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1. Which government agency among the following is NOT tasked with institutional-based
a. Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
c. Board of Pardon and Parole (BPP)
d. Provincial jails under provincial government
2. Which of the following options BEST distinguishes between bail and fines?
a. Bail is a pre-trial release, while fines are monetary penalties imposed after a
b. Bail and fines are interchangeable terms for the same legal concept.
c. Bail pertains to civil cases, while fines are exclusively associated with criminal cases.
d. Fines are imposed during pre-trial proceedings, while bail is a post-conviction requirement.
3. Which of the following options accurately interprets the constitutional principle expressed in the
phrase: “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS OF
LAW, nor shall be denied the EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS”
a. Due process of law ensures fair and impartial legal proceedings, while equal
protection of the laws guarantees uniform application of legal standards.
b. Due process exclusively pertains to criminal cases, while equal protection is applicable in
civil matters.
c. Due process of law is a safeguard only applicable to criminal cases.
d. Equal protection of the laws is exclusive to property rights and does not extend to personal
4. Which of the following BEST describes the concepts of general and specific deterrence?
a. General deterrence focuses on preventing crime by focusing on specific individuals,
whereas specific deterrence focuses on discouraging the entire population.
b. General deterrence aims to deter individuals from committing crimes by instilling
fear of punishment, whereas specific deterrence focuses on the rehabilitation of
c. Both general and specific deterrence rely solely on punitive measures, with no regard for
d. General deterrence is concerned with the prevention of specific criminal acts, whereas
specific deterrence is concerned with the prevention of crime in a broader societal context.
5. What event took place on November 15, 1940, in the history of the New Bilibid Prison?
a. The enactment of Commonwealth Act No. 67
b. The official naming of the prison as the New Bilibid Prison
c. The transfer of inmates from the Old Bilibid Prison in Manila
d. The construction of additional facilities at the prison
6. What is the principal objective of imprisonment?
a. Rehabilitation and Reformation
b. Punishment
c. To stand trial
d. Socialization
7. What is the term used to refer to the money paid by Mr. Pepito for his temporary liberty after
being arrested?
a. Fine
b. Bail
c. Payment for Justice

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d. Bribe
8. What is the primary purpose of bail?
a. Rehabilitation of the accused
b. Generating revenue for the legal system
c. Ensuring the accused's appearance in court
d. Providing compensation to the victim
9. What penal system did Alexander Maconochie introduce in the penal colony at Norfolk Island
in Australia, which served as a precursor to the modern parole system?
a. The Irish System
b. The Progressive Stage System
c. The Mark System
d. The Corporal Punishment System
10. Who is philosopher advocated for the idea that harsh punishment would undermine morality
and that appealing to moral sentiments is a more effective means of preventing crime?
a. Charles Montesquieu
b. Voltaire
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. John Howard
11. Which of the following statements is BEST regarding the difference between Carpeta and
Commitment Order in the context of inmate records?
a. Carpeta is a written order entrusting an inmate to a jail, while Commitment Order contains
personal and criminal records of inmates.
b. Carpeta, also known as an inmate record, includes personal and criminal records,
while Commitment Order is a document related to the inmate's detention issued by
the court
c. Carpeta is a document related to the inmate's detention, while Commitment Order contains
personal and criminal records of inmates.
d. Carpeta and Commitment Order are terms used interchangeably to refer to the personal
and criminal records of inmates.
12. Which of the following is NOT a type of confinement facility operated by the Philippine
National Police (PNP)?
a. Police stations
b. Detention cells
c. Rehabilitation centers
d. Custodial centers
13. Which of the following best defines the term "safekeeping" in the context correction in criminal
justice system?
a. A legal process for community protection
b. The permanent custody of a person
c. Temporary custody for an individual's protection
d. Protection of a community from external threats
14. What is the definition of a detainee?
a. A person convicted of a crime and serving a prison sentence.
b. Someone accused before a court and temporarily confined during legal proceedings.
c. A witness called to testify in a court case.
d. A person convicted by reason of final judgment

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15. Which organization is responsible for the management and operation of city, district, and
municipal jails in the Philippines, specifically for individuals undergoing trial or serving
sentences of up to three years?
a. Department of Justice (DOJ)
b. Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)
c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
d. Philippine National Police (PNP)
16. What do you call to the proper judicial custodies that holds inmates sentenced to short term
a. Prisons
b. Jails
c. Penitentiaries
d. Penal Facilities
17. What do you call to those inmates who are considered highly dangerous and are charged with
heinous crimes such as murder, economic sabotage, or syndicated crimes?
a. Maximum Risk Inmates
b. Medium Risk Inmates
c. Minimum Risk Inmates
d. High Risk Inmates
18. Those inmates who only possess a moderate risk to both the public and the staff, but still
require greater security.
a. Maximum Risk Inmates
b. Medium Risk Inmates
c. Minimum Risk Inmates
d. High Risk Inmates
19. The idea of this theory is to create a fear of consequences that discourages individuals from
committing unlawful acts or crime
a. Justice Theory
b. Reformation Theory
c. Exemplary Theory
d. Prevention Theory
20. When the Pirate King Gol D. Roger was captured, the marines held his execution publicly at
the town plaza of Logue Town to serve as an example to the people, and deter them from
being a pirate. What theory justify the imposition of punishment to the Pirate King?
a. Justice Theory
b. Reformation Theory
c. Exemplary Theory
d. Prevention Theory
21. Who coined the term “Person Deprived of Liberty”?
a. Nelson Mandela
b. Nelson Mendela
c. William Penn
d. William Pen
22. It is otherwise known as “Prison without Walls”.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. New Bilid Prison
c. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm

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d. Leyte Regional Prison
23. Which of the following Correctional Facilities in the Philippines is considered to be the biggest
penal facility in the country?
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. New Bilid Prison
c. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
d. Leyte Regional Prison
24. Which of the following Correctional Facilities in the Philippines is considered to be the largest
prison facility in the country?
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. New Bilid Prison
c. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
d. Leyte Regional Prison
25. It is otherwise known as “Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013”.
a. Republic Act no. 10757
b. Republic Act no. 10575
c. Republic Act no. 10755
d. Republic Act no. 15075
26. What do you call to the government agency that is considered to be an independent
government body that has a jurisdiction over the investigation and prosecution of complaints
against government officials and employees?
a. Office of the Ombudsman
b. Office of the Department of Justice
c. People Law Enforcement Board
d. Internal Affairs Service
27. What do you call to the BJMP Personnel?
a. Jail Aide
b. Jailers
c. Penal Officers
d. Jail Officers
28. What do you call an act that focuses on medical and psychological treatments and on social
skills training, all designed to correct the problems that led the individual to crime?
a. Reformation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Incarceration
d. Protection/Social Defense
29. Among the following personalities, who brought out the abuses of criminal law?
a. Manuel Montesinos
b. Charles Montesquieu
c. William Penn
d. Voltaire
30. Among the following personalities, who is considered to be the Chairman of the Directors of
Irish Prison?
a. Sir Walter Crofton
b. Alexander Maconochie
c. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise
d. Manuel Montesinos

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31. Which statement best describes the purpose of a commitment order issued by a court or
authorized agency within the legal system?
a. Ensuring release of an inmate from custody
b. Facilitating the transfer of an inmate to a different facility
c. Entrusting an inmate to a jail for safekeeping during their legal case
d. Dismissing charges against an inmate
32. Which government entity holds the principal responsibility for overseeing and administering the
operations of city jail, district jail, and municipal jail throughout the Philippines?
a. Philippine National Police
b. Sub Provincial/Provincial Jail
c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
d. Bureau of Correction
33. Which of the following are classified as detainees?
1. Accused person who is confined in jail while undergoing investigation
2. Accused person who is confined in jail while awaiting of undergoing trial
3. Accused person who is confined in jail while awaiting final judgment
4. Accused person who is confined in jail and already convicted to serve a prison term

a. 3, 4 and 1
b. 2, 3 and 4
c. 4, 1 and 2
d. 1, 2 and 3
34. John, has shown responsible behavior and willingness to assist in various tasks around the
facility. The warden recognizes John's potential and designates him as a Jail Aide. What
responsibilities might John, as a Jail Aide, be entrusted with in the correctional facility?
a. Supervising other inmates, giving them tasks, and exercising authority over them.
b. Working alone on assigned tasks without the supervision of a jail officer inside the facility.
c. Having special privileges compared to other inmates inside the correctional facility.
d. Performing specific tasks while still under supervision and without authority over
other inmates.
35. This concept involves the temporary custody of an individual, intended to ensure both their
own safety and for the community he or she comes from.
a. Safekeeping
b. Commitment
c. Custody
d. Confinement
36. The following are authorized to commit a person to jail. EXCEPT
a. Supreme Court
b. Sandiganbayan
c. Metropolitan/Municipal Trial Court
d. Philippine National Police
37. What is the function of the Internal Disciplinary Mechanism within the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology?
a. To oversee the construction of new jail facilities
b. To investigate complaints against jail officers
c. To manage the rehabilitation programs for inmates
d. To facilitate prisoner transfers between facilities

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38. Pedro a police officer of the local police force has been accused of using excessive force
during an arrest. Which agency will primarily investigate this complaint against officer Pedro?
a. Commission of Human Rights
b. Office of the Ombudsman
c. Internal Affairs Service
d. Disciplinary Mechanism
39. Several complaints have arisen against jail officers at a correctional facility for mistreatment of
inmates. Which specific internal department within the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology will handle these complaints?
a. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
b. Commission of Human Rights
c. Office of the Ombudsman
d. Bureau of Corrections
40. Which document is NOT required for an individual to be committed to a jail facility?
a. Commitment Order
b. Medical Certificate
c. Birth Certificate
d. Police Booking Sheet
41. Who manages several major facilities, including the New Bilibid Prison (NBP), Correctional
Institutions for Women, and Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm and other Penal Farms and
Colonies throughout the Philippines?
a. Bureau of Corrections
b. Philippine National Police
c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
d. Provincial Government
42. Which facility is designated for the confinement of female inmates in the Philippines?
a. San Ramon Prison
b. New Bilibid Prison
c. Correctional Institutions for Women
d. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
43. This law provides guidelines and regulations for the management, administration, and
supervision of BuCor facilities, including provisions related to personnel accountability and
disciplinary measures.
a. RA 10875
b. RA 10775
c. RA 10675
d. RA 10575
44. John was arrested for alleged involvement in a robbery and was presented before the court.
The court decides to detain him in a local jail until his trial is completed to ensure his safety
and avoid any potential escape. What legal term describes this action?
a. Incarceration
b. Custody
c. Commitment
d. Imprisonment
45. An independent government body has jurisdiction over the investigation and prosecution of
complaints against government officials and employees, including BuCor personnel and BJPM

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a. Ombudsman
b. Department of Justice
c. Commission on Audit
d. Civil Service Commission
46. What is the generic term used to refer to a detainee or prisoner?
a. Criminal
b. Kosa
c. Inmate
d. PDL
47. Who is an inmate that requires less supervision than other inmates and may be assigned to
special tasks but is not allowed to work alone nor exercise any authority over other inmates?
a. Person Deprived of Liberty
b. Jail Aide
c. Administrative Aide
d. Prisoner Aide
48. What term refers to all uniformed personnel of the BJMP, however, when referring to the rank,
the term shall refer to those holding the rank of jail inspector and above?
a. Jail Officer
b. Officer
c. Jail administrator
d. Jail Warden
49. Mr. Sunico is was convicted for the crime of murder. He was given a sentence of reclusion
perpetua. Under the classification of prisoners, Mr. Sunico is a _____.
a. Provincial Prisoner
b. Municipal Prisoner
c. Insular Prisoner
d. City Prisoner
50. Mr. Leonen is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six (6) months. Under the
classification of prisoners, Mr. Leonen is a _____.
a. Provincial Prisoner
b. Municipal Prisoner
c. Insular Prisoner
d. City Prisoner
51. Which of the following is NOT a classification of detainees?
a. Undergoing investigation
b. Awaiting or undergoing trial
c. Awaiting final judgment
d. Serving sentence
52. Mr. Dodong is serving his sentence in jail that has a population of 21-90 inmates. What type of
jail is shown based on inmate population?
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. Type D
53. Ms. Tine is serving her sentence in a jail managed by the Provincial Government. What type
of jail is shown basing on its jurisdiction?
a. Municipal Jail

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b. City Jail
c. District Jail
d. Provincial Jail
54. What is the term use to refer to citizens whose exercise of certain rights, such as the right to
travel and right to privacy among others, have been curtailed by the State, but are still entitled
to the same basic rights enjoyed by the rest of the citizenry in a free society?
a. PDL
b. Detainee
c. Prisoner
d. Convict
55. Mr. David is to be assigned as a Municipal Jail Warden. Under RA 9263, what should be his
rank to be qualified and occupy such position?
a. Jail Senior Inspector
b. Jail Inspector
c. Jail Chief Inspector
d. Jail Superintendent
56. What is the rank needed for a jail officer before he/she can occupy the position of Deputy
Chief for Administration of the Jail Bureau?
a. Jail Senior Inspector
b. Jail Chief Superintendent
c. Jail Chief Inspector
d. Jail Senior Superintendent
57. Cadet graduates from the Philippine National Police entering the BJMP has an initial rank of
a. Jail Officer I
b. Jail Inspector
c. Jail Officer IV
d. Jail Senior Inspector
58. Which agency is mandated to direct, supervise and control the administration and operation of
all district, city and municipal jails in the Philippines with pronged tasks of safekeeping and
development of its inmates?
a. BuCor
c. PPA
d. BPP
59. Which office of the BJMP serves as the Command and Staff Office of the BJMP, and is
composed of the Command Group, Directorates and Management Support Staff?
a. Regional Office
b. National Headquarters
c. Secretariat
d. Training Office
60. Which of the following is NOT a Core Value of the BJMP?
a. Makatao (Humane)
b. Matino (Upright)
c. Matatag (Resilient)
d. Matapang (Courageous)

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61. What judicial conditions of penalty hold that different crimes must be punished with different
a. Must be productivity of suffering
b. Must be legal
c. Must be commensurate with the offense
d. Must be certain
62. What theory adhered that punishment has a redemptive purpose of repelling sin advocated by
the devil?
a. Judean-Christian Theory
b. Abuse of Judicial Individualization
c. Secular Theory of Punishment
d. Classical Theory
63. Which of the following is NOT judicial conditions of penalty?
a. Must be illegal
b. Must be certain
c. Must be personal
d. Must be correctional
64. What pillar of CJS is charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision and
rehabilitation of those who judicially found violated criminal law?
a. Correction
b. Community
c. Court
d. Law Enforcement
65. Which of the following is TRUE about specific deterrence?
a. Occurs when the punishment of an individual serves as an example to others.
b. Giving punishment for offenders so that would be criminals will not do it anymore.
c. It is the deterrence of the individual being punished from committing additional
d. All of the above
66. B committed a crime; B was given a punishment, so that would be criminals would not do what
B did. The situation is an example of Specific Deterrence.
a. True
b. Partly True
c. False
d. Partly False
67. A committed a crime, as punishment he was tortured. What form of punishment is shown in the
a. Death Penalty
b. Community Service
c. Torture
d. Corporal Punishment
68. What justification of punishment wherein the goal is to change criminal lifestyles into law-
abiding ones. It is accomplished when an offender’s criminal patterns of thought and behavior
have been replaced by allegiance to society’s values?
a. Rehabilitation
b. Reformation
c. Imprisonment

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d. Exemplarity
69. What type of prison system consists of small individual cells, a large work area for a group of
labor, and enforced silence?
a. Auburn Prison System
b. National Penitentiaries System
c. Pennsylvania Prison System
d. Bureau of Corrections Prison System
70. What category of inmates are convicted by final judgment?
a. Prisonee
b. Prisoner
c. Detainer
d. Detainee
71. What correctional facility is considered as the biggest penal facility in the country at 40,000
hectares comprising mostly of undulating vegetation and pure jungle?
a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Leyte Regional Prison
c. Old Bilibid Prison
d. Iwahig Penal Colony
72. What national prison in the Philippines has gained a historical landmark as the first penal
facility in the country?
a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Leyte Regional Prison
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Iwahig Penal Colony
73. What is otherwise known as inmate record or jacket, it also contains the personal and criminal
records of inmates, documents related to his/her incarceration such as but not limited to:
commitment order, subpoenas, personal identification, orders from the court, and all other
papers necessarily connected with the detention of an inmate?
a. Commitment Order
b. Carpeta
c. Order
d. Record
74. What facility of Bureau of Corrections is located in Mandaluyong and is designed for the
confinement of female inmates?
a. New Bilibid Prison
b. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
c. Correctional Institution for Women
d. Davao Penal Colony
75. What do you call when a person accused before a court or competent authority and is
temporarily confined in jail while undergoing or awaiting investigation, trial, or final judgment?
a. Prisoner
b. Detainee
c. Detainer
d. None of the above
76. Which of the following states that the criminal is punished to serve as an example to deter
others from committing crimes?
a. Prevention Theory

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b. Justice Theory
c. Reformation Theor
d. Exemplary Theory
77. Which of the following is most suitable for a person whose violation is loitering?
a. Banishment
b. Imprisonment
c. Community Service
d. Probation
78. Which type of punishment aims for punishment from the offender according to the crime
a. Rehabilitation
b. Retribution
c. Restitution
d. Deterrence
79. Which form of punishment aims to exile or remove an offender from a specific geographic area
as a penalty?
a. Imprisonment
b. Probation
c. Banishment
d. Retribution
80. Which system featured the "congregate system," in which inmates were kept in isolation at
night and worked during the day?
a. Auburn System
b. Pennsylvania System
c. Sing Sing Prison System
d. Alcatraz Prison System
81. He is the ‘’Sheriff” of Bedfordshire in 1773 and recommended single cells for sleeping and
abolition of fees in prison.
a. Domets of France
b. John Howard
c. Voltaire
d. Manuel Montesimos
82. What law created the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
a. RA 9165
b. RA 6975
c. RA 8353
d. RA 9344
83. Which of the following contains the personal, criminal records, and documents pertaining the
incarceration of an inmate?
a. Commitment Order
b. Carpeta
c. Record Book
d. Log Book
84. How much is Appropriated on building the national prison by the virtue of Commonwealth Act
No. 67?
a. 2 Million Pesos
b. 4 Million Pesos

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c. 1 Million Pesos
d. 5 Million Pesos
85. How Many Correctional Facilities does Bureau of Corrections have?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 9
d. 7
86. Which of the following is sentenced (3) years and (1) day to reclusion perpetua or life
a. Municipal Prisoner
b. Insular Prisoner
c. Provincial Prisoner
d. City Prisoner
87. This Facility is monitored by the office of the governor which houses inmates or prisoners
serving (6) six months (1) one day to (3) three years?
a. District Jail
b. City Jail
c. Provincial Jail
d. Municipal Jail
88. He is the Director of Prisons in Valencia, Spain which divides the prisoners into companies and
designated prisoners as petty officers?
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Alexander Maconochie
c. Zebulon Brockway
d. Manuel Montesimos
89. Which of the following is achieved through harsh punishment so they may not commit similar
crimes in the future?
a. Deterrence
b. Social Defence
c. Reformation
d. Retribution
90. Which of the following is not a judicial conditions of penalty?
I.Must be equal to all
II.Must be international
III.Must be productivity of suffering
IV.Must be legal
V.Must be general
VI.Must be certain

a. I,V
b. V,VI
d. II,V
91. He was the Governor of Norkfolk Island, a penal colony in the east of Australia and initiated the
famous “mark system”
a. Zebulon Brockway
b. Sir Walter Crofton
c. Alexander Maconochie
d. Domets of France
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92. The penalty imposed for offenders must be certain. This means that: - Module 1
a. The guilty one must be the one to be punished, no proxy
b. No one must escape its effect
c. It must be equal for all persons
d. The consequence must be in accordance with the law.
93. What agency under the DILG is responsible for the supervision and control of Jails?
b. Provincial Jail
c. BuCor
d. PNP
94. The first American Penitentiary converted into a State Prison.
a. Bridewell workhouse
b. Mamertine prison
c. Walnut street jail
d. Elmira reformatory
95. It involves being confined to a small cell with limited access to activities or social interaction.
This practice can lead to profound isolation, both physically and psychologically, and it is often
used as a disciplinary measure or for reasons of security within prison systems.
a. Confinement
b. Solitary Confinement
c. Congregate System
d. Solitary
96. A big open dormitory-style setup in a prison where all the inmates live together, eat together, and
do activities together in shared spaces. It is like everyone is staying in a big open area with bunk
beds, eating meals in a common area, and spending time together during the day for work or
other activities, rather than being in separate cells all the time.
a. Confinement
b. Solitary Confinement
c. Congregate System
d. Solitary
97. This type of prison makes the prisoners feel like they are always being observed, encouraging
them to behave because they never know if they are being watched. The design aims to create
a feeling of constant surveillance to control behavior without needing many guards.
a. Auburn Prison
b. Pennsylvania Prison
c. Panoptican Prison
d. Borstal Institution
98. Instead of stating an exact number of years or months for the prison term, the judge provides a
range of time within which the individual must serve before becoming eligible for release.
a. Parole
b. Indeterminate Sentence
c. Good Conduct Time allowance
d. Probation
99. What historical penal system aimed at reforming prisoners through a graded system of
privileges, where good behavior led to advancement and earlier release, and which was known
for its implementation in 19th-century?
a. Progressive stage system
b. Mark System
c. Irish System
d. Crofton system

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100. What is that branch of the administration of criminal justice charged with the responsibility
for the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of those who judicially found violated criminal law?
a. Correction
b. Institutional Correction
c. Non-institutional Correction
d. Correctional Administration
101. In this stage of Irish System, the prisoners were given reduced diets and allowed
monotonous work.
a. First Stage
b. Second Stage
c. Third Stage
d. Fourth Stage
102. When someone is disciplined by physical means, such as by hitting, spanking, or using
any other type of physical force to make up for a mistake they made, this is known as physical
punishment. What form of punishment is best described?
a. Corporal Punishment
b. Capital Punishment
c. Banishment
d. Imprisonment
103. Morisette was deeply sorry for accidentally causing harm to her neighbor's property in a
small town. In an attempt to put things right, she went up to the neighbor, expressed her heartfelt
regret, and made a promise to either pay for the loss or fix the damage. Her technique of atoning
for the error and attempting to mend the unintentional hurt was to ask for forgiveness and accept
responsibility for her conduct. What type of justification of punishment is being described in the
a. Retribution
b. Expiation
c. Deterrence
d. Reformation
104. Tarah's bicycle was stolen, and despite reporting it to the authorities, the thief was not
found. Frustrated by the lack of justice, Tarah took matters into her own hands, finding the thief
herself and confronting them. She sought personal vengeance by demanding the return of her
bicycle or threatening to involve the police, driven by a desire to right the wrong done to her
a. Group vengeance
b. Expiation
c. Atonement
d. Personal vengeance
105. What do you call when the community members gathered, discussing ways to apprehend
a person?
a. Group vengeance
b. Expiation
c. Atonement
d. Personal vengeance
106. This type of justification of punishment aims to prevent crime by instilling fear of
consequences. It works on the idea that if people believe they will face severe punishment for
wrongdoing, they are less likely to engage in criminal behavior.
a. Expiation
b. Retribution
c. Deterrence
d. Reformation
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107. In the context of punishment, it involves removing individuals from society to prevent them
from committing further crimes by incarcerating or restraining offenders, wherein the society
aims to protect itself from potential harm posed by their actions.
a. Incapacitation
b. Expiation
c. Retribution
d. Deterrence
108. After serving time in prison, Alex participated in various educational programs, acquiring
new skills and reflecting on his past actions. With the help of counseling and vocational training,
he emerged as a reformed individual, now committed to leading a law-abiding life and
contributing positively to society.
a. Reformation
b. Incapacitation
c. Retribution
d. Deterrence
109. It is the legal execution of a person as a punishment for a serious crime.
a. Capital punishment
b. Corporal Punishment
c. Banishment
d. Community Service
110. Otherwise known as “inmate record or jacket”, contains the personal and criminal records
of inmates, documents related to his/her incarceration such as but not limited to: commitment
order, subpoenas, personal identification, orders from the court, and all other papers necessarily
connected with the detention of an inmate.
a. Logbook
b. Blotter
c. Carpeta
d. Inmate’s Diary
111. What is a written order of the court, or any other agency authorized by law to issue,
entrusting an inmate to a jail for the purpose of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her
a. Carpeta
b. Blotter
c. Commitment Order
d. Mittimus Order
112. He or she checks the credentials of the person bringing the inmate/the committing
officer to determine his/her identity and authority.
a. Gater
b. Officer
c. Warden
d. Trusty
113. This unit examines the completeness and authenticity of the requirements for
Commitment (Commitment Order, Booking Sheet, Arrest Report and Information) before it
refers the inmate for physical examination by the Health Unit.
a. Health Unit
b. Allied Unit
c. Release Unit
d. Records Unit

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114. Who checks the inmate’s belongings for the presence of contraband. Discovery of any
contraband shall be treated in accordance with existing policies?
a. Custodian
b. Property Custodian
c. Health Custodian
d. Property Unit
115. Who shall Immediately bring the suspect/s to the police station and present him/her to
the Desk Officer (DO) for recording in the police blotter the circumstances of the arrest as well
as his/her identity?
a. Arresting Officer
b. Investigating Officer
c. Officer
d. Gater
116. Who shall prepare or accomplish the “Medical Examination of the Suspects Request
Form” to be signed by the OD?
a. Arresting officer
b. Desk Officer
c. Gater
d. Duty Officer
118.What refers to property that is illegal to possess or transport. It may be goods that are illegal
to import or export and are attempted to be smuggled into a country?
a. Illegal Property
b. Drugs
c. Guns
d. Contraband
119.He shall be the PUPC’s immediate family member, lawyer, spiritual adviser, government
authorities, and anyone whose request for a visit has been granted by the Chief, PNP.
a. Authorized Visitor
b. Visiting Officer
c. Allied Officer
d. Visitor
120. An inmate’s mother who gave birth inside the institution has the right to be with her child
inside the institution until up to one year of age of the said baby.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly True
d. Partly False
121. The suicidal inmates should be segregated immediately to prevent them from influencing
other inmates or being mistreated or abused by other inmates.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly True
d. Partly False
122.Prisoners are presumed innocent and shall be treated as such.

16 | P a g e
a. False
b. Partly False
c. Partly True
d. True
123.Selling or bartering with fellow inmate(s) those items not classified as contraband is what type
of offense?
a. Minor Offense
b. Major Offense
c. Light Offense
d. Less Grave Offense
124. Giving gifts, selling, or bartering items with jail personnel is what type of offense?
a. Less Grave
b. Light
c. Grave
d. Offense
125.A secured jail has been built in Colorado's penitentiary, with maximum lockdown set up, and
is called the most secure prison in the world since prisoners are thought to be lucky if they
ever see the sun. What do you call this jail or prison?
a. ADZ Florence
b. ADX Florence
c. AXD Florence
d. AZD Florence
126.At what country is the most violent and deadly prison in the world located?
a. Brazil
b. Bolivia
c. Paraguay
d. Peru
127.What do you call to an elite tactical unit trained to perform high-risk operations, and is
equipped with specialized skills and sophisticated firearms and equipment?
128.In ensuring the minimum standards in security and control, these shall be one full set of
duplicate keys, secured in a place accessible only to ___ for use in the event of an
a. Jail Warden
b. Personnel on Duty
c. Jail Personnel
d. Supervisor
129. ALL of the following is a minimum standard with regard to security of the facility, EXCEPT
a. Secured Perimeter
b. Secured Visiting Area
c. Secured Cells
17 | P a g e
d. Secured Multi-purpose Area
130.In ensuring the minimum standards in security and control, regular count shall be conducted
____ within a 24-hour period.
a. At least five to seven times
b. Five to seven times
c. At least five to six times
d. Five to six times
131.The Disciplinary Board shall hear and decide cases within ___ from the date of receipt.
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 4 days
d. 6 days
132.ALL of the following is a disciplinary action that can be imposed by the Disciplinary Board for
detainees, EXCEPT ONE:
a. Admonition or Verbal Reprimand
b. Suspension of Visiting Privileges
c. Close Confinement in a Cell
d. Reduction of Visiting Time
133.An inmate making frivolous or groundless complaints falls under what kind of offense?
a. Minor Offense
b. Less Grave Offense
c. Grave Offense
d. Major Offense
134.Giving gifts, selling, or bartering items with jail personnel falls under what kind of offense?
a. Minor Offense
b. Less Grave Offense
c. Grave Offense
d. Major Offense
135.What do you call the anti-illegal drugs and anti-contraband campaign within prison/jail?
136.Jail Warden, Magellan do not socialize himself to any inmates in the Impel Down Prison
because he believes that Jail Personnel should never trust inmates, and zero escape is
everybody’s business. Magellan’s ideology falls into what jail procedures?
a. Custody, Security and Control
b. Rules and SOP’s
c. Punishable Acts
d. Duties and Functions of the Disciplinary Board
137.What do you call to a group of highly trained BJMP Personnel and experts that deals with
high-risk, high-profile inmates, and VEO’s, as well as in controlling jail disturbance and
a. STAR Team
b. Ready Force
c. IWD Personnel

18 | P a g e
d. Disciplinary Board
138.Any form of cruel, inhumane or degrading punishment is called ___.
a. Capital Punishment
b. Retribution
c. Corporal Punishment
d. Atonement
139.One of the limitations on disciplinary punishment for inmates is breaches of disciplines shall
be handled without anger and emotionalism and decisions shall be executed ____.
a. firmly and justly
b. equal and just
c. humane and just
d. firm and equal
140.What law created the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
a. RA 6975
b. RA 9263
c. RA 9592
d. RA 8551
141.As mandated by RA 6975, the BJMP shall operate under what department of the
a. Department of Justice
b. Department of Interior and Local Government
c. Department of National Defense
d. Department of Labor and Employment
142.What is the rank classification of the Chief of the Jail Bureau?
a. Director
b. Superintendent
c. Chief Superintendent
d. General
143.Who appoints Jail Officer I to Jail Officer IV?
a. Civil Service Commission
b. Chief BJMP
c. Regional Director
d. DILG Secretary
144.Who undertakes the development of a systematic process of the treatment for these
individual inmates and determines the degree of custody for such individuals in his capacity
as chairman of the Classification Board? He also automatically serves as chair of the
Disciplinary Board?
A. Office of the Warden
B. Regional Director
C. Chief of the Jail Bureau
D. Office of the Assistant Warden
145.What is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge, directing the
jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence imposed
a. Carpeta
b. Commitment Order

19 | P a g e
c. Mittimus
d. All of the above
146.Who appoints the two Deputy Chiefs of the Jail Bureau?
a. DILG Secretary
b. President of the Philippines
c. Chairman of the CSC
d. Secretary of Justice
147.What is a written order of the court, or any other agency authorized by law to issue, entrusting
an inmate to a jail for the purpose of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case?
a. Carpeta
b. Commitment Order
c. Mittimus
d. All of the above
148.Who checks the credentials of the person bringing the inmate/the committing officer?
a. Property Custodian
b. Records Unit
c. Gater
d. Health Unit
149.Who orients the newly committed inmates on jail rules and regulations using the Inmate’s
Orientation Sheet?
a. Desk Officer
b. Officer of the Day
c. Jail Warden
d. Lawyer
150.The ______ coordinates with concerned agencies regarding the case of inmates for speedy
disposition and to furnish them with copies of the available needed documents. He shall shall
see to it that all concerned agencies and persons will be informed of the commitment of the
inmate in his/her jail by submitting a written report.
A. Desk Officer
B. Officer of the Day
C. Jail Warden
D. Lawyer
151.The following are the guidelines which shall be observed in handling female inmates
a. The female dorm shouldn’t be completely separated from the male dorm
b. Female personnel shall be designated to keep the keys of the female dorms
c. Only work suitable to their age and physical condition should be assigned to female
d. No male inmate shall be allowed to enter the female dorm
152.Who among the following is not considered as inmate with special needs?
a. Vera, who is a female
b. Agustin, who is a drug user
c. Vallega, who has mental health problems
d. Gabat, a healthy man who is involved with car accident
153.How many hours should the Disciplinary Board shall hear and decide in all cases referred to it
from the date of receipt of the case?

20 | P a g e
a. 12 hours
b. 24 hours
c. 16 hours
d. 48 hours
154.Which among the following is considered as minor offenses inside jail?
a. Failure to report for work detail without sufficient justification
b. Failure to render assistance to an injured personnel or inmate
c. Reporting late for inmate formation and inmate headcount without justifiable reasons;
d. Swearing, cursing or using profane or defamatory language directed at other persons;
155.Which statute establishes the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
a. R.A. 6975.
b. R.A. 5881.
c. P.D. 765.
d. R.A. 9263.
156.Who is the appointing authority of the Deputy chief for operation of the jail bureau?
a. The Chief the jail bureau
b. The president.
c. The DILG Secretary.
d. The chairman of the Commission on Appointment.
157.What is known as a court-issued warrant, sealed and signed by the judge, instructing the jail
or prison officials to accept the guilty person so they can serve their sentence?
a. Warrant of arrest
b. Search warrant
c. Subpoena
d. Mittimus
158.What is referred to as a team of individuals who oversee the safe care, security, and
movement of prisoners while also enforcing prison or jail rules?
a. Escorting group.
b. Reformation group.
c. Security group.
d. Medical Staff
159.What is known as a section responsible for accepting those who have been committed to the
jail and releasing inmates who have completed their terms or who have been released on the
authority or instructions of competent courts?
a. Admitting and Releasing Section
b. Custodian Section
c. Baggage section
d. Quarantine section
160.What is described as a group offers support and guidance to inmates and their families in
order to help them address the unique demands and issues that arise from the prisoner's
captivity. Is this group's main emphasis in correction and rehabilitation?
a. Escorting group.
b. Rehabilitation group.
c. Security group.
d. Medical Staff

21 | P a g e
161.Which organization gathers and provides the warden with intelligence data regarding issues
related to jail conditions?
a. Intelligence and Investigation Team
b. Jail Inspectorate Section
c. Public Relations Office
d. Classification Board
162.What is the name of the committee that is in charge of considering disciplinary cases
involving inmates who break jail policies?
a. Disciplinary Board
b. Classification Board
c. Public Relations Office
d. Intelligence and Investigation Team
163.This is the process of allocating and classifying prisoners based on a variety of factors,
including their criminal histories, gender, age, nationality, and state of health.
a. Commitment
b. Reception
c. Diagnostic
d. Classification
164.What is someone who is detained in jail pending a preliminary inquiry, trial, or appeal; or on
the basis of a valid warrant issued by a qualified authority?
a. Prisoner
b. Convict
c. Detainee
d. Respondent
165. Which was created by the virtue of section 60, of RA 6975?
a. PNP
b. BFP
d. BuCor
166.JO2 Charles Nicolas has been in service for 20 years and yet he has not been adjusted to the
next higher rank for 11 years. For that he is separated from the Bureau. What happened to
JO2 Charles Nicolas?
a. Attrition by Demotion in Position or rank
b. Attrition by Other means
c. Separation or Retirement
d. Attrition by non-promotion
167.SJO1 Corbe is in charge of planning meals for the PDL’s on a daily basis. What branch in the
Bureau is he with?
a. General Service
b. Mess Service
c. Personnel Management
d. Mittimus computing
168.Which of the following contains every record whether personal or criminal records of the
a. Commitment Order
b. Carpeta

22 | P a g e
c. Mittimus
d. Blotter Book
169.Patrolman Rivera escorting the PDL going to the BJMP Facility. What section will be checking
the completeness of the documents of the incoming PDL?
a. Gater
b. Health Unit
c. Records Unit
d. Desk Officer3
170. It conducts in-depth interview with the newly admitted PDL.
a. Risk Assessment
b. Psychiatric Evaluation
c. Case Management
d. Social Case Study
171.The Warden shall mandatory notify the following upon the commitment of an inmate
a. PNP
b. Family
c. NBI
d. Private Lawyer
172.These inmates should be separated from other inmates because they can be maltreated or
abused because of their condition.
a. Inmates with disability
b. Escape-Prone Inmates
c. Children in conflict with the law
d. Sex Deviates
173.They should not be confined in a jail facility pursuant to republic act 9344, and should be held
in a detention home or rehabilitation center.
a. Inmates with disability
b. Children in conflict with the law
c. Suicidal Inmates
d. Sex Deviates
174.Which of the following shall be the head of the offices, units or stations?
a. Chief, Custodial Facility
b. Authorized Visitors
c. Jail Guard
d. Investigator on Case
175. He is responsible for accomplishing the arrest and booking form and conducting record
check of the suspects for previous or existing cases and warrant of arrest.
a. Desk officer
b. Arresting Officers
c. Data Custodian
d. Duty Officer
176.He is responsible to conduct a thorough body search of the suspect/s, escort the suspects to
a government hospital for the examination of the suspects.
a. Desk Officer
b. Duty Officer

23 | P a g e
c. Arresting officers
d. Data Custodian
177.Under RA 6975 what rank shall be qualified for the position of District Jail warden?
a. Jail Señior Inspector
b. Chief Jail Inspector
c. Jail Superintendent
d. Jail Director
178.The BJMP shall be headed by a ________who shall be assisted by _______deputy chief, one
for administration and one for operation, all who shall be appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Secretary of DILG from among the qualified officers with at least the
rank of senior jail superintendent.
a. Director, 3
b. Chief, 2
c. Superintendent, 2
d. Warden, 1
179. Republic Act No. 9592 extends the reglementary period for complying with the minimum
educational qualification and appropriate eligibility for how many years?
a. Two (2) years
b. Three (3) years
c. Four (4) years
d. Five (5) years
180.Which agencies are affected by the extension of the reglementary period under Republic Act
No. 9592?
a. Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
c. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
d. All of the above
181.According to Republic Act No. 9592, what is the minimum height requirement for male
applicants to the BFP and BJMP?
a. 1.62 meters
b. 1.57 meters
c. 1.50 meters
d. 1.45 meters
182.Republic Act No. 9592 provides an extension for obtaining the minimum educational
qualification and appropriate civil service eligibility for how many years?
a. Two (2) years
b. Three (3) years
c. Four (4) years
d. Five (5) years
183.Which section of Republic Act No. 9263 is amended by Republic Act No. 9592?
a. Section 4
b. Section 10
c. Section 2
d. Section 3
184. What is the age requirement for new applicants to the BFP and BJMP as stated in Republic
Act No. 9592?

24 | P a g e
a. 18-21 years
b. 21-25 years
c. 25-30 years
d. 30-35 years
185.According to Republic Act No. 9592, personnel of the BFP and BJMP must meet the minimum
qualification standards or appropriate civil service eligibility set by which commission?
a. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
c. Civil Service Commission (CSC)
d. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
186.Who is responsible for promulgating the necessary rules and regulations for the effective
implementation of Republic Act No. 9592?
a. Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
c. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
d. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
187.Republic Act No. 9263 professionalizes and sets qualification standards for which two
a. Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology (BJMP)
b. Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
c. Bureau of Immigration (BI) and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
d. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Interior and Local Government
188.According to Republic Act No. 9263, what are the minimum qualifications for appointment as
uniformed personnel in the BFP and BJMP?
a. Filipino citizenship and good moral character
b. Educational degree and civil service eligibility
c. Passing the psychiatric/psychological, drug, and physical tests
d. All of the above
189. How many centimeters should a male applicant to the BFP and BJMP be in height, as
specified in Republic Act No. 9263?
a. 150 cm
b. 160 cm
c. 170 cm
d. 180 cm
190.What is the purpose of the psychiatric/psychological, drug, and physical tests mentioned in
Republic Act No. 9263?
a. To determine the applicant's physical and mental health
b. To evaluate the applicant's knowledge and skills
c. To assess the applicant's language proficiency
d. To test the applicant's driving abilities
191.How many kilograms should an applicant's weight differ from the standard weight
corresponding to their height, age, and sex, as stated in Republic Act No. 9263?
a. Not more or less than 5 kg
b. Not more or less than 10 kg

25 | P a g e
c. Not more or less than 15 kg
d. Not more or less than 20 kg
192. What is the age requirement for new applicants to the BFP and BJMP, as specified in
Republic Act No. 9263?
a. 18-21 years
b. 21-30 years
c. 30-35 years
d. 35-40 years
193.What are the requirements for promotion to a higher rank in the BFP and BJMP, as stated in
Section 10 of the Act?
a. Meeting minimum qualification standards and passing required test
b. Seniority and exceptional performance
c. Gender-fairness and physical fitness
d. Educational qualifications and nationwide search conducted by civic organizations
194.According to Republic Act No. 9263, what is the minimum educational qualification for
appointment as uniformed personnel in the BFP and BJMP?
a. High school graduate
b. College graduate
c. Vocational course completion
d. Any educational level is acceptable
195.Republic Act No. 9263 mandates the establishment of a system of incentives and rewards for
personnel of the BFP and BJMP who exhibit exceptional performance. Which agency is
authorized to grant these incentives?
a. Department of Justice (DOJ)
b. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
c. Civil Service Commission (CSC)
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
196.This is the person that is responsible for the checking of the apprehended suspects' records to
see if they have any past or current cases, as well as a current arrest warrant.
a. Duty Investigator
b. Desk Officer
c. Arresting Officer
d. Data Custodian
197.It refers to any item or substance that is prohibited or illegal to possess within a specific area,
such as a prison, jail, or certain restricted zones.
a. Illegal drugs
b. Paraphernalia
c. Contraband
d. Firearms
198.It is a department that focuses on making sure people's rights are respected and protected.
They work to promote fairness, equality, and respect for everyone's rights within a community
or organization.
a. PNP Custodial Officer
b. Arresting Officer
c. Human Rights Affairs Service
d. Investigator on case
26 | P a g e
199.Refers to any policeman who has been properly assigned or designated to conduct the
investigation into the crime by adhering to a methodical set of protocols and techniques for the
intention of finding witnesses, obtaining and recovering evidence, apprehending the offenders,
and the initiation of criminal cases.
a. PNP Custodial Officer
b. Arresting Office
c. Human Rights Affairs Service
d. Investigator on case
200.When the commitment order has not yet been issued by the Court within a reasonable period,
He or she must write a formal request addressed to the Clerk of Court for the issuance of
commitment order to the BJMP of the Pace or territory where the PUPC is being tried.
a. Chief of Police
b. Chief of PNP
c. Chief of BJMP
d. Chief of PUPC
201.Who shall be responsible for the issuance of the commitment order?
a. Chief of Police
b. Court
c. Investigator on case
d. Arresting officer
202.All considered as an immediate family, EXCEPT.
a. Uncle
b. Nephew
c. Brother
d. Godmother
203.Which among the following is NOT a responsibility of a Data Custodian?
a. Ensure that no tampering is done during the downloading process. Consequently, allow the
subjects of the recordings or their counsels to witness the downloading of the recordings
from the BWCs/ARDs prior to safekeeping.
b. Redact sensitive information, images and other personal identifiers from the recordings, such
as in cases involving minors, sexual offenses, or domestic violence. Submit all redacted and
unredacted file/s to the court;
c. Conduct record check to determine if the arrested suspect/s have previous or existing
cases and/or standing warrant of arrest;
d. Provide a copy of the recording to the persons enumerated in aforementioned item g) (1) to
(3) should the person subject of the recording consented to its use in a court proceeding, and
if the request is done within five days from data downloading.
204.The Arresting Officer must prepare and file the corresponding report to the judge on the
execution of the warrant. The report shall be accompanied by affidavits of the PNP personnel
whose BWCs/ARDs were used (Annex “H”), stating the following, EXCEPT.
a. The date, time, and place of the recording;
b. The fact that persons of the recording were notified of the use of BWCs/ARDs;
c. Whenever applicable, a certification that both unredacted and redacted files containing the
recordings are submitted to the court;
d. The names and gender of the officers who will be delivering the recordings to the

27 | P a g e
205.He/ She shall have the responsibility to bring the suspect or suspects to the police station right
away, and then present them to the Desk Officer (DO) so that they can record in the police
blotter the details of the arrest and their identify.
a. Arresting Officer
b. Duty Investigator
c. Data custodian
d. Desk Officer
206.The duty officer will prepare the necessary documents such as but not limited to: affidavit of
complaint; affidavit of witness; booking and arrest report; photo copy of recovered evidence if
any; and a letter of case referral to the Prosecutor’s Office that should be reviewed and signed
by who?
a. Chief of Police
b. Station commander
c. Unit commander
d. All of the above
207.The Legal counsels on record, medical doctors, priests or religious ministers chosen by the
person-under custody, or any member of his immediate family or by his counsel may visit
a. any hour of the day, or in urgent cases, of the night.
b. limited of 1 hour a day, or in urgent cases, of the night.
c. any hour of the night, and limited time of the day.
d. with a limited time, during day and night.
208.It ensures that individuals are confined according to specific rules and regulations while they
await trial, serve a sentence, or are otherwise legally held.
a. Custodial Facilities
b. Custodial supervisor
c. Authorized visitor
d. PNP Officer.
209.Conducts record check to determine if the arrested suspect/s have previous or existing cases
and/or standing warrant of arrest.
a. Duty Investigator
b. Arresting Officer
c. Data Custodian
d. Duty Officer
210.Execute the affidavit of arrest, in coordination with the Duty Investigator and other arresting
officers, if any.
a. Duty Investigator
b. Arresting Officer
c. Data Custodian
d. The PNP personnel who wore the BWC/ARD
211. All of the following are inmates with special needs, EXCEPT:
a. Drug dependents
b. Sex offenders
c. Senior Citizen
d. Inmates with ability
212.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in terms of handling Infirm Inmates?
a. They should be referred to the jail physician or nurse
28 | P a g e
b. They must be closely monitored and given utmost care
c. They should be segregated from others to prevent the spread
d. They must be given challenging tasks as their exercises
213.Which of the following phrases below will complete this sentence, “During ______________,
pregnant inmates should be transferred to the ________ government hospital.”?
a. annual labor; nearest
b. actual fertilization; cheapest
c. active labor; nearest
d. the menstruation; farthest
214.Which among the statements belong to the guidelines on how to handle Female Inmates?
I. Their dorm should be separated from the male dorm
II. Female personnel shall be designated to keep the keys of the female forms
III. The inmates must be referred to a psychiatrist
IV. Must be transferred immediately to the mental institution
A. I only
B. I, II and III
C. I, II, III and IV
D. I and II
215.Why should Children in Conflict with Law be segregated from other types of inmates?
a. The CICL can influence the adults to do crimes
b. Our country has a lot of available jails and prison
c. It is necessary to have their privacy and confidentiality
d. To prevent them from being exposed to criminality
216.What is the main reason why there is a need to collaborate with other government agencies in
handling inmates with disabilities?
a. To ensure the success of the medication and recovery of the inmates
b. To provide the services and benefits that the inmates deserves
c. To promote the coordination of different government agencies
d. To lessen the expenses of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
217.Which of the following inmates are usually restricted to use telephone calls?
a. Escape-prone
b. Sex deviates
c. Mentally-ill
d. Transgender
218.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in terms of handling Suicidal Inmates?
a. Those with signs and symptoms of depression should be referred to jail psychiatrist
b. They are always subjected to strip or frisk searches to ensure there is no suicidal tool
c. They shall be segregated to have their utmost privacy and personal space in their
d. May be transferred to psychiatric hospital if there is already an attempt of suicide
219.Which among the inmates listed below are most likely to experience a withdrawal period?
a. Suicidal
c. Alcoholics
d. Female

220.These inmates are usually referred to the jail psychiatrist, EXCEPT:

29 | P a g e
a. Drug users
b. Female
c. Mentally-ill
d. Suicidal
221.Why do inmates who are LGBT members need to be separated from other inmates?
a. So they cannot influence others to join LGBT
b. So they will have their personal spaces
c. So they cannot be seen by other inmates
d. So they will not be abused and maltreated
222.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in terms of handling Children in Conflict
with the Law?
a. They should have a separated detention cell
b. They should be disciplined by using profane words
c. There must be intervention programs from DSWD
d. They shall not be handcuffed if non-violence
223.What kind of inmates should be given tasks that are fit and appropriate for their situation?
a. Sex offenders and Sex deviates
b. Female and Suicidal Inmates
c. CICL and Escape-Prone Inmates
d. Senior Citizen and Infirm Inmates
224.Who are considered as Infirm Inmates?
a. Those who have disease/s
b. Those who belongs to LGBT
c. Those who are minors
d. Those who are pregnant
225.Which of the following must be recorded in the registration book upon a prisoner's admission?
a. Their favorite color
b. Their reasons for imprisonment
c. Their favorite food
d. Their musical preferences
226.According to the rules on United Nations Standard Minimum for the Treatment of Prisoners,
how should the different categories of prisoners be accommodated?
a. All prisoners should be kept in one large institution
b. Prisoners should be kept separately based on their favorite sport
c. Based on sex, age, criminal record, and legal reason for detention
d. Separation should be based solely on age
227.Why is it necessary to keep untried prisoners separate from convicted prisoners?
a. To prevent conflicts between different prisoner categories
b. To ensure fairness and maintain innocence until proven guilt
c. To provide better treatment for convicted prisoners
d. To alleviate issues arising from overcrowded prisons
228.What is the purpose of ensuring that each prisoner has their separate sleeping
a. To create a sense of loneliness and isolation
b. To maximize prison space within facilities
c. To adhere to hygienic and privacy standards
d. To reduce expenses through energy conservation

30 | P a g e
229.Which statement best aligns with the principles of providing suitable bedding for prisoners?
a. Shared bedding conserves resources between prisoners.
b. Bedding should be cleaned once a month for inmates.
c. Each inmate deserves individual clean bedding and bed.
d. Bedding remains discretionary for incarcerated individuals.
230.In which instances might exceptions be made to the rule of single occupancy for cells/rooms?
a. During temporary overcrowding with no available solution
b. At the prisoners' request to live in one single cells/room
c. As a form of punishment for misconduct among inmates
d. To increase social interaction among inmates and jail officer
231.What could be the implications of failing to provide adequate bathing facilities for prisoners?
a. Increased conflict among prisoner
b. Health risks and hygiene-related issues
c. Improved mental health for prisoners
d. Higher costs for prison management
232.How might separation of men and women within the prison system impact the overall
a. It promotes a sense of equality among inmates
b. It reduces instances of abuse and misconduct
c. It leads to increased collaboration between prisoners
d. It can prevent romantic relationships among prisoners
233.Which statement aligns with the idea of respecting the religious beliefs of prisoners?
a. Prisoners should be forced to abandon their religious beliefs
b. Religious practices should be restricted within the prison
c. Prisoners' religious beliefs should be respected
d. Religious beliefs should be openly criticized within the prison
234.What is a key requirement for the provision of food to prisoners, according to according to the
rules on United Nations Standard Minimum for the Treatment of Prisoners?
a. Food that matches prisoners' favorite choices
b. Nutritional value adequate for health and strength
c. Expensive and gourmet quality meals for inmates
d. Food served irregularly and at varied times
235.What is a vital feature of the healthcare services provided in prisons?
a. Access to healthcare for convicted prisoners only
b. Confidential medical records available upon request
c. Healthcare services overseen by non-medical staff
d. Limited access to healthcare services based on legal status
236.Why is it crucial to maintain standards of health care equivalent to those available in the
community within prisons?
a. To impress visitors and external authorities
b. To prevent disease outbreaks within the prison
c. To ensure the well-being and health of prisoners
d. To minimize costs for the prison administration
237.How can the prison system ensure prompt access to medical attention in urgent cases?
a. By delaying medical attention to prioritize other activities
b. By providing first aid kits to prisoners for self-treatment
c. By offering immediate medical assistance when required

31 | P a g e
d. By limiting medical attention to specific times of the day
238.Why is it essential to have clinical decisions made solely by healthcare professionals within
a. To limit access to healthcare professional services
b. To maintain discipline among detainees/prisoners
c. To ensure proper treatment and care for prisoners
d. To reduce the workload of healthcare professionals
239.What protection should persons arrested or detained without charge receive according to the
rules on United Nations Standard Minimum for the Treatment of Prisoners?
a. No protection since they're not charged with a criminal offense
b. Similar protection as convicts with reduced legal rights
c. Equal protection as those charged with a criminal offense
d. No access to legal advisers or medical assistance
240.According to the Basic Principles of Rules of General Application of United Nations Standard
Minimum for the Treatment of Prisoners there shall be no discrimination on grounds of race,
______ , language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth
or other status.
A. Education
B. Region
C. Dialect
D. Sex
241.In every place where persons are imprisoned there shall be kept a bound registration book
with numbered pages which shall contain the following EXCEPT;
a. The day and hour of his admission.
b. The reasons for his commitment and the authority
c. Information concerning the identity of the inmate.
d. The day and hour of his admission and release.
242.Persons arrested or imprisoned by reason of a criminal charge against them, who are
detained either in police custody or in prison custody (jail) but have not yet been tried and
sentenced, will be referred to as _______.
a. Untried Prisoners
b. Inmate
c. Detainee
d. Suspect
243.What Executive Order renamed the Bureau of Prisons to Bureau of Corrections?
a. Reorganization Act of 1407
b. EO 116
c. EO 292
d. RA 10575
244. “A safer society by 2028 through reformed persons reintegrated by a highly efficient and
competent corrections service.” The statement pertains to ______ of BUCOR?
245.Who shall oversee the entire operations of the Bureau of Corrections, and exercise
command, administration and supervision of the entire agency in the pursuit of its mandate?

32 | P a g e
a. Legal Division (LD)
b. Undersecretary of the BUCOR
c. Bureau of Corrections
d. Deputy-Director Generals
246.What law is otherwise known as the Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013, which provides for the
modernization, professionalization and restructuring of the Bureau?
a. RA 10591
b. EO 292
c. RA 10575
d. RA 6975
247.What shall act as the Message Center Network of the Bureau. Shall provide technical and
administrative support to the DSO in monitoring, conducting, surveillance and management of
all incoming and outgoing communications and communication networks in penitentiaries?
a. SSD
b. COD
d. IID
248.What type of Dormitory is it if it can accommodate 500 inmates?
a. Type A Dormitory
b. Type B Dormitory
c. Type C Dormitory
d. Type D Dormitory
249.It refers to a medical facility established inside the prison compound for treatment of sick or
injured inmates. This will also serve as a place of confinement for inmates with contagious
a. Administrative Building
b. Camp Bukang lwayway
c. Camp Sampaguita
d. Hospital/Infirmary
250.Who shall be responsible for pre-release and post-release programs of inmates due for
a. Directorate for External Relations (DER)
b. Directorate for Health and Welfare Services (DHWS)
c. Directorate for Sports and Recreation (DSR)
d. Directorate for Work and Livelihood (DWL).
251.It refers to the information concerning a PDL’s personal circumstances, the offense
committed, the sentence imposed, the criminal case number in the trial and appellate courts,
the date commencing the service of sentence, the date received for confinement, the date of
expiration of sentence, the number of previous convictions, if any, and the behavior or
conduct while in prison?
a. Prison Record
b. Record
c. Carpet
d. All of the above
252.Upon the admission in the DRD, how many days an inmate shall be placed in quarantine?
a. 5 days
b. at least 5 days

33 | P a g e
c. 60 days
d. 15 days
253.After the quarantine period, how many days the inmate shall remain in the DRD to undergo
psychiatric, psychological, sociological, vocational, education and religious and other
a. at least 5 days
b. 60 days
c. not exceeding 55 days
d. not exceeding 60 days
254.How many times a headcount of PDL shall be conducted in a day?
a. 6 times a day
b. 3 times a day
c. 5 times a day
d. 4 times a day
255.The procedure for conducting a periodic physical headcount of PDL shall be as follows,
a. During the count, the PDL shall not be allowed to move until the count is completed
b. There must be a positive verification of the PDL’s presence. Counting a PDL as present
on the basis of seeing only any part of his clothing, his hair, or shoes shall not be made;
c. A written report on the result of each headcount shall be submitted to the Chief,
d. If the PDL count does not tally with the list of PDL, the matter shall be reported to
the Chief Overseer after 24 hours.
256.Which of the following is NOT considered rights of an inmate?
a. To receive compensation for labor he performs
b. To be credited with time allowances for good conduct and loyalty
c. To practice his religion or observe his faith
d. None of the above
257.The following are circumstances where the criminal liability of a person is extinguished
partially, EXCEPT;
a. By conditional pardon
b. By commutation of the sentence
c. By amnesty
d. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may earn while he is undergoing
preventive imprisonment or serving his sentence
258.BUCOR personnel Victor Magtanggol had served for 30 years, how many percent of his basic
pay would he receive upon his retirement?
a. 70%
b. 72.5%
c. 75%
d. 77.5%
259.Who among the following are under minimum security risk classification of inmates?
a. Who are sixty-five (65) years of age and above, without pending case and whose
convictions are on appeal
b. Whose maximum sentence is less than 20 years of imprisonment
c. Those who have 2 or more records of escapes if they have served 8 years since they
were recommitted. Those with one (1) record of escape must serve five (5) years

34 | P a g e
d. Those sentenced to death
260.If a final decision finds that correction officers violated the clause through strikes, participation
in rallies, protests, or other similar actions, they will be _______.
a. terminated from the service
b. retired from the service
c. dismissed from the service
d. all of the above
261. In the BuCor, what is the ratio when it comes to reformation personnel-to-inmate?
a. 1:7
b. 1:1+1
c. 1:120
d. 1:24
262.How many inmates does a type B dormitory accommodate?
a. 101- 500 inmates
b. 1 to 100 inmates
c. above 500 inmates
d. 100-500 inmates
263.What is the minimum distance of the nearest inmate dormitory or building wall to the
secondary perimeter fence?
a. 4 meters
b. 10 meters
c. 5 meters
d. 2.50 meters
264. What is the desirable maximum number of inmates per cell?
a. 5 inmates
b. 10 inmates
c. 15 inmates
d. 20 inmates
265.This refers to the administration of skills development programs on work and livelihood to
achieve self-sufficiency of inmates in the prison community and for income generation of the
a. Education and Training Program
b. Sports and Recreation Program
c. Work and Livelihood Program
d. Health and Welfare Program
266. The duration of viewing shall be for a period of three (3) hours, provided that the place is
within the radius of __________ by road. If more than such distance, privilege may be
extended if the inmate can leave and return to his place of confinement during the daylight
a. 20 km
b. 40 km
c. 30 km
d. 50 km
267.How many gates should the visiting hall have, and what are their purposes?
a. One gate for visitors, one gate for inmates with a call slip
b. Two gates for visitors
c. Two gates for inmates

35 | P a g e
d. One gate for security personnel, one gate for staff members
268.What amenities should be included in the separate comfort rooms for male and female
a. Showers, saunas, and Jacuzzis
b. Water closets, urinals, vanity mirrors, and lavatories
c. Bathtubs, bidets, and dressing rooms
d. Towel racks, hairdryers, and air fresheners
269.Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Reception and Diagnostic Center
within the prison system?
a. Providing recreational activities for inmates
b. Serving as a long-term housing facility
c. Conducting comprehensive evaluations and tests on newly admitted inmates
d. Managing parole hearings for prisoners
270.Who has the authority to classify an inmate who has been deemed qualified as a colonist
upon the recommendation of the Classification Board?
a. Superintendent
b. Warden
c. Director
d. Jail Officer
271. Kyubi is an inmate who has served an imprisonment period that is equivalent to one fifth (1/5)
of the maximum term of his prison sentence with good conduct. What type of inmate can
Kyubi be classified as entitled to privileges?
a. First Class Inmate
b. Colonist Inmate
c. Sentenced Inmate
d. Third Class Inmate
272.Due to Nick’s diligence when it comes to prison’ work while in detention, he became known
for his character and skills, and was promoted or assigned to a new class of inmates. What
type of inmate can Nick be classified as entitled to privileges?
a. First Class Inmate
b. Colonist Inmate
c. Sentenced Inmate
d. Third Class Inmate
273.One of the privileges of a Colonist is to have an additional GCTA credit. How many days for
each calendar month is his credit while he is still under the classification of a Colonist?
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 4 days
d. 5 days
274. What specific classification of inmates is entitled to the privilege of growing his hair in a style
he wants?
a. Detainee
b. Colonist
c. Sentenced
d. First Class
275.ALL of the following are considered to be privileges of an inmate classified as colonist,

36 | P a g e
a. Wear civilian clothes on special occasions
b. Have his family to live with him in the prison
c. Receives ordinary household supplies
d. Automatically qualifies for Parole
276.ALL of the following are considered as privileges of an inmate, EXCEPT ONE:
a. Read books in the library
b. Smoke cigar or cigarettes
c. Receive authorized visitors
d. Attends athletic activities
277.ALL of the following are considered as rights of an inmate, EXCEPT ONE:
a. Participate in religious activities
b. Receives compensation for labor
c. Receives death benefits
d. Send and Receive mail matter
278.What law provides for the modernization, professionalization and reconstructing of the
a. Republic Act No. 10575
b. Administrative Code of 1987
c. Reorganization Act 1407
d. Republic Act 6975
279.What law created the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
a. Republic Act No. 10575
b. Administrative Code of 1987
c. Reorganization Act 1407
d. Republic Act 6975
280. According to this theory, people cannot always be held accountable for their behavior
because of factors beyond their control.
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Italian or positivist theory
c. Classical theory
d. Incapacitation theory
281.He was elected as the first President of the National Prison Association.
a. John Augustus
b. Edward Savage
c. Rutherford Hayes
d. John Howard
282.The most sensitive part among the Bureau of Corrections’ mandate is:
a. Restoration
b. Rehabilitation
c. Correction
d. Reformation
283.The following are authorized to commit a person to jail except one:
a. Supreme Court
b. Sandiganbayan
c. None of these
d. Congress of the Philippines

37 | P a g e
284.This refers to the temporary custody of a person for his/her own protection from the
community he or she comes from, and for the community he or she comes from.
a. Commitment
b. Safekeeping
c. Custody
d. Confinement
285.The following has the authority to commit a person to jail, EXCEPT:
a. Supreme Court
b. Congress
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Barangay Captain
286.It means entrusting for the confinement of an inmate to a jail by a competent court or
authority, for the purposes of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case.
a. Commitment
b. Safekeeping
c. Custody
d. Confinement
287.A correctional facility that is located in Occidental Mindoro, this facility serves as a penal farm
where inmates engage in agriculture and other productive activities.
a. CIW
b. Sablayan
c. Iwahig
d. NBP
288.What is the law known as Anti-Torture Act of 2009?
a. RA 9475
b. RA 9574
c. RA 9745
d. RA 9457
289.A crime committed by any public officer or employee who, without legal grounds, detains a
a. Arbitrary Detention
b. Grave Coercion
c. Illegal Detention
d. Coercion
290.What is the required hours for a PDL to turn over himself in case of conflagration?
a. 15
b. 40
c. 10
d. 48
291.A crime committed any public officer or employee who shall overdo himself in the correction
or handling of a prisoner or detention prisoner under his charge, by the imposition of
punishment not authorized by the regulations, or by inflicting such punishment in a cruel and
humiliating manner.
A. Coercion
B. Maltreatment of Prisoners
C. Grave Coercion
D. Oppression

38 | P a g e
292.Refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances, the offense he
committed, the sentenced imposed, the criminal case number in the trial and appellate courts,
the date he commenced serving his sentence, the date he was received for confinement, the
place of confinement, the date of expiration of the sentence, the number of previous
conviction if any, and his behaviour or conduct while in prison.
a. carpeta
b. prison record
c. inmate jacket
d. docket book
293.This type of institution is usually enclosed by two layers of wire fence. The inner is 12 to 14
feet high with a curb and the outer fence is 8 to 12 feet high.
a. Super security facility
b. maximum security institution
c. Medium security institution
d. minimum security institution
294.BJMP evaluation form consists of a set of questionnaires depicting the rate’s job
accomplishment and demonstrated behavior affecting the employee’s performance for the
rating period as can be observed and verified by the subordinate rater.
a. performance commitment report form
b. performance evaluation report
c. subordinate rater form
d. peer rater form
295.He was a French historian and philosopher who analyzed law as an expression of justice and
believed that harsh punishment would undermine morality and that appealing to moral
sentiments is a better means of preventing crime.
a. William Penn
b. Charles Montesiquieu
c. Francois Marie Arouet
d. Jeremy Bentham
296.Who among the following is a provincial prisoner?
a. a prisoner serving a term below six (6) years
b. a prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up
c. a prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years
d. a prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day and up
297.A prison shall keep a bound registration book wherein all commitments shall be recorded
chronologically. The register shall contain the following entries, except:
a. Name of inmate
b. Reason for commitment and the authority therefore
c. Sentence, Date and hour of admission
d. Cause and Manner of Death
298.This system was adopted wherein the prisoners had their heads closely cropped and walked
in lines, keeping step with their heads bowed. Each prisoner placed a hand on the shoulder of
the person in front to maintain a rigid separation and were “literally buried from the world.”
a. Auburn system
b. Pennsylvania system
c. Rag-tag state of discipline
d. solitary confinement

39 | P a g e
299.A prisoner having served 1 -2 years of his sentence is given a reward for good conduct,
diligence and loyalty;
a. 20 days of GCTA
b. 23 days of GCTA
c. 25 days of GCTA
d. 8 days of GCTA
300.The largest component of the whole prison personnel system responsible for the maintenance
of discipline as well as ensuring safety of the inmates and preventing escapes and riots.
a. Guard
b. custodial force
c. RDC
d. quarantine
301.Chairman of the Director of Irish prisons, he introduced the progressive system which
attempted to place the responsibility for self-improvement on the prisoner himself through
successive stages.
a. Manuel Montesinos
b. Sir Walter Crofton
c. Domets of France
d. ZR Brockway
302.After registration, the inmate shall be photographed, front and side view, fingerprinted and
assigned a permanent prison number. The male inmate shall then be given a regulation
haircut and his beard/mustache, if any, shall be shaven off. This is called the;
a. Commitment Service
b. diagnostic procedure
c. Admission Process
d. learning Process
303.Philip Moris was convicted of estafa and met a penalty of 4 years to 8 years. He was
transferred from Cagayan Provincial Jail to Davao Penal Colony. If you were the prison
superintendent, what are you going to ask from Philip Moris before admitting him for free
lodging with guards?
a. Identification mark
b. birth certificate
c. Mittimus
d. transfer certificate from provincial jail
304.Upon admission in the Reception and Diagnostic Center, an inmate shall be placed in
quarantine for at least five days during which he shall undergo the necessary procedures,
except one;
a. Given physical examination to determine any physical illness or handicap or mental
ailment and to segregate those suspected of having an infectious or contagious disease
b. He will be given immediate chemical treatment for his criminal behavior
c. Orient with prison rules
d. Interview by a counselor, social worker or other program staff officers
305.The executive officer in charge of each correctional institution is-
a. commissioner or director
b. correctional or custodial officer
c. warden or superintendent
d. spy or security guard
306.Upon arrival and before admission, an inmate is given a “shakedown”. Shakedown meant:
40 | P a g e
a. his commitment papers are delivered to the record clerk
b. identification by fingerprinting and photographing of an inmate
c. examination for contraband
d. taking of fingerprints and mug-shots.
307.The first American Probation Officer who developed several of the features later became
characteristics of the probation system.
a. Ruther R. Cook
b. Capt E. H. Savage
c. John Augustus
d. Barbara Kaye
308.It is a written compilation made by the staff regarding their findings on the prisoner that is
used by the classification committee as a guide in carrying out the rehabilitation program of
the prisoner in the operating institution.
a. Admission summary
b. orientation procedure
c. Testing programs
d. staff conference
309.The idea that punishment will give the offender a lesson by showing to others what would
happen to them if they have committed the heinous crime.
a. Protection
b. Set as example
c. Deterrence
d. Expiation
310.A form of punishment during the primitive era wherein the offender is inflicted with penalties
such as mutilation, disfiguration, flogging and maiming.
a. Death penalty
b. corporal punishment
c. Public humiliation
d. banishment
311.The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the public and at the same
time rehabilitating them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional treatment program is
referred to as:
a. imprisonment
b. conviction
c. trial
d. detention
312.An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody and rehabilitation of
national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment of more than
three (3) years.
b. provincial government
c. Bureau of Corrections
d. Parole and Probation Administration
313.This Act shall be known as the "Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004.”
a. Republic Act No. 9344
b. Republic Act 6975
c. Republic Act No. 9263
41 | P a g e
d. Republic Act No. 8551

314. Those with severe physical handicap as certified by the chief medical officer of the prison
and those who have only six months more to serve before the expiration of their maximum
sentence are considered;
a. Maximum Security Prisoners
b. medium security prisoners
c. Detainees
d. Minimum Security Prisoners
315.A ratio of correctional officer –to-national inmates prescribed under Republic Act No. 10575 to
achieve a high level of custodial control.
a. 1 to 7
b. 1 to 1
c. 2 to 6
d. 2 to 12
316.Facility established to confine Muslim rebels and recalcitrant political prisoners opposed to the
Spanish rule.
a. Davao Penal Colony
b. Sablayan Prison
c. Leyte Regional Prison
d. San Ramon Prison
317.It is the institution that provides the community’s official reaction to a convicted offender. Such
an institution is a branch of the administration of criminal justice charged with the responsibility
for custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offender.
A. Prison
B. Corrections
C. Penology
D. Jail
318.A part of the science of criminology which scientifically studies the principle of punishment and
the management of prisons, reformatories and other confinement units.
a. Prison
b. Corrections
c. Penology
d. Jail
319.It is a confinement facility having custodial authority over an individual sentenced by the court
to imprisonment which is administered by a national government.
a. Prison
b. Corrections
c. Penology
d. Jail
320.Are primarily adult penal institutions used for the detention of law violators, which is
administered by a province, city and municipality.
a. Prison
b. Corrections
c. Penology
d. Jail
321.Are those persons who by reason of their sentence may be deprived of liberty for not more than
six (6) months?
a. Municipal prisoners
42 | P a g e
b. Provincial or city prisoners
c. National or insular prisoners
d. Colonist
322.Are those persons who by reason of their sentence are deprived of liberty for not more than 3
years or subjected to a fine of not more than one thousand pesos?
a. Municipal prisoners
b. Provincial or city prisoners
c. National or insular prisoners
d. Colonist
323.Upon presenting the following documents such as commitment order, court decision of the
case, information filed by the city/provincial fiscal and certification of detention, the new prisoner
is received at the reception and diagnostic center. This process is called?
a. Orientation
b. Admission
c. Classification process
d. Recognition
324.Within how many periods does orientation and diagnosis are set up for new inmates by a group
of experts?
a. 30 days
b. 50 days
c. 60 days
d. 90 days
325.BJMP is a line bureau of:
a. DOJ
326.The following are authorized to commit a person to jail except one:
a. Supreme Court
b. None of these
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Congress of the Philippines
327.There are two categories of inmates: one is prisoner; the other one is a detainee. This refers to
an inmate who is convicted by final judgment.
a. Detainee
b. Prisoner
c. Insular prisoner
d. Provincial prisoner
328.It means the entrustment for confinement of an inmate to jail by a competent court or authority,
for the purpose of investigating the individual’s offense or transgression of the law.
a. Correction
b. Detention
c. Commitment
d. Rehabilitation
329.Whose responsibility is it to compile and maintain a list of persons that are authorized to visit
an inmate?
a. Superintendent
b. Warden
c. Director
43 | P a g e
d. Jail Officer
330.Other visitors who may give benefits to the inmate, aside from the inmate’s immediate family
may be included in the list after ____.
a. inmate’s request
b. investigation
c. family request
d. re-classification
331.Who has the authority to prescribe conjugal visits?
a. Superintendent
b. Warden
c. Director
d. Jail Officer
332.What specific days, an inmate is allowed to be visited?
a. Mondays to Fridays from 9:00-3:00pm
b. Sundays to Thursdays from 9:00-3:00pm
c. Sundays to Thursdays from 9:00-5:00pm
d. Mondays to Thursdays from 9:00-5pm
333.Who has the authority to mitigate, suspend, or modify the penalty imposed on an inmate,
specifically for first disciplinary offenses?
a. Superintendent
b. Warden
c. Director
d. Jail Officer
334.The Board of Discipline shall decide cases referred to it within how many days after the
termination of the hearings?
a. 3 working days
b. 5 working days
c. 10 working days
d. 15 working days
335. Who shall order the dismissal of a report or complaint that is found out to be baseless after
an initial investigation?
a. Superintendent
b. Warden
c. Director
d. Jail Officer
336.Luffy has been charged with an offense and has been imposed by deprivation of GCTA for a
specific period, but such measures are proven to be ineffective to Luffy, what specific
disciplinary measure can be employed to an obstinate inmate like Luffy?
a. Confinement in disciplinary cell
b. Classified him as third-class inmates
c. Prolonging his sentence by 2 years
d. Cancels all of his rights and privileges
337.An inmate who will be punished by confinement in a disciplinary cell should be confined for
how many months in accordance with the gravity of the offense he committed?
a. 1 to 2 months
b. 2 to 3 months
c. 3 to 4 months

44 | P a g e
d. 1 to 6 months
338.In cases where inmate violates the visitation rules, such violation shall result in:
a. Revocation of his visitation rights
b. Reduction of his visiting privileges
c. Suspension of his visitation rights
d. Suspension of his visiting privileges
339. Who has the authority to limit the length or frequency of prison visits?
a. Superintendent
b. Assistant Superintendent
c. Director
d. Assistant Director
340.Among the following classification of inmates, who are entitled for conjugal visits?
a. Male Person Deprived of Liberty
b. Male Detainees
c. Male Colonists
d. Male First-Class Inmates
341.Are personnel employed in the implementation of reformation programs and those personnel
whose nature of work requires proximate or direct contact with inmates
a. Technical Officer
b. Corrections Officer
c. Corrections Technical Officer
d. Custodial Force
342.What is the Executive Department that supervises and controls the numerous Correctional
Institutions nationwide?
a. Department of Justice
b. Department of the Interior and Local Government
c. Department of Social Welfare and Development
d. Department of National Defense
343.How many correctional facilities are there in the Philippines?
a. 8
b. 7
c. 5
d. 9
344.Who is in charge to oversee the entire operations of the BuCor, and exercise command,
administration and supervision of the entire agency in pursuing its mandate?
a. Director General
b. Directorate for Admission
c. Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic
d. Directorate for Security and Operations
345.The Department is in charge of making plans and policies and developing programs that
promote delivery of reformation services?
a. Directorate for External Relations
b. Prison and Penal Farms
c. Directorate for Administration
d. Directorate for Reformation
346.This dormitory has 100 inmate capacity and a lot area of 3,000 sq.m.?
a. Type C

45 | P a g e
b. Type B
c. Type A
d. Type D
347.It refers to the facility exclusively used as confinement area of all inmates within the prison
camp with specific consideration on spatial designation.
a. Administrative Building
b. Dormitory
c. Security Fence
d. Multipurpose Hall
348.In every jail and penal farm, there will be a designated, secured office where freshly admitted
inmates are placed under quarantine and put through a series of tests (medical,
psychological, and physical) for a certain amount of time (about 60 days) before classification
is done.
A. Conjugal Rooms
B. Hospital/Infirmary
C. Reception and Diagnostic Center
D. Mess hall
349.What is the personnel inmate Ratio for Health and welfare program.
a. 1:150
b. 1:240
c. 1:80
d. 1:225
350.An inmate shall be placed in quarantine for at least _______ days.
a. 10
b. 3
c. 5
d. 6
351.How many PDL headcounts shall be conducted every day?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4 array of those who may visit the latter that was provided by the PDL during the interview.
The PDL's immediate family, including his parents, stepparents, foster parents, brothers,
sisters, wife, husband, and kids, may be on the roster.
a. Visiting Rights
b. Visitor List
c. Privacy Visit
d. Visiting Days
353.These are inmates who cannot be trusted in less secured areas and those whose conduct for
behavior require minimum supervision.
a. Medium Security
b. Minimum Security
c. Super Maximum Security
d. Maximum Security
354.What is the color of uniform for Minimum Security Inmates
a. Tangerine/orange

46 | P a g e
b. Blue
c. Brown
d. Gray
355.Those who were assigned to this class from the beginning of their term due to their
established character and their labor throughout their incarceration.
a. Third Class Inmate
b. Colonist
c. First Class Inmates
d. Second Class Inmates

356.A one (1) story facility shall be constructed to accommodate an inmate from his legal wife or
common-law-wife (CLW).
a. Conjugal Rooms
b. Lecture Room
c. Visiting Area
d. Recreational Hall
357. It refers to the administration of initiatives aimed at fostering an an inmate is required for the
prison community to have productive interpersonal relationships.
a. Health and Welfare Program.
b. Behavior Modification Program.
c. Sports and Recreation Program.
d. Work and Livelihood Program.
358.It should create policies and programs that, via both formal and informal learning, sports,
recreational activities, vocational training, and other means, improve and enhance the literacy
of prisoners.
a. Health and Welfare Division
b. Moral and Spiritual Division
c. Education and Training Division
d. Work and Livelihood Division
359.A structure where institutional support and resource management are
managed, including the maintenance of all records and papers.
a. Infirmary
b. Administrative Building
c. Lecture Center
d. Workshop Facility
360.Who may NOT authorize the release of a PDL?
a. Supreme Court
b. President of the Philippines
c. Board of Pardons and Parole
d. Parole and Probation Administration
361.It is the infliction of some sort of pain on the offender for violating the law.
a. Imprisonment
b. Punishment
c. Penalty

47 | P a g e
d. Death Penalty
362.The custody, monitoring, and rehabilitation of those judged to have broken the law is the
responsibility of this branch of criminal justice.
b. Court
c. Law Enforcement
d. Correction
e. Prosecution
363.These are the facilities where those who are awaiting the outcome of their criminal trials are
housed, and those who have been found guilty and given lesser terms typically up to three
years serve their sentences.
a. Prison
b. Jail
c. Bilibid
d. Dungeon
364.It is the act of restricting someone’s personal freedom, or forcibly detaining a man, person, or
his movements.
a. Punishment
b. Imprisonment
c. Banishment
d. Community Service
365.In order to defend society from the threat and harm that the criminal inflicts, the state is
entitled to punish the offender.
a. Justice theory
b. Exemplary theory
c. Prevention theory
d. Self-defense theory
366.It is in charge of maintaining safety, a system of responsible custody and control over
prisoners' movements, and it also enforces jail or prison rules.
a. Rehabilitation group
b. Administrative group
c. Office of the warder
d. Security group
367.The penalty imposed for offenders must be certain. This means that:
a. The guilty one must be the one to be punished, no proxy
b. No one must escape its effect
c. It must be equal for all persons
d. The consequence must be in accordance with the law
368.a subfield of criminology that studies prison administration and management.
a. Corrections
b. Penology
c. Entomology
d. Criminology
369.What exactly is that community-based correctional program?
a. Penal management
b. Institutional corrections
c. Non-institutional corrections
d. Correctional administration

48 | P a g e
370.It is the temporary detention of an individual for the community's benefit as well as that
individual's status, safety, or estate.
a. Custody
b. Confinement
c. Safekeeping
d. Commitment
371.The act of unlawfully getting out from confinement or custody by an inmate. The act of
unlawfully getting out from confinement or custody by an inmate.
a. Fleeing
b. Misdemeanor
c. Riot
d. Escape
372.This is the procedure for allocating and categorizing prisoners based on their sentences, sex,
age, and nationality. criminal history, health, and other factors:
a. Commitment
b. Reception
c. Classification
d. Orientation
373.This prisoner has a sentence of six (6) months and one day to three (3) years in jail.
a. Provincial Prisoner
b. City Prisoner
c. Municipal Prisoner
d. Insular Prisoner
374.A security facility for the temporary detention of persons held for investigation or awaiting
preliminary hearing: usually the period of detention does not exceed forty –eight (48) hours.
a. Ordinary Jail
b. Work House
c. Lock Up Jail
d. Penal Farm
375.It shall offer technical and advising assistance in developing plans and operating procedures
to guarantee the security of prisoners.
a. Intelligence and Investigation Division
b. Communications Operations Division
c. Security and Safekeeping Division
d. Case Management Division
376.He places the just committed prisoner in a receiving area, books them in the jail blotter,
a. Desk Officer
b. Property Custodian
c. Jail Warden
d. Gater
377.People who were arrested by the PNP for a crime or prior legal infraction are being kept in its
correctional facilities; they were formerly referred to as "detainees."
a. Persons under PNP Custody
b. Child in Conflict with the Law
c. Persons Deprived of Liberty
d. Prisoner
378.The inmate who is exhibiting thoughts of self-destruction or symptoms should be sent to the
prison psychiatrist for assessment and treatment;
a. Sex Deviates
b. Inmates with Disability
c. Suicidal Inmates
49 | P a g e
d. Mentally-ill
379.Which government department is responsible for the implementation of Republic Act 6981?
a. Department of Justice (DOJ)
b. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
c. Department of Defense (DND)
d. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
380.What is the main objective of Republic Act 6981?
a. To protect and provide assistance to witnesses in criminal cases
b. To establish stricter penalties for organized crime
c. To promote public safety and security
d. To enhance the efficiency of the judicial system
381.Which of the following is NOT a benefit provided to witnesses under RA 6981?
a. Witness protection
b. Financial and material assistance
c. Legal representation
d. Monetary compensation for testifying
382.RA 6981 aims to protect witnesses involved in cases related to:
a. Organized crime
b. Traffic violations
c. Civil disputes
d. Employment issues
383.Which government agency is responsible for the custody of witnesses under RA 6981?
a. Department of Justice (DOJ)
b. Philippine National Police (PNP)
c. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
d. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
384.Under RA 6981, witnesses may receive assistance for:
a. Relocation
b. Education
c. Healthcare
d. All of the above
385.The provision of legal representation ensures that witnesses:
a. Have access to proper healthcare
b. Are adequately compensated
c. Have their rights protected
d. Receive relocation assistance
386.Which of the following is a measure provided under RA 6981 to ensure witness security?
a. Public disclosure of witness information
b. Media interviews with witnesses
c. Witness protection
d. Public recognition of witnesses
387.RA 6981 prohibits the disclosure of the identity and whereabouts of protected witnesses to:
a. The media
b. The public
c. Law enforcement agencies
d. The judiciary

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388.The Witness Protection, Security, and Benefit Act was enacted in what year?
a. 1985
b. 1991
c. 2003
d. 2010
389.The primary purpose of RA 6981 is to:
a. Encourage witnesses to cooperate with law enforcement
b. Increase penalties for criminal offenses
c. Establish a witness reward system
d. Provide financial support to victims of crime
390.Under RA 6981, witnesses may be provided with financial assistance for:
a. Starting a new business
b. Relocation expenses
c. Education expenses
d. All of the above
391.Which of the following is NOT a measure provided for under RA 6981?
a. Change of identity
b. Witness protection
c. Public disclosure of witness information
d. Legal assistance
392.Witnesses under RA 6981 may receive legal representation to:
a. Advocate for their innocence
b. Ensure a fair trial
c. Obtain financial compensation
d. Secure employment opportunities
393.In which government department does the term "DEPARTMENT" refer to in the context of the
witness protection program?
a. Department of Justice
b. Department of Defense
c. Department of Interior and Local Government
d. Department of Health
394.Who can be considered a "WITNESS" under the Witness Protection, Security, and Benefit Act?
a. Any person who has witnessed a minor offense.
b. Any person who has knowledge of a crime but has not testified.
c. Any person who has witnessed or has knowledge of a grave felony and has testified
or is testifying.
d. Any person who has knowledge of a crime but refuses to testify.
395.What is the condition for a person to be considered a "STATE WITNESS"?
a. The person must be the guiltiest in the commission of a crime.
b. The person must have a prior conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude.
c. The person must have participated in the commission of a crime and desires to be a
witness for the state under specific circumstances.
d. The person must have been discharged from an information or criminal complaint.
396.What is a "MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT" in the context of the witness protection
a. A document executed by any person seeking protection under the Act, setting forth
their responsibilities.

51 | P a g e
b. A document executed by the Secretary of Justice, outlining the program's rules and
c. A document executed by law enforcement officers, granting protection to a witness.
d. A document executed by the witness, admitting their involvement in the crime.
397.Who has the authority to terminate the rights and benefits of a witness in case of a substantial
breach of the Memorandum of Agreement?
a. The Secretary of Defense
b. The Secretary of Justice.
c. The Chief State Prosecutor.
d. The legislative committee.
398.What is the composition of the Committee created to assist the Department of Justice in
implementing the provisions of the Act?
a. Undersecretary for the National Prosecution Service, Chief State Prosecutor, and two
Assistant Chief State Prosecutors.
b. Undersecretary for the National Prosecution Service, Chief State Prosecutor, and
three Assistant Chief State Prosecutors.
c. Undersecretary for the National Defense, Chief State Prosecutor, and three Assistant Chief
State Prosecutors.
d. Undersecretary for the National Prosecution Service, Chief State Prosecutor, and four
Assistant Chief State Prosecutors.
399.What is the function of the Committee in the implementation of the Witness Protection, Security,
and Benefit Program?
a. To recommend necessary measures for the formulation of the Program.
b. To coordinate the functions of other government agencies involved in the Program.
c. To examine applicants and recommend their admission to the Program.
d. All of the above.
400.Who may avail of the Witness Protection, Security, and Benefit Program?
a. Only individuals who have witnessed a minor offense.
b. Individuals who have knowledge of a crime but refuse to testify.
c. Individuals who have witnessed or have knowledge of a grave felony and have
testified or are about to testify.
d. Only law enforcement officers who are testifying against other law enforcement officers.
401.What condition must be met for an accused person to be considered for admission into the
Witness Protection, Security, and Benefit Program?
a. The accused must be the guiltiest in the commission of the crime.
b. The accused must have a prior conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude.
c. The accused must have participated in the commission of a grave felony and meet
specific criteria.
d. The accused must have been acquitted of all charges.
402.The following are authorized to order or approve the release of PDL, EXCEPT:
a. The Supreme Court or lower courts
b. The President of the Philippines
c. The Board of Pardons and Parole
d. The Director
403.He shall be responsible for the evaluation, classification and applying necessary reformation
programs to inmates for readiness to join the mainstream society upon release, as part of the
pre-release program.
52 | P a g e
a. Directorate for External Relations
b. IVSU Personnel
c. Escort Personnel
d. Administrative Personnel
404.They are considered as a special group of inmates composed of incorrigibles and dangerous
inmates who are difficult to manage for being the source of constant disturbance in the
maximum-security institution.
a. Maximum Security
b. Medium Security
c. Super Security
d. Minimum Security
405.All are categories of maximum-security inmates, EXCEPT:
a. Recidivist, habitual delinquents and escapees.
b. Those confined for Reception and Diagnostic.
c. Whose maximum sentence is less than 20 years.
d. Those under disciplinary punishment or safekeeping.
406.A minimum or medium security PDL may, upon written application, be allowed by the
Superintendent to view the remains of the following relatives, EXCEPT:
a. Wife
b. Brother
c. Grand Child
d. Cousin
407.Brown: Minimum security Inmates, Gray: ______________.
a. Medium Security Inmates
b. Detainees
c. Maximum Security Inmates
d. Women Inmates
408.When someone who is in prison is allowed to spend time with their spouse or partner in a
special area within the prison. This helps keep their relationship strong even though one of
them is in prison.
a. Conjugal Visit
b. Visit of legal counsel
c. Privacy of visits
d. Necessary visitation
409.The application to view the remains of the deceased relative and all his supporting documents
shall be filed with the Superintendent at least how many days?
a. 2 days before the enjoyment of the privilege.
b. 2 days after the enjoyment of the privilege.
c. 3 days before the enjoyment of the privilege.
d. 3 days after the enjoyment of the privilege.
410.In the duration of privilege – the PDL may be allowed, more or less, how many hours to view
the deceased relative in the place where the remains lie in state.
a. 4 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 5 hours
d. 3 hours

53 | P a g e
411.An inmate shall be admitted to Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic formerly Reception
and Diagnostic Center to study and classify inmates and detainees committed to the BuCor
after the presentation of the following documents, EXCEPT:
a. Mittimus/Commitment Order of the court.
b. Information and court decision in the case.
c. Certificate of registration on the office.
d. Certificate that the case is not on appeal.
412.It is the handbook for the guidance and observance of the custodial and other personnel of
the Bureau of Corrections.
a. PNP operating manual
b. BJMP operating manual
c. BuCor operating manual
d. Jail operating manual
413.This refers to the information concerning a PDL’s personal circumstances, the offense
committed, the sentence imposed, the criminal case number in the trial and appellate courts,
the date commencing the service of sentence, the date received for confinement, the date of
expiration of sentence, the number of previous convictions, if any, and the behavior or
conduct while in prison.
a. Cartepa
b. Prison Record
c. Jail Blotter
d. Jail Book
414.A prison shall keep a bound registration sheet wherein all commitments shall be recorded
I. Name of the inmates
II. Reason for the commitment and authority thereof
III. Sentence
IV. Date and hour of admission
V. Date and hour of discharge or transfer and basis thereof

a. V, II, III, I, IV
b. I, II, III, IV, V
c. II, III, IV, V, I
d. I, II, III, V, IV
415.Mario requested to the Superintendent to bring a television, provided that it is for common use
with other inmates. Can the Jail Superintendent allow Mario?
a. Yes, because it is for common use.
b. Yes, because he respectfully asks the superintendent.
c. No, because the television is considered as contraband.
d. No, because it will just cost on the electricity bill.
416.Upon the admission in the DRD, an inmate shall be placed in quarantine for at least how
many days?
a. 15 days
b. 10 days
c. 7 days

54 | P a g e
d. 5 days
417.A headcount of PDL shall be conducted for how many times to ensure that all PDL are duly
accounted for.
a. 4 times
b. 3 times
c. 2 times
d. Not at all
418.These inmates who cannot be trusted in less secured areas and those whose conduct for
behavior require minimum supervision are considered as?
a. Maximum Security
b. Medium Security
c. Super Security
d. Minimum Security
419.In order to fully implement a successful reintegration of released inmates to the community,
the following circumferential objectives are to be focused upon by DER, to wit:
I. Secure support from family and community prior to admission period
II. Secure acceptance from family and community upon release.

a. Statement I is correct and statement II is false.

b. Statement II is correct and statement I is false.
c. Both statements are correct.
d. Neither of the statements are correct.

420.He is authorized and responsible for the approval of release in cases of executive clemency
or amnesty.
a. Supreme Court or Lower courts
b. President of the Philippines
c. Boards of Pardons and Parole
d. Director
421.He is authorized and responsible for the approval of release in cases of acquittal or grant of
a. Supreme Court or Lower courts
b. President of the Philippines
c. Boards of Pardons and Parole
d. Director
422.A powerful earthquake destroyed a prison where Pedro, Juan, Jose & Maria are inmates. All
except Maria, escaped. Pedro surrendered after 24 hours, Juan surrendered within 48 hours
and Jose surrendered after 3 days. Who among them are not entitled to Special Time
Allowance for Loyalty under Art. 98?
a. Juan
b. Pedro
c. Jose
d. Maria
423.Maria, a prisoner, learns that she is already overstaying in jail because her jail guard, Juana,
who happens to be a law student advised her that there is no more legal ground for his

55 | P a g e
continued imprisonment, and Juana told her that she can go. Maria got out of jail and went
home. Was there any crime committed?
a. Evasion of Service
b. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners
c. Evasion through Negligence
d. Delay in the Delivery of prison
424.As far as Juana, the jail guard who allowed Maria to go, is concerned, the crime committed is:
a. Evasion of Service
b. Infidelity in the custody of prisoner
c. Evasion through Negligence
d. Delay in the Delivery of prison
425.According to RA 10592, how much time is deducted from the period of sentence for a
prisoner who chose to stay in the place of his confinement during a calamity or catastrophe?
a. One-fifth
b. Two-fifths
c. One-third
d. One-half
426.According to RA 10592, how much time is deducted from the period of sentence for a
prisoner who gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of a
proclamation announcing the passing away of a calamity or catastrophe?
a. One-fifth
b. Two-fifths
c. One-third
d. One-half
427.According to Article 97, how much time is deducted from the period of sentence for each
month of study, teaching, or mentoring service time rendered?
a. 15 days
b. 20 days
c. 25 days
d. 30 days
428.Which of the following statements is true regarding Article 98?
a. The article applies only to prisoners who did not escape.
b. The deduction is based on the unexpired portion of the sentence.
c. The article applies only to prisoners who participated in a mutiny.
d. The deduction is based on the original sentence.
429.According to Article 29, how much of the time spent in preventive imprisonment is credited
towards the sentence if the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing after being
informed of the effects thereof and with the assistance of counsel to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners?
a. Full time credit
b. One-third
c. One-half
d. Four-fifths
430.If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon
convicted prisoners, the credited preventive imprisonment is
a. Fulltime credit
b. 4/5 credit

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c. 2/3 credit
d. 1/5 credit
431.Which of the following statements is true regarding the deductions for good conduct as per
Article 97?
a. The deduction for each month of good behavior during detention decreases as the
years of imprisonment progress.
b. The deduction for study, teaching, or mentoring service time rendered is the same for all
years of imprisonment.
c. The deduction for each month of good behavior during detention increases as the
years of imprisonment progress.
d. The deduction for each month of good behavior during detention is constant throughout
the period of imprisonment.
432.John has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. He has exhibited good behavior during his
3rd year of imprisonment. According to RA 10592, how many days per month can be
deducted from his sentence for this year?
a. 20 days per month
b. 23 days per month
c. 25 days per month
d. 30 days per month
433.Maria has been in prison for 6 years. During this time, she has shown exemplary behavior.
According to RA 10592, how many days per month can be deducted from her sentence for
these 6 years?
a. 20 days per month
b. 23 days per month
c. 25 days per month
d. 30 days per month
434.Carlos has been imprisoned for 2 years. He has consistently demonstrated good behavior.
According to RA 10592, how many days per month can be deducted from his sentence for
these 2 years?
a. 20 days per month
b. 23 days per month
c. 25 days per month
d. 30 days per month
435.David has been in prison for 12 years. He has been a positive role model for other inmates,
showing exceptional behavior and leadership skills. According to RA 10592, how many days
per month can be deducted from his sentence for these 12 years?
a. 20 days per month
b. 23 days per month
c. 25 days per month
d. 30 days per month
436.Among the following are authorized to grant time allowances, EXCEPT:
a. Director of the Bureau of Corrections
b. Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
c. Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or city jail
d. Chief of PNP
437.The following circumstances qualifies the crime of evasion of service of sentence.
a. By means of unlawful entry by breaking doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs or floors.

57 | P a g e
b. By using picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or intimidation.
c. Through connivance with other convicts or employees of the penal institution.
d. All of the choices
438.Mr. Toni was convicted of the crime murder. After 12 days from the promulgation of the
sentence he escaped from his place of confinement. Toni is:
a. liable of evasion of service of sentence
b. not liable for evasion of service of sentence
c. considered as an escaped prisoner
d. Either of A or C
439.It is given to prisoners who have returned to their places of confinement within 48 hours after
a calamity.
a. Good conduct time allowance
b. Special time allowance
c. Visitation privileges
d. Good treatment allowance
440.When the maximum penalty to which the accused may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be
released after ____ of preventive imprisonment.
a. 30 days
b. 20 days
c. 15 days
d. 60 days
441.The Bureau of Corrections has three Deputy-Director Generals, which among the following is
NOT one of the classified areas to be handled by the deputies?
a. Administration
b. Reformation
c. Investigation
d. Security and Operations
442.What division is responsible for managing the activities in the prison related to engineering,
property and logistics?
a. Legal division
b. General Services division
c. Administrative division
d. Finance division
443.Which among the following divisions is in-charge with the formulation of policies and develop
programs that strengthen and upgrade literacy of inmates thru formal and non-formal
education, vocational and training skills, sports and recreational activities?
a. Education and training division (ETD)
b. Health and Welfare Division (HWD)
c. Moral and Spiritual Division (MSD)
d. Work and Livelihood Division (WLD)
444.It refers to the facility exclusively used as the confinement area of all inmates within the prison
camp with specific consideration on spatial designation.
a. Cell
b. Infirmary
c. Hall
d. Dormitory

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445.All of the following statements are correct in relation to the standard guidelines for building
conjugal rooms, EXCEPT?
a. There should be a one (1) storey building
b. It shall accommodate twenty (20) couples
c. Each room shall have bed, fan and a comfort room
d. An observation room across the room is a must
446.What is the personnel-to-inmate ratio in conducting programs related to work and livelihood?
a. 1:80
b. 1:120
c. 1:150
d. 1:180
447.No BuCor uniformed personnel who has less than _________ of service before reaching the
compulsory retirement age shall be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any other
a. three (3) months
b. six (6) months
c. one (1) year
d. three (3) years
448.It ensures the security and safety of PDL during movement or transfer from jail to the court or
to another penal institution.
a. Shifting Unit Personnel
b. Escort Personnel
c. Gate Security & Control Personnel
d. Separation Center Personnel
449.All of the following are the information which must be recorded in the registration sheet,
a. Name of the inmate
b. Date and hour of the admission
c. Date and hour of birth
d. Sentence
450.An inmate may not wear a wig or artificial hairpiece, unless medical authorization to do so is
approved by the Superintendent. The admission of an inmate shall be made in an area that is
physically accessible from the general population.
a. Both statements are correct
b. Both statements are incorrect
c. Only the first statement is correct
d. Only the second statement is correct
451.A male PDL may enjoy conjugal visits from his spouse in prisons where there are facilities
therefore under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Director. The statement is
a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Partially false

59 | P a g e
452.What requirement must visitors typically fulfill before being allowed to visit a Person Deprived
of Liberty (PDL)?
a. Provide a medical certificate
b. Pay a visitation fee
c. Obtain a court order
d. Undergo security screening
453.What is the purpose of the headcount procedure in prisons?
a. To count the number of prison staff
b. To determine the number of visitors in the prison
c. To account for all inmates inside the penitentiary
d. To check the prison's equipment and inventory
454.What consequences could inmates face if they are found missing during a headcount?
a. They are given extra privileges
b. They may face prescribed disciplinary sanctions
c. They are punished by means of corporal punishment
d. They are allowed an extended visitation period
455.Which is NOT one of the privileges of an inmate?
a. Participate in civic, religious and other activities authorized by prison authorities
b. Attend or participate in any entertainment or athletic activity within the prison reservation
c. Attain credits for time allowances for good conduct and loyalty in the prison
d. Receive gifts and prepared food from visitors subject to inspection by the officer
456.Statement 1: Prison guards shall supervise the visiting area in an obtrusive manner.
Statement 2: They shall not eavesdrop on conversation or otherwise interfere with the privacy
of the inmate and his visitor.
a. Both statements are correct
b. Both statements are incorrect
c. Only Statement 1 is correct
d. Only Statement 2 is correct
457.All statements EXCEPT one, are all prohibited acts of inmates:
a. Making frivolous or groundless complaints
b. Loitering in the prison compound or reservation
c. Maligning or insulting any religious belief or group
d. Obeying legal orders of prison authorities courteously
458.Who shall hear cases involving inmates that violate prison rules?
a. Desk officer
b. Assistant Warden
c. Board of Discipline
d. Presiding Judge
459.The Board of Discipline shall be authorized to impose any of the following disciplinary
measures on an errant inmate, EXCEPT?
a. Caution or reprimand

60 | P a g e
b. Capital punishment
c. Cancellation of privileges
d. Change of security status
460.A female inmate shall not be subjected to disciplinary measures which might adversely affect
her ___________________.
a. Husband
b. Self
c. fellow inmates
d. unborn child
461.They are responsible in investigating complaints against police personnel. They conducts
inquiries, recommends appropriate administrative actions, and assists in the prosecution of
erring PNP members.
a. Internal Affairs Service
b. Commission on Human Rights
c. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
d. The Office of the Ombudsman
462.BJMP’s own disciplinary mechanism, which investigates complaints against jail officers.
a. Internal Affairs Service
b. Commission on Human Rights
c. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
d. The Office of the Ombudsman
463.An external body which investigates human rights violations, and the Ombudsman, which
handles complaints against government officials.
a. Internal Affairs Service
b. Commission on Human Rights
c. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
d. The Office of the Ombudsman
464.These are the requirements for commitment, EXCEPT:
a. Commitment Order
b. Medical Certificate
c. Police Clearance
d. Complaint/Information
465.It is the oldest penal facility, founded in 1832, is situated in Zamboanga City.
a. San Ramon
b. Sablayan
c. Davao Penal Colony
d. Iwahig Penal Colony
466.A penal institution that is considered a Martial Law baby.
a. San Ramon
b. Davao Penal Colony
c. CIW
d. Leyte Regional Prison
467.A written order of the court or any other competent authority consigning an inmate to jail or
prison for confinement.
a. Mittimus
b. Commitment order

61 | P a g e
c. Carpeta
d. Commitment
468.It is otherwise known as “inmate record or jacket”, it contains the personal and criminal record
of inmates.
a. Mittimus
b. Commitment order
c. Carpeta
d. Commitment
469.The act of unlawfully getting out from confinement or custody by an inmate.
a. Release
b. Escape
c. Discharge
d. freedom
470.An inmate who requires less supervision than other prisoners. Although he/ she may be
assigned special tasks, he/she has no special privileges, and is not allowed to work alone.
a. Trustee
b. Bastoneros
c. Jail aide
d. All of these
471.Special time allowance for loyalty shall be granted to an inmate who after evading the service
of his sentence on the occasion of disorder and voluntarily gives himself to authorities within 48
hours following the issuance of a proclamation announcing the passing away of such calamity.
a. ½
b. 4/5
c. ¾
d. 1/5
472.Days that an inmate will be transferred to the Separation and Placement Center to prepare him
for reentry into free society before his scheduled date of release.
a. 30
b. 90
c. 60
d. 120
473.After registration, the inmate shall be photographed, front and side view, fingerprinted and
assigned a permanent prison number. Next to that will be:
a. He/ she must take a bath.
b. In the case of male, he must be given a regulation haircut and his beard/
mustache shall be shaved off.
c. In case of female, she must be given a wig or artificial hairpiece
d. d. All of the above
474.Are inmates allowed to wear jewelry items inside the prison?
a. Yes, because he/she can afford it.
b. No, but he/she is allowed to wear inexpensive watch.
c. Yes, if he/she acquired it legally.
d. No, it is considered contraband.
475.The Head of the Bureau of Corrections is known as –
a. Chief of the Bureau of Corrections
b. Director of the Bureau of Corrections
c. Superintendent of the Bureau of Corrections
d. none of these
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476.Who is charged for the hearing of a disciplinary case in prison?
a. Classification Board
b. Administrative Board
c. Parole Board
d. Disciplinary Board
477.The Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, a National Penitentiary in the Philippines under the
BUCOR is located in _________________.
a. Palawan
b. Zamboanga
c. Davao
d. Occidental Mindoro
478.When a jailbreak, escape or riot is in progress or has just been perpetuated in the jail, the officer
at the control centers shall immediately:
a. Sound the alarm
b. Notify the nearest police precinct
c. Locked prisoners in their respective cells
d. Call the warden or the director
479.In case of mass jailbreak, all members of the custodial force shall be immediately issued
firearms and assigned to critical posts to:
a. Plug off the escape route
b. Protect the other inmates
c. To shoot the escape
d. To give warning shot
480.The task of changing an offender’s attitude so that he or she may not commit another crime in
the future.
a. Retribution
b. Deterrence
c. Incapacitation
d. Rehabilitation
481.They were known as Bridewells, which started in 1553 and served as training schools for
delinquent youths, provided housing and support for older and poorer persons, and detained
a. House of Corrections
b. Workhouses
c. Common jails
d. Penal colonies
482.Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to death penalty.
a. Municipal prisoners
b. City prisoners
c. Provincial prisoners
d. Insular prisoners
483.Prisoners whose sentences are from one day to six months –
a. Municipal prisoners
b. City prisoners
c. Provincial prisoners
d. Insular prisoners
484.The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP).
a. RA 8551
b. RA 9165
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c. RA 6975
d. BP 22
485.Who among the following is the provincial prisoner?
a. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) year
b. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and u
c. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years
d. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day up
486. An________ program employs prisoners in various products or good producing tasks.
a. Agricultural
b. Operational
c. Industrial
d. Administrative
487.This group includes prisoners who can be trusted to report their work assignments without the
presence of guards.
a. Minimum Security Prisoners
b. Medium Security Prisoners
c. Maximum Security Prisoners
d. Super Maximum-Security Prisoners
488.A prison institution that acts like a labor firm or labor agency to private businesses that needed
a. Contract System
b. Public Works
c. Lease System
d. Piece-price
489.Latin term meaning pain or suffering.
a. Punishment
b. Poena
c. Gaol
d. Jail
490.Used in confronting the mob, to advance against it for display for force or to block off an area.
a. Column
b. Wedge
c. Skirmisher Line
d. Diagonal
491.A social work focused on the individual in a group setting which attempts to help him function
more effectively in groups and derive greater satisfaction from this participation.
a. Social Casework
b. Social Work
c. Social Group Work
d. Group Work
492.It is considered today as the best reform institutions for young offenders.
a. Borstal Institution
b. Pennsylvania System
c. Auburn System
d. Penal Management
493.Under RA 10592, During the following years until the tenth year of his imprisonment, an
inmate shall be allowed a deduction of______for each month of good behavior during
a. 20 days
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b. 23 days
c. 25 days
d. 30 days
494.San Ramon Penal Farm was founded by _______ of the Spanish Royal Army.
a. Capt. Roman Blanco
b. Capt. Ramon Blanco
c. Col. Roman Blanco
d. Col. Ramon Blanco
495.A strongly made wooden armchair in which the victim was seated, an iron band being placed
around her so that she should not fall out during her immersion.
a. Scarlet Letter
b. Ducking Stool
c. Scavengers Daughter
d. Rack
496.This is mainly concerned with evaluating and interpreting interpersonal relationships and
dynamic transactions between the client and his environment.
a. Transactional Analysis
b. Social Casework
c. Crisis Intervention
d. Psychotherapy
497.Under this system, prisoners were allowed to work inside their cells and they were not allowed
to talk. Also known as “Solitary Confinement”.
a. Congregate System
b. Pennsylvania System
c. Auburn System
d. Elmira Reformatory
498.They may be excused from mandatory labor.
a. 50 years old
b. 60 years old
c. over 50 years old
d. over 60 years old
499. The judgment of the court based on the verdict or decision of the judge, that the defendant is
not guilty of the charge against him.
a. Acquittal
b. Conviction
c. Imprisonment
d. Detention
500.This has gained worldwide recognition as one of the best penal institutions in the world.
a. Elmira Reformatory
b. Bilibid Prison
c. Iwahig Penal Colony
d. CIW
501.Those who cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose lesser danger than maximum
security prisoners in case they escape.
a. Super Maximum security Prisoner
b. Maximum Security Prisoner
c. Medium Security Prisoner
d. Minimum prisoner

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502.Those who cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose lesser danger than maximum
security prisoners in case they escape.
a. Super Maximum security Prisoner
b. Maximum Security Prisoner
c. Medium Security Prisoner
d. Minimum prisoner
503.A therapy which was through the use of drugs in an attempt to teach the offender to associate
pain and displeasure with a certain stimulus, which previously led to criminal behavior.
a. Aversion Therapy
b. Chemotherapy
c. Sensory Deprivation
d. Neurosurgery
504.A goal which attempts to make the victim whole again.
a. Restoration
b. Retribution
c. Reparation
d. Indemnification
505.A deduction of_____ the period of his sentence shall be granted to any prisoner who, having
evaded his preventive imprisonment or the service of his sentence during conflagration, gives
himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation
announcing the passing away of the calamity.
a. one fifth
b. two fifth
c. three fourth
d. one half
506.A piece of stone which has a very sharp edge will be used to make a hole at the forehead of
the person who violates the law and they will pray or cast the evil spirit to get out in his body.
a. Banishment
b. Grotesque Mask
c. Trephination Method
d. Pungent Poison
507.Take charge of the preparation of the daily menu, prepare and cook the food and serve it to
a. Properties and Supply Branch
b. General Service Branch
c. Mess Service Branch
d. Mittimus Service Branch
508.They serve as the back-up force to support the other group and they shall be equipped with
tear gas guns and gas grenades.
a. 1st group
b. 2nd group
c. 3rd group
d. 4th group
509.The offender shall be allowed to stay not more than _______ in the place where the remains of
the deceased relative lie in state.
a. 3 hours
b. 5 hours
c. 30 km
d. 30 hours
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510.This facility was known as Jail today and was being managed by Shire Reeve.
a. Goal
b. Gaol
c. Gool
d. Gall
511. A former warship used to house prisoners in the 18th and 19th century.
a. Galleys
b. Jail
c. Gaol
d. Hulks
512. It refers to the acts which ensure the public (including families of inmates and their victims)
that released national inmates are no longer harmful to the community by becoming reformed
individuals prepared to live normal and productive lives upon reintegration to mainstream
a. Safekeeping
b. Rehabilitation
c. Reformation
d. Integration
513.The ratio of custodial personnel-to-inmate.
a. 1:6
b. 1:24
c. 1:7
d. 1:15
514.In general, all original appointments of officers in the BUCOR shall commence with the rank
a. Corrections technical officer
b. Corrections inspector
c. Corrections Senior Inspector
d. Inspector
515.Person who grants time allowances.
a. Director of BUCOR
b. Chief of BJMP
c. Warden of municipal, city, district, provincial jail
d. All of these
516.Under R.A 10592, if the inmate while serving his/her sentence inside the prison facility
renders mentoring services, teaching or study he/she is entitled to a deduction of_________.
a. 1/5
b. 2/5
c. 4/5
d. 15 days
517.A deduction of__ from the period of his sentence shall be granted to a prisoner chosen to stay
in the place of confinement notwithstanding the existence of a calamity or catastrophe.
a. 1/5
b. 2/5
c. 4/5
d. 15 days
518.When shall criminal liability partially be extinguished?
a. By conditional Pardon
b. By commutation of sentence
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c. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may earn while he is undergoing
preventive imprisonment or serving his sentence.
d. All of the above
519.It is known as the Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013.
a. R.A 10592
b. R.A 10575
c. R.A 9263
d. R.A 6975
520. What is the required hours for custodial personnel to render for operational tour-of-duty daily?
a. 50 hours
b. 8 hours
c. 10 hours
d. 5 hours
521.Shall be responsible for pre-release and post-release programs of inmates due for release.
a. DRD
b. RDC
c. Directorate for External Relations
d. Directorate for Internal Relations
522. It provides basic needs and security through its Security and Operations Directorates,
administer reformation programs through its Reformation Directorates, and prepares inmates
for reintegration to mainstream through its Directorate for External Relations.
a. DRD
b. RDC
c. Directorate for External Relations
d. Directorate for Internal Relations
523.The ratio of reformation personnel-to-inmate.
a. 1:6
b. 1:7
c. 1:24
d. 1:15
524.He appoints the Director General & Deputy Director General of BUCOR.
a. Civil Service Commission
b. Secretary of DOJ
c. President
d. Senate President
525.The tenure of office of the Director and Deputy Directors of BUCOR.
a. 5 yrs
b. 6 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. 10 yrs.
526. Are personnel employed in the implementation of reformation programs and those personnel
whose nature of work requires proximate or direct contact with inmates?
a. Technical Officer
b. Corrections Officer
c. Corrections Technical Officer
d. Custodial Officer

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" As you prepare for your exams, keep in mind that success is not only

measured by grades but also by the knowledge and passion you acquire along the

way. You have chosen a path that seeks justice and understanding in the face of

crime, so believe in your potential. Your commitment to deciphering the

complexities of criminal behavior is noble and essential for building safer societies.

Accept the challenges that lie ahead of you with tenacity and fortitude.

Realize that failures are opportunities for personal development and let them

bolster your resolve. Every exam you take is a chance to demonstrate your

comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical abilities. Have faith in the training

you have obtained and the innumerable hours of effort you have put in.

Keep things organized and start a study.”

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Q&A CRI 029

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