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1. Study Sources 1 and 2.

(a) According to Source 1,

how many people regularly
suffered from hunger and
poor nutrition
Ans- In 2021 the United
Nations estimated that 800
million people
regularly suffered from
hunger and poor nutrition.

(b) (i) Identify one example

of a generalization from
Source 2. (50 words)

Ans- One example of a

generalization in your
message is when you state,
"Worldwide, about 25
percent of children do not get
the food they need." This
statement generalizes the
situation for children
globally without specifying
regional variations or
(ii) Explain why the example
you identified is a
generalisation. (70 words)

Ans- Because it gives a

broad, generalized number
(i.e., "25 percent of children
worldwide") without taking
into account the various and
complex elements that affect
hunger and malnutrition in
various locales and
communities, the example I
gave is an example of a
generalization. Location,
socioeconomic variables, and
regional circumstances can
all have a substantial impact
on hunger levels. Such a
claim oversimplifies a
complicated problem and
may obscure the particular
difficulties that different
populations face in the fight
against hunger.
Q Sources 1 and 2 suggest
causes of hunger.
Which cause of hunger do
you think is the most
significant? Explain why.
(100 words)

Ans- Among the causes of

hunger listed in both sources,
I believe that poverty is the
most significant
factor.Poverty is an
overarching issue that often
underlies and worsen other
causes of hunger, such as
shortages,Extreme weather
and climate change,Unfair
international trade.People
who are poor have limited
access to sufficient, healthy
food because they lack the
money to buy it. Individuals
and families may become
caught in a cycle of hunger
and malnutrition as a result
of their financial situation.
Making significant progress
in eradicating hunger and
poor nutrition internationally
depends on addressing
poverty through social safety
nets, equitable income
distribution, and sustainable
economic development.

(d) From Source 2, describe

the food charity’s perspective
on hunger.
Ans- According to Source 2,
the food charity's stance on
hunger emphasises its severe
effects, worldwide
significance, children's
fragility, and a plea for
compassion and teamwork to
end hunger.

2. A government wants to
reduce hunger for people
living in poverty.
Which one of the above
mentioned actions would you
recommend to the
government, and
why? In your answer, you
Ans- I would recommend
government to provide free
food in areas of poverty to
reduce hunger for people
living in the poverty.
Q State your
recommendation (50 words)
Ans- In places of poverty, I
advise the government to
offer free food. The
immediate relief from hunger
that can be provided by this
direct method will help
people in need while longer-
term measures to combat
poverty are put in place. It
ensures that the most
vulnerable groups have
access to nourishing meals
and offers them quick
Q Give reasons and evidence
to support your choice (50
Ans- Free food distribution
in underdeveloped areas is an
important step because it
takes care of the people who
are most in need of
sustenance right away. This
strategy has been proven
successful in emergency
relief efforts and guarantees
vulnerable populations have
access to nutrition while
more extensive strategies for
poverty reduction are put
into place.
Q use the material in the
sources and/or any of your
own ideas (50 words)
Ans- As Source 2's call to
action emphasizes, the
objective of decreasing
hunger is aligned with the
practice of giving away food
in underdeveloped areas. It
ensures that vulnerable
groups, especially children,
have access to food and
immediately solves food
shortages that are
compounded by rising costs
and pandemics. While
pursuing complementing
long-term poverty reduction
strategies, this strategy
provides immediate aid.
Q consider different
arguments and perspectives
(50 words)
Ans- Free food can reduce
hunger in the short term, but
it might not address the
underlying causes of hunger
and poverty. Some contend
that long-term measures to
end hunger and poverty, such
as job development,
education, and income
assistance, are more
successful. It is crucial to
take a well-balanced strategy
that includes both short-term
alleviation and long-term

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