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s there any importance of the 6 fold table in KP?

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

613- P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School

Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile: +91-982531165: Phone: +91-7925460376

Mostly, all KP Astrologers use the 4-fold table, but in my experience, it is very useful to use
the 6-fold table. During my entry in to KP, I only read books authored by Chandrakant
Bhatt that were published in the Gujarati language. He used the 4-fold table in his
examples. But when I saw his explanation about dasa joint period or cuspal sub lord, he
used the 'Planet A is in the star of B and sub of C formula'. It is nothing but the 6-fold
table. If we want to use the 4-fold table, we have to use the formula 'A is in the star of B'.

During discussion about then 4-fold or 6-fold table, most advocate the use of the 4-fold
table, but I teach the 6-fold table to all my students. Only one person has drawn attention
of KP followers to the 6-fold table, and he is Mr. Dhanabalan Rangasamy.

Why do I advocate the use of the 6-fold table? I have checked all the readers and other
literature in KP, and have tried to check what is actually being used in KP literature.

In KPEzine, September 2015 issue, under QA section, Shri Tin Win ji replied as under:

Question: Six Fold Signification

Don't you think your below statement is rwthing but sixfo'kl. signffJCation?

The bottom line is ''In order tD get the better prediction results all the lwuses signff'led by the
planet level, star level and sub level are tD be jointly considered, keeping in mind the double
role of sub as a decider as well as an event indicator".

According to the KP fundamental rule: "The planet is the source, constellation indicates
nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is favorable or not.",
when the required house(s) for a matter under study, e.g. house 2,7,11 for marriage, are
indicated by the planet or/ and its star, the indication of its sub is to be considered as
favorable decider ifit is 2,7,11, or unfavorable decider ifit is 1,6,10, in selection of fruitful
significators. If the required house(s), 2,7,11, are not indicated by the planet and its star,
the indication of required house(s), 2,7,11, by sub is to be taken as an event indicator.

In the six-fold signification, as sub is taken as the outright significator it cannot play the
role of decider as mentioned in the KP fundamental rule, and consequently sub cannot be
used as a tool in selection of fruitful significators without using the ruling planets. So the
six-fold signification is excluded in the six KP readers of 1970-71 although it appears in a
few places of "Krishnamurti Padhdhati Vol. 2" of Sagar Publications in 1966.

Now if "In the six-fold signification, as sub is taken as the outright significator it cannot
play the role of decider as mentioned in the KP fundamental rule, and consequently sub
cannot be used as a tool in selection of fruitful significators without using the ruling

If this statement is right, then how do we get an answer in example mentioned below taken
from KP literature.

KP Ezine September 2017 1

Readersl and 2 do not contain any examples.

Reader 3:
Page: 150
The chart on this page was used to discuss Job related issues.
4 fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun
6 Saturn-Ketu Sun, Mercury Jupiter Saturn
10 Rahu Mars Venus

Total significators are Sun, Saturn, Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus.
Getting first job during Sun-Saturn-Moon in January 1952.
Moon is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify a Job dur
ing Moon Antra?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in Planet in Occupant Planet in the Planet in Owner

the sub of the star of (C) sub of Owner the star (F)
Occupant Occupant (D) of Owner
(A) (B) (E)
2 Sun
6 Moon Saturn- Sun, Sun Jupiter Saturn
Ketu Mercury
10 Rahu Mars, Jupiter Mars Venus

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Saturn, Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus.
By using then 6-fold significators, we can justify how Moon antra work.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-6-10 at all. It is
only at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Sun) that it indicates house 6.

Page: 315
The chart on this page was used to discuss overseas travel.
4-fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Mars, Sun, Sun, Venus, Moon Jupiter
Venus, Ketu Ketu
9 Rahu Rahu Mercury Mercury
12 Mercury Mercury

Total significators are Mars, Sun, Venus, Ketu, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury.

KP Ezine September 2017 2

Going overseas, during joint period of Saturn-Rahu-Mars-Saturn on 3-10-1951.
Saturn is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify overseas
travel during Saturn dasa-Sookshma?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) in the the star of (F)
(A) Occupant sub of Owner
(B) Owner (E)
3 Sun, Moon, Mars, Mars, Sun, Sun, Moon Jupiter
Jupiter, Saturn Venus, Venus,
Ketu Ketu
9 Rahu Rahu Venus, Mercury Mercury
12 Venus, Mercury Mercury

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Ketu, Rahu, Mercury.
By using the 6 fold significators, we can justify how Saturn dasa-Sookshma worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Saturn does not indicate houses 3-9-12 at all. It
is only at the sub level that it indicates house 3.

Reader 4:

Page: 175
The chart on this page was used to discuss Marriage.
The 4-fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the star Owner

of Occupant (B) of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu Sun
Rahu,Sun Ketu
7 Saturn
11 Saturn, Mercury Venus

Total significators are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn, Mercury.
Marriage happened during the joint period of Moon-Sun-Rahu up to 17-12-1970.
Dasa lord Moon is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify
Marriage during Moon dasa?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 3

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in the Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner
of Occupant star of Occu- (C) the sub of the star (F)
(A) pant Owner of Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Mars Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Ketu Sun
Rahu,Sun Jupiter, Rahu
7 Mercury, Saturn
11 Sun, Saturn, Venus
Moon Mercury
Total significator are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn, Mercury and
By using the 6-fold we can justify how Moon dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all. Only
at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Venus) it indicates house 11.

Reader 5 is on Transit no examples:

Reader 6:

Page: 176
The chart on this page was used to discuss the sale of a house.
The 4-fold table is as under:
Cusp Planet in the star of Occupant Planet in the Owner
Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Sun,Rahu Jupiter
5 Saturn Venus Saturn Venus
10 Saturn Venus

Total significators are Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Ketu (Rep Jupiter)
Sale of a house will happen during the joint period of Sun-Mercury. Bhukti lord Mercury is
not a significator, if we use the 4-fold table. How do we justify the sale of the house during
the bhukti of Mercury?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
3 Mercury, Sun,Rahu Jupiter
5 Mars, Venus, Saturn Venus Mars, Saturn Venus
Saturn Venus,
10 Mars, Saturn Venus

KP Ezine September 2017 4

Total significator are Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Ketu
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mercury bhukti worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 3-5-10 at all. It
is only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Jupiter) that it indicates house 3.

Page: 262
The chart on this page was discussing the timing of Overseas travel.
The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the Occupant Planet in the Owner

star of Occu- (B) star of Owner (D)
pant (C)
3 Rahu, Mercury Jupiter, Ketu Ketu Sun
9 Venus Rahu Mars Saturn
12 Saturn Venus Saturn Venus

Total significators are Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn,
Overseas travel will happen during the joint period of Moon-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter.
Dasa lord Moon is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify over
seas journey during dasa lord Moon?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occu- Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occu- the star of pant the sub of star of Own- (F)
pant Occupant (C) Owner er
(A) (B) (D) (E)
3 Moon Rahu, Mer- Jupi- Ketu Sun
cury ter,
9 Mars, Mer- Venus Rahu Venus Mars Saturn
cury, Ketu
12 Sun, Saturn Saturn Venus Sun, Sat Saturn Venus

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Moon dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 3-9-12 at all, and
it is only at sub level (Moon is in the sub of Jupiter) that it indicates house 3.

KP & Astrology 1995:

Page: 1
On this page, the chart was used to discuss marriage and the author asked the question as
to how Mars Sookshma gives Marriage?
The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 5

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner
of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn
Ketu Ketu
7 Rahu Rahu Jupiter Mercury
11 Sun, Mercury, Venus

Marriage happened during the Sookshma of Mars

Sookshma lord Mars is not a significator if we use the 4-fold table. How do we justify Mar
riage during Sookshma dasa lord Mars?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Venus Sun, Jupiter, Saturn
Mercury, Ketu
7 Mars, Mercury Rahu Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Mercury
11 Venus Sun, Venus

Total significators are Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mars sookshma dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mars does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all, and
only at the sub level (Mars is in the sub of Rahu) it indicates house 7.

Page: 136
On this page the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Mercury Sun, Mercury Mars, Venus Jupiter
5 Sun, Mercury Mercury
11 Moon, Rahu Mars Venus

Child birth happened during dasa of Saturn.

Dasa lord Saturn is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify child
birth during dasa lord Saturn?

KP Ezine September 2017 6

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occu- Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occu- the star of pant the sub star of Own- (F)
pant Occupant (C) of er
(A) (B) Owner (E)
2 Rahu, Sun, Sun, Mer- Sun, Mars, Venus Jupiter
Mars, Sat- cury Mercury
7 Sun, Sun, Mercu- Mercury
Mars, ry
11 Ketu Moon, Ra- Mars Venus
Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Saturn dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation
indi cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is
fa vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Saturn does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Saturn is in the sub of Mercury) it indicates houses 2 and

KP & Astrology 2003:

Page: 14
On this page, the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Jupiter Moon
5 Saturn Venus
11 Venus Saturn Mars

Child birth happened during Dasa of Mercury.

Dasa lord Mercury is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify
child birth during Dasa lord Mercury?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 7

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Jupiter Moon
5 Saturn, Saturn Venus
11 Venus Saturn Ketu, Mars

Total significators are Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mercury dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 2-5-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Venus) it indicates house 5.

KP & Astrology 2007:

Page: 32
On this page, chart (Example 2) was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the star of Owner

of Occupant (B) Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Jupiter Jupiter
7 Mars Ketu, Venus Venus
11 Rahu Mercury

7th sub lord is Moon. Moon is not among the 4-fold significator significators in the table
above. Even then, he got married on 22-8-1997.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub the star of (F)
(A) Occupant of Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Sun, Jupiter
7 Mars Ketu, Moon, Venus
Moon, Mars, Venus Mars,
Venus, Saturn Venus,
11 Mercury, Rahu Mercury

KP Ezine September 2017 8

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 7th sub lord, Moon, worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord Mercury does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Mercury) it indicates house 11.

Page: 73
On this page, the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Jupiter, Ketu Mars
7 Saturn, Rahu Jupiter, Ketu Mars Mercury
11 Saturn

Marriage was conducted on 13-11-2005. During Rahu-Venus-Rahu-Rahu. Bhukit lord

Venus is not in the 4-fold significators table. Yet, he got married on 13-11-2005.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Jupiter, Mars
7 Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury Mars Mercury
Rahu Ketu
11 Venus Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Bhukti lord Venus worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Venus does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all, and
only at the sub level (Venus is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 11.

KP & Astrology 2012:

Page: 11
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 9

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner
of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Ketu, Mercury Venus
7 Saturn Saturn Ketu, Mercury Venus
11 Saturn Saturn

Marriage was celebrated on 07-09-1989 during Dasa of Venus-Jupiter. Bhukti lord Jupiter
is not in the 4-fold significators table. Yet, he got married on 07-09-1989.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Moon Ketu, Venus
7 Sun, Mars, Saturn Saturn Moon Ketu, Venus
Jupiter Mercury
11 Sun, Saturn Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Bhukti lord Jupiter worked.

Note from Kanak: Author did not mention about Sookshma, but it was Moon Sookshma,
and Moon is also not among the 4-fold significators. But, it is a significator among
the 6-fold significators.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation
indicates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is
favorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Venus} it indicates houses 2-7.

Page: 60
On this page the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Rahu, Jupiter Venus
5 Moon Saturn
11 Mars Jupiter Sun

7th sub lord is Mercury, and it is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 10

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Mars, Rahu, Venus
Venus, Jupiter
5 Mercury Moon Saturn
11 Sun Mars Jupiter Sun

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 5th sub lord Mercury worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 2-5-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 5.

KP & Astrology 2013:

Page: 10
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star of Occupant Planet in the Owner

Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Ketu, Mercury Venus
7 Saturn, Venus, Rahu Saturn, Ketu, Mercury Venus
11 Saturn Saturn

7th sub lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star (F)
(A) Occupant Owner of Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Moon Ketu, Venus
7 Sun, Mars, Saturn, Saturn, Moon Ketu, Venus
Mercury, Venus, Rahu Mercury
Jupiter, Ketu Rahu
11 Sun, Saturn Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 7th sub lord Jupiter worked.

KP Ezine September 2017 11

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation
indi cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is
fa vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Jupiter does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates houses 7-11.

KP & Astrology 2014:

Page: 4
On this page the chart was used to discuss the sale of land.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Mars Saturn
5 Jupiter Jupiter
10 Mars Sun
Note: Rahu represents Mercury.

Antra lord is Rahu and Rahu is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
3 Sun Mars Rahu Saturn
5 Jupiter Jupiter
10 Mars Sun

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how antra lord Rahu signifies the 3rd.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Rahu does not indicate houses 3-5-10 at all, and
only at the sub level (Rahu is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 3.

A & A 1967 Feb:

Page: 28
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 12

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