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Hi all,

Having learned the materials in Session 3, now please discuss the following questions.
1. How would you explain the difference between memo and email?
2. Imagine you are working in another city/overseas. Write an email to one of your family members stating how you
are and that your contract almost ends so you will be back home soon.
For question 1, you can answer either in English or Indonesian.
For question 2, you must write in English.
Have a great discussion!

1. 1. Memo biasanya berisi sesuatu pesan, arahan atau himbauan yang relatif singkat, dan sederhana. Sementara e-
mail selain berisi pesan, juga dapat berisi informasi yang mungkin bersifat resmi sehingga bahasa yang dipakai
cenderung formal.
2. Memo berfungsi sebagai komunikasi internal, tidak dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang
lain di perusahaan/organisasi lain.Sedangkan e-mail dapat digunakan untuk komunikasi internal, maupun
komunikasi eksternal dengan pihak luar.
3. Di dalam memo biasanya tidak mencantumkan informasi penting lainnya seperti nama kantor, alamat kantor,
nomor telepon, sedangkan e-mail kadang harus memuat informasi penting apabila e-mail tersebut bersifat penting.

2. From :
To :
Subject : I have both bad and good news for my little sister.

Hi my precious, How are you? How about mom and dad? I hope you are all well, as I am here in Brooklyn. It
feels so long since I didn’t text you because I've been busy lately, so I got sick, but don't worry. I’m feeling
blessed right now.
I have some news that I must tell you. It is about my contract job that will end next month. Actually, when I got
the news, I felt a little sad. That means I have to give up my dream job and find a new job as soon as possible to
pay the rent for my apartment, or Mr. Greg is going to kick me out.

Haha I'm just kidding.

But then, suddenly, I remembered you. I was thinking of you, mom, and dad all day. Looking back about our
memories when I was in Surabaya, which was relaxed and happy rather than here, which was full of stress. I
really miss you, mom, dad, and I was thinking if I should go back to Indonesia. Yeah, I will be back home soon.
But I want you to promise me that you won't tell our parents about this plan. I wanted to surprise them with my
sudden return. It will be fun.

I'll text you back once I get the flight schedule..

Sending my hug for you,


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