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CopHight © IL\C Robot COlltrol ROBOT CO:\TROL

Ka rlsruh e . FR(;. I~I HH


P. Kopacek, K. Desoyer and P. Lugner
L'ni" l'I"sity of Linz , Tpchnicai L'nil 'e rsity \/iel/na , Austria

Abstract: This survey gives a short introduction to the today robot structure and problems
of motion control and some remarks for future aspects of lightweight , high performance
robots, that will include parts with non negligible flexibilities . How the modelling of this
time variant elastic deformations, a substantial part of any control strategy, can principally
be done is shown based on the recent literature.
The quasistatic method uses substitutive springs to describe the elastic deformat ions at spe-
ciallocations. For the dynamic behaviour of vibrating flexible links FE-methods, a vibration
mode or shape functions approach or other combined methods may be applied. The char-
acteristics of the FE-methods are their advantage of a realistic modelling of complex shaped
links but with the drow back of high evaluation time. The vibration mode methods need
a special knowledge to select the right set of functions but lead to short evaluation time.
Combined methods are also based on a fracturizing of the deformable elements into smaller
units, whose elastic properties can be described more easily.
The modelling of the elastic properties and an adequate control will be an essential basis for
a future time and energy efficient robot performance.
Keywords: Flexible Robots, Modelling, Systems of Elastic Bodies .

This paper deals with one feature of the robots of the

next generation, their flexibility - not in the meaning of
performing tasks but with the elastic flexibility of their links
1 Introduction or substructures. Today the ratio of payload to weight of an
industrial robot amounts from 1:10 to 1:30 and less. Com-
Microelectronics are rapidly changing the face of manufac- pared with man it is very low - one person is able to have a
turing throughout the world. Large as well as small com- ratio of 1:3 or more. One of the goals for the next generation
panies are adopt ing these new methods to improve the ef- of robots will be a ration in this dimension. This might be
ficiency of their operations. Researchers are developing ad- possible only by developing lightweight robots . Their arms
vanced technologies suitable for application in manufactur- may be made of new materials (e. g. fibreglass reinforced
ing. In such manufacturing concepts , industrial robots and plastic) or with a greater utilization of the material proper-
handling devices will be of great importance in the next fu- ties and therefore elastic deformations may occur during the
ture. Today robots are u:ed for various purposes in large performance of the robot as a consequence of the static and
manufacturing companies specialized in distinct fields (au- dynamic forces. Nevertheless, the handpoint of the robot has
tomotive industry, electrical industries) as well as in small to reach each point in the working space without overshoot-
companies. ing. This requires new "advanced" control algorithms which
The main parts of an industrial robot are the arm, the can be developed only on the basis of appropriate models
actuators including the gears and the control computer. Ad- for the dynamic behavior. For flexible robots the control as
ditional parts are the gripper including the gripping device, well as external sensors are of great importance. Therefore
internal sensors or position measurement systems and exter- these parts should be described in more detail.
nal sensors. The arm as well as the gripper each realize usu- The term "robot control" includes some different tasks
ally three degrees of freedom. These can be either translato- which have to be carried out by the control computer. The
rial (T) or rotational (R) . For different applications different main tasks of the control computer of an industrial robot
configurations may be appropriate. A revolute arm (RRR) are:
might be the best for reaching into a tub, whereas a cylindri-
- transformation of world coordinates into robot co-
cal arm (TRT or RTT) might be the best suited to execute
ordinates and vice versa
a straight thrust between the dies of a punch press .
Internal sensors e. g. encoders, resolvers or other devices - calculation of the speed and acceleration of the
are mounted on each joint for giving the actual position in "hand" in robot coordinates as well as in world
robot coordinates . coordinates

22 P. Kopacek , K. Deso"er and P. Lugner

calculation of points on a desired path - e. g. proximity sensors provide information about pres-
straight line between two points in the working ence, distance, speed of approximation . . , They
space work without contact .
determination of the necessary command values, visual sensors are of great importance for tasks in
resulting from the tasks mentioned before, for the connection with assembly operations (part identi-
joint controllers fication , orientation ... ). They work mainly with
position control of the axes in accordance to the TV cameras.
calculated command values. auditive sensors are being de\'eloped and serve for
speech recognition.
While the calculation of the world coordinates from the
robot coordinates is always easy, the reverse case might be
difficult for some types of industrial robots . Whether a 2 General considerations on flexi-
closed solution for calculating the robot coordinates from bility
world coordinates exists depends on the kinematic structure
and the construction parameters of the robot. E. g. eccen- Kinematics, kinetics and control of industrial robots have
tricities in the joints might be responsible that the control been studied extensively under the assumption that the links
computer has to solve the inverse transformation in a recur- can be modelled as "rigid bodies", an assumption which is
sive way. warranted in the great majority of manipulators in use today,
The term "path calculation" has usually different mean- so called "heavy constructions" - in order to avoid untoler-
ings. The a priori information could consist in able posi tioning inaccuracies that may be caused by elastic
deflections and vibrations. The advantage of such a con-
a total determination of the path or struction is that angular encoders at the act uator shafts or
a determination of distinct points of a desired at the joints can be used to gain information of the actual
path together with information on the kind of the position of the end-effector in world coordinates in a purely
connecting slope. geometric manner. Therefore the control device can use this
information directly. But that is not enough if the deflections
Both, the path or distinct points might be given in robot of the substructures of a manipulator cannot be neglected
coordinates or in world coordinates. anymore .
The robot may be programmed by the "teach-in meth- For assembling tasks, for example, robots should be faster
ode" or by point or path calculation (e. g. by optimization and therefore light weight constructions are necessary. Never-
criteria) . theless, they should have better positioning accuracy. Thus,
The problem of path generation leads to the problem of lightweight constructions and flexibility of the components
calculating points along a desired path. This path might be will be consequences of compromises between
determined under different assumptions
higher acceleration and speed ,
minimum time for the motion
higher ratio payload mass/ moved total mass,
realizing the shortest distance (straight line be-
smaller actuators, lower energy consumption and
tween two points)
safer operation due to reduce masses ,
minimum energy consumption for the motion
positioning accuracy,
along the path.
range of working space ,
Calculating only the position, the robot would stop at complexity of control system,
each of the calculated or predescribed points. Therefore, for
- total costs, etc.
a continous motion of the robot, it is necessary to determine
in addition a speed and probably an acceleration in each of There are three possi bili ties for the reduction of moved
these points. mass:
Generally the control computer is structured as a host
computer for the tasks mentioned before connected to mi- 1. The links are characterized by
crocomputers which control the position of each joint. The
(a) their geometric size
outputs of the host computer are command values resulting
from the path generation in the two described ways . (b) their material , (Yo ung's modulus, mass density,
Basis of each position control design for robots are the permi t ted maximal stress)
kinematic and kinetic equations of the robot arm. For the (c) their permitted maximal deflexion .
main types of robots commercially available today these
equations are derived in the sense of rigid body systems These items determine the to tal mass . Considerations
e.g. in Desoyer, Kopacek and Troch (1985). in optimizing are presented e. g. by Book and Majette
External sensors give the control computer of the robot (1983), Kiedrzynski (1986), Weck and Stave (1986),
additional information about the surrounding. External sen- and especially in considerations of new materials by
sors available today may be classified into four main groups: Urbanek (1988).

2. Even with todays heavy constructions the rotors of

tractile sensors are used for measuring forces and
the dri\'ing devices with large gear ratios contain a
moments, usually between the gripping de\'ice and
great part of the total kinetic energy of the manip-
the object or between the arm and the end effec-
ulators (e. g. Springer , Lugner, Desoyer, 1985, Fig.3) .
tor .
Here , it seems appropriate to combine rotors and gears
so that the kinetic energy of the rotors is reduced to
a minimum (for a given maximum of power needed) .
\Ioclelling of Flexihle Robots 23

With the high gear ratios used today the fast rotat-
ing rotors attached to moving vibrating links cause kinetostatic method dynamic methods
periodic gyroscopic moments which may produce ad- /
ditional disturbing vibrations transversal to these vi-
brations of the links_ Those are further reasons for
keeping the moment of momentum of the rotors low
(Desoyer, Kopacek, Troch, (1985); Desoyer, Lugner,
Springer, (1985)) .

3. The question of distributing the driving devices to the

links or some of them in the foundation, in connection
with the driving shafts which are more or less likely to
vibrate seems important too.

Therefore investigations are made all over the world to

gain mechanical-mathematical models and advanced control
rigid link with eigenfunctions planar finite
algorithms for the "next generation" of robots considering torsional spring or shape functions beam elements
the flexibility of their substructures. They will be equipped for bending
with internal and external sensors giving them additional
information about their own status and their surrounding. Figure 1: Modelling of the elastic properties demonstrated
In order to obtain good compromises as mentioned above for the planar bending of a beam shaped link.
theoretical and experimental studies in the field of dynamics
and control of flexible robots are imperative in consideration
of the vast variety of construction possibilities. As computer
3.1 Kinetostatic method
aided methods are being developed fast, such studies seem If the rigid body motion of the system can be calculated or
quite promising now . This is also shown by the great num- is known small elastic quasistatic deformations due to in-
ber of previous publications - and those presented at this ertial forces, link weights and loads will be superimposed
symposium - on dynamics and control of manipulators with on this reference motion, e. g. Jonker (1986), Kiedrzynski
flexible parts . (1986) , Spong (1986), Rivin and Zeid (1986), Book and Ma-
jette (1983), Book, Maizza-Neto and Whitney (1975).
As an example the planar elastic deflection of a beam
3 System modelling shaped link may be considered. The deflection at its free
end can be determined using the mathematical results of a
To analyse the behaviour and to get the necessary informa-
clamped beam loaded with a single force at the free end . The
tion for the control system the robot has to be modelled as
thereby obtained force deflection relation can be transfered
a number of flexible substructures - links, joints, actuators.
to the joint , so that the revolutionary joint of the link pro-
The elastic deformations and vibrations of these parts and
vides an additional degree of freedom represented by a tor-
their control will be essential for the maximal working speed
sional spring . In general that means that the elastic deflec-
and the demanded precision.
tion of a link (or a drive train or a part of complex structure)
For an accurate mathematical description of the flexibil-
due to a static loading is used to derive a substitutive spring
ity - more precisely the time variant elastic deformations -
for an equal deflection at a special position. With respect to
of such an often complex shaped structure partial differen-
a spatial arrangement, instead of a substitutive spring, an
tial equations are responsible together with kinematic and
elastic transfer matrix can be established. In a similar way
dynamic boundary and initial conditions. The rigid body
substitutive dampers may be defined or assumed.
model of the system and the thereby calculated motion may
For the kinetostatic method such a substitutive spring
only be used as a reference system. Only approximate so-
can present the flexibility of a link mounted at an ideal rigid
lutions of the elastic problem can be found using modelling
joint , a rigid link moved by a flexible drive train or any
techniques to simulate a more or less idealized substitute.
combination of joint, drive train and link flexibility. The
For the description of the elastic and dynamic behaviour of
necessary transformations from robot coordinates - now l!.
such flexible structures as especially beams, plates, shells
degrees of freedom corresponding to the rigid body motion
quite a number of well-known approaches are applied and
and '1. for the considered elasticities - into world coordinates
extended to robot structures.
x may be done by the transformation matrix
The methods used may be classified into the main cate-
gories - see fig. 1
kinetostatic method where the matrices .4;j correspond to the rigid body case
dynamic methods: and t he matrices Ej account for the deviations due to the
• vibration mode approach flexibility of part j - e. g. Judd and Falkenburg (1985) .

• finite element methods The general form of the equations of motion for such a
other or combined methods. robot model are formally equal to those stated in equation
(2) .
The following characterization of these methods is based The numerical calculation provides directly the signals
on the well-known basic considerations and the recent litera- for the control system for positions used to determine the
ture . Due to the great number of publications and their not substitutive springs whereas for other locations an interpo-
always clear association with one of the methods only a lim- lation, may be including the static deflections , has to be
ited number of references, without classification, are stated done .
in the following chapter.
24 P. Kopacek . K. DesO\·er and P. Lugner

For example a beam shaped finite element can provide

3.2 Dynamic methods the mathematical relation between the displacements of both
ends and the forces and moments acting at those ends. They
An special problem with high working speeds and the con-
are the nodes to the next finite elements with the same prop-
sequently associated rapid changes in acceleration may be
erties. Also a mass matrix is adjoint to each element for the
the induced vibrations of the robot parts themselves. These
mechanical description of the inertia effects . The q.j char-
time variant bending or torsional deflections will be espe-
acterizes an elastic degree of freedom of the element k, that
cially essential for long spanning, lightweight links and for
may be presented by the spatial or angular displacement of
the control of their motion. For such cases the quasistatic
an element node with respect to a link-fixed frame. So one
approach cannot provide the necessary information and one
finite element k has j = 1,2, ... ,jk elastic OOF, e.g. j. = 3
of the following two different dynamic methods has to be
for a planar beam element.
The mathematical formulations of the properties (force
deflection relations) of quite a number of different shaped
3.2.1 Finite element method (FE-method)
elements like beams, plates, shells, ... are generally available
In Fig. 2 the main features of the finite element modelling of and can be used for a computer aided formulation.
a robot structure are shown in the form of a block diagram. The equations of motion are established in the local FE-
The links considered flexible will be substituted by a finite frames first, with the rigid body motion used as a reference
number of elements. The shapes, number and deformation system. If a linearization also with respect to the deforma-
properties of these elements depend not only on the shape of tion angles of preceding elements is employed, the compila-
the link but also have to take into account requirements im-
tion of all ni FE of link i will result in a set of L j. linear
posed by the control system, e. g. Midha, Erdman and Frorib <=1
(1978), Sunada and Oubowsky (1981), Geradin, Robert and differential equations for the elastic coordinates.
Bernardin (1984), Hirschberg (1985). After the transformation to world coordinates, similar to
(1), the compilation of the equations of all links leads to
a generally large set of differential equations of the whole

Flexible Robot
I robot with a number of L t
i .Ie=l
j. elastic OOF, where the qkj

! are assembled in the vector '1. and the OOF for the rigid body
motion assembled in vector E. Its general mathematical form
Single Structure for an autonomous system also suitable for the controller
e. g. Link i Link i +1 design is

I I (2)
ni Finite Elements

of Link i
For this system of generally nonlinear equations the matrix
jk Elastic OOF for r- H(~) represents a generalized mass matrix and B(!!) the
Finite Element k generalized control forces as a function of the control vector
Equations of Motion
I l!. The main parts of the vector L are inertial and gyroscopic
terms and the elastic and damping properties of the system.
for the Element k
I The vector;;. comprises all (generalized) coordinates of the

I The nonlinear apprach, presented by the right hand side

Geometric no I Transformation
of figure 2, takes into account that the deflections of the link
itself with respect to its rigid body reference configuration
I to Link Frame are no longer small. Then also the derivatives of the trans-
formation matrices from the local elements to the link frame

I yc.s
I lead to nonlinearities. The dashed line in figure 2 indicates

Assembling of the I the afterwards principally same assembling procedure to the

Equations for Link i

L jk Elastic OOF I
I whole robot equations as in the "linearized" case. Natu-
rally the evaluation effort for the fully nonlinear case will be
remarkably higher and may include an iteration procedure.

To separate what can be done by off-line mathematical
- I - -
I modelling and preparation and the following online effort

to Global System
I a demarcation line is set in fig . 2. It seems appropriate to
include the transformation from the link frames to the ref-
erence frame of the world coordinates for the global robot
Assembling of I
I motion into the numerical evaluation for each time step.
As most investigations show, even a small number of fi-
Link Equations
L L jk Elastic OOF
r- ,...J I nite elements per link and a restriction to bending in only
one plane make a real time computing for a robot with two
i 11:::- I or more flexible links impossible today.
I I 3.2.2 Vibration mode approach
Solution Solution
The elastic deformations of a flexible link i are described by
a set of ni shape functions !Iij(r:;) with their time dependent
Figure 2: Scheme of FE-modelling. amplitudes qij( t) representating the elastic OOF of the link
Modelling of Flexible Robots 25

- e. g. Book , Maizza-Neto and Whitney (1975) , Matsuoka in the highest order time derivatives. The nonlinear branch,
and Citron (1985) , Cetinkunt, Siciliano and Book (1986) , indicated by the dashed line in the right branch, comprises
Nicosia, Tomei and Tornambe (1986), Johanni (1986) . So the same steps, but will naturally lead to a more complex
the elastic deformation !!!i(r;, t) at a position r; of the link i set of system equations . Again the resulting equations can
can be formulated by a series expansion or modal expansion be written in the form of equation (2) .
As indicated by the demarcation , most of the preparation
Yl;(r;,t) = I:llj;(r;)qj;(t) (3) work for the evaluation can be done omine. The selection of
j =l proper shape functions will always be a problem connected to
the special application, but it will be increasingly supported
For these functions l!.j;(r;) a set of vibration modes or eigen-
by computer aided algorithms. So e. g. a precalculation with
functions may be used, that are directly derived from the
FE-methods for a link may lead to approximat ions for the
partial differential equations and the individual boundary
vibration modes. Because most of the offline work could be
conditions describing the behaviour of the considered flex-
done in analytical handy form , the real evaluation will be
ible part . So this approach can be applied for relatively
very time efficient.
simple boundary conditions and geometry of the parts only
- e. g. Sakawa and Matsuno (1986), Balas (1978) - because A comparison of these two dynamic methods with re-
for a fast moving part connected to arbitrary moving neigh- spect to quality of information, cal c ula~ion and evaluation
bours the boundary conditions will be very complex. efforts will remain a problem, because of the number of FE
Therefore generally a Ritz approach, an appropriate set or number and kind of the shape functions chosen, e. g. Ho-
of shape functions not directly related to the basic differ- henbichler (1987), Plockinger (1987).
ential equation and boundary conditions will be employed The FE-methods have better possibilities to model links
- e.g. Truckenbrodt (1978), (1981), (1982). So e.g. often of geometrically complex shapes, but at the cost of a greater
shape functions corresponding to the eigenfunctions of a number of FE-elements and thereby evaluation time. On
clamped-free beam are used to describe the deflections of the other hand , eigenfunctions or shape functions for com-
the joint at the end of the beam, thus providing the position plex shaped links need a great preparation effort (e. g. with
and the attitude for the clamped end of the next beam in a employing FE-methods as mentioned before) and experience
chain structured robot arm. to utilize the smaller number of DOF.
In figure 3, showing a similar overview like fig . 2, for a Using the FE-methods no problems occur connecting the
robot with flexible links, the third level indicates the decom- links, whereas using shape functions which violate boundary
position of the elastic deflexion of a link i into n; shape func- conditions introduce a systematic incoherence into the sys-
tions with an equal number of elastic DOF. As indicated in tem. But increasing the accuracy means more shape func-
tions , taking into account the boundary conditions more pre-
the left branch, a (geometrical) linearization with respect to
cisely, and that will result in a higher evaluation time.
the influences of preceding elastic deformations will provide
In contrast to the FE-methods a description of the flex-
a set of differential equations which has no strong coupling
ibilities by the vibration mode methods , together with an
individual adaptation, are more likely to enable a real time

I Flexible Robot
I 1
evaluation in the soon future .

3.2 .3 Combined methods

Each of the above mentioned methods uses greater or smaller
Beam Shaped
Link i +1 elements with flexible properties or elements providing flexi-
Link i
bility by the kind of connexion. So there will be a transition
I I in the methods applied for modelling flexibilities from sim-
ple elements to such with improved properties and to an
n; Eigenfunctions = ~
n; Elastic DOF r increasing number of elements.
for Link i The combined methods also use some kind of segmenta-

I I tion or local flexibilities of the considered robot components.

Often they are tuned in such a way, that already available
Equations of and proved software programs can be used at least for a part
Motion Described
in Global System
I of the preparation and evaluation effort.
So e. g. a method models a flexible beam-like structure

I I by rigid body subelements that are connected by hinges

or spherical joints and springs and dampers . Then, the
off-line preparation for the calculation can use already sta-
Linearization I no
bliched symbolical computer algorithms for rigid body sys-
tems, e. g. Schiehlen and Rauh (1986). It should be acknowl-

I yes
I I edged that a proper combination of different features of the
known methods may lead to an improved precision of the
Assembling of
Link Equations ~.-J I I:::
calculated results together with high time efficiency of the
2:: Tt; Elastic DOF

- --
I -
I I 4 Conclusions
Solution Solution c
c :>
The construction and the design of future high performance
robots have to consider all components from configurations
:; and shapes of links, joints, actuators , the system modelling
Figure 3: Scheme of the vibration mode modelling. with the background of available computer capacity to the
26 P. Kopace k. K. Deso\'er and P. Lugner

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