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Muriel Bautista


BK2: The GE Reading Club (Optional Activity)

I particularly find it boring to read journal articles, however, reading some about popular culture
takes me back to the days when life was easy. I read an article about the various popular
cultures in our country during the pre-pandemic era, and I realized how life was so much better
back then. It was just about everyone getting their daily milk tea fixation, watching the latest
primetime television series during siesta, and the harmless corny jokes everyone tossed
around. It felt so nostalgic considering that it was only 5 years ago. Life was so easy back then.
Was it the laid-back ambiance and the general atmosphere and vibes everyone was feeling, or
the lack of responsibilities I had back then, or is it the toxic environment and values everyone
has to live with today? From the journal, the author highlighted the definition of popular culture
and defined it in the Filipino context. Popular culture explains the characteristics of a certain
society. It can be the current fixation of society, such as films, music, art, fashion, technology,
and social media. These can alter an individual’s behavior, belief, and attitude. However, it's
only short-term. For instance, according to Sabido (2019), in the Philippine setting, popular
culture is superficial and mostly fun-going. Nothing negative, as most Filipinos find it better to
experience the fun and joy in most things despite the troubles. Hence, from the reading, it can
be concluded that popular cultures are the popular trends a society is fixated on currently at the
time, that brings positivity and inclusivity among different groups of people in a society. It
connects people and promotes diversity. From the reading, it can be said that popular culture is
significant in a society to improve its social ability and the overall quality of life of the people.


Sabido, A. (2019). Philippine Pop Culture.

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