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1588 AIM Platform

GI Surgery

Colon Due to the high mortality rate

cancer of colon cancer in the US, surgeons

continue to search for solutions
Improving detection
of adenomas during
is the second leading that enhance safety and increase colonoscopy may be
cause of cancer death efficiency in identifying polyps the key to more
in the United States.1 during colonoscopies. effective screening.

During colonoscopy, up to 20% of polyps may be missed on

initial examination, especially flat and small mucosal lesions.2 20%
See and do more in
Gastrointestinal Surgery
The 1588 AIM Platform allows you to see more in GI Surgery. The video enhancement
capabilities built into Clarity are designed to allow surgeons to more precisely
identify polyps and adenomas during colonoscopies.

1588 AIM Platform:

• Real-time video enhancement device designed to improve visualization by increasing
clarity, contrast, and detail
• Military grade technology that helps surgeons see through sub optimal conditions by
improving image quality up to 48%3
• Enhances tissue level detail and possible abnormalities, polyps, and adenomas
• Designed to improve color to enhance contrast and depth when viewing surgical footage

Improves image quality by up to 48%3

Together with our customers,

we are driven to make health care better.
Stryker Color Palette
7549 421 425 425 425 425
7549 421 139 425 405 7666 7545 5477 139 7662 647 7475

Complete control of your

operating room with SDC3

Customized OR experience
• Customized monitor, print and save settings
are programmed to your preferences with
the touch of a button
• Anatomical labels are designed for your
surgical workflow

Seamless surgical workflow

• Customized automatic annotations label each image
sequentially through voice commands
• Dual channel functionality for flexible and rigid
endoscopy in the OR
• 1080p transmission to up to three LED monitors
with SYNK Wireless Transmitter

Elevated surgical content

• Share customized post operative reports containing
surgical images and recovery instructions for enhanced
patient engagement and education

1. Siegel et al. Cancer statistics. CA CANCER J CLIN 2015; 65:5–29.
2. Yeung,et al. Advances in endoscopic visualization of colorectal polyps.
2011 Apr;13(4):352-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2009.02142.x.
3. Data on File: ECO21631

The information presented in this brochure is intended to demonstrate a Stryker product. Always refer to the package
insert, product label and/or user instructions before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all
markets. Product availability is subject to the regulatory or medical practices that govern individual markets. Please
contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area. Stryker Endoscopy
5900 Optical Court
Products referenced with ™ designation are trademarks of Stryker.
San Jose, CA 95138
Products referenced with ® designation are registered trademarks of Stryker.
t: 1 800 624 4422
Literature Number: 1000901940 Rev. A
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Copyright © 2015 Stryker

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