G-6 New Empires, Kingdoms, Poets and Common People

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Ch- 11 New Empires, Administration, Poets and common people

TIME TO RECALL- Ans.1. Prashashti is a Sanskrit term which means “in praise of. The court poet used to praise their rulers in their writings
mentioning their achievements.
Ans.2.Pulakeshin II was the most important ruler of Chalukyas.We get information about him from the prashasti composed by Ravikriti.
Ans.3.His mother was Kumara Devi, a Lichchhavi princess.
Ans.4. Famous poet was Kalidasa and astronomer Aryabhatta.
Ans.5.Pulakeshin II from South India defeated Harshavardhana.
Ans.6. Samantas were the military leaders who used to provide military troops to the king whenever required. In return, they received grants of
land from which they could collect land revenue to maintain army.
Ans.7.Rashtrakutas and Cholas replaced Chalukyas and Pallavas.
Ans.8. Following conquests of Samudragupta are mentioned in Prayag Prashsti:
1. The 9 rulers of Aryavarta and their kingdoms were made part of samudragupta`s empire
2. The 12 rulers of Dakshinapatha surrendered to Samudragupta.
3. Rulers of states like Assam, Bengal, Nepal provided tributes.
4. Even rulers of outer areas such as descendants of Kushanas and rulers of Sri lanka submitted to him.
Time to discuss Ans.1. Many steps were taken by the kings to strengthen the empire and make the administration effective.
1. Many administrative posts became hereditary, which means it was passed on in same family.
2. One person was given responsibility of more than one office. That means a minister with many departments.
3. Important men of society had say in local administration .
4.A well- organized army was maintained with elephants, chariots, foot soldiers and cavalry
5.There were local assemblies also to take care of local affairs. Ur and Sabha were local assemblies
Ans.2.There was local assemblies like Sabha, Ur and Nagaram in South Indian kingdoms. Sabha was a local assembly of Brahmin land owners. The
Ur was a village assembly of non-Brahman land owners. The Nagaram was an organization of merchants.
Ans.3.We get information about the life of the common people from various plays and other writings of the writers. The plays of Kalidasa depict
the life of the common people in king`s court. His plays show Brahmans and kings speaking Sanskrit language and commom people speaking
Prakrit. Chinese pilgrim Fa- Xian has written about the condition of untouchables. Higher caste people used to stay away from them .

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