. Seed coat develops from in
1) Integuments 2) Nucellus
3) Fruit wall 4) Ovary wall
61. The true embryo develops as a result of fusion of
1. Synergids Antipodals Egg Filliform apparatus
1. Two polar nuclei of embryo sac
2. Antipodals Synergids Egg Filliform apparatus
2. Egg cell and male gamete
3. Antipodals Synergids Filliform apparatus Egg
3. Synergids and male gamete
4. Polar nuclei Antipodals Filliform apparatus Egg
4. Male gamete and antipodals
69. In artificial hybridization technique stamens are
removed from the bisexual flower. The process is
62. Select the correct statements regarding the
structure of a mature embryo.
1. Bagging 2. Emasculation 3. Anthesis
A. Egg apparatus is situated towords chalazal en
4. Tagging
B. Antipodal cells are situated towords micropylar
70. If 10 microspore mother cells are present in each
microsporangium of Datura, how many pollen
C. A typical angiospermous embryosac is 7-celled,
grains are formed from one flower?
and 8 nucleate at maturity.
1.400 2. 800 3. 1000 4. 1200
1. A only 2. B only 3. C only, 4. A, B and C
the nucellus
71. Among the terms listed below, those that of are iv. It has an egg apparatus situated at the chalazal
not technically correct names for a floral whorl end
are: (a) i and iv, (b) ii and iii (c) i & ii (d) ii & iv
i. Androecium ii. Carpel 80. Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if:
iii. Corolla iv. Sepal a. Pollen matures before maturity of ovule
(a) i and iv, (b) iii and iv (c) ii and iv (d) i and ii. b. Ovules mature before maturity of pollen
72. Embryo sac is to ovule as _______ is to an anther. c. Both pollen and ovules mature simultaneously
a. Stamen b. Filament c. Pollen grain d. Both anther and stigma are of equal lengths.
d. Androecium 81. Choose the correct statement from the following:
73. In a typical complete, bisexual and hypogynous a. Cleistogamous flowers always exhibit autogamy
flower the arrangement of floral whorls on the b. Chasmogamous flowers always exhibit
thalamus from the outermost to the innermost is: geitonogamy
a. Calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium c. Cleistogamous flowers exhibit both autogamy
b. Calyx, corolla, gynoecium and androecium and geitonogamy
c. Gynoecium, androecium, corolla and calyx d. Chasmogamous flowers never exhibit autogamy
d. Androecium, gynoecium, corolla and calyx 82. A particular species of plant produces light, non-
74. A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers but never sticky pollen in large numbers and its stigmas are
produces fruits and seeds. The most probable long and feathery. These modifications facilitate
cause for the above situation is: pollination by:
a. Plant is dioecious and bears only pistillate a. Insects b. Water c. Wind d. Animals.
flowers 83. From among the situations given below, choose
b. Plant is dioecious and bears both pistillate and the one that prevents both autogamy and
staminate flowers geitonogamy.
c. Plant is monoecious a. Monoecious plant bearing unisexual flowers
d. Plant is dioecious and bears only staminate b. Dioecious plant bearing only male or female
flowers. flowers
75. The outermost and innermost wall layers of c. Monoecious plant with bisexual flowers
microsporangium in an anther are respectively: d. Dioecious plant with bisexual flowers
a. Endothecium and tapetum 84. In a fertilised embryo sac, the haploid, diploid
b. Epidermis and endodermis and triploid structures are:
c. Epidermis and middle layer a. Synergid, zygote and primary endosperm
d. Epidermis and tapetum nucleus
76. During microsporogenesis, meiosis occurs in: b. Synergid, antipodal and polar nuclei
a. Endothecium b. Microspore mother cells c. Antipodal, synergid and primary endosperm
c. Microspore tetrads d. Pollen grains. nucleus
77. From among the sets of terms given below, d. Synergid, polar nuclei and zygote.
identify those that are associated with the 85. In an embryo sac, the cells that degenerate after
gynoecium. fertilisation are:
a. Stigma, ovule, embryo sac, placenta a. Synergids and primary endosperm cell
b. Thalamus, pistil, style, ovule b. Synergids and antipodals
c. Ovule, ovary, embryo sac, tapetum c. Antipodals and primary endosperm cell
d. Ovule, stamen, ovary, embryo sac d. Egg and antipodals.
78. Starting from the innermost part, the correct 86. While planning for an artificial hybridization
sequence of parts in an ovule are, programme involving dioecious plants, which of
a. egg, nucellus, embryo sac, integument the following steps would not be relevant:
b. egg, embryo sac, nucellus, integument a. Bagging of female flower
c. embryo sac, nucellus, integument, egg b. Dusting of pollen on stigma
d. egg, integument, embryo sac, nucellus. c. Emasculation d. Collection of pollen
79. From the statements given below choose the 87. In the embryos of a typical dicot and a grass, true
option that are true for a typical female homologous structures are:
gametophyte of a flowering plant: a. Coleorhiza and coleoptiles
i. It is 8-nucleate and 7-celled at maturity b. Coleoptile and scutellum
ii. It is free-nuclear during the development c. Cotyledons and scutellum
iii. It is situated inside the integument but outside d. Hypocotyl and radicle.
d) Brassicaceae
88. The phenomenon observed in some plants
wherein parts of the sexual apparatus is used for 99. Select the incorrect pair out of the following
forming embryos without fertilisation is called: a) Monodelphous – Hibiscus
a. Parthenocarpy b. Apomixis b) Diadelphous – Cucurbitae
c. Vegetative propagation c) Polydelpous- Citrus
d. Sexual reproduction. d) Syngenesious- Helianthus
89. In a flower, if the megaspore mother cell forms
megaspores without undergoing meiosis and if 100. Monocotyledonous seeds possess a single
one of the megaspores develops into an embryo cotyledon which is represented by
sac, its nuclei would be: a) Tegmen b) Endosperm c) Scutellum
a. Haploid b. Diploid c. A few haploid and a few d) aleurone
diploid d. With varying ploidy.
90. The phenomenon wherein, the ovary develops *******************
into a fruit without fertilisation is called:
a. Parthenocarpy b. Apomixis
c. Asexual reproduction d. Sexual reproduction
91. What is the function of germ pore?
1. Emergence of radical
2. Absorption of water for seed germination
3. Initiation of pollen tube
4. Release of male gametes
92. Viability of pollen grains means
1. Ability of pollen grain to germinate on stigma
2. Ability of spore tetrad to form pollen grain
3. Ability of pollen grain to fertilize with ovule of
another flower
4. Ability of pollen grain to produce male gametes
93. Double fertilization involves
a) Fusion of secondary nucleus with both male
b) Fusion of secondary nucleus with one male
c) Fusion of one nucleus with one male gamete
d) Any of the above

94. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the

stigma of another flower of the same plant is called
a)Geitonogamy b)Karyogamy c) Autogamy
d) Xenogamy

95. Wind pollination is common in

a) Legumes b) Lilies c) Grasses d) Orchids

96. Largest cell of the ovule is

a) Central cell b) Size of cells variable
c) Megaspore mother cell d) Antipodal cell

97. Cleistogamous flowers are

a) Wind pollinated b) Insect pollinated
c) Bird pollinated d) Self pollinated

98. Marginal placentation is generally found in family

a) Leguminaceae b) Cucurbitaceae c) Malvaceae
CHPTER- 3 Human Reproduction
The male reproductive System
Human reproduce sexually only and are
The male reproductive
viviparous that is give birth to the young once.
system is located in the pelvis region.
They are unisexual that is male and female sexes
It includes a pair of testes along wiith accessory
are separate.
ducts, accessory glands and the external genialia.
The male and female sex have
The male reproductive system consists of the
reproductive organs (Gonads ,reproductive sex
following organs
ducts and accessory structures )
The male sex organ or primary sex organ
 Testis → 02
(Gonad) called testes (testis) and female sex
 Epididymis →02
organ called ovaries .
 vas deference → 02 }
They produce two gonads (sperm and  Seminal vesicles → 02
ovum) and sex hormones’ (chemical sub)  Ejaculatory duct → 02
 Prostate gland → 01
The reproductive events in humans  Penis → 01 [ External
include formation of gametes called genitalia]

Gametogenesis that is sperms in male and Testes

ovum or egg in females. The transfer of sperms A pair testis is a primary sex organ of male
into the female genital tract called insemination individual situated outside the abdominal cavity
and fusion of male and female gametes called within a poach called scrotum .
fertilization leading to formation of zygote. This The scrotum helps in maintained the low
is followed by formation and development of temperature of the testes 2-2.5 0 c lower than
blastocyst and its attachments to the uterine the normal internal body temperature)
wall called implantation and embryonic necessary for spermatogenesis .
development called gestation and delivery of the In adults –Each testis is oval in shape .with a
baby called parturition length of about 4 to 5 cm and a width of about 2
to 3 cm The testis is Externally covered by dense
Gametogenesis →Insemination → covering called tunica vaginal is and inner
fertilization → Implantation → Parturition → fibrous tunica albuginea.
gestation (pregnancies period) Each testis has about 250 compartments called
testicular lobules
Al l these reproductive events occur after Note: scrotum maintains the temperature of 20
puberty that is when the reproductive events in or 3oc below the body temperature when the
the male and female differ remarkably For temperature of testes down, or lowers, the
example ,the mammary are well developed in scrotum shrinks, bringing the testes closer to the
the females and rudimentarily in males; the body so that testes closer to the body and acts
females do not develop beard and moustache the desired temperature When the temperature
but males ell developed.the voice in females is rises scrotum is relaxed and testes comes down
pitched higher than in males; In men at a distance from the body.
formation of is sperms continues even in old The T.S of testis shows
age .but in woman the formation of ovum 1. Each testis is made up of about 250
ceases (stop) at around age of 48- 50 years. comportments called testicular lobules.

2. Each lobules contains 2-3 small. coiled 11. Generally ,only one ovum is released in each
somniferous tubules which are lined with menstrual cycle by alternate ovaries
germinal epithelium. 12. A human female produces only around 450
3. The germinal epithelium consists of eggs during her reproductive period of 40-50
spermatogenesis and sertoli cells. years
4. spermatogonia under spermatogenesis to
produce sperm .Differents cell stages of 1. The matured mammalian egg is called Graafian
spermatogenesis like primary spermatids and follicle named after its discoverer of von Graaf.
spermatozoa are observed from the 2. It is usually spherical /oval in shape and is about
periphery towards the lumen 12-16 cm in diameter
5. Sertoli cells/sustentacular or nurse cells are 3. The wall of the Graafian follicle is made up of
large cells which provide nutrition to the outer theca externa containing fibrous
developing spermatids and sperm
connective tissue and inner theca interna
6. connective tissue stroma is present between
the seminiferous tabules .t contains small which is vascular in nature
groups of interstitial cells called leydig cells . 4. Each Graaffian follicles contains in their
Leyding cells secrete testosterone/Androgen posterior position oocyte, surrounded by one
male sex hormone. or more layers of follicular cells
5. The surrounding cells nourish the developing
T .S of somniferous tubules oocyte and begin to secrte estrogen hormone
1. The ovary is a solid structure externally
as growth of the follicular cells larger. A thick
covered by a single layer of germ cells called
germinal epithelium transparent non-cellular layer surrounds the
2. The cortex (outer region) has many ovarian oocyte called zona pellucida a contains
follicles of different stages namely primary , glycoprotein’s
secondary, tertiary follicles and mature or 6. outside zona pellucid is corona radiate
Graafian .follicles, corpous luteum and composed of enlarged follicle cells.
corpous albicans.
7. The cavity of Graafian follicle called antrum is
3. Graafian , follicles have a secondary oocyte
filled by a fluid called ,the liguor follicali.It is
and a fluid filled cavity called antrum.
4. Graafian, follicles rupture to expel the oocyte secreted by follicular cells.
with a few follicular cells. this is called 8. the mature oocyte is attached to the wall of
ovulation follicle through a pedicel called cumulus
5. Raptured Graaffian follicle develops into ophorus.
corpus luteum which is characterized by a 9. The mature follicle ruptures and releases the
large yellow mass of cells
ovum (egg) called ovulation.
6. The degenerated corpus luteum is called
albicans . 10. After ovulation, the granulose cells and the
7. After ovulation .the remaining part of the interstitial cells form a mass of large and
Graafian follicle transforms into a next form yellowwish conical cells called corpus lateum.
corpus luteum .
8. carpous luteum is a large yellow mass of cells External genitalia (vulva)
and a temporary endocrine gland-It secretes The External genitalia in human female.
progesterone ,estrogen,and relaxin The female external genitalia include mons pubis,
hormone.if fertilization occurs. majora labia minora hymen and clitoris
9. If fertilization does not take place corpus  Mons pubis is a cushion of fatty tissue covered by
skin and pubic hair .
luteum degenerates into corpus albicans
 The labia majora are fleshy folds of tissue which
10. The degenerating stages of corpus lutcum is extended form the mons pubis and surround the
called corpus albicans literally meaning white vaginal opening.

 The labia minora are smaller folds which lie under
the labia majora Mammary glands (Breast)
 Anteriorly ,labia minora merge together to form a ↓
small etectile organ called clitoris .It is Mammary lobules (15-20)
homologous to the male’s glans penis. ↓
 Posteriorly the labia minora are fused together Mammary alveoli (store the milk)
to form the fourchette.they also contain ↓
numerous sebaceous gland
Mammary ducts(several mammary duct joins)
 The opening of the vagina remains partially
covered by a thin ring of a membrane called the

 It is often form during the first coitus (intercourse) Lactiferous ducts
however it can also be raptured due to vigorous ↓
physical activities .In some women the hymen Nipple
persists even after coitus .hymen is not a reliable
indicator of virginity or sexual experience. Gametogenesis :-
The process of formation of two gametes (sperms and
ova ) form the sex organs or gonads is called gameto
vestibular glands genesis. Gametogenesis occurring in the male
Mammary Gland (Breast) gonad /sex organ is known as spermatogenesis. The
Human female has a pair of functional process of formation of sperms from seminiferous
mammary glands that consists of glandular tissue and tubules called spermatogenesis
variable quantity of fat. While that occur in the female gonad is known as
 The glandular tissue is divided in to 15 -20 oogenesis
mammary lobes, each lobes contains clusters of
cells called mammary alveoli which open into
mammary lobules Spermatogenesis :-
 The mammary lobules of each lobe join to from a The process of formation of the sperms in the
mammary duct. testis is called spermatogenesis.
 Several mammary ducts join to form a wider The male gametes are produced with in the
mammary ampulla that is connected to lacti seminiferus tubules of testis Each seminiferus tubule
ferrous duct through which milk comes out is lined by the germinal epithelium it has two types of
 The milk is actually secreted by the cells of cells
alveoli and is stored in the lumen of alveoli 1) germinal cells /spermatogonial cell
Function of Breast or mammary glands The 2) sertoli cells /Nurse cells
mammary glands are only active during late
pregnancy and after the birth of a baby when Sperms developed form germinal cuboidol epithelium
they produce milk called Lactation is stimulated Spernatogeneses takes place into two stages viz
by the hormone prolactin 1) Formation of spermatids
2) spermiogenesis /spermateleosis
Prolactin hormone stimulate the production
1) Phase of multiplication:- during the phase of
of milk and oxytocin from posterior pituitary
multiplication the undifferentiated germ cells
stimulate the release of milk in response to the undergo repeated mitotic divisions and produce a
stimulation of the nipple by the sucking baby large number of cells are called spermatogonial
Clitoris: It is small erectile organ and homologous to cell
the male glans penis contains sensory nerve
2) Phase of growth:- During the phase of growth
ending .but it has no reproductive significance.
the diploid primary spermatogonial increase in
size by the accumulation of chromatin and
Hymen: The opening of the vagina remains partially
nutritive materials in the cytoplasm
covered by a thin ring of a membrane called hymen Each spermatocyte prepare to self to enter
meiosis-I formation of primary spermatocyte(2n)
Function: It is normally incomplete to allow for
3) Phase of maturation:- The diploid primary under
passage of menstrual cycle
goes meiosis I to produce two secondary
spermatocyte .each spermatocyte under goes
meiosis-II to produce 4 non-motile spermatids. Hormonal control of spermatogenesis :-
At the end of maturation phase 4 haploid Spermatogenesis in human males begins at
spermatids are formed from each diploid the time of puberty .that is the period of
spermatogonial cell. maturation of gonad/sex organ.and continues till
old age.
II. Spermiogenesis or Spermateleosis
This is mainly regulates by the male sex
The transformation of non-motile rounded, haploid
hormones called androgen or testosterone.
spermatids into a functional .motile mature
sperm/spermatozoa The following is the feed back
Spermiogenesis involves mechanism which regulates the production and
1) Nucleus become condensed ,narrow and control of testosterone.
anteriorly pointed Oogenesis:-the process of formation and maturation
2) Golgi complex of spermatids forms the acrosome of egg with in the ovary.
3) Proximal centriole to from neck of the sperm and The germinal epithelium (cuboidal)of the avary is
distal centriole gives rise to axonema lined by primordial germ cells (oogonial cells)
4) Mitochondria from a spiral ring behind the The oogenesis undergoes again 3 phases
neck(middle piece) 1) Phase of multiplication :-During this phase
5) The matured spermatozoa are released in the oogonium cells undergoes mitotic divisions to
lumen of seminiferous tubules called spermiation form a group of cells called oogonia
2) Phase of growth :- Growth phase of oogenesis is
Ultrastructure of the Human Sperm long and it involves following changes
The mature human sperm has 4 distinct parts viz a) Increase in the size of oogonium by the
head,Neck,middle piece and tail occumalation of yolk by vitellogenesis
1) Head:- The head is comparatively large and pear b) Nucleus become cente with nucloplasm
shaped It is measures about 4 mm in length and 2 c) A thin vitteline membrane is secreted around the
mm in bradth. occyte.
Head consists of a large nucleus and anterior or d) Increase in the amount of endoplasmic
top of the contains acrosome. reticulum,golgi complex and mitochondria
Nucleus contains chromation chromatin or 23 2) phase of maturation:- The fully grown primary
chromosomes (haploid) oocyte undergoes meiosis-I to form two unequal
The acrosome is derived from golgi complex and haploid cells.the one larger cell called secondary
it contains enzymes viz oocyte and smaller cell is called first polar body
Hydvolytic enzymes like acrosin and The secondary oocyte (n) undergoes meiosis-II to
hyalouronidase produce two unequal cells .larger cell called ootid and
Acrosome helps in the penetration of sperm into smaller cell are called 2nd polar bodies and first pola
ovum. body divided into two polar bodies thus,at the end of
2) Neck :- It is small part[0.3mm] connecting head oogenesis ,one large ootid and 3 polar bodies are
with middle piece it has two centriols viz proximal produced
and distal centriole. Proximal centriole which Polar bodies are functional cells when ootid
plays a role in the first cleavage of the zygote converted into mature ovum or egg after fertilization
while distal centriole from axial filament of the tail polar bodies are disappear
arises Ovum/Egg :-
3) Middle piece:-It contains distal centriole .It gives It is an female gamete It is usually spherical in shape
rise to long slender axial filament.around the axial and larger than sperm
filament double row of mitochondrial sheath is  It measures about 0.15mm in diameter.
present and it is also called as Neabenkern body  Ooplasm contains haploid nucleus and reserve
mitochondrial are spirally arranged which food maferials in the form of yolk ofr nourishing
provides energy needed for the the future embryo
Movement of the sperm.hence middle piece may
also be referred to as engine room of the sperm. Spermatogenesis Oogenesis
4) Tail:-It is divided into two parts namely ,main 1) The process of The process of
piece covered by a cytoplasmic sheats tail is formation of sperm formation of egg form
responsible for the movement of sperm.hence within the seminiferous the ovary
sperm is active and motile tubules
2) It occurs in It occurs in follicles of vagina if pregnancy does not occar .this process is
seminiferous tubules the ovary called menstruation.

3) Growth phase is short Growth phase is long The menstruation cycle is regulated by certain
and absence of and is chara hormone [estrogen, FSH, LH progesterone] sereted by
vitellogenesis characterised by the the pituitary gland of hypothalamus.
presence of
The menstrual cycle consists of 4 phases
4) Polar bodies are not total 3 polar bodies are 1) menstrual phase /Bleeding phase /menses
formed formed 2) Pre ovulaty phase/Follicular phase /Proliferative
5) Total 4 haploid Only one ootid is 3) Ovulatory phase
spermatids are formed formed 4) Post Ovulatory phase/Secretoryphase/luteal
6) At the end of Here only one mature phase
Spermatogenesis egg /ovum is formed
totally 4-mature 1) Menstrual phase /Bleeding phase /menses :
sperms are formed During this phase,there is periodic discharge of
blood ,tissue fluid ,mucus and endometrial tissue
Sperm Egg come out side through menstrual waste. It is
1) Male gamete produced Female gamete caused due to a sadden decrease in the
in testis by the process produced in ovary by the production of the hormones,estrogen and
of Spermatogenesis process of oogenesis progesterone This phase begins from the 1st -5th
2) It is small in size (45 to It is large in size (500- day .Here shedding off uterine endometrium this
50mm) 1000mm) phenomenon is also called menses .It lasts from.
3) It is tadpole shaped It is spherical shape the amount of blood discharged varies from 50-
4) Golgi bodies in the Acrosome absent 400ml.
form of acrosome 2) Pre ovulatory phase/Follicular phase
5) Sperm is active and Ovam is passive and /Proliferative phase :- This phase begins from
motile non-motile the 6 the day of menstruation to 13 th day of
6) They have condensed They have vesicular menstrual cycle (7-8days) this phase is
nucleus nucleus characterized y the transformation of primary
follicle into mature graafian follicle under the
7) Sperm are not covered They are covered by
influence of FSH and LH hormone this phase is
by additional additional membrane
also called proliferative phase.
membrane called egg membrane
3) Ovulatory phase :- It is a phase in which both LH
and ESH are at the peak level on the 14 th day of
Menstrual cycle [Mc] Men’s –moth /Endometrial the cycle which induces the rupture of graafian
cycle. the reproductive cycle in the female follicle and release of egg this phenomenon is
primates(monkeys, apes and human being )is called called ovulation
menstrual cycle 4) Post Ovulatory phase/Secretory phase/luteal
Or phase :- This phase begins from 15th day of to 28th
The cycle changes during reproductive phase is called day of menstrual cycle The ruptured follicle is
Mc It is a complex serives of rthythmic changes that soon transformed into corpus luteum, which
occur in the female reproductive system [ovary secretes large amount of progesterone essential
uterus and pituitary at interval of 28 days. The first for maintenance of endometrium. The corpus
menstrual period of young woman called ‘’Menarche luteum persists only if fertilization occurs. During
‘’ and the last or ceasation of menstrual cycle around pregnancy all events of menstrual cycle stops and
48-50 years of age called menopause . there is no menstruation corpus luteum
One ovum is released [ovulation ]during the middle of degenerates causing the disintegration of
menstrual cycle endometrium leading to menstruation. The
Puberty:-The period of maturation of gonads /sex degenerated corpus luteum is replaced by corpus
organs albicans. cycle menstruation Is an indication of
Menstruation:- menstrual cycle changes and with a normal reproductive phase which extends
discharge of blood, unfertilized ovum a broken tissue between menarche to menopause.
of the uterine mucosa [the endometrium] through
3) Blastula 4) Single celled
K.H PATIL CENTRE FOR HUMAN EXCELLENCE 10. Iplantation takes place in
3) 7 Days 4) 8 Days
HUMAN REPRODUCTION 11. Site of fertilization is
1) Uterus 2) Ovary
NEET TEST Max marks: 180 3) Fallopian tube 4) Vagina
1. The process of release of spermatozoa from 12. Role of zona pellucid in human
sertoli cells into the cavity of the seminiferous 1) Is to block polyspermy
tubules is called 2) Is to enable binding of sperm
1) Spermiogenesis 3) Is to prevent implantation of blastocyst at an
2) Spermatocytogenesis abnormal site
3) Spermatogenesis 4) Both 2 and 3
13. Cumulus Oophorus covers
4) Spermiation
1) Sperm 2) Ovum
2. The sperm undergo physiological 3) Blastocyst 4) ovary
maturation ,acquiring increased motility and 14. Correct sequence in the formation of sperm is
fertilizing capacity in 1) Spermatogonium,primary sparmatocyte,
1) Seminiferrous tubules 3) Epididymis secondary sparmatocyte spermatid ,sperm
2) Vasa efferentia 4) vagina 2) Sperm , spermatid , spermatogonium, Primary
3. The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted spermatocyte
from 3) Sperm , primary spermatocyte,
1) Vas deferens 3) Leydig’s cell spermatogenesis, secondary spermatid
2) Epididymis 4) Leydig’s cell 4) Primary spermatocyte ,sperm spermatid
4. The absence or non - occurrence of menstrual 15. The solid mass of 32 cells formed from zygote
periods is called after successive mitotic divisions is called
1) Menarche 2) Menopause 1) Blastula 2) Gastrula
3) Gonadarche 4) Amenorrhes 3) Morula 4) None of these
5. The nutritive cells found in seminiferous tubules 16. During oogenesis ,each diploid cell produces
are 1) Four functional eggs
1) Leydig’s cells 3) Sertoli cells 2) Two functional eggs and two polar bodies
2) Aretic follicular cells 4) Chromafin 3) One functional egg and three polar bodies
6. During the proliferative phase uterine wall 4) Four functional bodies
undergoes certain changes ,these are 17. A reaction of granules content which harden the
1) Mymotrium wall issloughed off zona pellucid and ensures slow block to
2) Endometrium wall is sloughed off polyspermy is
3) Blood vessels in endometrium become long 1) acrosomal reaction 2) Cortical reaction
and coiled 3) Acrosin reaction 4) Bindin reaction
4) Proliferation of myometrial epithelial lining 18. preparation of sperm before penetration of ovum
7. The secondary oocyte is in arrested stage and is
does not undergo second meiotic division until 1) Spermination 2) Cortical reaction
1) LH surge does not occur 3) Spermiogenesis 4) Capacitation
2) Estradiol level is not upto threshold level for 19. Ovulation in the human female normally takes
ovulation place during the menustrual cycle
3) A sperms enters it 1) At the mid secretory phase
4) Polar body disintegrates 2) Just before the end of secretory phase
8. The main function of trophectoderm in 3) At the beginning of the proliferative phase
mammalian embryo sac 4) At the end of proliferative phase
1) Protection of developing zygotic cells 20. The mammalian corpous luteum produces
2) Formation of the body of developing embryo 1) Prolactin hormone
3) formation of future ectoderm 2) Lutenizing hormone
4) Formation of placenta 3) Follicle stimulating hormone
9. Implantation of the zygote takes place at which of 4) Progesterone
the following embryonic stage? 21. In humans, at the end of the first meiotic division,
1) Gastrula 2) Morula the male germ cells differentiate into the
1) Spermatids secondary spermatocyte
2) Spermatozonia 33) Bartholins gland found in
3) Primary spermatocyte 1) liver 2) Penis 3) Vagina 4) Stomach
4) Secondary spermatocytes 34) Fertilization is defined as the process by which
22. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in 1) A diploid spermatozoan Unites with haploid
1) Fructose and calcium but has no enzymes ovum to form a triploid zygote
2) Glucose and certain enzymes but has no 2) A haploid spermatozoan unites with a haploid
calcium ovum to form a diploid zygote
3) Fructose and certain enzymes but poor in 3) A Diploid spermatozoan unites with diploid ovum
calcium to form a diploid zygote
4) Fructose, calcium and certain enzymes 4) A diploid spermatozoan unites with a haploid
23. Withdrawal of which of the following hormone is ovum to form a diploid zygote.
the immediate cause of menstruation?
1) Progesterone 2) Estrogen 35) In the spermatogenesis the phase of maturation
3) FSH 4) FSH-RH involves
24. In spermatogenesis ,the acrosome of sperm is 1) The growth of spermatogonia into primary
formed by spermatocyte
1) Golgi complex 2) Mitocandria 2) The formation of spermatogonia from
3) Lysosome 4) Nucleus gonocytes through mitosis
25. Which of the following is true regarding sperm? 3) The formation of spermatids from primary
1) Fertilizin: For penetrating egg membrane spermatocytes through meiosis
2) Hyalurodinase: for penetrating egg membrane 4) The formation of oogonia from the
3) Acrosin: Dissolves corona radiate spermatocytes through meiosis
4) Capacitation : Takes place in penis 36) Middle piece of sperm contains
26. How many sperms are formed from secondary 1)Mitochandria ,Golgi bodies, entriole
spermatocytes? 2)Axial filament , Centriole , Golgi bodies
1) 4 2) 8 3)Mitocandria , Centriole , axial filament
3) 2 4) 1 4)Golgi bodies , axial filament , Centriole
27. Polar bodies are produced during the formation of 37) Release of mature Graafian follicle from ovary is
1) Spermatocytes 2) Oogonium called 1)Menustruation 2)Ovulation
3) Sperm 4) Secondary oocytes 3)Estrous cycle 4)zznone of these
28. The function of the secretion of prostate gland is 38) The number of days the menstrual phase of
to menstrual cycle lasts about
1) Inhibit the sperm activity 1)28 2)14 3)10 4)4
2) attract sperms 39) During copulation slimy secretion to lubricate the
3) Stimulate sperm activity vagina is secreted by
4) none of the above 1)Prostate gland 2)Perineal gland
29) What is true about cleavage in the fertilized egg in 3)Cowper’s gland 4) Adrenal gland
humans? 40) Antrum is the cavity of
1) It is meroblastic 1) Gastrula 2)Graafian follicle 3)Ovary 4)Blastula
2) It starts when the egg reaches uterus 41) Cleavage differs from mitosis in
3) It is identical to the normal mitosis 1) Separation of chromosome partially
4) It starts while the egg is in fallopian tube 2) Slow down replication
3) Having no growth phase between successive
30) Prostate gland secretion helps in the formation of divisions
1) Larvae 2) Cocoon 3) Semen 4) None of these 4)Having impartial cellular division
31) The head of the epididymis at the head of the 42) Temperature of scrotum which is necessary for
testis is called functioning of testis is always below body
1)Cauda epididymis 2)Vas differens temperature .This difference is
3)Caput epididymis 4)Gubernaculum 1)2- 2.5oC 2) 3oC 3) 4oC 4)6oC
32) What do you mean by the term spermateleosis? 43) What does the given figure reoresent?
1) Conversion of spermatids to sperm 1)Sectional view of ovary
2) Conversion of spermatogonium to spermatid 2)Sectional vie of seminiferous tubules
3) Converison of spermatid to spermatogonium 3)L.S of testis 4)Mature Graafian follicle
4) Conversion of primary spermatocyte to
44) Match column 1 and column 2 and select the 4) Provide energy for the sperm mobility
correct option from the codes given below
Column 1 Column 2 54) Match the types of eggs given under the coloum -1
A)Acrosome 1)Rudimentary erectile with their features given under coloum -2 indicate
the correct choice from those given below.
B)Endometrium 2)Uterus
C)Polar body 3)Oogenesis Coloum 1
D)Clitoris 4)Spermatozoan A.Isolecithal P.large amount of yolk &
1) A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 2) A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 cytoplasm is like disc
3) A-4,B-3,C-2,D-1 4) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2 B.Macrolecithal Q.Yolk is absent
45) The vas differens receives duct from the seminal C.Mesolecithal R.Yolk centrally located
vesicle and opens in to urethra as D.Alelecithal S.Little amount of yolk
1)Epididymis 2)Ejaculatory duct
&cytoplasm is like disk
3) Efferent ductile 4) Ureter
T.moderate amount of yolk
46) First or free milk is better known as
1)Baby’s milk 2)Rostrum 1) A=R B=P C=T D=R 2) A=S B=P C=T D=Q
3)Cholestrol 4)Colostrum 3) A=S B=P C=R D=Q 4)A=S B=R C=T D=Q
47) Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced
by 6 55. In the normal pregnant women the amount of
1) differentiation of mammary gland total gonadotropin activity was assessed the result
2) Pressure exerted by amniotic fluid
expert was
3) Release of oxytocin from pituitary
4) Fully developed foetus and placenta 1) High level of circulating FSH & LH in the uterus to
48) The first movements of foetus and appearance of stimulate implantation of the embriyo
hair on head are observed during 2) High level of circulating HCG to stimulate
1)3rd month 2)4th month endometrial thickening
3)5th month 4)6th month 3) High level of FSH & LH in the uterus to stimulate
49) Which is unpaired gland in male reproductive endometrial thickening
system of human?
4) high level of circulating HCG to stimulate estrogen
1)Prostate gland 2)Seminal vesicle
3)Cowper’s gland 4)Bartholin gland & progesterone synthesis
50. Seminiferus tubules of testis is lined by 56) Which of the following cells secrete glyaco protein
1) squamous epithelium hormone called inhibin which is invoved in the
negative feeback control of sperm product?
2) cuboidal epithelium 3) ciliated epithelium
1)Leydig cells 2)Sertoli cells
4) coloumnar epithelium 3) prostate gland 4)Interstitial cells
51. The diploid germs cells of the testesare called 57) Which of the following is correct?
1)spermatocytes 2)spermatids 1) Average duration of menstrual cycle is 38 days
3)spermatogonia 4)spermatozoa 2) Follicle is matured after 21 life days
52. The statement that relates to the 3) A women produces about 250 ova in her entire
spermatogenesis reproductive life span
4) Generally one ovum is liberated in each
1) formation of sparmatocytes from primordial
menstrual cycle by alternate ovaries
germ cells 58. Which is a part of the vulva is considrerd
2) formation of spermatids from primordial germs Equivalent to the male penis
cells a) clitoris b) Hymen c) Mons d) pubis
3) formation of spermatazoa from primordial 59. What is the normal pregnancy period in humans?
germs cells a) 266 days b)280 days c) 270 days d) 275 days
4) formation of spermatozoa from the epididymis
60. The signals for parturition originate from
a) Fully developed foetus b) placenta c) Uterus
53. The role of proximal centriole of the sperm is to d) Both a and b
1) Help the sperm penetration into the egg
2) Cause the dissolution of egg membrane **********************
3) Initiate cel division in the zygote
example of Pre-Mendelian concept of
SWAMI VIVEKANAND PU COLLEGE 2) Test cross is a special type of back cross.
3) Chromosomal aberrations are commonly
GENETICS AND MOLECULAR observed in cancer cells.
BIOLOGY 4) Thalassaemia is a Mendelian disorder.
which of the above statements are
7th K-CET/ NEET TEST Max marks:120 correct?
1. If one parent is AB and other is O then which 1) I and ii only 2) ii, iii and iv
of the possible blood group in childrens 3) ii and iv only 4) I and iv only
1. AB and O 2) A and B 9. When two heterozygous tall plants are
3) A, B, O 4) B and O crossed, some short plants appear in the
2. ‘Y’ linked genes also called offspring. The appearance of these short
1. Male genes 2. ‘y’linked inheritance plants illustrates
3. Holandric genes 4. All these 1. segregation and recombination
3. In case of incomplete dominance, F2 2. Intermediate inheritance
generation has 3. crossing over and differentiation
a. Genotypic ratio equal to phenotypic ratio 4. Codominant inheritance
b. Genotypic ratio is 3:1 10. In a defective hemoglobin of sickle cell
c. Phenotypic ratio is 3:1 anemia, the 6th amino acid in β chain is
1. glutamic acid 2. Valine 3. Histamine
d. None of these
4. Glutamin
4. Match the column – 1 with Column – II and 11. Hemophilia is rare in women because
select the correct option from the codes given 1. It is a recessive autosomal disorder
below. 2. Women are homozygous
Column – I Column – II 3. They have only one X chromosome
A Dihybrid test cross i. 9:3:3:1 4. They are more recessive to this
B Law of segregation ii. Dihybrid cross
12. A boy develops beard at maturity. This is a
Law of independent iii.
1:1:1:1 1. Sex-linked inheritance
D ABO blood group in man iv. Purity of gametes 2. Sex-limited inheritance
iv. Multipleallelism 3. Sex influence inheritance 4. All
1) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-v, 2)A-I, B-iv, C-ii, D-v 13. Gynecomastia is the symptom of
1.Down’s syndrome 2. Klinefelter syndrome
3) A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-v 4)A-ii, B-v, C-iii, D-
3. Turner’s syndrome 4. Cri-du-chat
14.which is called a‘pleiotropic gene’?
5. An individual affectes by phenylketonuria
1) Control characters of human beings only
lacks an enzyme that converts the amino acid-
2) Control a character of plants
3) Control one character in association with
1) Tyrosine, phonylalanine
other 4) Control more then one character
2) Phonylalanine, tyrosine
15. Number of linkage groups is equal to
3) Glutamic acid, phonylalanine
1) Diploid number of chromosomes
4) Pruvic acid, tyrosine
2) Haploid number of chromosomes
6. Females with Turner’s syndrome have
3) Tetraploid number of chromosomes
1) Small uterus 2)Rudimentary ovaries
4) None of these
3) Underdeveloped breasts
16. Blood stains are found at the site of a murder.
4) All of these.
If DNA profiling technique is to be used for
7. Find out the mismatched pair
identifying the criminal, which of the
1) Haemophilia – sex linked recessive
following is ideal for use?
2) Cystic fibrosis – Autosomal recessive
1) Serum 2) Erythrocytes
3) Down’s syndrome – Trisomy 21
3) Leucocytes 4) Plateless
4) Turner’s syndrome – Y-linked
17. Chargaff’s rules are not applicable to
8. Refer the given statements
1) Single stranded RNA
1) Incomplete or mosaic inheritance is an
2) Single stranded DNA and RNA 3) Have same density but do not have that
3) Single stranded DNA 4)All the above of parent DNA.
18. Isotopes used in proving semi – 4) Differ in density but resemble the parent
conservatives replication DNA were DNA.
1) 14N , 14N 2) 14N , 32P 26. Which is related to Teminism?
3) 14N , 15N 4)14N , 35S 1) DAN-> RNA -> Protein
19. Which is called insoluble RNA? 2) RNA -> DNA -> mRNA -> Protein
1) m-RNA 2) t-RNA 3) mRNA -> RNA -> Protein
3) r-RNA 4) None of these 4) None of the above
20. All nonsense codons have first base 27. Which one of the following is the proper
1) Adenine 2) Cytosine sequence in protein synthesis?
3) Uracil 4) guanine 1) mRNA synthesis, mRNA, amino acid
21. Okazaki fragments are joined by complex, peptide chain.
1) DNA polymerase III 2) tRNA, amino acid complex, mRNA
2) DNA Iigase synthesis, peptide chain
3) DNA Polymerase II 3) tRNA, amino acid complex, peptide chain,
4) DNA polymerase I mRNA synthesis
22. In operon concept, the operator gene 4) mRNA synthesis, tRNA, amino acid
combines with complex, peptide chain
1) Regulator protein to swich off struclural 28. ‘S’ strain of Diplococcus pneumonia is
gene transcription 1) Smooth, capsulated non virulent from
2) Regulator protein to switch on structural causing death in mice.
gene transcription 2) Smooth, non capsulated virulent form
3) Inducer to switch off structural gene causing no death in mice.
transcription 3) Smooth, non capsulated non virulent
4) Regulator gene to switch iffstruclural gene form causing no death in mice
transcription 4) Smooth, capsulated virulent form causing
23. Operon is death in mice
1) A gene+ t –RNA + m- RNA complex
2) A gene + t-RNA +m- RNA + ribosome 29. The genetic code in m-RNA is translated into
complex protein by the co-ordination of
3) A group of genes + RNA + Rlbosome a) Ribosomes and m-RNA
complex b) Ribosomes, m-RNA, t-RNA and amino
4) A group of genes acids
24. A nitrogenous base is linked to the pentose c) Ribosomes, m-RNA, t-RNA, amino acids
and enzymes
sugar through
d) Polysomes, m-RNA, t-RNA, aminoacids
1) phosphodiester linkage
and enzyme.
2) N- glycosidic linkage
3) Ester linkage 30. Central dogma of protein synthesis is
4) Phospoester linkage a) DNA replication- DNA transcription- m
25. A DNA molecule in E. coil is heavy and RNA Translation- Protein
labelled with N15 it is allowed to replicate in a b) DNA replication- DNA transcription- RNA
medium containing N14. After one generation Translation -Protein
of replication the two daughter molecules c) DNA transcription- m RNA Translation-
will Protein
1) Be similar in density but differ from that d) DNA transcription- t RNA Translation-
of the parent DNA Protein.
2) Differ in density as well as from that of
the perent DNA
3) Blastula 4) Single celled
20. Iplantation takes place in
2) 5 Days 2) 6 Days
3) 7 Days 4) 8 Days
21. Site of fertilization is
2) Uterus 2) Ovary
3) Fallopian tube 4) Vagina
11. The process of release of spermatozoa from 22. Role of zona pellucid in human
sertoli cells into the cavity of the seminiferous 5) Is to block polyspermy
tubules is called 6) Is to enable binding of sperm
5) Spermiogenesis 7) Is to prevent implantation of blastocyst at an
6) Spermatocytogenesis abnormal site
7) Spermatogenesis 8) Both 2 and 3
23. Cumulus Oophorus covers
8) Spermiation
2) Sperm 2) Ovum
12. The sperm undergo physiological 3) Blastocyst 4) ovary
maturation ,acquiring increased motility and 24. Correct sequence in the formation of sperm is
fertilizing capacity in 5) Spermatogonium,primary sparmatocyte,
3) Seminiferrous tubules 3) Epididymis secondary sparmatocyte spermatid ,sperm
4) Vasa efferentia 4) vagina 6) Sperm , spermatid , spermatogonium, Primary
13. The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted spermatocyte
from 7) Sperm , primary spermatocyte,
4) Vas deferens 3) Leydig’s cell spermatogenesis, secondary spermatid
5) Epididymis 4) Leydig’s cell 8) Primary spermatocyte ,sperm spermatid
14. The absence or non - occurrence of menstrual 25. The solid mass of 32 cells formed from zygote
periods is called after successive mitotic divisions is called
2) Menarche 2) Menopause 2) Blastula 2) Gastrula
6) Gonadarche 4) Amenorrhes 3) Morula 4) None of these
15. The nutritive cells found in seminiferous tubules 26. During oogenesis ,each diploid cell produces
are 1) Four functional eggs
3) Leydig’s cells 3) Sertoli cells 2) Two functional eggs and two polar bodies
4) Aretic follicular cells 4) Chromafin 3) One functional egg and three polar bodies
16. During the proliferative phase uterine wall 4) Four functional bodies
undergoes certain changes ,these are 27. A reaction of granules content which harden the
5) Mymotrium wall issloughed off zona pellucid and ensures slow block to
6) Endometrium wall is sloughed off polyspermy is
7) Blood vessels in endometrium become long 2) acrosomal reaction 2) Cortical reaction
and coiled 3) Acrosin reaction 4) Bindin reaction
8) Proliferation of myometrial epithelial lining 28. preparation of sperm before penetration of ovum
17. The secondary oocyte is in arrested stage and is
does not undergo second meiotic division until 2) Spermination 2) Cortical reaction
5) LH surge does not occur 3) Spermiogenesis 4) Capacitation
6) Estradiol level is not upto threshold level for 29. Ovulation in the human female normally takes
ovulation place during the menustrual cycle
7) A sperms enters it 5) At the mid secretory phase
8) Polar body disintegrates 6) Just before the end of secretory phase
18. The main function of trophectoderm in 7) At the beginning of the proliferative phase
mammalian embryo sac 8) At the end of proliferative phase
5) Protection of developing zygotic cells 30. The mammalian corpous luteum produces
6) Formation of the body of developing embryo 5) Prolactin hormone
7) formation of future ectoderm 6) Lutenizing hormone
8) Formation of placenta 7) Follicle stimulating hormone
19. Implantation of the zygote takes place at which of 8) Progesterone
the following embryonic stage? 31. In humans, at the end of the first meiotic division,
2) Gastrula 2) Morula the male germ cells differentiate into the
5) Spermatids secondary spermatocyte
6) Spermatozonia 33) Bartholins gland found in
7) Primary spermatocyte 1) liver 2) Penis 3) Vagina 4) Stomach
8) Secondary spermatocytes 34) Fertilization is defined as the process by which
32. Seminal plasma in humans is rich in 1) A diploid spermatozoan Unites with haploid
5) Fructose and calcium but has no enzymes ovum to form a triploid zygote
6) Glucose and certain enzymes but has no 2) A haploid spermatozoan unites with a haploid
calcium ovum to form a diploid zygote
7) Fructose and certain enzymes but poor in 3) A Diploid spermatozoan unites with diploid ovum
calcium to form a diploid zygote
8) Fructose, calcium and certain enzymes 4) A diploid spermatozoan unites with a haploid
33. Withdrawal of which of the following hormone is ovum to form a diploid zygote.
the immediate cause of menstruation?
2) Progesterone 2) Estrogen 35) In the spermatogenesis the phase of maturation
3) FSH 4) FSH-RH involves
34. In spermatogenesis ,the acrosome of sperm is 1) The growth of spermatogonia into primary
formed by spermatocyte
2) Golgi complex 2) Mitocandria 2) The formation of spermatogonia from
3) Lysosome 4) Nucleus gonocytes through mitosis
35. Which of the following is true regarding sperm? 3) The formation of spermatids from primary
5) Fertilizin: For penetrating egg membrane spermatocytes through meiosis
6) Hyalurodinase: for penetrating egg membrane 4) The formation of oogonia from the
7) Acrosin: Dissolves corona radiate spermatocytes through meiosis
8) Capacitation : Takes place in penis 36) Middle piece of sperm contains
36. How many sperms are formed from secondary 1)Mitochandria ,Golgi bodies, entriole
spermatocytes? 2)Axial filament , Centriole , Golgi bodies
2) 4 2) 8 3)Mitocandria , Centriole , axial filament
3) 2 4) 1 4)Golgi bodies , axial filament , Centriole
37. Polar bodies are produced during the formation of 37) Release of mature Graafian follicle from ovary is
2) Spermatocytes 2) Oogonium called 1)Menustruation 2)Ovulation
3) Sperm 4) Secondary oocytes 3)Estrous cycle 4)zznone of these
38. The function of the secretion of prostate gland is 38) The number of days the menstrual phase of
to menstrual cycle lasts about
5) Inhibit the sperm activity 1)28 2)14 3)10 4)4
6) attract sperms 39) During copulation slimy secretion to lubricate the
7) Stimulate sperm activity vagina is secreted by
8) none of the above 1)Prostate gland 2)Perineal gland
29) What is true about cleavage in the fertilized egg in 3)Cowper’s gland 4) Adrenal gland
humans? 40) Antrum is the cavity of
1) It is meroblastic 1) Gastrula 2)Graafian follicle 3)Ovary 4)Blastula
2) It starts when the egg reaches uterus 41) Cleavage differs from mitosis in
3) It is identical to the normal mitosis 1) Separation of chromosome partially
4) It starts while the egg is in fallopian tube 2) Slow down replication
3) Having no growth phase between successive
30) Prostate gland secretion helps in the formation of divisions
1) Larvae 2) Cocoon 3) Semen 4) None of these 4)Having impartial cellular division
31) The head of the epididymis at the head of the 42) Temperature of scrotum which is necessary for
testis is called functioning of testis is always below body
1)Cauda epididymis 2)Vas differens temperature .This difference is
3)Caput epididymis 4)Gubernaculum 1)2- 2.5oC 2) 3oC 3) 4oC 4)6oC
32) What do you mean by the term spermateleosis? 43) What does the given figure reoresent?
1) Conversion of spermatids to sperm 1)Sectional view of ovary
2) Conversion of spermatogonium to spermatid 2)Sectional vie of seminiferous tubules
3) Converison of spermatid to spermatogonium 3)L.S of testis 4)Mature Graafian follicle
4) Conversion of primary spermatocyte to
44) Match column 1 and column 2 and select the 4) Provide energy for the sperm mobility
correct option from the codes given below
Column 1 Column 2 54) Match the types of eggs given under the coloum -1
A)Acrosome 1)Rudimentary erectile with their features given under coloum -2 indicate
the correct choice from those given below.
B)Endometrium 2)Uterus
C)Polar body 3)Oogenesis Coloum 1
D)Clitoris 4)Spermatozoan A.Isolecithal P.large amount of yolk &
1) A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 2) A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 cytoplasm is like disc
3) A-4,B-3,C-2,D-1 4) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2 B.Macrolecithal Q.Yolk is absent
45) The vas differens receives duct from the seminal C.Mesolecithal R.Yolk centrally located
vesicle and opens in to urethra as D.Alelecithal S.Little amount of yolk
1)Epididymis 2)Ejaculatory duct
&cytoplasm is like disk
3) Efferent ductile 4) Ureter
T.moderate amount of yolk
46) First or free milk is better known as
1)Baby’s milk 2)Rostrum 1) A=R B=P C=T D=R 2) A=S B=P C=T D=Q
3)Cholestrol 4)Colostrum 3) A=S B=P C=R D=Q 4)A=S B=R C=T D=Q
47) Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced
by 6 55. In the normal pregnant women the amount of
1) differentiation of mammary gland total gonadotropin activity was assessed the result
2) Pressure exerted by amniotic fluid
expert was
3) Release of oxytocin from pituitary
4) Fully developed foetus and placenta 1) High level of circulating FSH & LH in the uterus to
48) The first movements of foetus and appearance of stimulate implantation of the embriyo
hair on head are observed during 2) High level of circulating HCG to stimulate
1)3rd month 2)4th month endometrial thickening
3)5th month 4)6th month 3) High level of FSH & LH in the uterus to stimulate
49) Which is unpaired gland in male reproductive endometrial thickening
system of human?
4) high level of circulating HCG to stimulate estrogen
1)Prostate gland 2)Seminal vesicle
3)Cowper’s gland 4)Bartholin gland & progesterone synthesis
50. Seminiferus tubules of testis is lined by 56) Which of the following cells secrete glyaco protein
1) squamous epithelium hormone called inhibin which is invoved in the
negative feeback control of sperm product?
2) cuboidal epithelium 3) ciliated epithelium
1)Leydig cells 2)Sertoli cells
4) coloumnar epithelium 3) prostate gland 4)Interstitial cells
51. The diploid germs cells of the testesare called 57) Which of the following is correct?
1)spermatocytes 2)spermatids 1) Average duration of menstrual cycle is 38 days
3)spermatogonia 4)spermatozoa 2) Follicle is matured after 21 life days
52. The statement that relates to the 3) A women produces about 250 ova in her entire
spermatogenesis reproductive life span
4) Generally one ovum is liberated in each
1) formation of sparmatocytes from primordial
menstrual cycle by alternate ovaries
germ cells 58. Which is a part of the vulva is considrerd
2) formation of spermatids from primordial germs Equivalent to the male penis
cells a) clitoris b) Hymen c) Mons d) pubis
3) formation of spermatazoa from primordial 59. What is the normal pregnancy period in humans?
germs cells a) 266 days b)280 days c) 270 days d) 275 days
4) formation of spermatozoa from the epididymis
60. The signals for parturition originate from
a) Fully developed foetus b) placenta c) Uterus
53. The role of proximal centriole of the sperm is to d) Both a and b
1) Help the sperm penetration into the egg
2) Cause the dissolution of egg membrane **********************
3) Initiate cel division in the zygote
9. Research on reproductive related areas

10. Medical facilities.

11. post- natal care of mother and child

Amniocentesis: It is foetal sex determination
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH test based on the chromosomal pattern in the
amniotic fluid surrounding the developing
Reproductive health: According into WHO a total embryo.
well being in all aspects of reproduction.
i.e.Physical, emotional, behavioural and social. Amniocentesis for sex-determination to legally
check increasing female foeticides and massive
In india amniocentesis was first used in 1975, at
India was first country in the world to initiate the All India institute of Medical
action plan and programmers at national level. science(AIIMS),New Delhi.
The first programme called family
planning(1951) Procedure:

The second programme called RCH 1. In this technique a few drops of amniotic fluid
(Reproductive and Child health care) of the developing embryo

To creating awareness among people about is sucked out with the help of a pipette
various reproductive related aspects and
2. The amniotioc fluid centrifuged, the cells and
providing facilities with the help of audio-visual,
supernatant fluid are
print media, government and non governmental
agencies, parent, friends and teachers. separated.

To encouraged the introduction of sex 3. Cells are cultured for 10 to 14 days and finally
education in school and colleges. used for the detection of

1. Overpopulation chromosomes and enzymes.

2. Awareness about reproduction 4. The chromosomes are detected by banding

analysis for chromosomal
3. Sex education
abnormalities and foetal sex determination.
4. Adolescence related changes and STDs
5. The enzymes present in the cell culture can
5. Birth control and care of mother and child
explain in born errors of
6. Sex abuse and sex related crimes
7. Infra structural facilities and material support
Population explosion and birth control.
8. Ban on sex determining techniques
Population is defined as “The total number of 1. To maintain an economic standard
individuals of a species present in a particular
2. To maintain healthy family
area at a given time”.
3. For better care and education of children

4. To avoid lack of food

The commonly used contraceptive methods

Reasons for population explosion.
which help prevent unwanted pregnancies.
1. Rapid decline in death rate, maternal
1. Natural or Traditional method
mortality rate (MMR) and Infant mortality rate
(IMR) due to better medical facilities. 2. Temporary methods
2. An increases in number of people in 3. Permanent methods.
reproducible age
1. Natural OR Traditional method
3. Better public health care and greater medical
attention This method on the principle of avoiding
chances of meeting of ovum and sperms.
4.Control of certain diseases like plague,
smallpox, Tuberculosis leprosy etc. a) Periodic abstinence (Avoidance of sex) or
Calendar method
5. Protection from natural calamities
This is an contraceptive method in which the
6. Better availability of food due to couples avoid or abstain from coitus from day 10
advancement in agriculture and improvement of to 17 of the menstrual cycle.
storage and transport facilities.
b)Withdrawal OR Coitus interuptus
7. Opposition of family planning programme by
certain religions C) Lactational amenorrhea (Absence of
Measures to control Overpopulation
II) Temporary methods: In these methods ovum
1. Education and sperms are prevented from physically
meeting with the help of barriers. These barriers
2. Raising of marriageable age
are available for both males and females.
3. Incentives
4. Family planning.
Diaphragm, Cervical cap and vaults
Birth control: Birth control is the spacing or
These barriers are made of rubber and are
prevention of pregnancy
inserted into female reproductive tract to cover
OR to the cervix during coitus. They block the entry
of sperms through the cervix and thus prevent
Birth control is the prevention of birth of child
by using some kinds of contraceptive measures
(devices) Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs)

Necessity for Birth control

IUDs are mechanical device that are inserted Administration of progestogens or progestogen–
into the uterus to prevent fertilizationpresently, estrogen combinations or IUDs within 72 hours
Intra uterine devices are available in following of coitus have been found to be very effective as
three types. emergency contraceptives as they could be used
to avoid possible pregnancy due to rape or casual
1. Non- medicated IUDs: This devices are
unprotected intercourse.
made up of plastic, copper or stainless
steel. These increaes phagocytosis of III) Permanent method (terminal Method)
sperms within the uterus.
Example: Lippes loop Surgical methods also called sterilization are
generally advised for the male / female partner.
Copper releasing IUDs: Here the copper ions
released by IUDssuppress sperm motility and 1. Vasectomy 2. Tubectomy
the fertilizing capacity of sperm
1. Vasectomy: The surgical procedure in the
Examples: Cu.T, Cu.7 and Multiload 375 male called vasectomy. In vasectomy, a
small part of the vas deferens is removed
or tied up through a small incision on the
Hormone releasing IUDs: These IUDs make the 2. Tubectomy: The surgical procedure in the
uterus unsuitable for implantation and the cervix female called tubectomy. In tubectomy a
hostiles to the sperms, thus prevent the small part of the fallopian tube is
pregnancy ( Conception) removed or tied up through a small
incision in the abdomen.
Examples: Progestasert and LNG-20 3. Both vasectomy and tubectomy are very
effective but their reversibility is very
Oral contraceptive pills (OCP): Hormonal pills poor.
prevent ovulation and implantation by inhibiting Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
the secretion of FSH and LH from the pituitary.
►The intentional or voluntary
Mala-D termination of pregnancy before full term
is called medical termination of
Saheli is a new non-hormonal and non-steroidal
► In our country MTP was legalized in
oral contraceptive of female developed by
1971 with some restrictions to avoid its
Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI) in
Lucknow,India. It is legally available in india of
2009.Saheli contains non-steroidal preparation ►MTP is safe up to 12 weeks (the first
and is taken once a week, with very side effects trimester) of pregnancy. It is much more
and high contraceptive rate. riskier when the MTPs (Abortion) is
performed in the second trimester.
Injections and Implants:They are type of
hormonal contraception. The hormones like ► Majority of the MTPs are done illegally
progestogens and combination with estrogen by unqualified quacks ( If you call some
used by the females as injections or implants, one or quack doctors or disapproval
under the skin. The effective periods of this doctors.
method is 5 years.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Or ►Deficiency in sperm count is called
Veneral disease (VD) Or Reproductive oligospermia (normal sperm count -50 to
tract infection (RTI) 150 million per ml of semen)

The desease or infections which are ►Azoospermia, complete absence of

transmitted though sexual intercourses or sperm on the ejaculate

The childless couples are assisted to have

Examples: AIDS, Gonorrhoea(Neisseria children through certain special
gonorrhoeae) Syphilis(Treponema techniques commonly called assisted
pallidum) Chlamydiasis, genital worts, reproductive Technologies (ART)
Trichomoniasis hepatitis –B etc.
Some important ARTs are described
Infertility: Couples are unable to produce below.
children inspite of unprotected sexual co-
Fertilizing eggs with sperms in the laboratory is
Or fertility is the inability to conceive or
called invitro fertilization.
bear child.
In this method popularly known as Test tube
Causes of infertility in women
baby programme.
►Endocrine disorders or hormonal
The IVF in human involves the following steps
1. A women who donate egg is identified. She is
► Injuries or disease of the ovaries.
the egg donar.
► Non-ovulatory menstrual cycle
2. She is given hCG injection stimulates the
►Blockage in the Fallopian tube production of many eggs.

► Improper development of uterus 3. The eggs are collected by laproscopy and

transferred to a suitable culture mediaum.
► Tumor in the uterus (BENIGN)
4. Sperms are collected from a healthy man. He is
Causes of infertility in men
called sperm donar.
► Physical abnormalities of the penis
5.The sperm is introduced into the culture
► Impotence: It is the inability of the medium containing eggs.
male to attain or hold an erection of the
6.The sperms fertilized the eggs.
penis long enough for normal
intercourses. 7. The fertilized eggs undergo cleavage
and reach blastocyst stage in 5 days.
► Nonfunctional testis
8. The embryo is transformed to the
► Impflammation of prostate gland and
uterus of women with the help of
seminal vesicle

laparoscope. This women is the surrogate It is another specialized procedure to form an
mother. embryo in the laboratory in which a sperm is
directly injected into the ovum.
9. The embryo can be transferred in the 2
cell stage or 4 cell stage or 8 cell stage 6. Artificial insemination (AI)
and blastocyst stage. The embryo can be
Infertility cases either due to inability of the male
also be preserved by cryopreservation for
partner to inseminate the female or due to very
future use.
low sperm counts (oligospermia) in the
Test-tube Baby: The baby created in a ejaculates, could be corrected by artificial
culture medium (Test-tube) is called test insemination technique
tube baby.
7. Intra-uterine insemination (IUI)
The test- tube baby is modern invention
In this technique, the semen collected either
of man successes. It was discovered by
from the husband or a healthy donor is artificially
Dr. Robert Edwards and Dr. Patrick
introduced either into the vagina or into the
Steptoe in 1978.
uterus of the female.
The first test-tube baby was Louise
1) Barrier method of contraception includes all
Advantages of IVF
1. It helps to bear children for infertile 1)Condom 2)Vasectomy 3)Duct cap 4)Diaphragm
couples 2)”Population explosion “being witnessed today is
mainly due to
2. Superior quality can be obtained 1)Better job facilities
2)Increase of agriculture production
3. The embryos can be preserved and 3)Better health care
transported 4)All of these
3) Syphills is caused by
2. Zygote intra- Fallopian transfer
technique(ZIFT) 1)Treponema pallidum 2)Plasmodium
In this method, after invitro fertilization the
3)Neisseria gonorrhoea 4) Entamoeba histolytica
zygotes are transformed into the Fallopian tube.
4) Intruterine contraceptive devices (IUCD’s)Prevents
3. Gamete intra –fallopian transfer (GIFT)
pregnancy by
The healthy ova and potent sperms are
1) Inhibiting uterine physiological and
introduced into the upper part of the morphological changes required for implantation
fallopian tube, where fertilization takes 2) Increasing of phagocytosis of spermatozoa within
place. uterus
3)Supperssing motility of sperms as well as their
4. Intra uterine transfer (IUT)
fertilizing capacity
Embryos with more than 8 blastomeres, into 4)All of these
the uterus, to complete its further development. 5) What is the correct about test tube baby?
1)Fertilization inside female genital tact and growth
5. Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) in test tube
2)Rearing of prematurely born baby in incubator
3)Fertilization outside ,gestation inside womb of
mother 1)Iron 2)Calcium 3)Manganese 4)Magnesium
4) Both fertilization and development outside the 15)Commonest STD in India is
female genetal tact 1)AIDS 2)Hapatitis B 3)Gonorhoea 4)Syphills
6) Which of the following is a non medicated 16) Female condoms are called
intrauterine device ? 1)Nirodh 2)Saheli 3)Femidoms 4)None of these
1)Lippes loop 2)Cu T-200 17) Multiload device contains
3)Cu T-380A 4)Multiload 375 1)Manganese 2)Iron 3)Copper 4)Calcium

7) Assisted reproductive technologies (ART*) 18) Which of the following represents a condition
1)Includes social awareness programmes to where the motility of sperms is highly reduced?
educate people about reproductive health and 1) Polyspermy 2)Oligospermy
disease 3) Azospermia 4)None of the above
2) Include research organization working on to 19) Purpose of tubectomy is to prevent
produce new and more effective contraceptives 1)Coitus 2)Egg formation
for birth control 3) Fertilization 4)Embrionic development
3) Include number of special techniques which assist 20) World AIDS day is
infertile couples to have children Both 2 and 3 1)December 21 2)December 1
8) Which one is not a virus caused STD? 3)November 1 4)June 11
1) AIDS 2)Gonorrhoea 21)Which of the following is a technique of direct
3)Genital herpes 4)Hepatitis B introduction of gametes into the oviduct?
9) Main disadvantages of intrauterine contraceptive 1)MTS 2)ET 3)IVF 4)POST
devices(IUCD)is/are 22) The test, which is misused for identification for an
1) The device are permanently placed in uterus unborn baby is
and cannot be removed even if couples want to 1)Clotting test 2)Amniocentesis
have children
3)Erythroblastosis 4)Angiogram
2) The device has to be inserted by physician in the
uterus through vagina 23) On which of the following facts does the method
3) The devices are expelled out without the of periodic abstinence is based ?
knowledge of the wearers 1) Ovulaation occurs on about the 14th day of
4) 1 And 3 manustruation
10) Hormones are injected once every three months 2) Ovum remains alive about 1-2 days
,and releases slowly and prevents ovulation are 3) Sperms survive for about 3 days
1)Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) 4) All of these
2)Stibesterol 24) Component of oral pills is
3)Nor-ethisterone enantate (NET-EN) 1) Progesterone 2)Oxytocin 3)Relaxin
4)Both 1 and 3 4)None of these
11)Surgical removal of ovaries is called 25) Which of the following is a mechanical bariier
1)Tubectomy 2)Oopthorectomy used in birth control?
3)Vasectomy 4)Nepherectomy 1)Loop 2)Dalcon shield
12)Most widely practiced method of family planning 3)Copper T 4)Diaphragm
by eligible couples in India 26)The tests,which is misused for identification for an
1)IUCD 2)Oral contraceptive pills unborn baby is
3)Sterilization 4)Condoms 1)Clotting test 2)Amniocentesis
13)Family planning programme was initiated in 3)Erythroblastosis 4)Angiogram
1)1920 2)1930 3)1950 4)1951 27) The first case of IVF-ET techniques success ,was
14)’X’is important for normal reproduction .its reported by
deficiency causes infertility ‘X’is 1)Bayliss and Starling
2)Robert Steptoe Gilbert Brown 3)increase of phagocytosis of sperms
3)Louis joy brown and Banting best 4)Suppress sperm motility
4)Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards 35)RCH stands for
28) GIFT is 1)Routine check-up of health
1)Embryo implantation after in vivo fertilization 2)Reproduction cum hygiene
2)Sperm injection for in vivo fertilization 3)Reversible contraceptive hazards
3)Embryo implantation after in vitro fertilization 4)Reproduction and child health care
4)Egg Implantation for in vitro fertilization 36)Progestasert and LNG -20 are
29) Which of the following is a method of birth 2)Copper releasing IUDs 3)Non –medicated IUDs
control? 4)Hormone releasing IUDs
1)IUDs 2)GIFT 3)HTF 4)IVF-ET 37)Tying up or removing small part of fallopian duct is
30) Copper –T acts by called
1) Suppression of fertilization by forming a 1)Vasectomy 2)Ductus arterious
membrane 3) Archidectomy 4)Tubectomy
2) Disturbing the site of implantation of blastocyst 38)Following is weekly oral contraceptive
3) Acting as a barrier 1)Mala D 2)I pill
4) None of these 3)Saheli 4)All of these
31) Test tube baby means a baby born when 39) Read the following 4-statement and mark the
1) It is developed in a test tube option that has both correct statement
2) It is developed through tissue culture method A) MTP was legalized in 1971
3) The ovum is fertilized externally and thereafter B) Inability to conceive or produce children even
implanted in the uterus after 2 years of unprotected sexualco
4)It develops from a non –fertilized egg habitation is called infertility
32) Given below are four method (A-D ) and their C) Surgical method of contraception prevents
modes of action (1-4)in achieving contraception. gamete formation
Select their correct matching from the four D) MTPs are relatively safe up to 12 weeks of
options that follow pregnancy
1)A &B 2)B&C 3)C&D 4)A&C
Method Mode of action 40) Mark the incorrect statement
A.The pill Prevents sperms reaching 1) According to 2001 census our population
cervix growth rate was 1.7%
B. Condom Prevent implantation 2) Marriageable age for male and female is
C. Vasectomy Prevents ovulation
respectively 18 and 21 years
D.Copper –T Semen contains no
3) An ideal contraceptive should be reversible
1) A-2,B-3,C-1,D-4 2)A-3,B-1,C-4,D-2 4) The problem of infertility in India lies most
3)A-4,B-1,C-2,D-3 4)A-3,B-4,C-1,D- often in female partner
33)In vitro fertilization is technique that involves 41) Diaphragm ,cervical cap and vaults are
transfer of which one of the following into the 1) Disposable contraceptive devices
fallopian tube? 2) Reusable contraceptive
1)Zygote only 2)Embryo only 3) IUDs
3)Either Zygote or early embryo uoto 8 cell stage 4)Implants
4)Embryo of 32 cell stage 42) For delaying pregnancy or spacing children the
34) Cu++ ions release from copper –releasing intra ideal contraceptive
uterine devices (IUDs) 1) Vasectomy 2) Tubectomy 3) IUD
1)Prevent ovulation 4)Oral contraceptive
2)Make uterus unsuitable for implantation 43) To form embryo in vitro ,the male gamete is
transferred into female gamete directly .such
technique is called 3) Inhibiting the secretion of follicle stimulating
1) IUI 2)IUT 3)ICSI 4)GIFT hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) that
44) Legally acceptable term of abortion is are necessary for ovulation
1)MTP 2)MMTP 3)MTTP 4)None 4) Both 1 and 3
45) The time for optimum chances of conception in a 50) Which of the following is not a characteristic of an
woman is ___________Starting from the day of ideal contraceptive?
menustruation 1)User friendly 2)Irreversible
1)1st day 2)4th day 3)14th day 4)26th day 3)Easily available 4)Least side effects

46)Match the contraceptive methods given under 51)How do the pills work?
column 1 and with their examples given under 1)Inhibit ovulation and implantation
column 2 and select the correct option from the 2) After the quality of cervical mucus to prevent or
codes given below. retard the entry of sperm
Column 1 Column 2 3) Prevent the ejaculated semen from entering the
A) Chemical 1.Tubectomy and female vagina
vasectomy 4) Inhibit spermatogenesis
B.IUDs 2.Copper T and loop 1)1,2 and 3 2)1 and 2 3)2,3 and 4 4)3 and 4
C. Barriers 3.Condom and cervical
52) The common means of transmission of AIDS IS
1)Sexual intercourse 2)Blood transfusion
D.Sterilization 4.Spermicidal jelly and
foam 3)Placenta transfer 4)All of these
5.Coitus interruputs 53)Gonerrhoea is caused by
and calendar method 1)Treponema pallidum 2)Entamoeba gingivalis
1)A-4,B-2,C-3,D-1 2)A-4,B-5,C-2,D-3 3)Mycobactirium leprae 4)Neisseria
3)A-1,B-3,C-2,D-5 4)A-4,B-2,C-5,D-1 gonorrhea
47) Which of the following is a non medicated 54)Diaphragms arw contraceptive device used by
intrauterine device(IUD)? females .Which of the following two statements
1)Cu T 2)Lippes loop 3)Cu 7 4)LNG-20 are correct regarding this
48)Identify the figures of the contraceptives given 1) They cover entrance to uterus
below and select the correct option 2) They are place to cover the cervical region
DIAGRAM 3) They act as physical barriers for sperm entry
4) They act as spermicidal agents
1)1 and 2 2)1 and 3 3)1,2 and 3 4)3 and 4
55) Intensely lactating mothers do not generally
A B C D conceive due to the
1.Condom Implant Cu T Condom 1) Suppression of gonadotropins
for female for male 2)Hyper secretion of gonadotropins
2.Implant Cu T Condom Condom
3)Suppression of gametic transport
for female for male
4)Suppression of fertilization
3.Condom Cu T Implant Condom
for male for female 56)Emergency contraceptives are effective if used
4.Condom Implant Cu T Condom within
for male for female 1)72hrs of coitus 2)72 hrs of ovulation
49) Progesterone and estradiol combined 3)72 hrs of menustruation 4)72 hrs of implantation
contraceptive pills inhibit ovulation by 57)Match column 1 with column 2 and select the
1)Negative feed back on the release of estrogen correct option from the codes given below
from ovary required for follicular development in Column 1 Column 2,
follicular phase A. Natural methods 1.Coitus interprets
2) Preventing the uterine physiological and B.IUDs 2.LNG-20
morphological changes required for implantation C. Barrier’s methods 3.Diaphragms
D. Surgical methods 4.Multiload 375
E. Oral contraceptives 5.Saheli
9.Cu T
1 )A-1,B-2;4;9,C-3;6,D-7;8,E-5
2) A-1,B-2;4,C-3;6;9,D-7;8,E-5
3) A-1,B-2;4,C-3;9,D-7,8,E-5;6
4) A-1,B-4;9,C-2;3;6,D-7;8,E-5


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