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Key Responsibilities:

As a Church Front Line Singer, you are in charge of bringing leadership as a vocalist
in the church services that you are rostered on for. Your leadership in this team
involves (but is not limited to):

1) Serving the Creative team and ultimately the church by using your God-given
singing gift

2) Being committed to working as a team and bringing a unified sound to the platform

3) Being committed to servant leadership, supporting the WL and being receptive to

feedback from the WL and Vocal Director

4) Being committed to serving the congregation and leading them through your
passion, faith and expression of worship

5) Being committed to being an example in attitude and action both on and off the
platform and representing our team and church well.

6) Regularly participating in team nights/rehearsals

During the Week

- Confirm (or decline) your rostered position as early as possible

- Review the songlist for your rostered service and ensure that you are very familiar
with the songs. If necessary, use PLANNING CENTRE to listen to and learn.
- Attend and contribute to Team Nights
- Attend any vocal trainings and masterclasses

Pre-Sound Check

- Be familiar with dress code and make sure that your dress is appropriate for the
rostered service.
- Be early, get a seat and proceed immediately to warm-ups. When instructed by
VD, go to side of stage to collect your IEMs and packs---Let’s get IEM’s on
before warm-ups so that when they are ready for vocal check all they have to do
is grab a mic and plug in
- Put your IEMs in your ears (if applicable), listen to band sound check and use the
time to continue warming up your voice
- When instructed by MD, or at the conclusion of band check, proceed to the stage
and do vocal check.
Sound Check

- Do vocal check and ensure that you sing confidently and at SERVICE LEVEL.
Don’t hold back!! Please sing your allocated part (Melody/Tenor/Alto).
- Vocal Check Songs: Alive
- Run first praise song with the band (Please pay attention to your IEM mix)
- After the first praise song, and when instructed by the MD, communicate your
IEM needs to the monitors operator (in order of mic allocation).


- Be listening to the WL and the other vocalists in your ears. Pay attention to things
like dynamics, annunciation, placement and tone. Do your utmost to blend.
- Memorise the format of every song!!
- When unknown, work as a team, with the vocal director, to determine parts
- Be mindful of chatter – pay attention to the WLs comments to the MD and to
where the WL is taking the service.
- Take feedback from the Vocal Director and be prepared to adapt what you are
singing when requested with a great attitude ☺
- When rehearsal has finished leave your IEM’s and pack side of stage!! Please do
not take them out of the auditorium.
- Please be present in the green room after rehearsal and between services
connecting with the team.

Prayer Meeting

This is a really important part of our preparation for service! Please make sure
that you are there on time, contributing and supporting prayer meeting. Your
leadership makes a difference and often the worship leader/service pastor shares
specific direction and thoughts for the service.

During Service

- Sing confidently, engage and lead the church in worship

- Stand forward on the expressive in your worship…connect with the
congregation… Let your face and body language show that you love Jesus.
Remember we set the atmosphere from the platform.
- Sing with excellence.. Remember you are singing as a TEAM of singers-creating
a strong vocal blend. Please don’t let technique go out the window once service
- Be mindful of leading your “section” –Singers on each end should be turning to
face the side sections at times to include them in worship.
- Be sensitive and watch the WL frequently for cues
- Listen to the MD for direction
- Remember our leadership doesn’t finish when the worship set finishes. Vocals
should be watching the MC, praying during prayer requests and supporting each
part of the service.
- Sit in the service. Take notes, be attentive and contribute to the service.
- Come back on to the platform promptly at the conclusion of the message and
during the altar call, repeat the prayer into your mic.

Vocals FAQs
Who do I call if I’m running late or if I need to cancel after confirming?
Your Vocal Rostering Oversight

NOTE: After 3pm on Friday, you MUST personally speak to one of the above
contacts to cancel your rostered position. SMS is not acceptable at this late stage.

How do I know where to stand and what part I’m singing?

- Mic and parts allocation are done prior to each service. Vox 1 is stage right and
ascends moving towards stage left.

What does a sound check consist of?

- During the vocal check, you will be instructed to sing a song (currently‘Alive’)
with just the piano so that audio can set vocal levels.

- Be sure to have your IEMs in your ears and sing confidently, at service level
and according to the part you are singing (Melody/Alto/Tenor). At the completion
of the vocal check, rehearsal will begin with the first praise song.

How do we get our IEM/foldback levels adjusted?

- During the first praise song, you should have your IEMS in your ears and be
listening to the mix. Please pay attention to your own vocal level and to the other
vocals. At the completion of that song, the MD will instruct vocals to
communicate their needs to the FB engineer. After that process, if there are any
further needs during rehearsal, simply raise your hand while making eye contact
with the person at the monitors desk OR tell your VD or MD.

Remember the point of IEMs is to hear yourself but also to blend with the other
vocals so that you can bring a unified sound. You cannot blend if the only
person you hear is yourself!

What should I have in my IEMs?

- The minimum requirement for IEM levels is:
Worship Leader(s)
At least 2 other vocals (ideally different parts to you – ie. if you sing melody,
you at least need a tenor and an alto in your mix)
MD mic
- If you ask for anything less than this, you will be notified that your request isn’t
Remember the point of IEMs is to hear yourself but is also to blend with the other
vocals so you can bring a unified sound. You can’t possibly blend if the only
person you are hearing is you.

Where do I stand when I’m not singing?

- When the MC comes on to the platform, please take a step back towards the
screens. If you have more questions on specifics, please ask your VD and they
will help you J

What is the dress code?

- Dress code is as follows:

SUN AM Classy- Guys- Jackets, button up shirts, dark pants-etc, nice
shoes Girls- Blazers, nice top, makeup, accessories etc. dark
pants nice shoes. No sneakers.

SUN PM More casual –Nice jeans and sneakers are ok. Tops must have
at least short sleeve. (no singlets or tanks)

- The goal of the dress code is to provide some guidelines to visually representing
the platform well. Please make an effort to dress nicely, use good personal
hygiene and take care in your appearance. Feel free to bring your own individual
style. It’s not about a “certain look” but more about bringing our very best self.
- Please ensure clothes for all services are modest- not too tight or revealing.
Ensure that underarms, stomachs and underwear are not visible. Guys (wear a
singlet under V-necks please). No leggings. Please also empty your pockets
before going on stage.

Open toe shoes and skinny heels are not permitted on the platform due to OH&S.

- In the event that something is worn that does adhere to these guidelines the Vocal
Director may ask you to change, call someone to bring you new clothes etc. This
will always be done with care and with the goal of finding a great solution!

Thank you for serving and for being part of our Creative team. We
appreciate you and value who you are and what you bring. It’s an
honour and great responsibility to lead our church in worship.
Which is why we take the time to define the expectation of this role in
such detail. Please remember that ultimately it is a leadership
position and that we represent our church both on and off the
platform. We are all playing our part in a much bigger picture,
which is to lead people to Jesus. Bringing excellence with our gifts is
of great value. You may be the first point of reference that a new
person has with our church, which is a pretty incredible opportunity.
Let’s always make effort to work together as a team, to honour, treat
people with kindness and to bring our very best! We are so glad that
we get to do this together and that you are a part of it.

Key Responsibilities

As a Church Choir Member, you are in charge of bringing leadership as a vocalist in

the church services that you are rostered on for. Your leadership in this team involves:

1. Serving the creative team and ultimately the church by using your God-given
singing gift
2. Being committed to working as a team and bringing a unified sound to the
3. Being committed to servant leadership, supporting the WL and being receptive
to feedback from the WL and Vocal Director
4. Being committed to serving the congregation and leading them through your
passion, faith and expression of worship
5. Being committed to being an example in attitude and action both on and off
the platform and representing our team and church well
6. Attending weekly team nights/rehearsal and being actively involved in a
Connect Group

During the Week

• Respond to your rostered position as soon as a request has been sent

• Review the song-list for your rostered service and ensure that you are very
familiar with the songs. Use Planning Center to listen to the songs and learn
the vocal parts
• Attend and contribute to Team Nights every Thursday nights; being present
and ready to learn in vocal Master Classes or any vocal training

Pre- Sound Check

• Be familiar with dress code and make sure that your outfit is appropriate for
the specific service
• Be early, prepared to do vocal warm-ups with your Choir Conductor and the
rest of the team
• When you are finished warming up, make your way to the side of stage being
prepared for when the Stage Managers call you up on stage for positioning and


• Be listening to the WL and the other vocalists and be attentive to what your
Conductor is requesting. Pay attention to things such a dynamics,
annunciation, placement and tone.
• Memorize the melody, format and lyrics of every song on the set-list.

• When parts are unknown, work as a team with the Vocal Director and/or the
Frontline vocalists to determine parts and to ensure they are correct.
• Be mindful of chatter, keeping it to the minimum especially during rehearsal
as the mics pick up every sound
• Pay attention to the WLs comments to the MD and to where the WL is taking
the service and be prepared to follow them vocally
• Take feedback from the Vocal Director/ Conductor /Section Leaders and be
prepared to adapt what you are singing when requested.
• Be present in the green room after rehearsal and between services connecting
with the rest of our creative team and also help carry the prayer meeting.

During Service

• Always sing confidently; connect and lead the church in worship

• Be expressive in your worship. Connect with the congregation. Let your face
and body language show that you love what you are doing. Keep your back
straight and smile! Remember we set the atmosphere from the platform.
• Sing with excellence. Remember you are singing as a team of singers. Please
be attentive to technique and creating a strong blend when Praise and Worship
• Frequently watch Choir Conductor and WL for any cues or sudden changes.
• Remember your leadership doesn’t finish when the worship set finishes. We
should be watching the MC, have a pleasant, engaged look on your face (as
you are on camera) and be praying during prayer requests and watching
church news. Lets be intentional with this!
• After you are off platform, be sure to sit in the service, take notes during the
sermon and be responsive.

Vocal FAQ
Who do I call if I’m running late or if I need to cancel after confirming?

Choir Oversight

What is the dress code?

SUN AM Dressy – no sneakers, clean and smart ironed clothes. Jeans are ok as long
as they are dressy, neat and dark coloured. Dress shoes, button-up shirts for men, and
nice tops, maybe a chunky necklace and full hair and makeup for women. NO ALL-
BLACK OUTFITS! The stage looks far too dark with it, and senior leadership has
specifically requested this.

SUN PM More casual – jeans, youth-y tops—must have sleeve (no sleeveless or
tanks), still no open-toed shoes and no armpits showing please! If you wear a singlet,
you will need to have some kind of jacket (leather, denim, etc) on over the top.

• Please ensure clothes for all services are not too tight or revealing. Open toe
shoes and skinny heels are not permitted on the platform due to WHS safety
• Modesty is the key. Ensure that underarms, stomachs and underwear are not
visible and that no chest hair can be seen (wear a singlet under V-necks
please). Please also empty your pockets before going on stage.
• The Vocal Director has full authority to ask you to change, call someone to
bring you new clothes or ask you to swap clothes in the event that what you
wear is inappropriate.

We believe that God deserves our very best and we aim to do our best as a vocal team
and family. We love you and love doing this journey with you! To God be the glory!

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